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<br /> 9g-��j���2 ._.
<br /> Financial Repoatn npo l�dditio�pl Documente.Trustor wlll pravidc to Benrticinry upan rrquc�t, :+ny financial ;
<br /> stntemcnt ar Infarmatl�n Bene�ciary may deem reusonsbly necessary.Tru�tor u�reca tu wign,delivcr,und filc any ;.
<br /> uddldannl dacumanGv or cenificntians thae BeneCciary may cansider nece�.gary to perte¢t,continuc,and preserve �.
<br /> Tru.gtor's abliBntionfl under thl.g Securlty Instrument and Beneficisry's lien status on the Pruperty.
<br /> 6. W'At318Aid'1"C'OII�TfIT1.E.Tru4tor wanants that Trusror ia or�vUl be lawfuUY sei�ed��t thc estnte conveyed by this
<br /> Security lastrumunt anut l�ax the ri�8t tu irc�voc:►bly srant,convcy,and srll the Property ta Tru�tee,in trust, with
<br /> power af tutle.Trutitor also w»rrants that the Property is unencumbered,except far encumbrnncea of record.
<br /> 7. DUE ON SA�LE.1..endet may,at its optian,declare the entire balance of the Secuted Debt te�be immediately due ' "+��..,
<br /> and payable upon t��e creaUon of,ar cantract for the creation of,n transter ar sule c�f the Property.This d�ht is ��
<br /> � � ' subject to tha reetxictIores Imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicubie. ,,.,� ,
<br /> 8. OEFAUII.T.Truatar will be in defuult if any of the foUowiag occur:
<br /> ° Fraud.Any Coanumer Bonav+er eA�a es in fraud or material misreptesentatian in connectiun with th�Secured ..
<br /> Debt thut te an o�sun enc�home equlty p�aa. �����:•''
<br /> Payment�.Any C.cmeumer Bonower on any Secured Debt that is an open end home equity plan fails to make a ,,�.,�,
<br /> , payment whaa dua. �' ����_
<br /> Progeriy.Any ectflun oi tnactlon by the Borrawer or Grantor occurs that adversely aftects the Property or Lender's _.,.
<br /> rights in the Prapecty.This includes,but is not Umited to,the following:(a)Grantor fails to maintain required ���•�-".
<br /> ,,,
<br /> � insurance on the Pro�erty; (b) Cirantor transfers tYae Property; (c) (3rantor cammlts waste or otherwise ' :��;
<br /> � destructjvely usss oi fFUls to maintain the Property such tbat the action or lnaction adversely affects Lender's ��---
<br /> security;(d)iirantor f3ils to pay tuxes oa the Property ar otherwlse faUs to act and thereby caaseR a IiQn to bs filed �"��,�;
<br /> against the Pro�rcrty that is senior to the lien of this�ecurity Instrument;(e)a sole C3ratttor dies;(f�if more than ��•.
<br /> , one Citantor,any oramtor dies and Lender's aecurity is adversely affected;(g) the Property is taken through ��`__�
<br /> ' eminent domain; (h)�jud�cneat is filed against Grantor and sub�ects Grantar and the Property to action tbat ---
<br /> ��{�7:�;' ` adversety affecta Lendur's snterest;or (i)a prior lienholder forecloses on the Property and us a rrsult,I.ender's ���i�'"
<br /> " � interest is adverscfy utf¢cted. ..
<br /> � Executdve OSu3�ea�.Aay Borrower is an executive ofGcer of Lender or an afCiliate and such Borrower becomes �;_:
<br /> Indebted to I.ender or�nother lender in an a�regate amount greater than the amount permitted under fedaral
<br /> � laws and regula8aoas. ���
<br /> ' �ij� 9. ItEI�d�DI�S Olel DE6�AUI.T.In addltion to any other remedy available under the tcrms of thja Security .
<br /> �It, Inatrumcsnt, Benaficiary may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Secudty Instrumeat in a manner �`�f
<br /> '� provldad by law if Trustor is w default.In some instances,federal and atate law will re uire Bene�clary to providc ----'
<br /> ,.
<br /> � Trustor with noticc oi the dght to cure,or other notices and may establish tlme sche ules for fotecloaure acttons
<br /> , ,� ;�ud ma•cstabliah Limc°.ches3t�l�s fQr forPclosttre Action�c.Each Trustor requests a copy of any notice of default and _�
<br /> a
<br /> ttay ao ce of snl�thereunder be mailed ta each Trustot at the addtess provlded in Sectlon 1 abave. �,_
<br /> ��' At tha option of tlne�eneficiary,all or any part of the agreed fees and chazges,accrued interest end princtpal shall
<br /> i'';r�:��,
<br /> � %�'r.�..-i�;#. become 3ntmadi�e¢ly date and payable.after givin�natice if required by law,upon the occturence of a defs�ult or
<br /> - anytime tharea�eer.
<br />- , ', If thctre is a de€�r*:lt,Trttstee ahtiU,at the re uest of the Bene6ciary,adverttse uad seU the Property as a whole or in
<br />. sepurate parce;s a:puh�9ic auction to the hig�eat bidder for cash and convey absolute title free aud clesr oi all r��ht, _----
<br />- title and mterest ot Trustor at such time and pIace as Tnrstee desigaates.Trustee s6all give notice of sale includiag __�
<br /> the tane,terma aad pluce of salc and a descriptioa of the property to be sald as required by the appHcs►ble law in _
<br /> effect at the tirac of thr�proposed sale.
<br />- ' Upon sal�of tAa pr�etty und to the extent aot prohibited by law,Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to tho 1'roparty
<br /> sold which coavey�nbsolute title to the putchaser,and after�rst paying all fees,chsrges aad wsts,shall pay to _
<br /> Beaeficiruy all awaay�advanced for repaits.taxes,insurance.lieng,assessabents and prior encumbranoes and interest
<br /> - thoreon,aad tb.Q gzlneipal and interest on the Secured Debt,payu�g the sucplus,if any,to Tcustor.Sene�elary mey
<br />� .. . ' purchase the Fra�gerty.The recItais in aay deed of conveyance shell be prima tacie evFdeace of the facts set forth thereta.
<br /> Tho acceptance bq B¢aeHciary of any awn in paymeat or partial payment on the Secured Debt after the balaace is
<br /> � � �'�'� due or is accel�eated nr after foreclasure proceedings are 6 1ed shall not constitute a waiver of Betteflciary's dght to
<br />� require com{�i�tt¢cure:of any exLvting default.By not eserclsing any remedy on Trustor's default,Beneficiary daes
<br /> � not waive Ber.��ciary's rigbt to later consi der t he even t a de fa u l t i f i t i�a p p e m s a g a i n. --
<br /> i0. �EPIS�S;I4��1M1CTS ON COVENAN'1'�ATTORNEYS'FEE5;COLLECTION COSTS.1f Trustor breaches �
<br />-� any covenant in tt�ie Security Instrument,Trustor agrees to pay all expenses BeneGciary incurs in perfom�ng such ___
<br />-- covenaats or protectmg its securtty interest in the Pr o p erty.Such espenses include but are not ljnuted to,fees
<br /> � Iacurred for fasgactiag,preserving,ur otherv�ise prote c U ag t he P r ope rt y a a d B e n e fl c�a r y's security interest•'fhese
<br /> "``�.�z r.v�-r,.� e x p e n s es are pu yublu un demand aad will bear tuterest from the date of payaient until paid in full at t he highast rate of —_
<br /> "°°= ='- • Interest i�c�:c-t aa prnvided in the ternts of the Seceued Debt.Trusror agees to pay a ll costs an d expenses i ncurre d by
<br />- ��^ �-. '�� ;,�u�5�iary[n caticctaag,eafozdng or protecting Heneficiary's ti$hts anrl rPmedi'c nnder thn Secuntv Lystrumcnt. _
<br />':.�,�. .'.,{�,,,l� 'IShie amount may inciu�e,bnt Ls aot Umited to,'I'rustee's fees,court casts and other legul expenses.To the emeat --
<br /> pennitted by th►t Ui�iaed States Bantiruptcy Code,Tr�stor agrees to pay t�e reasonable Attomeys'fees Benefia
<br /> �.�t?r�%�' � mcurs to coiluct the Se�ur�d Debt as awarded by aay courc exercising jurisdictton under the Bankruptcy Code.Th� -
<br />- ' . .. Secucity 1nat.,m;�ent shall remain in effect until released.Trustor agrees to pay for aay recordadon costs of such ��__'.i_
<br /> � rel�use. ,•=,��-=-
<br /> ]l. �Ni�II180A��IE.'�'TAY.Lf�.�VS AND HA�A.RDOUS 5UBSTANCES•As nsed ip this sectlon.(1)Envfmnmontal Law �"�--
<br /> '::�s�, ^ '� Com ensation and Lia631ity Act(CEItCLA, : ';;;:;;;
<br /> meana,witbcsut Wnitatiar�,the Comptehensive Bnvtronmental Response, p
<br /> _ �r�.�;;'�' A?U.5.C.9601 et seq.),apd aU other federal,state ansi local laws, re�ulations,ordinances,court orde�s,attomey
<br /> genoral npini�s or intetpretive letters concerning the public heulth,safety,welfare,environmant or a haaardous _
<br /> substeace;nud 2) Hazardous Subatance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material,waste,poliutaat �r
<br />- � caniaminas�i:.�ich ha�characteristles which render the substance dan�erous or potentially dan�erous to the publie �'-
<br /> hoelth,safaty,wclf�re or eavironment.'Ihe term includes,without linutation,any substances defined as"hazurdous :�..
<br /> � . materiat;"`to�tic subxtances,""hazardous waste"or"hazardous substance"under any Environnsentnl La�v. +���`
<br /> _.:,rl,
<br /> Trustor repmseatx,warrants and age�that: `'
<br /> -. . ••____�_'.'e..tw..�..�L.......ii11.o
<br /> �;.
<br /> = A. Except as previously disclosed aad acknowledged m wricing to isenen�i�ry,uo n�..Nw�..��.�.�.��- ��-r- -
<br /> • lucatad, stored or released an or in the Property.This restdction does not apply to smull qunntities of
<br /> „ . ° Fiazarduue 5ut�tanoes that arc generally recogaized to be appropriate for the aormsil use and maiatenance of ,
<br /> � " tha Pm�orty.
<br /> � B. Except u�previuusly disclosed and ackaowledged in wtiting to Benefidary.Trtastor and every tenant have been,
<br /> � are,and shall remctin in full wmpliance with aay applicable Eavironmentu!Iaw.
<br /> n
<br /> - C. Trustar shall fmimediatel�y notify Beneficiury if a release or threatened release of a Harardous Substence oxu�s •
<br /> on,unde�r or u�out the Pro�perty nt therc is a vloladon of any�nvironmental Law ooncernin�the Property. In
<br /> 9UCI1 8D BVNQI,'TYustor shaU take all necess�►ry remedial action w aocordance with any Envirunmental(La�.3 ofa)
<br /> — ., O t4B�13,utas 5yrtem�.�nc.S Cbud.hiN Fam OCAAEDTSF tU7N8 � ,
<br /> �
<br /> _► I I��
<br /> � �, _
<br />