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. , <br /> . .•r•'c� .. <br /> "�:� < . <br /> � ,�� <br /> wYr�. � .. <br /> _�" ' .. . .. � <br /> . � ' . . . . .. ' � wtaA!!rf�... <br /> ....•� <br /> ' ��"__..�.."_._— ntP�. ' .. � ' . 1.. . . . - �J i. I.'f:`cS_" - � = <br /> . <br /> . Y-C. . ' � ' I � _ ' _� <br /> 5.. ..�. L .. �� <br /> � ., .. , . . . �_'__'_ . ._ � <br /> '�.tf• ;,-. . �.._ �.. � • ._...,...._.__._ . . ... ,._,. <br /> .. .,.e� ..L'_ . , L.. <br /> ...''___"__"_� _��....._...__._ ...."�__'".�...,__�..__�._.__�:�."__ '............ ....... i. <br /> �.. <br /> � S. 1Haznrd or Praprrty Insurnnce. Bnrrower shull kecp tt�e impmvemc�itti nuw cxinting ��r hercuPtcr erected un the � <br /> " ° Propeny insurcd uguinct los�;b�� fire, huxard� includcd within ti�e term "extended cuven►gc" und any otNer li,uard,, including � <br /> ' flncidx or flooding. for which Lendcr requin� insuruncc. This in.r•uranre Khull he muintuine�f in thc amuunt,und for thc peri�rdti <br /> � that I.ender requires.The insurunce r:urier pr��vi�ling the insurunce�hidl tu ch��+en by Bnrrowcr+ubjeci a� I.ender's lipprcwul --- <br /> �� �� which shull not bc unreusonubly wlthheld. If Borro�ver fuilti tu nminwin covcra�tc descrtbcd aihnve. l.cndcr mi�y, ut l.endcr'�. _ <br /> ,,� aptton,obtutn covemge to pratect Lender's righis in the Property m urcor�lame with purugruph 7. �� <br /> . All insurnnce policles and renewuls shnll be ucceptuble to Lender und whall include u stnndurd m�mgage rluuhe. l.ender � <br /> , shn{I have the d�ht to Iw1J tlic palicies nnd rencwals.If Lcnder requires.Bnrrower s�hull peomptly�tive to l.ender nll receiptx af a;_ <br /> pnid premiums and renewal the cvent of loss.A�rrawer hhuli givc pmmpt naticr ro thc in�urunce cunier und i.ender. <br /> �� I.cnder moy make proof of toss If not mude pramptlp by Borrower. _ <br /> �"'��? Untess I.ender and Horrower othecwise ngree in wt�ting.insurnnce proc�c�iR shnll bc upplied to rMtarattan or repuir of the - <br /> � . <br /> �,�,.,,,., Propetty damuged.If the resWration ur repuir is econamically fei►sible And Lender's securlty is nnt lassened.If the rcstorntion nr __ <br /> repair is nat economically feasible or L.ender's secudty would be fessened.the insutru�aa pt^�ceed�shull be appHed to thc sums _- <br /> � securai by this Sccurity Insuument. ahether or not then due, wlth any excess paid ta Barrower. If Bortawer abuttdons the � � <br /> y' Pruperty,or does not answer within 30 dnys a not�ce from Lender that the insurartce carriar ht�afFured to settle a cinim.then _ <br /> ti Lender may calle.�ct the insurance proceeda• I.ender may use the proceeds to repair or rastora tha Property or to puy sums � -- <br /> �: secured by this Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-duy pedod will begin when tha natice!s given. <br /> Ilnless Lertder and Borrower otherwise agrec in writing. any application of ptnceeds to principal sh�ll not eatend ar � � <br /> � � �� • postpone tha due date of the monthty payments referred to i�pam�raphs 1 und 2 or c�anga the c�mount of the payments. If <br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right ta nny insura�►ce pallaias and proceEds resattin�from <br /> . damage to the Properry pdor co the acquisition shaif pxss to I.ender ta tt�a uxtunt of d�c sams�ecu�sl by thls Security inctrument . <br /> , ;.��, immediately prior to the acqulattton. <br /> � 6.Occupartcy,Preservatton,Matntenance and Prot¢ctEon of the Property;Borro�aor'e►�a Application;Leaseholds. N <br /> ,,.�e_*�, gorirorver shail occupy.establish,and use the Properry as�nvwer's principal residence withtn•sinty dnYs ntter the execution of <br /> this SECndty Instrnr.ient and sht�➢I continue to oocupy thc�+operty as Borrowor's principul•rosidence for at least ons year after <br /> F ,.•,.;�, �� the date of accu�.lncy. unless Lender othenvise agrees in wrltin�,which consent sha1l nat Be unrv�sIInably withheld.or unless <br /> '. ,,, � extenua2ing circtet�xstnnces exist which are @Eyond Borrower's conuol. Borrower shafl�not d��su�y, damage or impair the <br /> • Property,allow the Property tm deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. 8orrowas sha�l br am default tf any forfeiture <br />...r?y:�;;;•, action or proceeding,whether civit or criminal,is begun efi�at in Lender's goad fafth,�ud�ment rnutd result in forFeiture of the <br /> �,..�t�'F• Property or otherwise enaterlaUy impair the lien created by Lhia Security Insuument or l.�nder's securlry intenest.Bormwer may <br /> :_� � <br /> �?,,�.; cure such a defnv,Qt�nd reinstnte.os pmvlded in paragraph 18,by causing the action or praaeading to�he dismissed wtth a ng <br /> -`` I.ender's�vad fuiih dctciridnation, pr�c2ud� farf�iturc of ttse Rorr�+v�r's {nterear in the Peoperty or other matedtil <br /> �:�,��.:"_� <br /> --;��'_ ._ . tm�p�ir�xient of the lien created '.�y this Securtry Instniment or Lender's secutity interest. Borrow�r shall also be tn defuult if <br /> - Bar¢ower,during the loan applicAtion proaess,gave materialCy fatse or inaccurate informtyttion or atc�tements to Lender(or failed <br /> ��;e��� t�provide I.ender wIth any ma¢Erlal information)in connectfon wfth the loan evidencefl my tha Note.including,but aot limlted <br /> -__° tu. representations conceming Horrower's occaptsncy of the Propecey as a principal t+esidence. If this Secudty Inswment is on a <br /> __�'"`"-���' laasehold, Born��var shall comply wlth all ¢he pmvisions of the lea�e. Jf Bomower acquires f�title to the Property, the <br />"-�"'��..� leasehold and the 4'�e tltle shall not merge unless Lender agrees t�the mer�er in writtng. <br />:'��;�P 9.Protec46on of Lender's dtlghts�n the Property.If Bonower fails ro perform�he covenants And ag[cements contcdned in�� <br /> ���'''"� this Security Instrurrtent,or there is a legul proc.eeding that may sigr�ificandy affect Lender's dghts in the Pmperty (such as a <br /> �Y -�— prooealing in bunkruptcy, probate. for condemnution or forfeftum or to enforce laws or regulatlonsl,then Lender mny do and <br /> .�___—_ pay for whatever is necessary to protect the veluc of the Pmpecty and L.ender's rights in the Property•Lender's acdons neay <br /> ___� irtclude puying any swns socured by a Iten which hns prIority over ehia Security Insmiment. uppa►t�ng in court. paying <br /> �-� reasonable attomeys'fees end emer�ng on the Proporty to mnke repsttra. Although Lcader cnay take action under this paragraph '' <br /> �"�-=--- T, Lender does not have to do so. ' <br /> - - --- Any emounts disbursed by I�ender under this purdgzuph 7 shn11 become c3dditionat debt of Honower secured by this <br /> Secudty Instrumsnt. Unless Borrower cutd I.ender egr+ee to other terms of payment,these umountt� sAall bepr interest fram tha • <br /> - date of disburs�ment at the Note rato and shall be payable, with inte�.st, upon notice from Londer tu Borrower requesting <br /> --==�-� [usYment. <br /> ..� 8.Mortgage Insurnnce. IF Lender required mortgage insurnnce as a conditian a?rnaking the loan secured by thia Securlty <br /> Insuument. �orcower shall pay the premiwns cequired to ma�ntain the mortgnge insurance in e�fert. If. for any masfln, the <br /> --° enortgc�ge insuaance coverage n,quiced by i.ender Iapses or ceases to be in effect. Botrower shall pay the premlums require�!to <br />- ---- abtuiu cvverage substandnfty equlvalent to the mortg��e iresarerc�pmviou�ly in eft'ect, ac n c.��c subsrantixlly e�ut�nlent ta e�4a <br /> cast to Boxtower oi ci�e�non�age iu�u,m�w prc:iausiy t:. c:Fcct, fmm au alscrs�ztc martgagc in:urer approved by !_e�Pr tr <br /> ---- -.- = s��s*.zw►tially equivnlent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower s�l p�r�y to I.end�r euch montfi a sum e�ual to <br /> == <br />