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. . ;.. ; <br /> ` � .. <br /> ��� <br /> rr:c:, , <br /> „ �; � . <br /> i � ._. � � <br /> • -� .v-.r.1:a+aa..i.N,ti�.�. � „ �' � . <br /> . <br /> ^ .. <br /> ,�+,:v�.� ' <br /> �,�,...r�.t........a:�.°- ,,,,p�. ..- -n �, - - � ._........-----' <br /> �.. <br /> , ,� .. . . � , � <br /> TO(1ETHER WITH nQ the improvements ttow or herEUfter e�ctod an the property.and all casemcnts.appuncru�ncer,.eu�J �_- <br /> � :' � 8xtures now �r heteufter u pun of the property. All replacementa end udditiona Rhnll nl�o be cavered by d�is Secudty �� <br /> instrumcnt.All af the faregoin�}ix rcfcrccd tn ln this Sccuriry In�tmrnent ag the"Propeny." '° <br /> 80RRAW&R COVBNANTS thut Bonowcr ix IawtliQy seisod of the e.sWte hereby canveyed und has the ri�ht ta Brunt and _ <br /> � � wnvey the Pn�pert�cind thut the Propeny ia unencumberai, except for encumbrunees af rernrci. Bonower wurruntx and will =_ <br /> •� ! defend genernlly the titic to th�Pr�iperty agafnRt ull clnima and drnuinds,subjcct ta any encumbrnrtcesti af recard. _ <br /> "' THIS CRCURITY INST'ftUM�NT combines uniform cavena►ux f�r natianul usc nnd non-uniform cavenants with limited ::.. <br /> � variutians by Jurisdtction ta cunstitutc a uniform secudty i�stcurnont covcring mal property. � `- <br /> p•�, UNIFORM COVBNANTa. Dnrrower and I.snder covenant end agree+w fallaws: __ <br /> ��_ � ��}. l. Payment oP Principai and Interest; Prcpnyment und l.ute Chnrgcs. 8arrower sh�lt pramptly pay when due thc — <br />� :�:+M�'� principul of and interest an the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment nnd late charges due undex the Note. <br /> �f{'°''�� 2. I�`unds Por Ttuces and In9urnrtce. Subject to applicublelaw or to n wrttten wniver by L.ender,Barmwer shall pay to <br /> . .r. <br /> �- � '' l,endcr on thc duy monthly puyments urc duc under the Note,unAl the Nutc is puid!n fult.a sum("Funds")for:(u)yenrly t�ees <br /> ;�;� tutd nssessmenGg which muy attuin priority aver thi�Security Instmment us n lien on the Proparty;(b)yearty Icasehold puymenta " <br /> or ground renta on the Property.if uny;(c)yeurly hawrd or pr�op�rty insurnnce premlums;(d)ycnrly klood insurance pcemiuma. <br /> �� If uny: (e)yearly mortgnIIe insurunce premiums, if iu►y; and(�m�y sums paynble by Borro�ver to L.ender,in v.ccordnnce with <br /> �' the provisions of purugraph 8. in lieu af thc payment of mort�age insurance premiums.These items nre calted"Escrow Items." <br /> ' Lender mny. at nny time,collect urtd hold Funds in nn aunuunt nat to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally <br /> .; related mortgage loan may requiro for Borcower's escrow accovnt under the federal Real Est�te Settlemej�t Procedures Act of <br /> -- 19T4 ns amended from ume to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectfon 2601 e�a�c�.("R6SPA"),unless anather Inw thnt npplies ta the Funds � <br />� sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may. ut any tlme, collect and hold Fund3 in an umount not to exoe�d the lesser umount. � <br />� ''����'`� Lcnder may estimate the smourtt of Funds due on the bas[a of wrrent data and reasonablc esdmates of expenditures of tY�tute e <br /> Escrow Items or otherwjse in accordance with applicuble law. <br />-?" '�,�''. The Funds shell be held in an insdtution whose deposiu are lnsured by a fe.ierai ngency. lnstrumenwlity, or entt <br />-�, �;r.,q`,� (Including I.ender.if L.ender ie such an institution)or Irt uny Fe.deraf Home 1..onn Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay th <br />- �`••-.'�•:'; Escrow Items.Lender may not eharge Harrower for holding andr�;plying the Funds.ennually the esorow uccount.o <br />=7•. :''? `�� vetifyin�the Escrow Items.unless L.ender pays Rorrower interesio�►ihe Funds end applicnble law permlta I.ender to mako suc <br />���.�;�.t a charge.However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one•tlm.e churge for an independent real estate tax reporting servical� <br />��,`;�j �;� , used by I.ender in connection wtth this loan, untess upplicublo law pmvides otherwise. Unless Ar►a�reement is made or <br />�..W;,., appitcutele law requi�+es Interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any onterest or eaminga on the Funds. <br />`��''�': gnm,tyQr n�ui i.ender mny agree in writing.however,that fnterest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shell give to Borrower. <br />'-":��:=:;"�� without charge, sin annuel accounting of the Funds,showln� creAits and debits to the Funds�ued the purpose for which each <br /> ....,.,_,,,.,,,- <br />��t��:?� debit to tha Funds was mede.The Funds ure pledged as additiond security for all sums serured by this Security Instrument. , <br /> -�;,��� If the Funda held by I.ender exceed the amountx perrttitted to be held by applicuble law,Lender shall aocount to aorrower <br />�'°"°"� for the excess Funds in sxordance wlth the requiremen��of applicable Ic►w. If tho amount of the Funds held by f�ender at any <br />����� <br /> -=•=-�w;r�a: time ia nat su�cient to psy the Rscrow Items when due. Lendermay so notify Horrower in writing, and,in such case�ormwer <br />=� shall pay ta Lender the amount necesssiry to m�lce up the deficiency.Borrower sh�ll make ap the deflciency in no moin than <br />,����;;� twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretton. <br /> _--�y� Upon payment in full of atl sums secured by this Security Instrumeat, Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any <br />==_'"'�� Funds held by I..ender.If,under paragrnph 21,Lender shull ucqulre or sell the Propert3�.Lender.prlor to the acquiaidon or sAle <br /> - =—— of the Proporty.shWl apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquleition or s�l�as t�credit against tho sums secured by <br /> -'`� this Securtry Instrument. <br /> -= 3.Appllestion of Peymente.Unless npplicabie law providt�otherwise.aN paytttents received by Lender under paragrnpha <br />__ ,���� 1 und 2 ehall be uppl[�d:first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second. to omounts paynble under pnragruph 2; . <br /> � __ third,to interest due; pdncipal due;and uny late Charges diie un�er the Note. ' <br />_ _ 4.Charges;Ltens.Bornowcr shall puy ali wxes, assessrmnts.r,hargcx. fines und i�positions amlbutuble to the Property <br /> ti-----�-- which may attaln priorlry over this Scxurity Instrument. urtd lea9ehotd paymenta or grouncl nnts. if any.Borrower shall pay <br />__ __.�- -0 thesc ubligations in the manner providcd in parngraph 2. or if not paid in that manrter.SoROwer ahull puy them an time duectly <br /> --""'�' to the person owed payment.Borrower shaU promptly ti�.rnish to Lender all notices of amounte to bc p�id under this psuogroph. <br /> -- - if Borrower mukes these payments directly.Bormwer shull promptly tLenieh to Lender er,ceipta evidencing ti:e payments. ' <br /> _ �-�� Borrower shnil promptly discharge any lien which has priority ovar this Secuxity Instrument unless Bonower:(a)a�re�s In <br />- _-��n�� rrsiting te the payment of tt�e obli�atlen scxh�red by!he lien in u mnnn�r:�aeptable to Lender;(b)contcsts in good fait�h 3he•Iten <br /> �- " _ Uy, ur �ie(niais agaivai cufw�.�;►ucui ur I{a Iii.A f�,, �.b.;:�P,ZCC:C�:rio �vi�irh in tho f rnA�r'c �pini�n�norate to pravent the <br />�'"'�°'---- enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the 6older of the lien an ogrceincn4 sadsfactory to Lxnder su�ardtnnting the Ilen to <br />�"�"`�"'�' this Secudty Instrumant.If Lender determines thst any part of�he Property is subject to u lien which may uttAin pdodty over <br /> 3i°.L� this Secudty Instrument.Lender may give Borrower n noti��e 3dentifyin�the lien.Borrower shalt sutisfy thc lien or tnke one or <br />�;�a�;'��� moc+e o�th¢actIons set forth ubove vuithin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />•l�;-_-.%t�rptt; Form 3028 8I80 <br /> . �1... • <br /> `Sr-'r'p,_,�,y,�, PnQOto}6 <br /> ��";':,�xi <br /> s.- h,t*?�� <br />�`(�i'�i';.�;F. — — -- <br /> .:_..-....�___ ,.<__._.,._....—__.—.__ ------ - ��. — <br /> ...... — -— <br /> ;" , ' """""^" r�""'^�'^a""�^"_[�^�- �' r^- m --° - - - <br /> ���y.,�.�`"• ., "" <br /> dd@��"-'�'`�� _—. _._..___.__.___.._.__ -'____._____-___' __—____- _-.___— ., ,,,. '.Y_ 4. .',_�::..�.�'.RR7r' s'�"'`Y� _...e_ <br /> �, � � .A�G�.C�li:6s:;.:,;r - <br /> � .et+:i�s.�. , ., - -? _ .r_.�...a .t-- <br /> R�• --�- �------ ----". _-_�--- ---. . .. ._ , .. ._ "` <br /> �r . s . e� .. '" "` iti.....�1 r S a ' - z � +wa�. .� <br /> _ _ ,r.w� '�. .� '. '�, , �5..` r.kM.`,+a, ',. t•, .. - c• �' `,� <br /> ^ ( 511 � <br /> � u�a". <br /> . . , .4- - .�, . :/. , �ry ��,t"7. <br />� . }.. , ` �� ' ' .. � ' . . ` . , .. �: ..u�:•.-,:- <br /> z .. , .. . .. v .. . � - .. ., .� �• .. .. , ' .� " . 'tt 2-�.-"m. <br /> ,.' ' - ' ^ ' � .. t�._ J' .. .J '� .. � .. , � - � �� . �_�{�c���y�i�-"'T� <br />�+. .� � ' .. � ' ' .. � . . - .. � .. . .. .. :t�. . . �ta5;�f��±� <br /> .. . , . ' w'yr,1' <br /> ,. .� � - .. " .. . i . 1 - u .�. .. ��l'�� . ..Kv �'�:: <br /> ii y <br /> v i` u . <br /> ...• ,. . 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