<br /> �
<br /> ' ....._- „
<br /> ��. ,, . ,,. ;
<br /> 08�2@-iflSfl 1����3 0�TiRl1�T •' ����� ��� Pege 3 ..
<br /> Loen No 7830f� (ConUo�un�) � �� .� � .
<br /> „ , . ..
<br /> �-
<br /> scalion ot tha Dead of TNS1. Any Inspoctlons or tests madr�Oy lond�r ehi.'t bo far i,ondcsts purposcs onry nnd ahNt not be oo�uhuod to cron o ,
<br /> any ro�pon�Ibiuty or I:ubluty on th3 pnrt af Lond.r to TNartor or to nny oth2r ptvron. Tho reArosentnnons nnd wurtnnllcs contolnod heroln nro
<br /> vnlevos nny Nturo clalms iagainat�L.endor tor�lndutmniry a aorni�ribW�n lhe ov.^.nt 15rustw��eacomas Ilablo t�or cieanuptor ot�hei�ra�ststu�nde any ..
<br /> such lawa,an9 @)cpr:a to Ind�mnify«nd hold hnnnt�s Lond..x ngalrat nny nnd NI cinlms,Iosscrs,ilnblllUos,dnmagos,ponaltla3,ond _..
<br /> expensps whiah lurtder may dlteoUy or Irtdireetry aut'ml�a aNler rasulting BAm o Eronch of thts eeoUon ot tha�Daod ol T�ust o�es a „
<br /> consenat3nco at anY u^,a,gonarutton,msnufsctum,stmaQo,disposat.maa°A ar ihr�aton9d retouso a�s hemrdous weste or aubatanoe on the
<br /> proparttos. Tho provisions of thl�seCtton of tho Dood W Trust, Indut�tr►� tha obligatton IA IndemnHy,ahail suMvo the payment ot the . ,
<br /> � Irtdebtedness and tho 8aH3factlon und roconveyance ot tho tlun of thts pood ot 7ruut and shall not ba athiatnd by Londer6 aequtslUon ot any . ..
<br /> � " Intorost In tho Property,whether by foreolosuro ar othenvY�o. ?
<br /> Nulta�nce,lNnate.Tnutor ahatt not cau:o,conduet or p�ama nny nu�bnraao npr cammlt,permlt,or sutior nny sWpping ot or waate on or to the .�
<br /> Propertyr o�any padon of tha Proparty. Wl4houl Um1Unp tho pmnaatJty of tha tam8oirtg,Tnutor wili not romovo,or Srent to any other parly ths
<br /> �tgAt to remove.any tlmber.rNrterals(indadtng oi►and pa*ay,tait,Sruv.�ar rock pr4duct�ti�t4hou►the pda wrltto�co�ont ot Lsnder.
<br /> Romoval of Improvementa Trustor shall rtot domoi�h ar remova aey Imyrov�monta trom tho Real Property without the p�to�wri8on eonsent _,
<br /> of Lender. f�s e condiAOn to tPs�remoml of nny Improv�monts��sndtc maY►paulro Ttustor to make artan6amenb satlstactory to Lendor to F��-q
<br /> � re place such Im p rovoments wllA Improvc�m�nts of a!taast equttl val��.
<br /> ,.;-ri�'-
<br /> l.ertder'e Rlpht to Enter. lsnder nnd ib ngonts and raprosoninL'ves rt►�y ont�r upon tho Roat PropeAy at e11 ressonablo Umas to s tten d to , �,.. -
<br /> Lendeits Interostsand to inspect the Proporty tor purpoaess otTnrstto�'s wn�4Unnrn with ihe terrt�s and conditlons ot thts Qoed ef Trust.
<br /> Ca�np�ttartee�vith Gavemmanta!Requtremente. Trvatar ehntl pramplty eompry vAlh ail lawa,ardlnnna�s,and regulaUans,now or hereaAer In .'�������.
<br /> ` s0ect, of all govemrtsanta!aulhoriN�s apAUCC�bte ta tno uso or accu�e�+��y o1 thp Property.a 8��pe��°^��Tnutor has noll�ed Lende► ,. -
<br /> ' ordinanee,or regul$tlon and vdihhoid compitanoe dutlnp nn�proceod�n,,,Inctuding approP ; __
<br /> �• In wr(dn8 p�to�to doirtg so and so long as,in Lends�saie oplNor►.Londo�s IntvresLS in the PropoAy ero not jeopeMined. Leede►maY re4��re ;•'�_:
<br /> �, Tnator to post a0squale sc�curity a n sureh bond,reasov►nbh�saustectory ta 4onde�,ta Motec!Lende�interes� -
<br /> • * puly to Protect.Tnistor agrees neithar to abandon nar t�nro unntt�ndo0lhD Prop�rly.Tn�stor sl�sli do all other aoffi,In addltlon to thoso aats
<br /> set fotM above in thts seetton,wh�h hom the characler u�d use ot t�e Praporty aro reasonabry rteoesseill to protect and presewe ths Property _.�ti�
<br /> '<� OUE ON 8ALE-�ONSII�iT Btl tENDER. Lond�may.al it�opflon,dctfaro imrtwdlntaty due and pa y�a blo�►an�tnteres!in bhye�R�at Properly. A _
<br /> � a° " upon th9 eele a t►ans!er.wlthout the Lendets pda wrtiV�n consent,of au m nny p�rt ot tho Real F�roperty� y
<br /> '�ale or UgflsfeP rttearo ttw conveyanoe of Ra3t Ptoporty tx 4nY�fBht,U1m or IrRS�ast lhoreln;whether topat,benofldal or equitabie;whether vduntery
<br /> " �, or Inv�untary;whother by outrfpM sa1e.daed,ir�statlmnnt ealo cor►truct,tand conbnot,cor►irsct tor deed.leesehold interest wilh�txm Orester than . -�_
<br /> r,. throe(3)Years.leas�optton contract,or by sal�,asslgnmoent,a tra�hx o1 uny bonoflclal Interat In or to ar�Iand trust hotdinp Uqe to the Roal '
<br /> Property,or by any other method ot coavr�renae o!Reat Propah►tntorosf. tt ony Taustor Is a eaporatlon,paRnershlp or Umitad UobU�r company, ��,..
<br /> � �••—�
<br /> 'i � bansfer ek;o lndudes ar►y chanye in oa►ne�shlP of moro t►wn hventy-tivo pe�asnt(8596�o!th8 voting atodc,perfierehip interesb a pmited UablAry ,:;�;�
<br /> ;; : company I�taraHS. as Ihe casa maY be,af Tnutor. How�or.lNa opflon s�i�!1 not ke exorcbed by l.enAor If auch exero�se b prohibfted by federal �r
<br /> ,' j` Iflw Or by iV�ta.ka�tan. ° -
<br /> a�
<br /> 7N(E8 AND LIENB.The foUowing provlstons cetaUnp to Iho taxos and ltons on tha Propofij mre n pnrt ot thb Ooed o!Tnist. �y;
<br /> Peymen� Tnutor ahdt pay when duo(and In np evantn prtar to dcAnqurmayq eJl t�uces.epeolal texes�assess^�eMs�aher�s MGu��water � _
<br /> :.��'�,� and sower),flne3 ettd ImposlNoro 19v180 eyttinst ot 0n tioCOUnt o?lhe PmpElziy,an�st�pay when due att detms ta wak don�on a ta
<br /> , ,;a.!�, . spMees rendered er materi�fumisAed to tho Proporry. Tmsta ah�m4lrAailn thv Property hoe of aA U8�huvinp prtodty ovar or aquel ta the
<br /> ' � Mterest of Lendor under thb Deod ot'ftust,exoept Por the E¢n of t�w�t u�d at�esssmenb�ot due,axoePt for the oxbUnp Iadebtodne�s►efeRed �
<br /> ' r to bWow,and arooPt as o t l�w l s e Pro w d e d t n f h t s O o o d o t T r t L 9 G '�`��
<br /> ° .. �� pipht To Coatesl. Trustar may�v1U+hotd paYment ot av+ twc.as�srnant.oT da�m in conneallon vuilA a pood feftt►dlspute over thu oblipation —_
<br /> �� to oay,so ionp as trenders Interost tn tho PropurlY Is no��eo�ard�a. It a Umn a�os a ts Ned as a re�Wt of aortpayrnent,'frustor e1W1 within - --
<br /> ftfteen(tb�daye efler Ihe 11en ar�os or,N a 4en ts 1lY�d,wilNn t�sn p8)daya aRer Trustor has na1loe ot the fiUnp,ceouro the d1�ch�}e of tlee _
<br /> " Ilen.or tt re�quKSted by LenOor.do�osit wlth londor ensA or n BuRxleitt corporate swelY bertd or other sect�lty eat�tory to t s n tl e r in an _ _---�
<br /> a' smo unt s�ent t0 d�chor90 tho Ilen plu�uny eot,ts and attomaya'taoa or ori�chergos tlwt coutd aocrue as a resuft of a torect�uro a se�e
<br /> �`` under tho Iter+. In e�ny contest,Tnrstor shatf dofend I�s1t and Lendtv and siWi Eattsty any edve�so Jud2ment before e n b n yment egalnst the ��..�
<br /> propeAy.Trustor shaU eame Loedor ae nn addltlonN omllgae undar nny surat��bond fumished tn the contest prooesdinpa. �_�-
<br />