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� , <br /> ^ , � <br /> , <br /> 02—�8�9�0fl 99 , DE�D OF TRU�T ��o a : - <br /> .. lo�n N� 763979 , �,'����� . (Coa9tin�ed) <br /> roatoreUOn and roptlr ot tho Property. If 4ender elects to apply tho prooesst3 to rc�5toratlon and ropatr,Trustar shnll ropnir or ropineo the . <br /> ' damaeed or destroye�Improvamnnta in u mannar eatisfactory to Lendar.Lcjndnr eMtl. upon aeUafactory proot of auoh oxpondituro,pny or , <br /> •• rClmbuRO Tnist�t trom Iho procouds tot tha�easonabto to3t of repsir or rcat�rapo�a Tru4tor ts not in dotautt undor thls Ocod of Trust. Any • .. . <br /> procoeds whioh h4ve not been disbursod wlthin 180 days aftor thafr teatlpland whtcn Londor has not commlttod to tho ropnlr or ro9torntlon of , <br /> ' the Fscpedy ehali be used flr8t to pay any amount owtnp to Londer under iNS Oeod ot Tru51,thon to pny nccrued interest,and!h9 remnindar,If • <br /> anW cho!bu nppl�d to tho pdndpN bulnnco ot tho indnbtodnos.s. If Londa hotds rinrproocnds atlor paymont In tuli ot tho Indebtadnoss,such <br /> prooaod4 ahall Do pnid W Tn�tor ae Trustofo Interoste may eppenr. <br /> Unmc�Ued Intttrance at 8ete. Any unm�ptrsd i�aumnoo ahatt Inure to the OerteAl ot,and Qass to,tho purohasar of the Properly oovurod by thls • _�4 <br /> • • Deod of Truat at any trustee'a sato a othor snto held under the provtslona oHhts Oec3d ot Trusl,or at nny toroGosuro salo of ouoh Propwty. ., • <br /> � "" Com;flimce with tMatinp InQebtCdneae. Ouring the period In whlch anyF�sUng Indabtedness desalbed betow is in eHect,eompllanoo wlth - <br /> • tho Insurartoo proHslo�contatnod lo the InsUUmont ovidencing such EdsUn8lndoAtednoss shall consdtuto complience vilth the insurunce <br /> provtslons undor Ihis Dood of Tntst,to tho e�dent comQilanou with thu taras of thi3 Oeod af Trusl woutd constltulo n duplicndan of Insurnnoo �� <br /> �eQu:romenL If any pr000ads hom the Insuranoa bacome payabte on tos�,the proNSfor�s In this Deed of Trust ror divlslon ot proceeds ohNl <br /> eppty ody to that paUon o!tRe pra�eds not payable b ttre hotder oi Ure OasQinp IndeDtedness. _ <br /> E3t�AEli91TURES BY LEaIDER. It Tfustor falls to eompry rrHh any proNslo�d thb�eed of Trust,Including any obifgatlon to mnlnSain Existlng _�=:>'� <br /> Indebted�sess in good�landing Fsa raquirod befow.or If any aeUon or pr0000ding Is eommencod tlwt would mutedelry atfeat Lendors intarosta in tho , ;��: <br /> " Propary, Lender on Trusto�s behalf may,but sheli not be reqWred to.teko aeY���t Lendor deems tipproprtnte. Any amount that Le�der , <br /> � e�ands t�eo Qotng wN bear IMorest at tho rate provided for In the Note tro�the date Incurted or paid by Lender to the date ot ropayment by �,,..,}���._: <br /> � Tnistor.AII Woh t�enses,at Lendere opflon,w1U (a)bo payabie on domand,(b)be atdded to Ihc�balnnco ot iho Note and be spportloned among -' <br /> .� and bepayable wlth enJr ir�ststiment paymenta to ber,ome due du�ing efther (1)U�term olany appllcable Insumnca po!!ay or (il)the remalnfng term �,i's::; <br /> o!4ho Note,a (o)be treated as a battoon payrniem which wiq be due and payabte at ltus Note's msturlty- fib Deed of trust a�so wtn seoure <br /> . �:s payrne�c�f tA�as&�stount3.Ttsa dgMa ptovld:�tef in thb paraQraph BhnA b91n tddNor�to any othor dghts or any remed}es to whloh Londsr msy bo ` Y�:?..: <br /> em�tled or�sacount of Ihe defaulf. My such aedon by Lendor ahall not be eomtrued as cuin9 Ihe delault ao os to bar 4ondar irom any romedy thnt ` �:F;,,;, <br /> Ita9herwtsewoutdhavahsd. ; ,_'�;- <br /> yVADipAbfTYi OEFE�iBE OF T17LE.Tho toAowing provislons�c'.aSing to ownereNP of tho ProPeM�n paA ot this Oeed at TrusL ; •�,'�'.: <br /> Tlite.Trusta waua�ffi thak (a)Trustor holda pood end martcetabb tHto ol record k the PropoAy In 1�simpte,tree and dear of NI Ilons and ,:• � <br /> eneumbrances o11rer than theso sRt forth in the Real Property desalpdon a ir�Ne Edsdng Indebtedness seetlan below or in any ddo Insuranco ;:-��; <br /> poticy,�lle repo�,ar flnfll Utl9 optnlon issued In tavot oT,and aoceptsd br,lsreder In eonnedlon vdth thfa Dee�l ot Trust,and (b)Trustor hns the •:!"�+� <br /> � � tuE rtgM,powef.end authoiriy to exeoute and deliver this Deed of Tnat to lenakx• `��—� <br /> �r:;a��,,, <br /> � Tn�ta wartanb flnd wiA 4�ever defead the dde t0 th0 Properiy against the � ''�: <br />� pele�le af TItDe.SubJect to the exceptlon in the paie�aph above, �.;._: <br /> Wwtul delma ot al persons. In the event any aotlon or prooeeding is aommencad that qoastlons Trustota dde or tho interest ot Ynistc�e or rj 1:;��� <br /> f:� �:Kr� Lortder under this Deed o!Tnm�Tntstor shaD deTand the aotlon at Tnrstorse�eye�e.Tn�lOr maY be tha nominel parly in suah prooeeding,but `�,,,,,, <br /> Lander shall ba entfUed tA paAtdpnte In the prooeedinp and to be represenbd in Ihe proceoNng by counsel of Lende�s own choke,and _ - <br /> .� ti`�'` Tn�stawl[f detiver,or eauso to ba detivered,to I.�nder suoh Instrumer�ts asL�nder mey request Bom dme to dme to permH auah partldpatton. <br /> ��'� � �a flss wNh alI 0�dsting tWpllcabb law3, � -- <br /> T•;:• {�tnpBw�co i�iiiGi i.ailir. 'i�tsitt w8tt8tt�8ist ltso f'si�esli atsd Tli....�ts� M ttu3?t^;.+�Y � <br /> : ardi�eiaos,and regutaUor�s ot govemmentat aulhortdea. r n-�` <br /> '' �t(d;RIKG IND�t2ESS. The Pollowinp provistons conceminp eadsUo9 indebtedrsess(the'�dsUng Indebtodness'�ere a part o}this Deed of ;s�+�;.i:`..�w. <br /> �it��t,:�: <br /> � ?� 1V1791. _--- ._ <br /> . 1. --_-- <br /> • .�„ Edstlnp tApn. TAo Iten of thb Oead of Tnist seeudr�p tho indsbtedness may be seco�dey and interia�to an�dsUng Ilon. Trustor expr�N •�_ <br /> � y;� oovientnb and aprees to paY�or see to the�aYment ot.tho Ebstlng In�eE�B�s end to prevent amr def8utt on auoh indabtednass,nny de7nwf _.:— <br /> •.+�. underth0lrabrumenb eNdendrg euah indebtoGness,or any delauit undera►oy eecu�y dawreenb tor saoh Indebbdness. . <br /> • �. De9suM. If thd p�ymeM ot arry IrtstaUmerit ot pdndPal or any IMorest on ax� E�dsU Indubtesdr�ess b not mado wlthln t1�Bmv requtred by tho �;��7c;:_ <br /> s <br /> nota e�Adandnp�h Indebtoflness,or shoutd a detautt axw undor the hstrwno 6ecuAnO sueh indabtodnoss and not be curod dwtny crry �--- <br /> ' �,, epplic�bla prsae pertod thereln,then,at tho optlon of Lender,ths Indebbdness secur�ad Dy thls Deed of Tnist shall becomo Immedlutety duo _ <br /> �?:� and poyable,nnd tht�Qes�ot Trust shaB ba In defautt. <br /> ti No fdadiftcadon T�ustot sheli�ot er►ta in4o any agreemont wtth tho hoider of any mortgeQa.deed of tru�t,or othur eoaurity apreertrent whfeh <br /> "" " hts pdalty over'hFS Deed ot Tnnt by whbh that aproomant b modifled,aReendod,extended,a renewad without tP�o p►iar wrftten consent of <br /> lsnder. Tnista ahall netlher re4uest nor eooePt amr fiiture advaiaes wdsr anY euoh security eQreemo�wtthout tho pdor wrttton eonsent of <br /> , ; lert�a�, <br /> CONO�NATIOH. Tho to��owtr�pmvisioro rolaUnp to condemnaUon proa�edngs an►a psrt of thta Dond ot Trust. <br /> `. � AppUC�r�of Ne8 Frocee�e. If alt or any part ot the PropEUty b condamned by eminsnt domaln proceedings or by arry procceding or _._ <br />_ � pw.�eh�a in Ilau at condemnatlon,tsnder mfly a!tts eleoUOn requke Met a0 a any portfon o!the net prooeet�ds of the award be app�ied to 4h� v. <br /> Inaeptednass or Ihe repair ar restoraBOn o!iho Prope�tlr. 'R+e net proceeda ot tho eward shall mean thc�eward eftor paymont of NI reasonsbfa <br /> a�sb,e�er�ses,and attamaya'tees incurred by Trustee or Lsnder In conractlon wUh tRe wrtdemnatlon. �}t, <br /> ' ,� p�oueedirt�t, U eny p�dinp in condemnatlon!s Ned,Tnestar ahap promplty notly Lenaar in wrltlng,and Tnistor ehnii prompUy Tako 8uoh �,rr;������. <br /> i; tidl,, <br /> � stepa u mny be neoesserY to detend the actlon and obte�n the eward. Tmsta may be tM aominat party In suoh proceodinp,but Londor shnN �'t�.-.: <br />�, , . <br /> bg �nlilled to peNdpato In Me prooeedinp and to be represented In the prooacrWq by counsel of Ho own choloo,end Tnmtor wltl dellver o► `- <br /> . .. enusoto be delNered to Lender eueh Imtrumerts as may ba requosted bt it trom tlmo to 9rne to purmit suah parPfcclpaUo». �;- <br /> r <br />- _,::.,R:--...._�.. <br /> - - -�� !"tO?�!�!Q?!t!F TA"'�..'Q�F�f�D CMARQE8 BY tiOYERNM�cMTAL AtJ(MG�NiI iE$. i ha it�iiowing prOVGlOrat re?8iD�ta aovemrtl�+±�Mx�l, �,�:--_ <br /> _� : ..-.___-;� 4aros end cl�¢rgam aro e paR at th�s Qeed o}Trus� . ` <br /> � Cter�ent Taes,Feea�nd Ch*r�os. Upon request by Lonrlcrr,Tn�tor ahei9 exeeute sueh doaumoma In uddl8on to tAfa Da�d ot Tn�st and tako ���-� <br /> ° whstever nther tcuon b requested by Lendor to perfect and coatlnue t�endera Iten on 4tro Ronl PrapeAY. 'fYustor ehNl rotmbtxao Londor tor aD ��� <br /> fe�c�es�es des�aihed 0etow�topether w(th e9 mtpet�incurred in tc�Cadlr�p�PwlectinA or conflnNng thiri Qoed ot►dudtng vrithovt �,;' � <br /> • BrtK�tbn M taxes,tees�dooumentary stamps,and oUar charqas for rocadtnY or repLnterinp thl�Qood o!Tnqt. �..� <br /> ., ° T�ca. Tha fo8owle7�tm8 constitute taxes to wtdch thb secUon appuac (al e�aotfio Wc W�cn thla rypo at Da;d o!Tnist a uRon eU a nny �:-,�..=�-'= <br /> paet of the�ndeDtednpss saeured by Mb Qeod of Tn�sk (b1 a spociRS tvc an Tnator wt�la'h ltusta b autho�od cr rop�tmd to deduat hom 2;;;i`:_-�_` <br /> , . paymenb on the iRdebtadnoss seoured by tAls typo a!L1�0 of Tnu� (ol v 1�on tht�rypa ot�d ot Tnist chnrp¢nblo aQalnut tho tuador or ,{,;,,ll;��_ <br /> _.:;�.:�° <br /> —o , . - <br /> .�� y,L1`N ,..,,r„ r-----:�.r <br /> .. ���• . -�.� .� l. •�.'�� - t _i •y " -' "Y."^�"Y^wi11VIM.'�'�'f!/��Wi�'1 '� :'\ " ?: .� <br /> r � <br /> . . ' . � �� � ' .. <br /> � . <br /> ._..___ ___.._ __ __. _ .__.' _. _.. ___ _ ��. .__ .—_. .:. _.. __ _ _ ___ _ .. . <br /> �\ ' - . . ' ' .. . . . <br /> :l` .. .. ' ` � ' - ' .. <br /> � 1 . , .� . .. � � .. .. �� <br /> . ' _ . , . <br /> � " .. .. �1 � � .. ., <br /> � ... . . . . ,�' . <br /> . . - .. ' .. � �•J .� .(a �i .. '� . .. <br /> .. .\7 ' �i •• �� . . `� .. .. . .. <br /> . �l , r� .. .. `> ,� .i <br /> .. . �: ' '.... <br />