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<br /> • .N......,.:.- . " . ' .. f' ' ` � ,'�°er"�
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<br /> puymsnts may nca IonBet br requited.ut the option of Lender.!f niortgube incurance covernge(fn the amount and for�hc pedod
<br /> : thut Leudcr rcquirea) provlded by nn tnsurcr approvod by l.cpdcr aguin brx�tnes uvailublc and is obtained. Borrowcr shall pay
<br /> the premtums recyvlred to mnintnin mortQAge insurance in effcct,or to ptovide a loss reserve,until the requirc�ntnt far mortgsge
<br /> Inaur�nw en�cla in nccordance�vith any written u�teement bria�xcn Bonowcr nnd Lender ur upplicubte law. Cf�
<br />� 9.Inspat�un. l.�ender or ita agent enny mnkc reasaneblo entries upon nnd lnspectiona of the Property. Lender ehmil give �
<br /> Borrower natico at the tim�of nr prior to un insp�ctian specifytng ccnsanabte cauae for the inspection. .
<br /> 10.C�ndemnaYQon. The procceEs of tu►y awurd or clulm for dumages, dlrect or consequential, in wnnettion with tuty -�
<br /> "•. coadBmnatton or o�her taking of aay part af che Propeny.or for convcyanccs in lieu of condemnation, �+e hereby assigned and � __
<br /> , shall�o paid to Lcnder. � ;
<br /> ln the event of a mtul teking of the Properey,the pmoeeda sAe.11 be appited to the suma s��cured by this Securiry Instrument. .,
<br /> ,.•:-;,�-�:' whether or not then due, witb uny excess paid ta Borrower. ln the event af a partial tnking of the Property in which tha fair � y;
<br /> ••R• mar ket v u lue o f t he P r operty imm e d iate ly bP fore t he t a k ia�is equr.� to ar grea tcr t han t hc amoun t o f t he sums sec u re d b y t h is �
<br /> ' " Securiry ins¢tument immediately before the takin$,unlass Barrower a��d L.ender otherwise agree!n writing,the suu�secured by
<br /> thia Sc�cudty la.stcutnent s4a11 �reduced by the amaunt of tho procceda muldplied by the followinII Fractioa: (a)the total ;:
<br /> � , � ttmnuat of tho suma secured immediately before the tnking.divided by(b)the fair market value of the Propeny immedfately ,'x
<br /> � • before tho takinQ.Aay balance shall be paid to Botro�ver. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property in whicd the fait -
<br /> market valuct ot the Property iramediately beforo the tt►king is less tbna the amount of the sums secured immedietely before the .�
<br /> taklnB.unless Borrower uad i.ender othetwlse agree in writing or unlnss applicable luw otherwise provideo, the procceda shall r�'
<br /> • � be applicd co U�e sums secured by this Seeurtty lntuument whather or aot the sums are then due. _-
<br /> � ,'.�� If thc Pmperty is abtutdoaed by Borrower.or if,afser notioe by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to rteiake at� =_
<br /> ;; award or settk a claim for dc+mmges, Bomo�ver fails to respan�l to 1 ontler witbia 30 days after the date the aotice is given, ����
<br /> � .. �' Lender ts authorized to collect and upply the pr�s,at its optlon.either tn restaratioa or repair of the Property or to the sums =-
<br /> ., secured by al�is 3YCUrity Iasuument.wbether or not them due.
<br /> �''�j• Unless Leuder and Botrower otherwise agree in writina, any applicatIon of pmcceds to principal shall not extend or =
<br /> , .. ;• postgone the due date of tho mpnthly paym�nts refisrred ta in parngraphs 1 and 2 or chnn�e the aa�oant of auch payments.
<br /> srr
<br /> v� 11.8orrower Not Release�;I�b�earaaoe By lcudea N�ot n Waiver.F.xtension of the time for payment or tnodlfication '`
<br /> '� ' � of aznottization of tke swns secured by this Securlry Instnunent granted by Lender to aa,y suxessor in intems¢of Bonower shall
<br /> ° " not a�rate to release the liabiliry of the odgin�]Borrowar ar Borrower's successors la interest.Leader shall aot b�ttquin�d to
<br /> oommenoe prooeedings agaiast any suocessor in intoreft or rethse to eatend tlme for payment or otb.ervvise naodify amortization
<br /> ' � of the sums sxiu�d by thla S�cudty fnxttwnEnt by repsan of any demand mede by the original Bormwer or Borrowez's •
<br /> �� _,�.��� successo�s inlnterest. My forbearance by Lendor in ex�misiag any rtght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the �^a
<br /> • ' eaenise of�ny Nght or remedy. -
<br /> � `�'� IZ.Successols and As,�^l�afl Bouud; Jaulnt nud Severnl Llabilil�; Co-signe�s. 1Ue covenunts aad agre8meats of this �'
<br /> , _ �'` Sacurlty Insuuaient sl�all bind and bratefit�e succeasors and essigna of Leader and Bormwer. sub,�ect to the pmvisiona of
<br />•,:s• ..,:. ,�±. :'f P��Pb 17.Borr�wer's covenants and agreements ahaU be joint aad several. Any Borcower who co-signs thls Securlty
<br /> �'.:�.�+.a- .��?�••. ,. Iost[umeAt buI d0es tlot exeeube th8 NotO: (n) is co-sigaing thia Security Inauvment oNy to mortgase,grsnt aad wnvey that
<br /> • ;.° ;• r Borrower's intek�t in the Pcoperry undes c�a terms oi this Sexuriry Inst►ument:(b)ia not petsonally obUgated to pay the sums
<br />`�:��;.,�: " ��. ,�. secured by t61s Securlty Insttument:and(a)n�m:es that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eitend,modify.for6ear or --
<br />