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� � <br /> -� ' . .. ,.. ' <br /> ,.,:_. .. . • � . ,.. <br /> ' 9�- ������'� - <br /> 1�.'I'ransfer oP the Prrip�rty or n 1Bencflct:�1 lnterest in IIorruwcr. If ntl or any prut at thc Froperty or nny interest in it ` <br /> � ia sold or tranaferted(or if e baneftcial Interest in Borrower is sold or transfened and 8orrower is not a naturnl person)withaut <br /> Lender's pdor wdtten consent. Lender may. at ita option, require immedlate payment in fuil of'ctU sums secured by this <br /> Secudty Instrument.Hawever, this optlan ahnll not bc caercised by Lender i!exercisc is prohibite�by federul inw av of the dnte <br /> ' of thia Securiry Inatruraent. <br /> IP Lender exercisea this option. l�nder ahnil give Horrower notice of acceleiutlan.The natice shnil provide a period of nat <br /> tess tltan 30 dnys from the dnte the not�ce is delivered or mul(ed wlthin which Borrower must puy �ll sums securcd by thls :� <br /> Sesurity Iastrument. If Borrowec tnils to pay these sums prior to the expimtion of this period,Lender may invoke any remedfes <br /> permitted by this Security instrumtnt althnut fl�rtfier notice or clemanct an E3orrov�er. <br /> � IS. Bore+ower's RIght to Rein�te. !f Borrower meeta certain conditions. Bormwer shnll have the dght to have "` <br /> enforcement of tbis Secudty Ins�rument dlscontG►ued at aay ttme prior ta the eazlier of: (a)S days (or such o�her period us " <br /> _ •'" npplicable law uwy specify for reinstatement) beiore sale of the Property pursuaat to su�y power of sale cantained in th�a " <br /> , .•"�"'� Securisy lnsuumear.or(b)ebtry ot a Judgraent enforcfng this Security fnstrument.Those conditioas ure thnt Bonower:(a)pays �;� <br /> . I.eader all sutns which then would badae under thia Seaurtty lastrument and the(Jote as if ao eccelerntion hud occurred; (b) <br /> cures aay default of any oWer covertants or asreemeucs; (e)pays all eapeases incurred in eaforeiag this Secutiry lastnunent. <br /> including, but not(imited to,reasonable attarney�s' fces;and(d)tekes such action as Lcnder may reasonably require to a�.sure <br /> that ths lien of ttils Securlty lnstcumen�, Lender's r�ghts ia the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the smns secured by <br /> ' this Security Instniment shell oontiaue uachanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. thts Sccurity Instrument and �he -. <br /> ' obligations secured hereby shal! remaip fuUy effective as If no accelerntion had oaurred. However. this ri�ht to reinstate s4ia11 = <br /> uot apply ia the case of acceleration under paragruph 19. <br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Chnn�e of W�an Servicer. 'The Note or a partial iaterest in the Note (together with tdis Securtry T J' <br /> Instrumeat)may be sold oae or mote times without prior notice to Sorrower.A sale may resule in a cbange in the entity(known �N, <br /> , . as the'l.oan Servlcer")that colletts rnonthly pay�rtenta duc under the Note and this Secuflty instrument.There aisu may be one �-�- <br /> .;'. or more citanges of the Loan Serv9oes wrElated to a sale of the Nlote. If there is a changc of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wift bc ."_:_ <br /> � given wdtten notice of the chan�e in aaordance wlth paragraph 14 above and apglicable law.The notice will state the name aad ��-- <br /> ., address af the n�sw Loan Servicer aad Ihe address to which paymenu should h�made.The notice will also contain any other <br /> inforroation required by applicable law. ��;;. <br /> ' 20. Knr,urdous Substrinces.Borrower shall aot cause or gPmut the presence. use. disposssll. stotsge. or release of any -- <br /> . • Hazet+dous Substances on or in the Property. Aorrower shail not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anytbiag affcxtia� the <br /> ° •<� P[�opetly that is in violatlon of any Lavironmental Law. The precedin�two sentences sholl not apply to the presence, uc�e,or �� <br /> ' ' storage on the Property of small quan�ties of Hauu�daus Substauces that are generally recognized to be appmpr�ate to normal <br /> � r�idential uses and w�naintenance of t6e Property. �,- <br /> • � ' Bortower sball promptly�ive Leader written notice of aay investigation. claim, demand, lawsuit or other actioa by swy <br /> _ , govcrnmental or iegulatory agency or private party invuiving the Property and aqy Fiazardoua Substauoe or Eavironmen[ai Law <br /> t;.� of which Sormwer has actuttl knavle�ge.If Bomower Ieama,or is aotified b y an y govemraeatal or�gulato ry authority, that <br /> , ,� any removal or other remaliation of any Fiazandous Sbbsteace affocting the Properry is necessary.Bomower shnU promptly take <br /> !1 necP��.*;�emt�fa��ttans fn aaazds��s:�3ih Fst:�2roansenlsl iax. _ <br /> As used in this par�,qraph 20, "Hazardoua Subatances"are those aubstanc¢s defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Envlronmental Law an� ¢he follow�ng substaaces: gasoltne, kemsene, other �lzmmablB or toxic peuoleum products. toxia <br /> �eaticldes and herbicides,volatile solvents,matedals wntefuing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materlals.As used in <br /> -. �his para�ca�7�20, 'Environmentel Law" means federai laws and laws of the jurtsdicdon where the Property is located ehat <br /> relate to Pe�ni�h,safety or environmental prutectlon. <br /> . � . NON-UIVIFORM COVSNANT�.Borrower aad Lender further covenaat and agree as follows: <br /> 21.Aoceleradon=Remedtes.I.ender ehnq IItve notice to Borrotiver prlor to acreleratton tollowing 19orrower's bteach <br /> ° of rtny oovensurt or egreement in tNs Serwrtty Insin�ment (but Ro! prlor to acceteradon weder psirAg�ruph 1? unlc,s <br /> appIIcable law provtdes otherwise). 1he not[ce shall specify: (n)the defaWt;(b) trie adfon requirzd to�;re the defan�Pt; <br />- . .,�!':t'.-��� (c)a date,eot less thar�30 days trom the d�te the noilce Is Qiverc to Borrower,by which 8�defeuft re�uat be cured; ain�1 ��- <br /> � "•�'`" � � ' (d)tdat tellure to ewe the defnult on or betore t6e dote sReciP�ed in the aotice may res�3t in ncceferation of che atuns " <br /> . -- <br /> �.:— <br /> secured by thfs 3ecurtty Iastrumen4 aad sule of the Property.�e noUce shtill Purther inform Barra�wer oi tlhe risttt to _ <br /> .;, y ' • nr�3r�sinte after aocelernSBon and the rf�ht to br[ag a oourt action to esse�t et�E non�e,xLstence of n defa�tt or eny other _:_— <br /> �- ;'�� •' drT�nse of Borrower to eoceteration and sule. It the detsWt Is not cured on or before the daEe speci�tEd in tke aotice, <br /> �Y �� ° "'� ' iis optton,may trequire im�uedinte payment in itdl of ell eums securetD by thfa Secur(ty Xngtrument wIthout <br /> ':r-..'-•�!• . thrther demand aad mey tavoke t6e p�wer of sale and any oBCaer ecmedies pennttted by appficable Inw.Lender slusU�be <br /> ��;: � ent[tled to oollect all expeases incun�ed in pursuing the er�ae�Bes Q�rnvtded ip thfs�.ira�ragh 21.incinding.but not IJ,triu4ed <br /> . � to�nasonubla attorneys'[�es and costs�f dtle evldeace. <br /> d '" U thepo wer oi�e ts invoked,'itivstee stanEB Qecord a notice qt defuult tn euch aounty tn wh8cta aay psvt of tlte <br /> - - Pe+upeKy is I�cated end sh�ill mnll oopi�08 sucla ma4�ce ia the mnnner pn�certbtxf by applieAbte law 4m II3a�aower ond to -Y <br />='� the other peisoas prescrtheA by appllcable law.After the time mqulred 6y applicuble[nw,Tnistee s6a11 give public nmitce �•.. <br />__ � �� ' of sale to�ne petsons and in fQe mcwrtes pre�cnioed'oy app�icttble Iuw. Tewties,wiiiwut demnnd on isorcower,snnii sell =_ <br /> -;;�,,:j.�';,;,3�,� , tde Pnopttty et public au�stion to tIlne di�hest bfdder nt the dm�and plece a���¢�er t�e l�ns d�ta tlse ussq�rr of --- <br /> --_'�'-"_":'� S9I6�A OIIC Ot�OP2 DBrCeL4 Aiid in AiIV AWIYI''I'nlc�M flofo�in�o, Tw�m����»���Z vi w1 vi iw�roi�ii�ii iuo ; - <br /> ����. .�"'. . � Propeaiy by pub7tc annouacemcai at tE�e ttme and glece ot any psevtously srhedulai snle. Lender or tts destgnee mnay � <br /> :y,r," �� pue+chase We Prope�ty n4 sm�y sule. <br /> ,„ . <br /> Fo,m 3oae eiso � <br /> ,� � : ��BRINEI�ea��.o� Poqo e or o ����a: . <br /> .. ,. . <br /> , . , , <br /> -- - -_ _ __ • <br /> — - °,- -°_- - - __"- - <br /> . . �� . „ .� , „ " <br /> � <br /> .. .. . -� � ' .. 4 � ' . ' ' .• , 1\ . . <br /> �� '- Il.• .. . <br /> .. .) rf� .. i ' - � � . <br /> , ., . �i .. •i . .. • . . � ., • ,�. . <br /> - ' , . � . � ., .� .. •� � <br /> . J .� �� ' .. J..� . _.. _"'_ <br />