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<br /> . »
<br /> .. ° PBge 8 .
<br /> . � e��a��s�� �E��o��us� . 99��4
<br /> Lonn Na 783079 (Co�4lsuc�D �
<br /> � " c tho holdcu of tho Nato;and (d)a Bpoclfto fax o�n11 a aRy paAion o41Re Indobtodnass or on paymonb of princlpal nnd Intorc�t mado by �
<br /> Tru3tot. �
<br /> BubtB�utnt Yexes. it any tex to whtch tht3 cecUon uppttes is onaatod aubsoquont to tho duto ot Ihis Ocrod af Trust,thl�ovant shall hava tho
<br /> snmo c;f,;ot uo nn Evant o}Dafauil(cw d3flra►d���toro ItbCCOma3 dai�l qu nt mor�(b)cGntasta ho tax us prov�ded abovoYln the Toxnsta d
<br /> ' provtdod bw'cvt unta�Tnt9tar enhet (e)pr�ys
<br /> Usns suaHon and dep���s�th 4endor eash or a sutNdont corpomto surey bond or olhsr ccawlqt���otY to Lendor. meat are a parQ ot •�`
<br /> $�Cl�A1TY AGREEtdLNT;FINANCINO SYAT�biFNTB. Tho toltowinp provlsfo�retndng to this Oeed ot Trust as a socudty n�ree� �. w�
<br /> ' - this DBSd of Tnuf.
<br /> , ^` &s�udry Apn�smen� This instrumenl ahall eoratltute a aeeudb e9reemeM to the oxtent any of tho Property consUtutes tixturc�%ar other „
<br /> personnl propnrty,nnd londar ahntt hnvo alt of tho rt�h�a of a sAaurod Redy unda�tho Unitoim Commercie�Godo as amended hom tlme to
<br /> Uma
<br /> SecuAlY tntoreat. Upon cuquest by Londrir,Tr�tor sfi�ll executo Anandn8 st�►tomu�b 8nd tako whatevar othe►e�cHon ts ropuasfed by Londer
<br /> to perfect artd conUnuo Lendets seaudly intorsut In tho Renffi und ParsonW Ptopmty �n�nd��d���������mducliora+o� � '�',
<br /> pf p p�y r�r d g,L�n d e r m a Y.at an y llma and wllhnut NRher authodmUon hom Trustar. _
<br /> t hls Qood of Tnist as a flnnncfng stntomenA Yrustcr shal l re im bu�se L e n d e r t a r e 1 1 m c¢e�s I n c u rt e d I n p a t e c t i n 0 m c�ntlnul�thls 6ocurHY .t�Y`
<br /> � Interesi. Upon detautt.Tnistor shaU aisomblo tho Pereonat Rqc 4stp in n mannor and at a ptace reasonabhl convanien!to TYttstot urt d L on d e r ..,F,`,
<br /> nrtd mntco It avaUabte b Lendor withln thttr�e(3)dnfl8 sRor r�t���en demsnd hom Lendor. ����nterest ��
<br /> � �dmas��, The mailin0 addrosses ot T�1or tdebtor)end Londer(secu r e d p a A Y)��m w h t ah Ufarmaflon conoernlnfi ,;y,
<br /> 5 granted by tltis Deed of Trust may be obtnined(Qach as requtred by the Uniform CommercUtt Codo),ara+�s s�eted on tho flist paae of thls Ceed ..' f-,
<br /> _. bf'Ctttst. :'�:�.
<br /> FURTF�A A88tAiAW�B:ATfORNEY-IN-FACT. Tho toltowUB ProvlStons reiatlng b fu�thar assurem�s and ariomey-r�-tact aro a��t ef thls .
<br /> „ � Oeed o!Trus� Truatar wiii rt►nk�.ezeaute and delMer�a Wi9 c�us+►to be ��:
<br /> � F��p�yy�. At nny ttmo,nnd h'om Hmo to tlmo,upon m.Quost of landar, Q,.
<br /> .,i mad�a,axeautsd er dellvared�to Londef a to Wndofs dosiprtos.dnd when roquastod by lrondor.causerlstebanY and a�li such matp�a9es. !�t`�`��
<br /> a,
<br /> rorocorclsd.as tho case may be.cst suoh flmos end in suah ofNoes and pfaees as Lender maY "+eAP ---
<br /> �, , deads of tr�i,secudy d�ds�secudty nSroomnnha�flnonctng 6ffitemor�hs.con�unU�Olo n ordsr�o�ofh+ctuato�corrmt�ate,P��c�n�d^��� �;a�
<br /> and olt�er docurc►a►ds es may�in the aoto oPinlan of Lin�o$���d the Reiated Oocumenb,and (b)the Berts and seau�tty interests _^
<br /> ; ', prosmve (e ths obVgsUora of Trusta undor tho Nate, � �._
<br /> , �� poated bY t����Trust on the PropoAy�whuther nou►ovu'TS����a�4u�by Trusta. UNess Prohibited by Iaw a nsreed to �---,.
<br /> . ��a conVery bY Lender in vMflnO,Trustor shatl roimbuteo Lundar tor a11 costs and e�onses inaumed In connotlion v�Ath the mat���to In �;J
<br /> � thls p8re9►aA�
<br /> x Attom�M��. H Tntstor fatb to do anY ot thci Q:in9s retertod to in the preoedtr►y Ptua9�aPh�LoadOP may da so tor nnd N 1l�o narn�o
<br /> ��: Tnatnr and at Tndstors t3xPense. For suah putposa9�Trustor horeby Unevooablfl MDanb Lender es Tntstofa aYtamel�-tMact tat th�puryosa
<br /> • _ • ` reaora'iny,a��tfc�p�!�Ll�n�es mpy be nece�arv or desU�de.9n tsnders eoie opinlon�to
<br /> ., . p}makiny.e�cecuUnp.d8livertrg.tfuip� °- "-
<br /> ip
<br /> :r;��:� eocompllsh tha mnite�s reterred to tn the proosdie0 P�OreP�� on TNStor under Uas
<br /> �;;:,,�. � Ortnit ell th9 CbYp811ot191fttp068d VA
<br /> � FtR.L,PEpFOpfRA1tC& If Tnista paYs ell the Indobwdness when due,and othe�wtss PeA to Trusta suf4b10
<br /> Doed W Trust,Lendtx ahail�cecute and delfver to Tn�tea a request far tuil rocamrs�Ianoe tnd ehall exeeute and deilva►
<br /> sfatemenls ot tsrtnlnaUon ot aml flnandnp staWmant on Ata evtdenatb Len�s�urtl!►Interest In the Rents a�e�l tha Paeoaal Prop�dy. My
<br /> �ecomreyanoe fee requtrad by tnw sheil be pald by Tnaiar,�perMfted Y aPP
<br /> OEFAtR.'S.F.ach o!the tollow{ng�ut the eDtton at Lendot�shn0 conaUtuto an evont o?defautt t"Event ot Defaul!')under tAfs Deod o!7n� —
<br /> " . Det�up on tndebtiGrtass.Fnuure of Trusta to mako any RaYm�%"��n due on the Indebtodness. ���a lr�auranae,o�*
<br /> . petautt on Ol1►t�r PM�� Fntture o!Tn�dor v�tthin the ttrtuf re4�by this Ooed ot T�t to make anY D$Y�'b
<br /> . any aihar DeSR►�ar�t ne�sstul►�prevent flue9 ot ar to afteat d►soharpo o!anY uon.
<br /> Oo�yi�prox,patatft. Felture of Tn�tor to compty vnth any othor tam.obnpat�cn,coveneM a�°nd►uon cor�tained ln this�eed°}Tn�1►�e
<br /> Noto a In any of tho Fteiatod Oocumont�.
<br /> :(:i,'•- � FWo Stwnitnt�.AnY wartaMf►.re0�entatlon a affitemant mnde or fumfsl�ed�ohar ow or at the U�rtw�intde at tumtsh�ed.thb Deod of Tnrst.
<br /> ;;_a�•., • thu Note u tM Relntc�d Oxumenls Is false or mlcleudlrp In any rtudala!resP�. —
<br /> nt d
<br /> ,. .. ` p�yr4�p11�1emUmtlon. Thts peed ot T�vst or any of tho Rzlated OocumsMS cosses to be In NR ta�oe and etle�t qnatudna t�i►uro ot anY
<br /> caltstus1 Qoeumer�ts to CreatO a vnlfd nnd Dortb�d ceautty inte�t at tten)at eusY�me end tor nnY teoson.
<br />�. .� • Tho dra4h of Trw^1ar.�'.�+trs�rfvenny oi Tnntor�tha epya1rrtmeM of a►eoolve►far ar►3►0�ot Tnrstab O+�P�Y�nRY
<br /> . � Det�th or IntOtven�f�• `r� und�nny bankruAUY a
<br /> ''�t�' ossignmo�+t fa tho bertafit of creditores.any�of eredttor wakout.or the comrt+enoement ot aml P��
<br /> htsolvenaN lawe by or e8aln�t Tntstor. �th,er br Judk�181 Prooaod�RB�a�lhheg�.�po�on - _
<br /> ., fweCfoauea�FoAetture�bte. Commc►noemoM c4 t�poclosuro tr�Aelture prooeedtsqs. Hovtev�x.thb suDse�11on uf�et rtot
<br /> - or any oUxtr mcsiihod.bY e�Y�ta ot Tnr�:ar xv Po.y anll 8�merdN eBenaY ape�ns�any M tAo Prope�tl►•
<br /> m
<br /> `-=" ° aPp{y In tRce eva�o!a pood fatth dI�ute by 7n�tta as to tho velt�tty a roasorr�nlblen�s of the datm vrhkh b the basb of tM tondosun or
<br /> - f�r�nihimo prot�ed�rw.Drovtded that�frw:or�Sv�4t�nder wrltton na�loe ot such ctafm and turnishas ntserrea or e a�eh►bond ta fhe delm
<br /> -.. �.�`-��t rsttatactarv to t.rtnder. ---
<br /> �-:;,� L &slch s!Oth�AQeMtenl. Any kroaoh by Tn�sta undar tRo t�mtis of a�Y ather aCreenwni b�ia�n T�u;ic+J ar�d i�rtdw ltt�t ffi n4t refiv.��
<br /> r :�i,tt;� ` pd roN�i�9fieieln,Inciudtnp wtthout Ilmitaffan any npreemazd conoem4rtp aray indebtedrwss or othot ob�nlfon o1 Tntsta —
<br /> ':ti�;.1. '' r , withtn ctnY Brar.�e P� P
<br /> to Wn�.whatRer e�stin�i now or lntet.
<br /> „ �„b�n�lrtoompehsnt,or�rovo7ces cra���►�4hci�Aoocu���Itbp�ity untler.�any tiva►arNf►of the�Irtd�+L�i�. Londer�c th apttor�� ---.
<br /> mny,but ShM nW be required to,P�t 49se�?uara�a's estats to essume uncond�.".onaRf►tho obilgnilons�fsln9 undor Ufa punn�r►b i�i _ _
<br /> . � manrt¢t sallolectotY to dender.nnd,In dafn�co.cure tho Evert a1 DehauN.
<br /> � tn�scu�.L.Ender In good fafitn deomo I��„e14 ii�ecur�.
<br /> fi
<br /> � ._
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