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5 � i � <br /> F. . <br /> .�ri <br /> .,� ' , � <br /> � . ,W.., , -„ ,. ' " � � <br /> ,. . <br /> ;,,. ..,.. <br /> . �r�,-. .�� . „ .. � � „ ,_.,,.. .__.._a,,.W..,,,.,,�- <br /> ... � , ,,r , - - -. <br /> „ ,. <br /> , ... .. ., . .irr:rp.q•,_.�ir- . , .. � � �� .. ..�?............_ ... .. . . ...... .. . ..�.... . ..�..�._....�___.._..., <br /> � .. „ �. .. . . <br /> , � <br /> . _ .,. .�._..__.___...._.----� _ ....,.., ... ... ...�: .._ . .. . . _l R <br /> ._....._... . _._-_._..__ <br /> � 3- <br /> ' 17.Tennster of the Pnnpert�or n Heneflcial lntcr�st tn Narmwcr. If up�ir any part of thc Property ur uny intcrest in it �� <br /> " • is sald or tmnsfenai lor if u beneiuiat intcrest in Rorruwcr ir nolJ ur truntiferrcd und Bu�rowcr iti not u naturul per�an)�vithout —, <br /> " � L.cndcr's priar written consent, I.endcr muy, nt itF �ptiun. rcyuire immediuts paymcnt in fuU af aU sums secun.�d by this �-� <br /> -� ° Sccudty Instrument. H�wevcr,this optiun shuil nt�t!�c excrriscrf by l.endcr if cxcrci+c i+rruhibited hy federul law a.g af the dute � <br /> af this Security lnstrument. <br /> � If l.cnder exerrises this option,l.c.ndcr shnll Bivc Aorea�vcr nutl6e af c�ccclet�tiu�. Thc n�uicc shall provldc a periu�of not ___ <br /> less thnn 30 di►yti fram thc dntc thc ttuti��c lti delivcrcd or mailed within �vhich Burruwer must pay all sums s��ured by this .�_ <br /> S�urhy Matnmunt. If Bnrrower fuils tc�pay thcsc sums priar to the expirutlan af this pc�i��d, l.ender muy invake any rcmudles <br /> "" pcm�ittcd by thin Securiry Instrument withuut funher nosicc ar dcmand un&nruwer. �;- <br /> ' 18. Dormtver'y RQght to Relns4ute. If Barrowcr mcet:+ ccrtuin ���iJitiun,, Iiorruwcr ahuil Iwvt tlu right w havc � <br /> `' ' enforcement af this Secudty Instrument diticontinued At uny time priat ta the earller uf: (n) S duya(or such othet geriad as <br /> „ ' uppljr�►ble law may specify for reinstutement>before sale of the Pn�perty punuunt to uny power of sale cantulned in this� � <br /> �� 5ecurity Instrument:or(b)entry af u judgment enfarcing this Secur�ty Instrument. Thase canditiuns ate that Borrower:(�)paysC� <br />_',:�, Lender u11 sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Nate us if na ncceleration h¢d occurced;(b) � <br />�,. � � cures any default of any otl►er covenants or ugreements:lc)paYs ull expanses incurreci in enforcing this Security lnstrvment.� _ <br /> including, but�at limited tn,musonuble attome�+s'fees;and(d)tnkes such action as L.ender mny musanably rcquirc ta ussure _ <br />_ •. � thut the Iten of this Security lnstrument, l,ender s right�in tho Pruperiy und Borrower's abligation to psay thc sums secured by �_ <br /> ' • � this Security instrument sh�ll continue unchange�l. Upan reinstutement by Borrower. this 5ecu�ity Instrument und the <br /> '�� abligutions secured hereby shull rem�in fully effective ns if no Acceleratlon hud occurred. However,this right to reinstute shall <br /> not upply in the case of ncceleratian under parugrAph I7. � - <br /> � 19. Sale of 101otc; Chnn�e of I.oan Seevicer. The Nate ur a parttal inte�+est in the Nate (tagether with lhis Sccur�ty <br />_ i�strument)may be sold ane or more times wlthout pdar notice ta Borrower. A satle muy result in a chnn�e in the entity tknown <br />_ • as the"Loan Setvicer")that collexts monthly payments due under the Note nnd this Security Ins,trument. There also mny be one <br /> .. _. _ or mar�s changes of the Loan Servicer unreltttod to a snle nf the Note. If there is u change of the Latut 5ervixr,Borrower will be <br /> s <br /> - ' given written notice of the change in accordunce with paragr+iph 14 abave nnd applicable luw.The noace wiii sinte the name ured <br />- `.'�?� ���' address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whtch puyments shuuld be mnde. The notice will also contuin any other <br /> - informatton reqult+�d by applicuble law. <br /> �.;. T,�1��y ' 1A. Htiznrduus Substnreces. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposai. storaqe. or relcase of any <br />-.,�.-.r.! ,- Hazacdous Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrower shall nat do, nor allow anyone else to do, an ythin� nffecting the <br /> .i;,'•. x ; Propar¢y that is in violatlon af any Environment a l he p r e c e d ing twa sen tenccs s h�l l rt o t s s p p l y t u t h e p re s e n ce, u s c,o r <br /> �-��'''` stora e a�n the Pro e of smali antities of Hazardous Subswnces that are genernlly reeogniu:d to be appropreate to nomuil <br /> ,;.�,.....,_ � P rtY �' <br />��:.;•�:„. . resideneial uses and to maintenanar of the Property. <br /> ��'�r�.;�• Horrower shall promptly sive I.ender written notice of any investigntion.ciciim. demand, iawsuit or other action by any <br />=�,�a;',�, governmente!ar regulmory agency or private pacty involving the Property and any Hazaidous Substance or Enviroamental Lnw <br /> �;r�h��';. . of which Borrower 4uic actual kna�vle�ge. If Horrower learns,or ts notified by any governmental or re$ulatory authorlty,that _ <br />_,�s��;sl�;t��� any r�moval or other mmediution of any Hazardous Substnnce affcxting the Propercy is necessrsrry. Borrower shall promptly take <br />- :-:::��:., ult necetisarv remedial ections In accordance with Envlronmental Law. <br />�,n��� '�!=",�'� Aa used in this patagraph 20. "Hazacdous Substanoes"nre those suestances defined as wxic or ha�a�ctous subsianoec bq ° <br /> :.`�`�t,"::_" ' Environmental Law and the following substences: gasoHne, kerosene, otIIcee flammable ar toxic petroleum pralucts. toaic <br /> -'""''������ pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents. materjals conteining osbestos or 4c�rmaldehyde.nnd rndioactive materials.As used ia <br />�o:�`.�� thts paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Praperty is focated that <br /> . �,a.d,.T�, <br />---==.--= relst�ao health,sufety or environmental protection. <br /> �.�! N�N-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Hornower and l.ender funher covenant and ugree�.5 follows: � t�j <br /> —_- 21.Acceleratian;Remedies.Lender shall Q[ve Rotice to Bormwer prior to as�rt7�rat[on following Bore�owrr s@rreuch `, <br />����; o�any covenunt or ngreement in thts S�cur[ty Instrument (but rtot prlor to nocelernttan under purngraph 17 unl <br /> —�i �ppltcnbfe!sw pruvtdes othenvise).The noitce shWl specify: (o)the deTsWk (b)the uction reqnired to cure the defnuit ' <br />��M.;��: (c)a dute,aot less thun 30 dnys from the date the notic+e is gtven to Bo:rovrer,by which the defuuDt must 6e curedi�� <br />" --- � (d) that failure to ctue the defeult on or beforn the date spezif�ed in the notice may result in uaxlernNom uf the suma <br /> y�=�_•�� secured by this SOCUrity Instrument and snle of the Property. The noNce shall fu�t'ta�er inform Bore+uwer af ihr Tiqht to <br /> -�• reinstnte atter aoceleration and the rtght to brin� u cnurt actian to assert Rhe non-wcistence of a defuult or any oiher <br /> ��`��— defense of Rorrower to aa+elemHon and sale. U the defuWt is not cured on or betare the dnte s@ecifled in thQ noHce, <br /> � Lender, at ite optton.may rPqaire tmmediate puyment in full of ail snms secured by thts Security Ie�vtrument w(thout <br /> ---- — further demattd and m�y invoke the power of sale and uny other remedics pern�ttted by applicuble law.I.ercder shnll be <br /> ----- = ent�tict�to coll�c4 all expenses Cmcarced In pursuin�the remedies provided in ihis pat�graph 21,trscludtng,br�t rjot 1lmtted <br /> ---.; to,c+�snnable nttorneys'fces Au�dd¢oste of title evldence. <br /> -----— Y�tt►epower of sale Is iu�a�ked,Trustee shall racord n noiice ot defuult in euch wunty(n which any part oi Qhe <br /> _ ___ __ Property fs I�ted und shall mai copie.s of such nnttce in the munn�r�Crescribed by appltcnhte Os►nv to Ba[�rower nnd to <br /> -� - the uther persons psescribed by applicuble Inw.After the ti�e requins�i U�y applicable la�v,Trust�s'Jwl!Bive publiz ootice <br />�- � ot sntc to the persions and tn the menaer prescribed by Applicnble Isrvr. sTrustee,wtthout demand o�Borroaver.shall sell <br /> t�,�'' the Pruperty nt pnbl9c auctfon ta►the hlghest bidder ut the ttme und place und under tne terms desl�nated in the RnQce of <br />_=:_::�� saLP ita one or more p�nels sua�I�1n any ordcr Trustee deternntnes.Trustee moy postpone sule oP n!i or any pmrce!of the _ <br />_ -- - g��r�y �yY p�ilytl� onsee►ss�r�r,,+z1n! at ttee time sue� plsce of any prevtouslv schedaled sale. i.ender or ita �desltinee m�y _ <br />�,�_,_ �IUt�lIilbC tltC C�L�ICt��'At W�,�oWL. <br /> — — I <br /> .u_..,.._- _ <br /> �=�.ng� j <br />-�=;�� i Fo�acas e,so <br />_�Y't i":�.� Ftge 6 u10 <br /> , 'I�'Y` . <br /> __=''�- — .. � <br /> r:,f,�! �i`"'� ._. <br />_:,,��,�.r`;^ .— e <br /> i:; ., ��� �, <br />,-��'l'a.' , � <br /> :�_ __ -- - _— — --- ___ - <br /> .�.yaSy;': . • � / f a � Pr.�y�.�i�-- _—_ <br /> , . <br /> �� .• ��. • •��=:af, r +;�SndS y: _ <br /> -- _-- -- ---- <br /> --- -- <br /> ---- -- -- <br /> --- <br /> r -"�"r._ �� . —_ :- �--'�.4 i"c��;..�� , �� ;i `���`ti � -- <br /> . <br /> � .r. 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