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� �ry " . .' <br /> �� .. .��iw. � . . . . <br /> .. � • . �- � � • • �� � <br /> �EED Of�TIRUST Pege a ' ° .,. <br /> �oa No��(i307fl ��' 1�C►���� t�nu����� ;, . ' <br /> " pd�ttnp lrtdBbtoIInets. A daft�Il aheli oo0ur undor any Fadsttnp UQebtednoss or under flny instrument on tho Proparly soouring nny fxfsting <br /> InEobtadnass,or oomr�senoemanl of eny ault or othor aotlon to foroclaso uny cudsUng Itan on tho P►opwry. , <br /> Rf{�1 t0 Wn� if euoh e IaHuro b aumbto and if Trustot hss not bo�n glvon o nottccs ot cs brc3oh of tho samo provlslon at thl�Dcotl nf Trust <br /> withln the precedinp MroNa(tp1 menths,�I maY bo oured(end no Event ot Oetault�wt o cureouraeire��i more thnn tonf(0)days,Immodiata y � <br /> nottoo damnnding curo of auch�ailuro; (n)curos iho tn�►uro arlthin ton(t0)days;or (b) 4 <br /> ' Initlstes etepa sutAalont to aure lria tafluro and lhereaficr conunu;,;. nnd eompf�tcs atl rcnao�abte end nscsssary atops sutncient to produco <br /> eomptianoe as soon aa rse�onabhr praotieat. . . <br /> piQHT8�ND ilEMEOIEli OM OEFA�A.T. Upon!he axuROnce o!a�+Event ot Oof�ult and nt any tima thoroaftor,Truatee or Londer,nt Its optlon, , � „ <br /> mpy exe�cfse any one ot more ot tho fallowing�Ighta nnd remud�os�U addiUon to nny other dghta a romedles provldad by taw: • .. _� <br /> Atcetaratton upon Detml�ti AdQlttonat Aemcdlaa. If uny ovont of defnutt ocouB as per 1hs tema af the Noto secured horeby,Lendor mny „ <br /> � declare ati Indobtadnass eeaurod by this Dc;ed ot Tnist to bo duo and payabte and the aarteo shEUi th�reupon become due and paysbte without <br /> any presentment,OemanO,protest or noUOS of any kind. Theroafler�t.ender mny: . <br /> (n) Eithet in pmson or by agent,vrith or wlthoul bdngirtg any acUon or prooeeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a coud and without <br /> - rogerd to tho ndoqunoy of ils uecurlty,enter upon and k�ke possass�on ot tho any part thereof,in ita own nama ar in ths nnmo , :4 ;��� <br /> kk <br /> ' ' of Ttustes,and do ony acls whtch It deems aeCes�afy or deslrable to pressrve ihe valua,merkotabllity or rontabllity of tho Proport�r,ot part ';� ,`�f., <br /> of ths Properly or int9rest k►iho P►opafir,Increaso tho Irtaomo fram tho Prope�ty or Protect tho seaurity ot the PropeAy;and,vrNfi ar wlthout „'. •s:�;;�: <br /> � ktkUg possesslon o t t he P+rop e d y.s u e!o r or othsrvilse aolloo!4he renta,issuos and prolita of the Pro Pcrty,induding those R�t duo and __ <br /> � unpaid,snd apply the same,tess eosts and expenses of operatlon and collecdon,Induding attomeys fe9s,to any indobtednoss seourod ' ;'�. <br /> by thb D�d ot T�usl,aIl In suah order as L.enda maY dOUxmine.The entering upon and tektn8 posso�sion af the PtopeAy,trte collecdon •. <br /> o f such rents,iss�s and pmfib�and the apPL'catlon thereof chistl no!curo or walve nny detautt or nottce of detault undor tNa Qeed of TroRtt - s i�� <br /> s <br /> � ot�mralid�to ony ac!done tn r�fons�to such detnutt a P�M to aueh rtaUCe of defnulh,and.nolwHhsffieding tho conUnuanoe in ,- <br /> pa�c�sston ot ths Propedy or tha cflUscHon.receiPt and epplbadon ot rer�ts. tssues ar profib.Truslee or Lendar shnp tu aMftt:A!o � : -- <br /> r ts <br /> � ; �ttm�ise evpy rlpht provfded tor in the Nota or tho Related Ooaumenta or by taw upon the cxum�rtoe o1 any event ot dotowY,irtcludt�the ;,t. <br /> dpht to wce r dso t h e pawer o f s o t e: ` <br /> (D) Commena>an actton to foredose thb�oed of Trust aa a manpage,appoiM a reoofvsr m spadllcaity entoroe any of the covomnts •�_ <br /> na <br /> . haroof;and " �,��.� <br /> (o) Dothrar to Trustev a vrt►tton dederaUan of da�ult and demnnd tor sate and a writtan nattco at detnutt and olectlon W cnuuo Tnutars <br /> � wh�kh!he Ptopetty��o�d:���whtch notloe Trusteo ahaU cause to ba duly idod fa record in the epProP�to oiflaos ot thq Gounty In _ <br /> `� � �d� Wlth res �ct to M a any psrt ot the Personnl PropeAy,Leedet shaD have aA tRa rtgQts artd remed}es of a seaurttd party urtdor the �_ <br /> esp <br /> ^�'J Nobmska Unlrorm Commadst Code. :, <br /> . "� ' Forectosttro b11 Por►er o!8ale. It Lende�cdects to toreakse by exerdse o!the Power ot 3ele harein contatnod.Le�der sha!!notiy Trusto9 and t•'=.� <br /> w � s h a i l d e p o 5 t t w i t h T n i s t o o t h i s Ooed of Trust and the Note and suc?i reoeipts and evidenoe ot e�rendttures mado and seaurod by this Oeed ot ;W,���'�`s+('` <br /> .. � inisi ss'inistoo�=ay:.�utrs. �?!'!�!�� <br /> ��) t l�pn�e o�t�such noL�oe trnm Lender.Tntstee shell uiuso 4a bo recorded.P�Ilahod and dolMasd to Tnistor suah Notloa ot Osfault '+y , <br /> ; .. and NoUoe ot$a l e as t h en requ ir�a�!b y t a w a n d b y t h t s D e e d a 1 T r u a t. Y n n t o e s h e t l.w l t h o u t d omand on Tnrstor,aflvr suoh dme sa may �..,�� <br /> ��,;i i;;': '. then be re4ukerS DY�w artd aftar recordaUon of sech Notloe ot Detault and after Notloo ot 3aie haNnp boan glven ei►requtred by 1aw,ceil <br /> � the propurfy et 4ho Ume ared piace ot sale fl�ce�mU R In such NoUoe of 3nte,ofitrer as a whote.or in separate tots u pr�oofs or items as _ <br /> l;.�+ti; ,. Trustee ehall doom axpedient,and in auch ordar aa It may pubib aucUOn to the htghost bidder tar cash In IawtW monOY of _ _ <br /> ' ;:;�:;,•,: � the UNtnd Statespayable at the tlme of sate. Tn�stee ahe�deth�er to such Purcheser a Pu�����Ib 9ood nnd auHN�ent deed or =— -- <br /> I'��;•�•:, deeds conveytng the proPedY ee aoid.but�vithout anY covonaM or wartanty�exyress a tmplbd. ltia redteis In auoh dond ot YnY matters --�— <br /> ,. or faqs shsA be concituNo Prom m the truthtutness thereof. My pers�n,ire��udtnp without OmttaUon Trustar,Truateo,o!Wndor.maY F:;� <br /> �� purahese at auch sete. .-��.� <br /> �t (b) qy may pe�,ermttted by tayr.aftor deduollnp NI costs,tess end exPerues ot Tnntoe and o!this Trust,Inctudinp eosts af evtdenoa of �,... <br /> etle In connoctton�th sate.Tnistee shait appry tho proaeo0s ot sale to paymont ot pI�I sums e�onded under the tcmna of thL�Doed o? _� <br /> ` Tnist a under the terms ot the Note not Wen repatd,tnGuding but not Ilmitod to eocruad irderest and I�a chh�rptjas, (U)M ottier sums fhe� <br /> . .. �� seoured herebY.and (UI)tho rome►nder.lf any�to the i���P�ns�►ly enUUc�thereto. ---.-— <br /> . tF (o)Trugtae may in the manner Provtdod by Iaw Pos�one ea�e of etl or any paUon ot tha Property. <br /> �� RemaOlea Not Droluelve. Tn�stee and Leeder.and eaeh of tham.sAall be anUtled to ontarce payre►eM and pertormance af¢ny IndeDtadrnss <br /> !° or pbiip�flons sectued bY thb Deed ot Tntst and to exarc�e aA dahis and powere under thl�Oood o!Tnrst,undEU Mo�loW,under any ot the <br /> P. Relate0 Oocuma�s. or under any otl�or asresmant or eny iaws now a hereaRa in Mroe;rtotwithstendlnp.some ar ail of euoh indebfadness _ -- <br /> �� � � and ublipatlons seatarod by Ihis Oeed of Tn�at m:ry now ar hereafter 0e ottw�s socure0�whcther by mortpaQe,desd ot trust,Pledpm,fien� �- -- <br /> m <br /> ossl8nmerd at atNe�wi9e. Ndther thfl acoeQffina�At thts Deed of Tnrst nor ila entorcemerd,whetfip►by court actlon or pu�nuoM to!ho power of E_ <br /> . „ � �, sete a other powers conteined in thb Oood of Tn�t�ehffi1 proJudbe er U any mar►r�r aftec!trust�ob ar Lendara dDM to re�il�a�po�a E;=—�W:. <br /> [[ eM�8�y����y�pw cr lteraaltor held by Tnntee a irendat�ft boinp a�reed ihst T�tastt�a and tsndFx,and onoh of tAem,ahaU be - .____ <br /> �a entlUed to erdoroe thb Oeed of Trus`t en0 am►other EearrltY�ou+a���0��d by Lendor a Tnistoo tn such order und mnnner Ius ttwlr or �.-=�=_ <br /> y �tther ot Uam may In t�ek aDsoiuta discra8on determine. No remedY coMerted�,b��aeh�bte cumt Wa and ehod bentn ddlUOnbtOO �- <br /> � " exdusfve o f amr oLta�r ro m e E Y in Mts Qoed ot Tnut or by law prodded or p�nni ' <br /> - - -..- werp etiwr fen+�+sy�hun tr.thls De�al Trvgt cx no�v n horeaRer edstin9 at faw er In eq�db ar by statuh�. Every power or rr► qivon b the _ <br /> ...�-�:��� .a.. i � -�• � <br /> T.- _ _ �iato c+r z�sy c!th« R�stad I�act,�ns�s to Tn�stee a tsnder or to whtch oithser of U»+ii t�ay ba athas..,.a csitHad. n+-Y G-?t - ' `- _- --. <br /> ; � . . �.r... <br /> .. . • concurreMh a'independentry.trom Ume to Hme and as often ns doomoo mq�oaom by in�stee a Le�►der�end�t{w:�t!s;m�ay _.__ � <br /> puasve inac+�sistent nmedW9. NottUrg In thts Daed ot Trust ahan bo conshued as pnhiblflng I.�nder hom soeWnp a Qeftcloncy Judpment =____---- -- <br /> . ` ; a�ai�t!ho Tnista to tho aoAeM suoh ecUon ts pwmitted by law. `a��-- <br /> � Requoat For NoA�x�.Tnuta.on►�ehalt of Truata and Londer.he�oby myuesb ttud a copY ot enY NoUOO ot Otitau►t nnd n copy ot&oy RaMOa —�.,__.-�:.-__-. <br /> ..i o}Sato under thts DaeG ot Tnat bo mMad to tt►em at tho addrossm set lalh ln tt�a 9UOt parnB�Ph of thb Oood of Tn�t. � - __ <br /> � 1NaSaar,ERctlon o!Remedie�. A weivex by anY PeAY of e braach o!a provision o!thb Dood of Tnist shatl not cons�tute a watvar of or �+r��; - <br /> �.;:.;;�'y. proyudim the paMs�Ahts othttnntu�90 dcsmnnd strtct comptlnnco with ttrat prodsion or nny othEn pravtslon. Etootlon by Londot to pursue anY -..'��ii;.;;;��`_"�." <br /> •. :: � rortwdy provld�od In this CJOOd a7 Yr�uat,tho any Rolatod Doeume�,or prow0ad Dy taw ahN1 not euoludo pumult ot nrry othor remedy, ;�_ti:�;�;�,-- <br /> � ' ond en cteoUon to vaa'ce axDendnure�o�to take acUOn to pertorm en obltgaUan ot Trvsta under this Oeed of Trust athx t3tittro of TnisWr to : _.�,_�j.___- <br /> ._':;�;.-; - <br /> ; . � _ <br /> �ii.""�.�,��,��ti- <br /> .. . . .- ---•q:'"' - <br /> .. .. .. ...._. .� .. . � ^1/ . l�•�. ..K���'�.���.rfl•:��� . . .. . - .i ... ' . . -� . ..., <br /> � .. 1 � ..1� �T -. - �. �� " . .___ <br /> " . .. . , .. �1 .. - .. . ' • • <br /> . � ,1 . . '1 • .. � .. <br /> � �.. .. . _ . . � �....�_-_-_.__. <br />