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<br /> _ - . 93• �Ot1.3�3 -
<br /> paiods t1w l.ender roquioa. The insurance cairicr p�oviding 1he inxu�x shall be cM�cn by Bormwe�aubjocl t�I.etideih
<br /> �pp�avd whici�shall not be umeaso�Ably withheld. If Rcwrowcr fAilw���nwintain covcrvge described�ve,Lcodor muy.at
<br /> • Lenderk optiat,obuirt rnvva�e to pmtect l.enderk ri�hts in�he P�apeMy in ak�cadaxY with pvra�roph 7.
<br /> - --- AU insur�co pol�cies and renew�ls sIw11 be ble to Lender anA slwll inctude�+ua�W�rd martgwgo clauce. I,ender
<br /> � c�ll have Ihe dght to hold thc policies and r�enewals. f Lendcr rcquires.Borrower shall promp�ly give to L.cnder ull roccipta
<br /> of poid premiuma wd renewal notices. In tho event�f loss,Rarmwer ahall give{xompl ndice�a�he i�cu�e cartie�w�d
<br /> -- -- - L.a�lcr. Lender mny makc pnaf af lass ii nat made promptly by Bormwer.
<br /> ���� Unkss Lender and Bormwer Mhen►�i�egrce in w��in�.in�i�ncr pmcenl��11 he a�lial ti�rcx�nrwinn M re�ir of �_
<br /> -� d�e �rty dopwged. If�retitorutian or repu�r iA ecanwnicully fcwible und I.a:mk�� xcutity Is�nw Ir+�e��ed. If the
<br /> �' �eswrnt on w repai�is �ot ecawmicully ieausible or Lenderk security wauld be lexsened. �hc incu�:e pn�cecda shall be
<br />_. applied to the auma sec.wrod by Uds Sec�uity Intiuumenb whether or na�hen due, with uny excea�puid�a Bomower. IP
<br />� , Borrower abuodoas Ihe Plopeny,or daes no1 a�awer within 30 days a natice from I..endet thul 1ha incurunc�e corrier has
<br /> ofi'erod to seple a claim,thn Lender m�ag colke�U�e insuro�x�e prac�eeds. Lender mny use IAe pmceed�ta rc�wir ar iestorc
<br />-.,.�r �hc i�topcAy or a p�y sums secu�d by�hia Srcurily laslrwnent.wl�her ar not�I�en�ue. The 30�day perlod w�N be�in wAa�
<br /> _ ��+� 14e notice is givrn.
<br /> - - -- Unless Letder And Bornower c►dicrwise agree m wri�ing.:uiy:�ppli��u�ion uf prurctivl�w priixipaG �holl not ex�eml or `
<br /> r.t --— paslpone Ihe�1uo dsue af tiic monlhlY paYmentx rcfened w in parngr.yihs 1 s�nd 2 ar chauge Ihe aim�w�oi�tNe payments. If
<br /> �,, w�der pazagraph 21 the Propehy Is acyui�ed by I.ender,&xrower�righi to my imurance polKirx apd p�oceedc resulting
<br />�:•: � fivm damage to Ihe P�uperty p r ior to the ncquisition shall pass ta Lendc�w�he racent af the wmx .crure+l by r.�Es Securi�y
<br /> ''��" I�.strurnm�immediately iar ta the uc u�sition. -
<br /> nea p� q
<br />'°.�` , 6. Ocrupoacy, Preservallon, Malptena�ce w�d Pivqertian oP the Property: Rarrau•er•s l,oua Applkalioa; �'<.
<br /> W�
<br /> , . t l�hold.�. ifarower shall occupy.establish,und use the Piropr�7��u+ll.wrnwer�principal resicknce withio sixty days utie� �+`'=
<br /> _ Y Iha exceutioo af`t�is Secudry Instrumtnt and shall caNinue ro nrrupy the!'ropeRy a.c Borrawe�'s principul residertee for at `�
<br /> i��=
<br /> . , least one ��e�wa anmer the daat of occupancy, unle.� I.e�ler otl�n�a.+e agrcec in wriling, wt�h consent �Fwll not be et�c�:•=
<br /> :.,• _ _ - unccawzs;e�eti �:i;h.4elcl,csr unl:�:estenuating cinusnsta:nr�exist u•hlch arc tsc}•an��;�rror:er!:con:rat. Barr�v:cr�h�!! nat =
<br />:_.������,'�`�j.. destroy.du�eeage or impoir th�Prope�ty,allow the Propeny to deteriarate,or commii�.•aste an the Pfaperty. 8arrower shall �;__
<br />- ' . � ba in defauCa af any forfeiture action or proceeding. whether civil cx cdaa�inal.is begun thut in L.e��a gaod faith judgment -�
<br /> :°a`�`a could resu�v in torfeitune of the Property or oU�erwise mnterfally im.�x�r the lien created by this Security Inswment or �'-
<br /> ` �'� ''y I.ender!c serurit}interes� Borrower mny cune such A defuult tind rein�r..a�,ati provided in parngraph i 8,by cuusing the actian �'��
<br /> � ' ,,,�'_;��t or ptoceeding to be dismissed with A ruling that,in L.nder�good faith de�ermination,precludes forfei�ure of the BarowerR ��
<br /> _. ' ' � Intercst in the Praperry or atixr material impairtnent..£the lien creuted hy this Security Instrument or I.eRdecs security �':�:_
<br />�'��•�• r,.,.. ! intercst. Borrower shall alsu be in default if Borr��wcr, during the IaAn upplication pracess, guvc materiA9tF. �;alse or �:,_::
<br /> �� ' inaccurate informAtion or swtements lo Lender(or fuiled t��provide Lender with nny awzrrial infom�a�kxi)in cannecaun wi�h �"'
<br /> .' �'' 1 :,��,��r,� the loan evidenced by the Note. including. but not lirrait..i to, rcpresenlutions c�+r.ceming &xT�aKCr's occupancy of Ihe `�•-
<br /> - '�g;. Property ac a prwicinal residence. If this Security Inxtru�nt+s on a lea.ehold,Bortawrr s'h;t01�:nxe��4. w�iah all the provision. o
<br /> _ -- , �� of tht ltast. If 9orso+ver:�y��:rcs fee title tn she PmF!er!�:.!1►r leaseheld xad the fee•:t�n,a�9g r.sw r.�e�gr unless Ltnder agrerg- �Y -
<br /> _ �,_..._� �r��.:
<br /> .����,. �. .� to the merger in writing. __;=
<br /> • :�{•���•��-y � 7. Protectlon of l.ender•s Rights in Ihe Proprray. lf Borrower fnih to periwm ihe c�venunts ond agreements —
<br /> ,, �;��;::,:�,� '��� • contained in tS�is Securi�y Insuument, nr Ihe►e is s► IeF;,G prc�credin� �hat may significantl�� aff�c•� Lender's rights in Ihe ��
<br /> ,'F�.�.f �`_..��••; '.�.,v�•, property(.reacfi�ac a procecding in bankruptcy,probate,fur eimdernn�tinn or forfeiture or to enforee laws or regulutionsl,lhen �
<br /> � �`� • ,�.�,y ' Lender mn do and fa whatevcr is necessa ta rntrct thc vnluc uf�he Pro n an� Lcn�er:.ri htx in�hs Pro rt �`
<br /> _ .��. Y PAY rY P• P� Y a P� 9-
<br />�:;:°„ ,�,,,�..y,,,._._._� 1 ender's actirns mny include pnying:►ny sums sccurcd by a lien�ehich has priority ove�Ihic Security Instrument,Appeuring �,-
<br /> ' �� �� �+ • in coun,paying reasonnMle aunmeyx'fees and enterin_�,�n the Pmpeny to make repain.AUhough Lender muy take nction �,
<br /> � ,.' �f��='�;ti��Y. �, under this paragraph 7,Lender does nol have to Jo su. � �,�;
<br /> ._�. � � �'�'����� '�"s' Any amc�unts di:cbuned b�• Lender under this parugmph 7 shnll become additionul debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />� � �"��5�1�"`"'w���� Securiry Instavment. Un1es+.8oauwer a�c!Len►1er�gree to�xher term�of puyment.�hese amounts shull beur intenest from the °•
<br /> �.�� � �,:�.:,. ,.,�, �:_.
<br />-� " r;. `,` dcue of diglu�rsrment�� �he Nnte rAte u��d.hal!be puyuble,wilh intrre.t,up�m notice from Lender w Bnrrower requesting -
<br /> �... �•�;t�.
<br />`j °cY �;�Iff�*, t,;�u. peytnenl.
<br /> „4^ ,,����. � �` y�� " S. Mo e Insurancr. If Lender re uired monguge imurunce us a rondi�ion of making the loan secured b this
<br /> .� ;•��:=w �t�ti�" WBoB 4 Y ','
<br /> ��� Security lnstrument,Bomower xhall pay thc premiums reyuired lo muintuin the morlguge inzurnnce in effect. !f, for uny `.;�-
<br /> ��' ,:.�r 'r.`..�.. reiY1{.-. , t;-..-
<br /> n�,i,.�'�k'�?' . reason. the mongnge insumnce coveruge reyuircd by Lcnder lap•es or cru.rs �o be in effrct. Bomower shala pey the . ,��
<br />`` ;_�� �k <: �;,t�: • premiurre� re.�gi�ired to obtain coveroge wbxtantially eyuivalem w ahr mongnge in.urance pr�iiaiasly in ef#'ect, at a cosl � �A�
<br />;>.�sr�.•�: .. ,:��.,:
<br />=.`�r;�, •� . , .t� aubstantiA�Oy �c�uivulent to 1hc cosl to Sorn�wcr of thc mortgugc inxurance pr�viou,ly in e(fect, fuor,�an nitemate mortgage �_::
<br />= � `� •to' �"�. insurer npptoved by Lender. If sub,tantinlly cyuivulem mon�agc imurnncc r�wrr.�ge iti not,�vailable,BorrowNr sfi�all pay to r.
<br /> ' "{x^�`"�%' l.eeder each month a sum ual to one-tweltih of�he �arl mon�u�� imurancr �r�m;um hein �d b BoROti�er when the ,�r
<br /> �, ..t;,, �7 :�4�%:::>;�: �1 Y' Y t� b' I R Pa Y �`::
<br /> � •t � �+; +nsurance cove �e la sed or ceaxed tu be in�ffert. Lender will accr i,u.e und retaia rheae ayrnrms a�u lass reserve in lieu � `
<br /> •�;�.'1:-, *�b P P P
<br /> ti'�. ,- , r',� . •.r of mortga�Ze Inaurw�ce. Las reserve payment�may no IonEcr Ix rcyuiRd,nt thr aption of Lcnder,if mongage inwrunce ���`
<br /> �`�' � � " covera e(in t�he umiwnt unJ fur the rricxt Ihul I.enikr re uirexl n�v�deJ b an insurer a m�e�i hy Lender u uin becomes �`--
<br /> �. � ;, 8 P 4 P Y' PP R .,�;
<br /> ' � •��'t�?'�'� nvuilaWe and ii obtuined.Barrower sh�d?^ay the prcmium.rcyuircJ w maintuin mongage in4urance in effect,or to provide u i�i
<br /> `�N. �.. �? � y,.iy. . .. .,�; lons rcserve,un�il the rca�uirement fix mongage insur�nre rncl.in uccordance a•i�h:,ny wdtten agnement between Borruwer i;�;
<br />;y ' ^ �".;;�{�,,1.:I� '- aod Lender or npplirab�e Oa«. ,,;,.
<br /> �;;,.f� �"`�',•,.., 9. Ins ectlon. Lender or its.i��nt mu mukc m:�.anahle enlrir.u m and i:�.. �ciian.i�f the Pro ny. l.nder shall .i:.
<br /> _ r. ' 'tr{�ct�1�t.;r, �, P b' Y !x F' Ix .,,,
<br /> -,�; : �,:Tr;�q, . � . .. give Borrower noticc at the time��f nr pri��r�o un in��x:r�icm.Exrit'ying rru�mabk r:�u�r tiir the insFection. ,:-
<br /> �,, � ..°:;�{i.;z�S;- ; 10. Coo�9epinotlop. The pr�xerd.nf:�n�•aw•ard nr claim tiir d:im:��.r�.dirca ar con.�yuenlwi,in cunneclion wilh uny -_-
<br /> , f. . .�,. '"� Sia k F � �n 1`,.
<br /> ___,��; g' ';uuily..Fannle 11re1Freddlr�1yc L'\IFIIk�9 Q'��(OtQ\1l:�T••l oifurmCo�cnum. 9/90 �puu.•- /npu�t,cv�
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