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.1 T� ' ' . .� • f <br /> � <br /> '� .. �l .. ' . <br /> ..•�SlN1P .. . .. �, • . <br /> � .♦,..aYAdiu►:... . . ' .. ,� ' „ U . .+ • ..-�M��^::�-. <br /> �. ,� � ...•>e Mp}.s. i ii . '- - ..o� . '-__ <br /> . _ <br /> . . . ��. -.r. .. .._.. .. �_.._'� �_ <br /> ' .. <br /> ... . ' i � i � ..___-..__'_'".....""___._�._..__.�_ " _"li{... <br /> ' � <br /> . ..,. _ _ <br /> ._ ,.��y'.4�'�`!$�..._L'qsJ�yl�y7'ilwlaw='=ci.�.,_' _�._.._...L._...__.,.,..�_._ ___"_._- <br /> . .. �.._---.,.✓_ ....�... �-. <br /> . �. - <br /> � �� paytnents may na lon�er be requlrecl,ut the aption of L.cnder,iF inartgn�e insurancc ruvemge(in the umaunt c�nd for the periad °=� <br /> �hut 1 cnder requires)pravided by an in�urcr upprovcd by L.ender a�oin becomcw uvuiluble and is abtninzd. Bottower sl�ull pay „�.:. <br /> ' " R• thc p�rcmiumy requir�d ta n�ainwin mortguge insurnncc in cffcct.or w provide u loss reserve,until she requtrement for mortgage �_ <br /> �� 4 insurunce ends in nccardunce wi�►uny wrluen ugreemcnt betwcen Burmwer und I.ender or nppficable Inw. __ <br /> „ - , 9. Ynspectton. l.endcr c�r it�+ u�tent mny muke reASOnnble entrics upan and inspectians af the Propeny. l.ender shall give <br /> � FYt�rnnver notire ut ihe time ot�r prinr ti�un inspection spccifyin�rcasanable cuu�x fur the ins�ctian. __ <br /> •',�r l0. CundemnutEon.The pnsceeds uf uny uwnnl ar ctaim for dama�es, direct ur consequentiul. in cannectian �•rith uny — <br /> condemnatiun ar other tulcin�; u(uny part of the Property. or fur canveyunce in lteu uf condemnation. are hereby assigned urtd � <br /> � shull bc paid tv l.endcr. � <br /> � � In the event af+�totut tul�tng of the PropeRy.the pracer.ds shall be applied to the sums recured by this Security Instcument. _ <br /> ',�s::� <br /> �---�� �vhethcr �r rtot thcn due. �vlth any excess paid to Borrowar. In the event of u pnrtiul taking of the Properiy in which the f�ir <br /> ::�• mnrket vnlue of the Propetty inunediately before the tuki�g is equal to or greater thun the nmount af'thc sums secured by this <br />'�*�__""°�' Secudty Instrument immediately before the tnking.unless Borro�ver und L.ender otherwise agree in wdting,tho sums securat by � Y <br /> ' � ' •" thiR S�curtty Insuvrnent shall be ceduced by the amount of the pracecds multiplied by the followjng frsction: (n) the total CO _ <br /> � nmount of the sums secured immedintely before the taking.divided by (b)the fa�r market valuc of the Propeny Immediutely . <br /> � � ��� before the tc�king. Any bulnnce shull be paid ta Borrower. In the evcnt of a partial taking of the Property in which the fnir,p.. <br /> .�;., maxket vulue af tho Property immediately before the tuking ia lcss than tt►e omount of the sums secured immediately bsfore the � <br /> .'��'�+'�°�: ' taking, unless Borrower and Lender othen�vise u�rce in wrlting or unless appl�cable Iaw othenvise provides. tho proceeds shall� _ <br /> ',�r�tcl�.;^ be npplied to tho sums securrd by this Seturity InsUument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> -'�:';yfi- If the Property is abnndoncd by Barrower.or if.after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an� <br /> �'��f�T�•� a�Yard or settle n clnim for dama�es. Bomower fails to respc►nd to Lender wtthin 30 days after the date the notice is given. <br />-.,�,�t;;�.h <br /> W�,.��.�..... L.ertder is authorized to coltect and apply the proce� Its option.either to restaration or repair of'the Property or to Q�e sums • <br /> --=°`� +.`+' serured by this 3ecue�ty Inscrument,whether ar not then due. <br />,.�_�� Unless i.ender and Borrower aThetwise a�ree in wrlttn�. any application of proceeds to principal shnll not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referrect to in purag�hs ! and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> -��� Il.Borrower No¢Rel�;For6earnnce By Lender Not u Waiver.Extension of the ttme for payment or modificacion <br /> _,„---�—,�� nf s�mor3izutian of the s�ams secured by this Secuciry Insuvment gtanted by Lender to any successor in interest of Horrower shall <br /> _=�=''� not opernre to release the liability of c4te or�IIinal$orruwer or Borrower's suocessors In intcsrest.I.ender shall not be required ta <br />:'«�,?:�_._�� aommence proceedi�gs against uny sacoessor in intereat or refuse to extend time for payment ar atherwise modify amortizulion <br /> �W.� of the sums secured by this Secudry Insuument by reason of any demand made by the odgflnal Borrower or Aomower's <br /> __ --— successora in interest.Any fotbeacance by I.ender ia exercising arry right or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the <br />_ --- Pxercixe of nny�Igh[or remedY. <br /> _— 12.Sucoessoes and As�q�Boand; Joint and Severnl LiabU[ty;Co-slgr►e�s. 'i�he coveneats nud �;a�m� af�� <br /> Secudty Ias2r,ument sheil bind and henefit the successors and assigns of.Lender and Borro+�cr. subject to the proviaions of <br /> — puragr.�:t A7. Borrower's corenants and agreements shull be joint and seveml. Any Borm�ver who co-siSns this Sec��rity <br /> Instntment but dces not exocute the Note: (a)is co-signing thls Sesurity Instn�ment only to mortgnge,grant end convey lhnt <br /> _ Borrowet's interest ie¢k:E Psoperty under the terms of this Secudty Instrument;(b)3s not personally obligated to pay the s�uns <br /> � secnred by this Secudry Instsument;and(c)egrees thnt L�ender and any aiher Borabwer may agree to extend.modify.forbear or <br /> make any e�oocnmodattons wtth regard to the tem�s of this SecurFiy instrument or the Note with�ut thnt Borrower's consent. <br /> 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secu�+ed by this Stxudty Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan churgaes, _ <br /> — eutd that luw is finally interpretod so thnt the intemst or other loan charges collected or to be oollected iu connocuon wlth the <br /> -=� loan exceed the pennitted lirnka, then: (a)uny such loan char�e shaU be red�aced by the gmount nece.ssary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitte�limit; 3nd(b)nny sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted timits witt be refunded to <br /> -_— Durrower. Lender may choose to make thia refund by reductng the princjpal owed under the Note ora ment w t oudi�� <br /> --- paymea�to Borrower• If u refund �rduces principal. the reducdon wlll be treated os a pcuitial PreP Y <br /> _.__ prepayrnent charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Nadces.Any notice to Bormwer provided for in thia Security Inswmeni shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> � it by first class mail unless appticable lnw requtres use of enother method.Thv natice shatl tre directed to the Prc►perty Addsess <br /> ___ - -_ or any ather address Borrower designates by nottce to Lender. My notice to L,ender shall ha given bgr ficst class mail w <br /> �''°� Lender's ncldress suued herefn or auy a�er address Lender desl�ces by notice to Borcower.Any notioe pmvida!for in thfs <br /> --'`�' Secudty Tragtnunent shall be deemed 4a have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provtded in this pamgtuPh• <br /> — la.Governing Luw; Severabl�ity. This Secudry Insm�ment shall be govemed by federal !nw ond tke (aw af the _ <br /> _-- jurisdtction in which tlie PropCrty ta located. In the eveat thnt any provislon ur clausc of th[s Secvrity Insuument or the Note <br /> -- ;,;,;yfl}c�11,{��FYj�(`�{�IP IAtL m.-h�nntticr chaii not affect other A�viaions of�his Secu�ity t�,s�tcusn:�t or tho i�ote�rl3Ich can tw <br /> _`„�+� given efiect without the mnflicting provision.To this end the prs�vistons of thia SecurFty Insuument and the Note ure dcxtu�► <br /> - <br />
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