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<br /> T0C3ETHER WITH nll the improvementa now or hereaRer erected on the properry,and all easements,appurten�u�ces.and `" �
<br /> � flxtures now or herenfter u pun of the property. Al� replucemenu and udditions shull also be covered by this Securi[y , .
<br /> Inetenment.All of tiie foreQaing ia referred to in this Securlty Inatrument as the"l'ropeny."
<br /> BOR�tOWER COVIiNANTS that Borrower ia lnwfuliy seised otthe estute hereby conveyed cmd has the rlght tn grnnt und �
<br /> convay the Pmgerty und thut the Property ia unencumbered. except fos encumbrances of record. Borrawer wtutnnts nnd will -�
<br /> • detend gener�lly the title to tht Praperty agNnat all ctalm.s and dem�ds. subject to any encumbrances of record. � ��,°=�
<br /> THiS SF,CURITY INSTttUM6NT combines unlform covenonts Far nutlonnl use and non-uniform covenanta with Itmited
<br /> vuriutions by jurisdtction to conadtuto u uniform security inurument covertng mut property. ' � '
<br /> �� UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Horrower aad I.ender cavenant und agree as Foilows: a �
<br /> _; '�,' l. 1'nyment of PrtacipAl nad Interest; Frepayrraent and L.nte Chprges. Borrower ahall promptly pay when due thc � ��:
<br /> princlpal af and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any pmpayment nnd late cburges due nnder Wa Notd. ��;�-
<br /> �`�" 2. F�tnds for Tnxes nnd Insurnnie. Subject to applics�ble law or to c�wrltten waiver by Lender. Horrower shnll pny to Q}� � "`
<br /> Lender on the day monthly paymenta nm due under the Note. undi the Note Is pssid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeazty uuces '
<br /> and aseessraenta which may attuin pdorfty over this Security Instrumeat as u Hen on We Property;(b)yearly leasehold pay�nents � ,-�
<br /> ' ot gtound rents on the Property,if nny;(c)yeatly hazard or propetty lasurattce premiums;(d)yeatly flood insurnnce pnmiums, "_.
<br /> ,.-.--
<br /> • if any;(e)yearly mortgage iasurance premiums, if any. suid (�any surns payuble by Borro�ver to Leader, in ucconlaetce with .�,
<br /> ' ' . �` tha pmvisioas of paragrnph 8.in lieu of the payment of mort�agc insurance premtums• 'I7�eso itoms ara cnped'Escrow Items." ���i"��
<br /> • Leader may, at r�ny time.collect And hold Funds in an amaunt nat to excced the maximum amount a lender far a federally !�.��•°
<br /> 1�: n
<br /> .� ��� related mortgage loaa may require for Borrower's escrow eccount uader tt�e federal Reat Estate 5etttemenc Procedurea Act of �
<br /> . -•.:��:�� 1974 as amend�s!fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 26U1 et seq.("ItESPA").w�less another taw tttat npplies to the Fuads �
<br /> �,,{:�, �:
<br />:f, sets a lesser aruount. If so, Ixnder may. at eny time, collect aad hold Funda in aa amouat not to exceed the lesser aznount. �„�
<br /> '� "i Lender may est�nante the amount of Funds due on the basis of currait data and ceasonable estimates of expEndltures of thture --
<br /> In
<br /> "f � ' Escraw Itema or othenvlse fn accordance with applicable law. �
<br /> 'a� The Fuads shull be held tn an iastitution whose deposits are insured by a federal agenc�r, lnstruaaentelity. or endty ��`! �
<br /> ,,:, _
<br /> . � �%4� (iaciuding l.ender.if l.eader is such an insucution)or in aay Federal Houre Loan&mk.Lender shall apply the Funda to pay tho
<br /> �1,'':� Escrow Items.I.ender anay not charge Borroaer for holding aad aPP�!'�8�e Funds,aunually aaalyzing the escrow acrouut,or ��;:.
<br /> � verlfying the Escrav�Itepas.ualess Lender pays 6orrower{aterest on the Funds and applicable taw permita L.ender to make auch =``'=,
<br /> `:9i[:..
<br /> • a charge.However,I.snder may require Bomower to pay a one•time charge for au independent real estate ta�c reporting servtce �_c_
<br /> �� used by Lender in connection with this lopa, unless applicable lew provides otherwise. UNess aa agreement ia made or «_
<br /> i • " � � ;'`s; applicable law requirss Interest to be paid. l.�eader shall not be required to pay Sorrower aay interest or eaminga on the Funda.
<br /> ° '�`{ �tnrmwer and Lender may agrec in writinu,however,tbat incerest s6a11 be paid on the Funda. Lender shelt glve to Borrower,
<br /> 4- �,�,.
<br /> r,;'h , withaut charge, au autiittal aacounting of thc Ftutds,aho�vin�crediu and debiGV to the Fnnds and the purpose for whtch each =—
<br />?;��",� debit to the Funds wcu�made.77ie Fan.ds are pledged as ad8itioaal seturiry for all aums secured by thia Securlty Instrument. ��
<br /> �•�' '���f If the Fuads held by I.ender exc,�ed the amounta permitted to be held by applicable law,Leader shall account to 8orrower
<br /> � �����:..::;:r: far the excess Fuicds in accordance with ttie requirementa of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Leader at any
<br /> �• "'`"���'.',"!�'% dme ia not sufficlant to pay the Escrow Items when due.i.eader may sc�notify Borrower In wcitiag.and,in such cese Bornower
<br />-�-��� '� '� � shall pay to Lender the amauni necessary to malce up the deficieney. �orrower shall a�ake up the deSciency in ao more than
<br />;;i:��: . •.
<br />=t<�t'�.: ��� twelve monthly paymants,at�,t�er's sole dtscretion.
<br /> ' � Upon payacent in tWl of all nums secured by this Securiry lustrument, Lender shall prorapdy refLnd to Borrower any
<br />�'' �}`"""'�.� Funda held by L�nder.If,under paragraph 21.Lender shal!acqulre or sell�ho Property.Leader�pdor w the acqulaition or sale
<br /> • �� ,�°:+j�t-`�� of the Pro e pply aay Funds held b Lendcr at the time of uisition or sale as a credit a ainst the sutns sec�red b
<br /> P nY�shall a Y �1 � Y
<br />_i��?s,h,��::;,.�1V this Security iastrurrant. ail payments received by Lender uader paragraphs
<br /> ,{��!k� � 3. Appltattioa nf Payments.Unleas applicable la�w providos ot6erwlse.
<br /> `'"''`` '� 1 and 2 shall be ap�lied:flrst,to any prepayment chargc.a cDue under che Note; second,to amounts payable under patagraph 2;
<br />�I�:'f�'"�
<br />�^sT�?�` �t;., thlyd,to intereat due;fourth.to prfacipai due;and last.to aay tate chnrges due under the Note.
<br /> `::;��!1:�y%p�i�;�;, 4. Chargea;U¢ns.Borrower shall�,ny all ts�. assessraents,charga9.fines and imposltions attributable to the Fropeity
<br />�`�r�-•��+��;r�'�` which may attain ptiority over tWa Securily Instrumeat,and leasehold payments or grouad reuts, tf any. Borrower ahNi pqy
<br /> �'�,�;�',:',•;�� � these obligations i»9ke raann�r pmvided in paragraph 2.or if aot pald ia that manuer,Barrower ahall pay them on ttme directly —_
<br /> i:+.�"' '� LO t�10 j1@ISOII OVI��3yRlCrit:l3orrower sheli pmmpdy fumish to I.cater all notic2s oi araouats to be atd under this ara�reph. ��
<br /> 4 .r p p �;l�;:�
<br /> =•.•�:•�:���:•� � If Bomower malaes these payments directly,Bocrower ahaU prompt7y fumish to L.ender receipta evidencing the paymenta. °` �
<br /> �`";t,' �;.; Borrower r�iaU promptly discherge any llen which has priodty ovex this Securlty Instrunaeat unless Borrower:(a)egrees in
<br /> �---�-�� writinit to the puyment of the obiigutiuu secured by thc licn in a manner acceptabFe ta F.ettciei;{b3 eontests in gRnci f�ith tha lico � __ __
<br />��:��r�'•-�� �' by. or defends agalust enforcement of the liea in,le�nl pmceedings which in We Lender's opi�►ion operate ta pceveut uie "—
<br />- � .r''` " enfoca:ment of the 1{en;or(c)aecurea from the holder of the liea an a�reemeat satiafactory to Leader subord�nating tho lien to
<br /> ` . ' _.,•;?;'; thia Securfty lnsuument. [f I.ender determines thac aay part of the Property is aubject to a lien�vhich may attain prtorlty over _
<br /> ' ' °'�u: tbis 5ecurity instrument.Leader may giv�Borrower a aodce identlt�ing the lien.Borrower shatl satiafy the lien or take ono or ^___
<br /> l `�U` mos�of the actions set forth above within 10 dnys of the giving of nottce. =-
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