.. �
<br /> �
<br /> . ,. ,� ' ..
<br /> . •
<br /> 02-7l8�1fl99 ,, �@E19 O�T�U�Y � Paa�7
<br /> Loan No 7�33079 � (Con4l�ued) �9 �U����
<br /> peltorm sha►1 not aftect Lends�'a Aght to dsotsre a dstaWt end to exsrelse anY ot Ib remod�os•
<br /> ��� Attomeya'F��:F]tABfloea. �f LondGr Instltutcs(tny 8ult or aaAon to unfarco nnY t!1 the torm�of INs Dood ot Trust,londnr ehalt bo ortlllEtd to �• ,
<br /> rocover suoh sum as the couR may adJudqo reasonablo as attmnoya'foos at b1a1 und on any eppeat. Wn¢thor a not any uourt actlon Is
<br /> Invohrod,ail�cauonnblo oxDer�sms Incurrod by Lsnder whtoh In Lendc,�s opi�ton are necossary at any dme tnr tha proteatfon ot tffi intaest or the
<br /> en(oraement ot{ta rtphta shaU b;.coma a p^_rt et tha Indabtodness pcaynbfo on damnnd und shnii bosr Intnro9t ut tho JVoto rEtto trom lhn dato of ,
<br /> ' oxpend�ture u�t repald. Fxpensos covemd by thb parep►oAh inc�ude,without Iimitatlon,h0Y�0Ytir oab�d'n0�0��rtCludltlp 6 0!b tO�mGdlty Ot
<br /> Lendera attanoy3'faes�vhott�r or nat thero fs n lawault.irxludin0 nitomoys'tees tor bankruDtaY P , �4..
<br /> � vacato any autortwUo stny or Injunotlon),oppc►als and amr ¢nUdpatad post-ludpmom colieatlon soMce3�tho cast ot searahirtg records,
<br /> .. �ermitt d bY eppltcablo lnwa rustm etso wIU Puy�aeY co�y�s�.in addltlonptoali ot��eums proNded by Iaw�for the Trusteo.to tho exlont
<br /> P
<br /> RIphW of Tru�ee. Trustoo shall havo Nl ot Yno dghta and Cu�es of I.onder aa set torth in thb seaUon.
<br /> RpW�RS iWD O�LI�ATIC°�9 Q'F Tl3iJSTEE. The fof►ovAng provtstor�s�elaUr�to the powors and obl!gaflons of Tntste0 are pnR ot thts DoQd ot .
<br /> Tt1t�R � '
<br /> 6�avtro pf 7ruatee. In addifian to ell powars of Tn�ste0 wis�np as a matto►o!taw,Truatoo eha[I have tha powar to tako the teitawtnp acUons `,:,.:
<br /> wilh respeM l0 4ha Prope�h�upon tha vnitten roquest ot Lender and lYustor. (o)Join In Drepari�9 and flilnp a map or piat of tho Real ProAe�tY. ,
<br /> Inetuding the da�leaUon ot s4reeb or other dghb to the pub0a; (b) oin In QsanU�nny eusement ar aeatln9 any restrbtion an the Real ProperM .
<br /> snd (a)�oin tn any subordlnaUon or attuu agree�nt QHectlnp thb�aod o7 Tns4 or tho intorest o}Lender undor this Deed ot Tntst. � ..;,.,
<br /> ' 'IYUatee. 7rustee ahett meet all quetMtcatto�requ',red tor Tne�tee undar apPUeabte taw. In addttlon to the dDMS and remedl�r.et torth above� ,.,L:
<br /> . . . with rospect lo eli or any eR at the Propc+rtY.the Tnistae shetl have tho dpht to foreclose by noUoe flnd seto,and lender shnJl have tha�h!to +_�
<br /> - foroctose by JuQiciai(o�asema,in elther ease�n ao�adtt^�e��°nd to tho t�il6xtent providsd by appQcable�aw.
<br /> as ...:
<br /> � g�s�i Ttt�ep,I.�ender.at lendePs optton,may ttom tlme to tlme appaln4�successor Trus�.es to any Trustee appolntod herounder by on � "+i-
<br /> ..�E' instrumeM ezaautod a►►d acknowtedged by LenOer and recorded in the eS�ftoa ot the reeorder of HALL Counhi.Na4mska. The Inshument shQlt
<br /> '' �" contain.In ndditlon to alt other mntters roquired by sffito law.tho names o!thg ortC�na�Lender.Tnistee�und Tn�ste►.the book and pe8e(or ,
<br /> ,�., �.: �,�?;
<br /> ;:;,,,,;, • .,.,` . �pmp�r system re}orence)whsre thts Deed o?Tnist Is reco�ded,and tho name and nddr4ss ot the sua�ssor t�ustoe.and the tnstrumsnt shW
<br /> �: .•,t• z be exeauted and acknowte�g�d b9 sit the bonePictadQS undar ttia Qeed o!Trus!or thelr suoo�.,ora in Interest. The aWeessor trustoe�vAlhout .,:.:,f,'.,
<br /> td�•�'�;'� ' convoyurtca ot tha Nropefry.shsD suoeeed to alt the UUe�p°vc��und dutfos eonfarod upo»th0 Tn�stee in t�s Doed of Trust and by applkxhte
<br /> �a`�, . �•,;, taw. Thb ProcE+dure for subsatu8on o!tnmtae shau 6ovem to the excluston N 0tl other Prov�slons fa substltWon. . .,_�..��
<br /> ,�,n, ��:,•; NOTICES TO YRNi3TOR AND Olt�Ft PMTIEB. My notbe under thls Qesd o4 Trust s h a l t b o fn wriUnB� mn y�to se�by tetotuximllo(untess �.
<br /> . •I�°�t; otherwtse re0utred�bY tawj.end shntl be eitactive whon actw�H dethrered�or wiwn deposited with a natlonalty recopnized oven+fOht aauricr.or.H ���
<br /> ,,� aid,�reeted to tho
<br /> •, d��i� mattad,shall ba daemad eHedive when deposited in tho United Ststes mtit Rrst ciass,oe�Ulbd a �,P��D�P ��'�
<br /> adBras�es shown ne�u the beglnNng of thb Oeed ot Ttwt. My pady may ch8npe Ha address fa�nder thts Deed of Tnts4 by pMnp torma►
<br /> , •`� � wdtten norioo to ihe other Partles.sP�M�►0 that the purDase of the notico Is to chanpc!he partye address. Ap caPlos ot notiar�04 faroclosuro hom
<br /> the hotdor of any Ran whfeh has pdalry ovor this I�eed W Tnist ehsli be sent to Le n d e rs address,as shown oear tho bepinntnp a4 thta Desd ot Tnis� �y�`�.
<br /> „' <:; `F_� Fu nouce pu►P�►.T�vr ay�oos to K�t.��s r.s:d Ts�tas lnic+�a�etl at atl tlmes ot Trustor's eurent addres�. _
<br />_r;'u.-,
<br /> ;.::1 . .. YISCELLANE�Oti3 i+it0Y1810NS.The fotlowtnp misodtanaous provlstons nro a part of thts Oeed of Tn� N.,.-
<br /> Amendments. Thb Roed af T►ust,topeU►e�wtth aey Ret�T��1 Dacurtwnts.cor�titutos itw gnllre unde�ndln0 and apreomen!of th�partlos aa �s�.�;�:
<br /> ��� • �"��..
<br /> to the mattars 5ot talh In thls Deed of Tnat. No atteration o?or Qmendme�to th�s Deed ot T�ust s1aA he eHeethre uNess O�n tn writlnp and
<br /> �`� signed by tha�afi��P�soupM to be�harped a bounEf by fcva Yfte�aR3an or 4mendmerd.
<br /> Appika�N tann. Thts Oead ot Ttust tw been deUvab t�O.er�lat a�t�ptsd bY LanOer in tAe S�ate o?Pie�tka. This Oad u!To�t
<br /> �' �p a ipverned�Y+enR�ortdrus�d t��oa0�nes wtN t1�oawa ot ifN 8lat�ot Nebn�tn.
<br /> C�tton ileldlnDs,Caprion headin8s In Uds Deed of Tnnt m�oor convanfence�urposes on�r and ere not to be us�d to tnterprot or deRne tha
<br /> ' - ptOVlslotls O}thM3 Qeed Of TrIriL
<br /> ri
<br /> . irterqer. Thero shatl be no mcrger ot ttx►In�erest a estate creaWd by thts Doed of Tmst wilh a►y otha Intae�t or estate in the Fropa1Y at anY
<br /> Ums held�Y a tor tha benefit ot Lender in nny capadtf►.wlthout the written consent of Lender.
<br /> � �u�pa�y.g�, All ob�patlora ot Trustar undor thb Deed ot 7Yust sheU be joiM and severel,a►d eV�eterenoss to Tnutor shell maan eu�h and
<br /> - ,, overY T�star. 'mis mea�that eaoh of the pensons slpMnB below b responsfhte tar atl obltpatlons in thfs Do�f ot'I1ru5t.
<br /> �:..
<br /> .,��;� Sovere9Ulry. If a court c7 coMpoter�t jurisd�tlon ttnds�ny provlgon ot Mis Deod ot Tnrst to be Inv�tid a u�ntoroeoble as ta anY Pe�on ar �:':_._
<br /> �,i��{�;�� • dreumstance.euch ftndnp aT�all eot render that provWon InvoWd or unentaceabte aa t�any other persons or ctrwm�tunr,�. It teasFbte,an!► �;;;;..
<br /> � sueh ottandnp provi3lon shal bo deemed to bo moditlod to be wttNn the Ilmtb of er�taoeabffriy or vatl�iry;ho�rever�tt tho o72endtnp Pro�islon �:.:.
<br /> '� � cannat @m ee rn�ifed.H shad be s1�en and a!1 other provf�lons ot thb Ceed of Tn�st In atl other respoatg shaN rematn velld and�nforae�bf�.
<br /> ���ama Aist�s. 3ubJect to the Qmltattans atatad In thfs Deed of Tn�st on tra�of Tn�torG In4eresL ttds Oeed o}Ttust eMY be
<br /> • btrtdlnp upDn ar�d inuro to the Dor�efit of tho parttes,thetr suooesso�and assipns. If owrr,�sNp of ll►9 PrcPert�►bec�������n
<br /> , othor than Trustor�Lendor�wlthout noUOe to Trustor.maY 6oat wfth Tnatab suooessora wllh reterenos Lo Uds Ceed Ot Tnist uid the
<br /> x= '�" �' Indebted�by way ot ter0earanoe ar mQonslon wtthout roloesinp Tn�stor trom the ob�pa8ons ot thts Dood of'ftust or llabWty undsr tho _
<br />- - -:�� indob�re�a. _---
<br /> ---..__.�_.
<br /> { Tlme ts o4 Qtxe'�fWnna. 'T�rie Is ot the esoanoe tn the P�^�at mts tra�so or i nis1.
<br />' 7. WWess etoii�na�M�. Lertdor ahnV not tre deomed to haYe wNved e�ry�tOhb undor Mis Oond Ot Tnst(or Urtder theht shell opsnnlB Ys a _-
<br /> �'•�; ,,, r unlass s�watver b in n�np and sfpn�d by lend�. No delay a omL�tan on Ne part M�ender tn mxe�tr►g nr�y�p ;':_
<br /> ;t,_ :
<br /> ,f, ,. waNe►o}EuCh d9ht a any other d8ht A waivor by er►Y Oa�hl of B Proviston af thfs Dciad ot Trust 8he11 rtot oonslituto 8 w8h►er of ar Ot¢Jud�the -
<br /> � paAyls�ht oUiawtse to @amand shSot compHnnoe wIm tnat provlslen ar any ott�x proMslon. No prtor waNae by 4en�.�a any course ot ,;:,°:'-
<br /> . � dea!irtp 0tt�veon Lender and Ttustor.sh�C1�onstltute� wahrer ot any of LcrtdeM dDhts or eryy ot Tnrstor'e obOQntioro aa to any tuturo =
<br /> c�on5ttt�tta�r�Un��o�n!to�subyseq�nt I�ii,ala�awhsre a��e�b�Q�tlrep ot aucb coresa�by Lendor In anr Imtano9 eheTl aot --
<br /> Watrer of NonK�tsad F�OmAM1lon. 'Rustor herobY�and welvas aA AphM and bora�ta ot lho hnmestoad aromctlan taws ot tl►o Stato of �.;:-•
<br /> • � NobraEka ts to aq Indobtsdness 8eeured by tha C&cd a!Tc�stl. :,�
<br /> . ,
<br /> - - - - . �-- . ° ..
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