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<br /> " ' S. Huaard or Propraty It�.surance. Borrower ahall keep the improvements now existing or heeeafter erected an thc .
<br /> Froperty inaured ogainst loss by fire, ho�ards inctuded withia the term 'extended covemge'und any ather hu•r.ards, including •
<br /> floada or floading,for whtch t.ender requires lnsurancc.This insurunce sb�ll be m�int�ined in the umounts and for the p�rlods
<br /> that Lender requirea. The inaurance cerrtet providing the inaurnnce ahall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's npproval
<br /> ' whicb shall not be unre�sonably wlthheld. If Borrower fails to mnintaln coverage described above. lxnder muy, nt Lendcr's
<br /> , option.obtain coverage to pmtect I.eader's rights!n the PropErty in accordaace with parngrnph�. � .,
<br /> �. All insuraace policles and renewels shnll be acceptobie to I.ender and ahuli include a atsindArd monge�e clause. Lender
<br /> � ahall have the right to hold the policies and renewala. !f l.ender requires,Borrower sh�il pmmptly give to Lender ull n�ceipts of
<br /> paid premiums and renewal nutices.In tho event of loss,Bormwer shall give pron�pt nottr,e ro the insurance cmnier ar�d L.ender. �'; '
<br /> . L.ender may make proof of toss if not mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> �••��:��' Ualesa Lcnder and Borrower otherHi.�agree ln writing, insuruace proceeds shall be applied to mstorntton or rep�ir of the . _
<br /> • Property damaged,if the restoration or repair Is e�ronom{cnlly feasible and I.ender's securlty is not lessened.If ttie restoration or
<br /> repair!s not economIcaliy feasiblB or Lsnder's secudty would be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applied to ehe sums .-
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instniment, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Sonnwer abattdons the �'
<br /> " Property,or does not answer wIthin 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insurance carrier has offered tu settle a cluim. then
<br /> l.ender may wllect the insurance proceeds. I.eader may use the proceeds to mpair or restore the Prnperry or to pay sums �;;�
<br /> " se:.ured by this Seruriry Inatrument,whether or not then due.The 30�a9ay pedod wUl hegin when the aatice is given. �,:�
<br /> ;;�+r.�
<br /> �rr��• Unless Lender and Borrower otherwIse agree in wrlting. any npplicatton of proceeds ¢o principal shall not eatend or =
<br /> ,'���'ti�;�l? .
<br /> , :.,,;u��. postpone We due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cbange ttte amouatt of the paymenta. If ,
<br /> + uader paraBruph 21 th�Pcoperty is acquired by Lender,Borrower's rigdt[o any insurance polycies and proceeds msul�ing from
<br /> � � damage to the Ptoperty�rrlor to the ac�uisition shall pass to L,ender to the estent of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument �ti�n,
<br /> � '" � ImmediateIy prior to the acquisidon. —���'.
<br /> .`''�°.,.�; _
<br /> •.• 6.Occu�OUncy.A+e§etvation. Metntennnce und ProleMtoa of the Prnpet�ty;Borro�ver's II.i►an AppltcaYlon;I.eastholds. �
<br /> � ��'".°��� Borrower shall occupy,esu►blish,and use the Propetty as 1Bormwer's principal residence witbin siary days after tha executian of ��-
<br /> � � � A this Secwlty Insuvment and sha11 continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for flt t¢�st one year after
<br /> ,.•K1r► the dnte of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agne�s in writing.which consent shail not be unreasonably w�tUheld.or nnless � �
<br /> ••, . extenuating circumstaucea eaiat which are beyond Borrower's coutrol. Borrower shall not desaoy, demage or impair the
<br /> :�':�,', Property. allow the Propeny to deteriocate� or comidt waste on tize Property. Borrower sha71 be in default if aay forfeiture
<br /> ;;%'s,�;�t�� actl�n or proceeding,whether civi!or erjminal, is begun that in L.ender's good faiW judgment cauld result in fodeittue of the Y
<br /> � Property or otherwise materially Impair the 1{en cteated by this Secucity Instniment or Lender's securIty interest.Bortower may
<br /> ° `",�;,i;�: cure auch a default end reinstate,as provided in paragaaph 18.by causing the actinn or proceeding to be dismissed with a tuling
<br /> � ";�;;;�.��` that, in l,ender's good faith determination. prectudes forfeiture af the Borrower's fnterest ia� the rrope�ty or other maceriai `
<br /> " �`'���r �` impairment of the lten created by this Security Inatruntent or L�ndBr's security lnte�st. Boraower sbWi also be ia dofault if
<br /> ".``1;t�{c`. Borrower.during the loan appl{catioa proc,ess,gave materielly falsc�or inaccurate infonaatlon ar stetements to Lender(or failed
<br /> • �� to provide Lender with�y materlal[aformation)in cannectton witts the loan evidenced by the Note.including.but not limited
<br />�`• � ��'J� to.repnesentations concesnin�Borrower's occupancy 0f the Property aa a princip�l residence.IIf this Securlry Inswment is on a
<br />- - •�������• leasehold, Barrower shall comply with all the provisiona of the lea�e. If Borrowcr acquires fee ttde to the Pcopeny, Wo
<br /> ����" leasehold and tho fee dtle shall not merge unless Lender agreea to th�mar�er in wetti�ag.
<br /> • 9.Protection of I.eader's Itights Im t6e Property.If Borrower fails to perform the coveaants uad agrePmenta contained!n -
<br /> • � thia Securlty Instrument. or there la a legal proceeding thst may siIIniScaady affect Lender's dghts in the Ptoperty(such as a
<br /> ' proceeding in banlavptcy.probate.for condamnatlon or forfefture or to enforce lawa or regulationa),then Lender may do ead
<br />_ .. _ " pay for whaeever is aeces.aary to pmtect the value of the Pcoperty and L.ender's ri$hts ib the Property. I,ender's actions may -
<br />�R°:;:'::..': . include paying any suma secured by a lien wbich has pdority over this Security Iasmim�nt, appear[ag in court, paying
<br /> , ��.��s reasouabie attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to walce repairs.Althougb Lsuder may t,ake actEon under this paragraph
<br />?�_ :-�-.;.. 7�Lender does aot have to do ao.
<br />�=��' , Any amouats dist�ursed by Lender uader thia paragraph 7 shaq lsecome addidonal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> ;; , ,�� < Securlty Insuucnent. Ur�less Borrower aad Leader Agrce to other tPrms of payment. these amounts shall 6e�r interest from the
<br /> �• „ date of disbwrsememt at tbe Note rate aad ehall be payable. wt� interest. upon notice fron� L,ender to Borrower requesdng
<br /> _ ...., �ayment. � ---
<br /> - � • �.Mortgage In9t�arame.If 1Lender requfred mortgage insurauce as a condidon of making the loan secured by thia Securtty .
<br /> ��•._;_--"� Instrument. Bornower�.'hsilt pay the premiums requir�d to matataia the mort�a,s,e insurance in c:'fect. If, for eny rees�n.the ° —
<br /> _=---_ =�-� mon¢ase iusurnnce covrr,nee nyul,at by Lend�r lapses or ccases ta te in cficct.Barrower�hati p�y Ihe p�miusur requ{�d to �_ -
<br /> .'�..:�;"'�.,�- obtein coverage substandaily equivalent to the mortgage iasurance previously ia effect, at a cost substaatiatty eqwvalent w the —
<br /> -- �,.,;
<br /> 'SY��+�' cost to Bomower of the mortgage 9nauraace prevtousIy in effect, from aa atternate moxtgage insurer approved by L,ender. If
<br />_ ���'�" aubsteatially equivaleni mongage insurattce coverage is not avaiiable,Borrower shail pny to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> , � one-twelfth of tQe ye��y mortga�e tnsurance premium being pnid by Bomower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to =
<br /> . •. ''' be in effect.Lender wiD9�ccept,use and retain the�z payments as a loss reserv�in lieu of mortgagc insurauce. Losa reserve --
<br /> ' Form 30at� fl/8�D .�.`-
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