.r . � :r':fl:�f' ��k(..:��ay��� � i.�..-.:�,.r _ `�.
<br /> �� u.
<br /> - _. , . �: ,�.4. ., .,�.. � ,
<br /> ����" •,.,.. i���: .__.____
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<br /> -��'� ; • ,�3- 1 n��
<br /> �� ; �pplicsblc law m�y cpxify i�rcins�atementl Mefore sAle of Itw Propeny punuonl Ic►�ny puwcr o�le cantalnnl in�hix
<br /> � Socurlty InauumeM:ar lb1 enhy of a judgmaM eni�ing this Security InRt�utnenl. 71w�e raMiUnt��A�r thnl Q�xmwer. (rl
<br /> - - peYs Lendcr di rumx whkh�f�en would be due wwicr thls Secur�ty Instrumrnl �nd �he Nwo s� if nn Kreloralion had --
<br /> "-- occumed:(b►curcs any dei�uU of�ny alher coven�nta M�grcements;(c1 p+�ys s�ll expensc�incurnxf io enfcxcing�bi6 SeCU�ily
<br /> �;Y; � Inclnimen� ioeluding,but na limited to,rcasonable attomoys'feea; and (d) udce��urb action as l.caler may�eAK�nahiy
<br /> _:,� �equi�to w.sure tbot�ho lirn af thia Secu�fly Insuument,l.ender s�ighu:in Ihe Pmpeny and Bnm�wcrk ahUgati�a�n�wy ihe
<br /> __ � sumc securcd by thi� Secudty InsuumeM shall cantinue unclwngod. Upan �einFlulemenl hy Hcxtower, IhiF Secarity
<br /> �.� � {nsuumcnt and thc aMigattans sccurd hcrcby�hall rernain fnlly rffcclivc as if no acccicratian fiad cirrurrd. Hawcvcr.thiF L-
<br /> , � . ____ I �ight to rainstue shnil not apply in�he case of arcclerwion under paragruPh i 7. �
<br /> ''�'�,' 19. 3ale of Note=Chat�e oP I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partiol intercs� in the Note poge�her wilh tqis�Security _
<br /> -�-�, � lawu�nt)may bc sold a�e ar nwne timcs wilhout p�ior notice ta 8armwe�. A wie muy resull io a�hange in Iho cMity =
<br /> ��: 1�n as 1he"L.oAr�5ervicer)�hat cdl0ns a�Y paymems due under the Note and�his Secu�iry Inruument. There alna _
<br /> --_ ! may be aie ar nwre clw�ges oi the I.oan Servicer unr�elatevl to a sale oi'�be Nate. li'tAere is�ch�nge of the L�wn Servker. �,-.: :
<br /> � Bomower will be given wriuen ndice oi'�he cF�nge in accad�nc�e wi�h paragraph 14:�bove:urd r�►pl�cuble law. 7?ie ndice =_
<br /> °'��:.`�'��� will state the munc and addrcss oi'1he new Loa�Servicer amd the address to whirh pc�ya�eat+�houtd be madc. Thr nolivc will
<br /> ,'`�. p _
<br /> ^�,T.:�c_.,�•.. -. a lso conuun any a h er in tom�tion requ i�+e d by app lic�b le taw. �-
<br /> --�"—""` 20. H�ardous Sqbst��ces, Bortower slwll rat cause or pemut�he presencr,use,dispo�sal,starr�re.a�rc�eave of any �,
<br /> y --- -�:�z�� Hazardous Subswnces on or i�the Ptopeny. BoTrower sholl na do,nor allow unyone el�ce u��io,anplhing af�ecting�
<br />_�� ' .� � P�operty that is in vfoladon oiany Envirurwc�ental Law. The preceding iwu�entences shall no1 up�riy ta the pne.�ence,u�,ar �_-
<br /> `�•`�.�. • ,;�"*�fi r � stornge on the Property of sowN quantilies uf&ls�r.ardous Subslwices Iha�ure genemlly recogniud to be uppropriatc to normal �° .
<br /> .� ` e
<br />.; �v.. . ., j resident�ul use�and lu mulntenance af thr P�ar,p�rty.
<br />��'�•�;'�� ���.,.�,�, i Borrower shall prompiy give Lender wrinen notice oi any inves�igation,cluim,demand.lawsuit or dher action by any y=
<br /> ,..
<br />•-�:'_�- .�..,j, • ,gavzrntr�ental c►r regulatory age�ecy or private party involving the Propeny and any Hwn�dous Subswnce or Environmentul
<br /> ^'� ' � a�. �,�f which Borrower hay a,:.nwl knowledse. If Borrower learns, ar is ndified by ony govemmental ur rrgulsuory __`•�
<br /> ')�Y. .
<br /> ��.:�,� r , ,ua�i�haram;,:lhat acny oemovA�or�atlx�r ternKdiatian of any Hawrdous SaFaslance alTecting�he Pi+operty is necessnry. tlomawe� �._
<br />-'=•�•';+�, �. i�;`. •�a�d pr�rom+iq�n4y�t:ah�aq0 necesstuy�e�e�ectial aM�w�ns in accordnnce wi�h E�iw�onmemal l.uw. - ;
<br />;:°�'a ���� :_ ' Av uatd ia�fux puraficug�+2�,"Ha�avcfru�Subslaneg.c"s�ne Ihosr.�uN+cance�d�Gned a�taxic or hs�rdous subtitances by ��,
<br /> • IE�vironmental L.ew an d�lhr: Qir l�l�*wing su bs�.�nces: �a w le��,kcro�trar.o�Mer flamrrt;�b le or�ox ic peuo leum p r o duet�, toxic _
<br /> n�"� ;,`' <�����', ,�sticides und herbici6es, �•uaa�lle solvem�s, m�terials �.mia,ning Aat+r.io� ar fomialdehyde, And rt.diaactive mat2rialc. A. __
<br /> _ ��,; , , w s e d i n t h i s p a r a g r a P h 2 0."E nvi ro n me n�a�i.aw"m e a ns fede r u l l aws a n c l l aws of�he juasdiction whe re�he P ro p e r�� i,lor wed �'�_
<br /> - ' �t.x,�,�' y . 'that relute to health.safety or environmeheal�aoteclian. ,�-
<br />- .1��'��.,. • NON-UNIFORM CUVENANTS. i�axt�wer and Lender funher covenant and agrce As folluws: �`==
<br /> � . +,_I, 'i�, ;+ � 21. Acakntion; Remedks. l.ent�r sludl give aotice to Rorrower prlor to accelerntion tdlowinq IRo�rower'�. �{�,
<br /> „ t�.:. {'� • , ' b�esich uf aay rnvenaut or agreemeat!n Ihis Securily Ir�trument Ibut not prior la acceleratlon under p�ra�;ra�h ly� --
<br />- �'j'�� � � unless applicable law provWes Mherwirel. The notice ishall ap�ecity: Ip)the defaull;lbl the ncdon requlred Isa cqre the x•;_;
<br /> °-�.�_ ' 'a`� . �. � . ,.. t!elsnli:ici a�tc.ricst lcsrt!lrso 30 da3�isoas!!�c d�lr!hr sotlrr Is gisrn!o Sorrar�cr.by u•lstcfi!!u dc!'aali�sust br =---
<br /> 'f` ^'`�� �'}; ;,�, � cured;aad Id1 that�allure!o cure the driault on or before the dale specified In Ihe notice ma��result in accelemlion of =:"
<br /> .�•.• '�,�. �� �+t'`�'!"ir�; the sums secured b this Securit lastrument wnd cale of the P� '
<br /> y y opeHy. The nolke 4hA11 funher infurm Borrower ot ,,�
<br /> '� •".: ",°�:�,.,,��, t ' �I E�e�ig h t to re in s t a te a Rer acce lera t lon an d t he r ig h t to br ing a cou r t ac t bn to asse r t I h e oon-ex ig tence o�a�le lua�f l ar ,;'
<br /> '.a �;`~'' + 3 :"'.�, aawv olher detense of Borrower to acceleratlon and�ale. If Ihe default is not cure�on or before lhe doq�:spesif�pd i� -�� :
<br /> - � _�*��'_:�� ,. � tt�r notice.l.ender at its option may reyutre immediaQ�r payment in iull of all suqa��er�red by this 9ecurit�U�s�r�meot �
<br /> :;:�,��-. ;��;'�.. +y{?htu�i fa�r�t6es dernand��d may In�oke the power uf satc �nd any other rcmeQies pertnitted by applirable IaR: ��
<br /> �-••
<br />-"� • �k�°• ,;:� . •• I.ender shAUO�e entilled to rollect u00 e?cqeedsev (ncurred in pursuing the remedir.c providaq9 in Ihts p�ragraph 21. �+;;
<br />_ •'��:�4,•dr �
<br /> ;.���.. ;,� .'.�l : , �acluding�but not limited lo�reaSOnaQeA�c ui�t orney.+•'fees�nd cogts oi t��9e evidence. �'.�::-:
<br /> ' ��• ��d�;�.% �,, t If!he power ot sale Is aavoked.'Q'ruslee sh�0 recurd a nntice oP�efault ir�eanc�ounty in whirh anv p4rt of the
<br /> ��,; ' ;�'h"',ai�;y, ,,*{� � !Pvoperty Is locnted�nd�baQi aaa�0 Ta�p3rs oi such nutice in the manner pnwcribrd bv applkable Ipw to Borr��r•er and to ,s,'
<br /> •,,, �4 • , +%� afie other persons prescr'bc�0 fi;v App7l�cable law. Afler Ihe time required by ypplicable law.7lrustee sha10 gur•e public �.,::
<br /> ; ,.. ' �. � �: .
<br /> j";.. M _s�--5�. •'`ti�� c• notice o4sale to tbe perso�s o��l�a��7�e munner prescrlbed by appa3cable la�v 'I�ustee.withnut det��nd on Borrower, _ __
<br />�:� ��`"'� �`�`�''�'�',� ��' shall sell the Property ar pum�dr auxtia��i�the hi�hest biddrr at the tame and place and under eP�e ternis deslgnated in 4
<br /> �:,;,,. ,�:�.;�� w:'•
<br /> �;, : :•,ti.� :.., I the notke of s�le in one or a�orr pArcela and in s�nv order'I�ustee e1-etermines. Trustee may pos4pone sale of all or any ,„_
<br /> - E� � � parcel of the Property b.•��ub13c annuuncement rl t6e lime�nd plure ai'�nv pre�•iouslv scheduled w�le, p.�a�,ler or i�c �.
<br /> ri�.t S,r;Y.. ,_., ,.. ,s,{,.,..
<br /> 'a,,;�. + �,_. c�esignee may purchase the PcopeHy�t any sale. �,�
<br /> „ Upon receipt oi payment ��'the prke bid.7lruslee shall de�iti•�er w the purchaser 71�ustee's deed c1hn+RVing the �
<br /> - ��'':,•� I Property. The recitals in Ihe 7lructer'�:deed shall be prtmu facie e�•idence of Ihr Irulh oi the statemenls nu�Q�therein. �;::
<br /> ,�:r►' I '11�uetee shAll�pply tbe preceeds oi Ihr s:�te in the folbwins order: as�►to All co�ts�nd expenses of exerchlag IO�e power !��
<br /> �>T. �i :,,::,,: •�.
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