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<br /> " _�� D. TruHtor ahall immediatcly notify Benefictary in�vritlng as saon as Trustor hns reasan tn b�lievc thare lR any �
<br /> pcnding or threnteaed investi$ation,claim,or praceeding relatfn�to the release or threatened relenso af any ���.
<br /> ,� Hezardous Substonw or ttte vcoladon of eay Eavuonmental Law.
<br /> • � 12. C3C�OW TOR T�S AND INSUQtANC�.Ualess othe�se provfded in a separate agreement,Truator wW not �- -
<br /> " ` .: be tequired tu pay to Beneficisry+tunds Pur taxes anci iasuroace in escrotiv. .
<br /> � �3. JOII+PP.�ND 1NDl�DUAL.LIAB�.i�'i C0,4IGNERS=SUCCES30133 AND Ag9IG1VS BOTIND.A11 duttes ua�ler _
<br /> this Security Instrumeat are joint cwd indivldusl.lf Trustor slgns thls Securtty Instrument�ut does aot 5fgn eu evldeace of
<br /> :,� debt,Trustor daes ao only to mortgage Trustor's interest in the Pro rty w secure paynaeat of 4he Secured Debt and
<br /> Trustor doea not agme to be persondly liable on the Secured Deb If tbia Security Instrument securea s gusruary
<br /> ---�� ��xi between Benoflciary and Trustor.Trustor egrees to �vaive aay d8b��at��Y P�veat Beneficiary ftoui brinBiag enY
<br /> ., � acHon or cl�im a t Trustor ar aaypariy indebtod under the obligadon.Thes6 d�hts naay include,but ere not Umtted
<br /> . _ ,� tu,any anti-de ency or one-o rand Benefic�e dutles ead benefits af this Security Instrument shall biitd aad benc8t the __
<br /> •,�, s u o c e s s o r s a n d a s s i g n s o P T c u s t �Y
<br /> f iq, g��,rRpg�,�yi I�ITERpRETATION.T�3s Security Iastnunent ia complete a n d f u lly i ntegra te d. T h l s S e c u r l ty
<br /> ' InsmuY►ent�asy not be amended or modi�ied by araS ngreement.Aay section la tt�iis Secwity Insm�are°�,�a°��t luw
<br />..';,.. . .` � or any ageement related to the Secured Debt that conf]icts withappllcable law will aot be egfective,
<br />-'•`�Y:'�'} expressly or impHedly per�ita the varlations by written agreement.Tf aay section of t6ts Security Iastruanent cannot be
<br /> - enfnrc.�d ac�cording to its terms,that sectioa will be severed aud�vlll not aff�et the eafarceabiliry of the remainder of
<br /> this Security In�trumea�Whenever used�e s�►b'��sinali include the p!�:��d the plursl the�sgnilar.The cap�ona
<br /> ti�'��,;:• aad headiags of the sections of��n��of the essencenla thls Securtty Iastrumen� ��ed ta interpret or
<br /> n de�ne the terms of this Securiry
<br /> :,�;s� �� 1S. 9L1CC1ES30R TItUSTETs.Beneficlarv,at Benafieiary's optioa,may from tIme to ti�e remove Trustee and appoiat
<br /> ' ; .�_ a suc�essor trustee without aay othar form�ty��e�aower�and dunes coafergred up n'IYust a by tthis Seautlty
<br /> L coaveyance of We Property,shall succeed P
<br /> ,�'�.'� Instrumant aad appllcable laa.
<br /> -. �,,;,,, y g y it b fust class
<br />-_:���.���
<br /> :.��� 16. NOTiCE.Unless othervvlse rs9uired by law,any x�oNce shall be givea b dellverin it or b g Y
<br />