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... �. . . �1�.�I� � .� . . <br /> .. .. ±I. 1 ' � � .. <br /> .. 1 . n.. <br /> �i .. <br /> . .� ' <br /> , .. . . �. . � . <br /> .. .,.. ,. . . <br /> , � �. .. . ' . _ . ... ... ..... . ..._.._. ..'"__ ' <br /> . . . . . ...t... .. ... ! <br /> , __...._"". ._... _ .. . ...' I <br /> � � „ 99m �t����� , . <br /> B. All futurc udvana:s fram Bencficiury to Trustor or othar tuturc obligutduns��f Truytur tu aenefici��ry undcr any � <br /> prumi.s.sory note,contrnct,guarnnty,or ather evldence of d�bt executed by Tru.�:tnr in(nv�x ut 8�nv[ic�i►ry exccuted <br /> after thts Securlty Insuuraeat whethor or nat this Seeuriry Insuument is sp�cifi�ally rcfurcncud. If mun than une <br /> •. person signs tGIs Secudty Instrument,each Trust�r agroea thut chia Security lnatrumunt �vill s�cur�ull futurc ;. - <br /> advanccs�►nd futurc abligutions thnt nre�iven tn or incurred by nny onc or mara Tru�tur,or ony onu or marc ltustor <br /> " and others.All tuture advances and other future obliBations are aecured by thls �txurity Instrumont evcn t8ough a11 <br /> h <br /> or part may aot yet be advunced.All future advances and othar futuro obligatians are sccuted c►A it made un t6e dute ';a►,.� <br /> � of this Security Ipsuuraent.Nothltsg in ehls Security Instcumant shaU cnnstituto a aummitment to mnlce additianal or <br /> ---�-J future loeas or advances ia any amouu�.AnY such cammitmant must be agrced t��in a se�urute wdting. <br /> u <br /> • C� includiag,b tgnot�nlimited torU bilities for overtbrafts clating to any dppo it account�ug eemeint belwe n � <br /> ^ draator and I.ettder. _ <br /> D. All additlonal sums advanced and expeasas Mcuned by Bene�ciary for insuring.presetvin�ur othetv�viae _ <br /> � protectin�the Propercy and its valua aad aay otliar sums advanced and ozpunses incuned by Boneficiary under =___ <br /> the tern�s of thi.c Security Instrument. _ <br /> In the eveat that Lender fails to provfdo any necessary notice of the right af rascission with respect to any _;°: <br /> ���,.� additioaal Indebtedness seci�red under paragraph B of thia SecHon,Lender waiv�s any�ubsequent Accurity lntereat ss4__ <br /> "t�;;.;;: •• in the drantar's pzlncipal dwelling tbat is created by thla Sccurity Iastrumont (but doea not waive the secudry _ <br /> . . �• Laterest for tho dobts referonced in paragraph A of tbis Section). _� <br /> g� pEE�O�q�It�1�T CO{�iV�1'i'3.Trustor ugrees that thP cc�venants in this seation ara matedal obligariona under • �� <br /> ,.• <br /> the Secured Deht and tlu3 Security Instruman� If Trustor breacbes any cavenarn in thls sectian, Beneficiary muy �,.�,K; <br /> „ refuse to maka addltional exteasions of credlt end reduce the credit limit.By not axarcising either remedy ou'Ttuytor's R_--_� <br /> '� breach,BeneficiAry duea aot waive Beneficinry's right to later cansider thc event a braach if it happens agaiu. ��-- <br /> ��, ' Puymente.Truator agrees that all psymontB undar tho Secured Debt will be paid wh�:n due and in accordance with �_ ;�:' <br /> ^ ;; , the tertns of tha Secured l�ebt and this Security Inatrument. �._, _ <br /> , � Prior Seenrity lnterests.With regard to aay othar mortgage,deed of truat. socurity agreemant or other ltoa �..;.._ <br /> ' � document that created a prior security inter6st or encumbrance on the Proporty,Truator agrees to make all �}i_ <br /> '"_°t,.'ti' . <br />- � c�'t>���,•. payments whea due and to perform or comply with aU covenunys.'IYustor g so agees not to ally w any modi�cntlon � : <br /> ..,.�,t <br /> �,:��:?��". or extensioa of.nor to request aay fature advances under an nate or a ooment secured b thc liea ocument <br /> . "�.�`` w(thout Beneficiary's prlor wtEtten approval. �-= <br /> �:� <br /> � Clyimv�►gain5!lytte.Trustor wlll pay alt taxes(includIng any cax assessed to this Aeed of Trust),asnessment�,liens, ___ <br /> ., \_ �. , ; encumbrancos, lease paymeats,grouad rente,utilities,aad other cdargos rolating to tbc Propsrty when due. _ <br /> �` :,;. ;; ' HeneScier�►may require Trustor tu pru��ida i.z 33ancficlar'copies Qf�11 nQtic�-� thAt such amounte ure dur and the _ --- <br /> recetpW evideacing T r�u tar's payment.Tratator w i I l de fen c�t i de t o t h e P ro p�rt y a grdnst an y claima that v�ould impatr <br /> the lien of thLs Sec�ulty Instrument.Trustor agrees to assIgn to Beaeficiary.aa royuasted by Beneficlary,any ri g l�ts. — <br /> '� claima or defenses Trustor may hav�againac parties who supply Iabor ar matodals to maintain or inzprove the <br />_' -.,.. ,.. • property Conflitton.Alteratto»g sind L�epedton.Trustor wW kee�p We Properry in gooc�condittan and meke all repatts <br /> n <br />- '' ` t ha t a r e r e�s o n ubl y aece a s a ry.Trustor ahall not commit or aUow aay wasta,irnpairment,az deterloratian oi the <br />�_�!:,;�:!,1;,;!^f,': , Pcoperty.'Ilrustor agrees that the nature af the occupancy and use will not subst�n t f a l lyc hangc w i t ho u t B e a e f i c i a ry's <br /> {��:1;�,`t� prlor written cunsent.Truator will aat permit any chaage in any license, restriativn coveaant or eesemeni without <br /> �o,,:,�;,.�..� Heneficiary's prlor wcitten consen�Truetor wlll notify Bene�ciary of all domands,proceedings,clnims,amd aztlons <br /> +,r. , against Trustor,and of aay loss or damnBe to tlte Property. <br /> Beneficiary or Beneficlary's ageuts�enafi�'s option,enter the Ptoparty at any reasor�ablo tlrne for the <br />�-.-.-.-„"�;,, puipose of inspectlng We Property. Benofiaisry shal �ive Trnstor noNce at tho timo of ar before an inapecdon <br />�"-"�' for the ists�ectfon.Aay�as(�ection of the Propnrty shall be entirr:ly for Beneficiary's <br /> _--:-t�..�„ a reasonable purpose <br /> �� :-_-� � 8 <br />��- s•� bene t and Truator wlll in no way rely oa Bene6ciary's inspection. <br /> �r�`�" Autho:tty to Pedornn.If Trustor faiis to perform any duty or aay of tbo covonanta contataed ta this Security <br /> -=.--�',,.;. I n strumen t,Bene fi d a ry m A y,w i t h o u t n o t i c e,�Serfo�m or cnuse them to be perforrned.Trustorsppoints Beneficiary as _ <br /> _ _;,,,�-,.,�. , h � e E r 3nry's d g ht to e r fotm <br /> �.",-" ';= attomey tn fact to siga Truswr's nainv or pay any emouat neccssary forpe�formance•Ben P <br /> -" � �"� for Trustor ehall not create an obll�adaa to perform and Beacficlasy's fellure to podorm wiU nat preclude Bene�icIacy <br />-- ,,�r .,'` from exercjsing any of Benefidury a other rIght�un c�er the law ot t2ns Security Insttumeat. _ <br /> J� Lexyeholds;Condo�pl�nned Unit�vclopme�s.Trustox agrees to aomply with the provisions of uny lease If <br /> r���:=r�. this Security Instrument{e on a leasehald. di thB Property includes a uait in a coadominium or a planned unit <br /> ��"'$,�;T1�':> _ dsvelopment,Trustor will perforat all of Truetor's dutica under tde covanants. by-laws. or regulatioas of the <br />__���-•µ_;;�� wndomtatum or plsaned nait devclopm@nt, _ <br /> �._�,�:.-.�i t:ondem�t�on.Truatvi wiii give BeneBciary e�:+trpt uo�ice c�f any l�ndin� ot thmateneA arttan,by private or publie � <br /> ^� .'9F`:��s'•�'�� entities to purchase or take nny or ail of di��WEn:tty iauvu�a w�w�t....���p�crni�tent%��+inAin,�r any other m�ans. <br /> r'`•-:-- •' --- <br /> _,:,N.�_ ,. Trustor suthorizes BeneSclary to iateNene in Trustor's name in any of the abovo dascribed actions or clainos.'IYustor - <br /> assig�s to neneficiary the proceeds nf any awuid or c1alm for damages connected with a candamnation or otLer taktng <br /> _ � , �.� � o f a l l o r a a y p a rt o f t h e P r o p e rt y.Such proceedn ahell ise considered paymants and wUi be applied as provided in this � - <br /> • �� Security In�rument.This essignment of proceeda is eutsjsct to the terans of ony pnur m�rtga��e,dee d o f m i s t,s e c u r i t y - <br /> � ..� agceement or other llen document �••.- <br /> � 4 pnsucanoe. Trustor shall keep Property iasured agttinst loss by Sre.tload,theft and ot6ar hazards and tisks reasonably r:-� <br />- Y� assosiated arith the Pcoperty due to atsryp e and l�►tfma.This wsurance ahsll be rnainteined ia the amounts and for tflie ,�._,. <br /> � p�riods that Beneficiary requires.'I'Qioiasuraace carrter rovidL�Q thc insursnocs shu11 be chosen by Tivstar subject t� ., <br /> ` � : '� BeneBclary's ap roval,which shull t�ot be unm.t�onablY� Trustor fails to meint�the wverage des pb� �:;` <br />- ' ubove,Bene��ary may,at BeneHc:inry's option.obtain covera�rc to protect Boaaticiary'x ti8hta in the Pro e —... <br /> .;:r� a000rding to the tecros of this Security Iusmunont. 1�; <br /> � � - r�1111nsurance polides nnd renewnls shall be a�xxpu►bte to BeacCciury aad shall iariude a staudard"martFage clause" �; <br /> .`�1.'i'-�- �- and,where applicable,�los�payee claus L:Tcus'or s�fi„n��t Qly�n�ornn B� B eflc3erY requins,rTrus�or ehall <br /> _ � -. <br />- � - -..--- of tLe i4spiitII�.Deneacia�r oiaau uo.�...�.•a••••••»-._.--- ----- - <br /> " immediutety give to Bene6ciary all�ecelpts of paid precn�ume and renewal c�aticas,Upon loss.Ttustor ahati tpve <br />- immediate aotice to the inaurunce carrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may mnka proof of loss it not made <br />� -, � immedlately by Trustor. � <br /> ' � ^ Ur�less othenvise agreed ia writing.s�ll ia9urtu►ce Procecds sl�c�ll hc uppHed to tha restoration or rep�ir of the Property . , <br /> or to the Secure�De6t,whether or not then due,at �ene6cinry'x option.My ap�tic:�tiun�t proceeds tn principal �.,-. <br /> ahall not e�tend or postpone the due dnto of the scheduled ptiym�tnt nur chas�go c amuunt of ony puyment.Auy <br /> • excess will he paid to t�e Trustor.Ii the Propercy is nrq ulred hy BenaCcciury,'I'enstor's rit�ht tc�nny insurance po6cies <br /> Y ° ' c�nd prac�eds resulting[rom damuQe tn tt u i��o�nerty beiare tha n�:c�ulsltfun shnll pass to Bc»efciary ta the extent ot ttta <br /> �_ SecuredDebtimmedfutelybefurcth� oq �rugo2dtq <br />��. <br />_� .. � .. �1ti9100NOm 6y:tCiU.lnt-St pou0.�tN FOtm OW-REDTt1G tMrt19 <br /> a . r <br />