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<br /> �� At the option of Beneflciary, all or any part of the agreed fees and charges. acxrued interest and principal shall become
<br /> Immedistely due and pnyuble,atter givipg notice if required by law,upon the occurrenee of a default or anytime thereafter.
<br /> In addition,Beneflciary ahall be entitled to all the remedies provided by luw, the Evidence of Debt,other evidences of debt, , �
<br /> ' ' thia De�d of Truat and aay related dacumenta Including without limitati�n,the power to sell the Property.
<br /> If thcre in a defuult,Trust�e shall,in edditfon to any other pemiitted mmedy. at the request of die Beneficlary,advcrtisc and .��
<br /> sell the PropeRy as A whale or la separate parcefa�t pubiic auction to the highest bidder for caeh and convey absolute dtle
<br /> ° free and clear of all right. dtle and intereat of Tn�ator at such tipme aad pl P�yatee designates.Trustee ahall givelicab e
<br /> """'"''�� of sala including the time. terms and place of salo and a descd tion of the ro rt to be sotd as required by the app ^
<br /> - •::,��.
<br /> � '�� law in affect at the time of tde pmposed eale.
<br /> • Upon eale of th�property and to the extcnt not pmhiblted by law.Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property sold •.';'`.
<br /> � which convey� absfllute title w the purchaser, and after first payina all fees. cherges and casts+ sbail pay to Beneficiary all .�,�_W:
<br /> maneys advunced for repalre, taxes. i�eurance, liens, assessments and prior encumbrances and interest thereon, and the �s�.
<br /> `:. . principal and 'utterest on tbe Securt.d Debt. paying the surplus, if any,to Truscor. Beneticiary may purchase the Property `_-..
<br /> � The re�itals in any deed of coaveyanc�shall be prima facie evldence of the facta set forth thereln. . ��_,,.
<br /> ' �, p�l re��es are dlstinct. cumulative aad not exclusive. nad the Beaeficlary la entitled to ull remedies provided nt on the .c�,,,��
<br />- •• equitp,wbether exptessly s�ferth or not. 7he acceptance by Beneficiary of uny sum in payment or partial paym .,
<br /> Sec�red Debt uiter the ba/�aace is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings ate filed ehe11 aot const�tute a�Yaiver ;:., ,;
<br /> �� of Beneft�:iary's�ight to require full and complete enre of eny existlr►8 default.By not exercising aay re�eclY an Trustar's ;'',;,'�':
<br /> n
<br /> •� � default.Bene�iciary daes not watve Beneficiary's dght to later conaider the eveut a default if it contimies or happens agnin. 7i�,,
<br /> ;i•. .,aCt:=Y
<br /> ,, �, 18.EXPENSESi �V�CFS ON COVENANPS:a'1'fURNEY3'FEES;COI.LECTION COSTS.Excepc when prohibited i,�_�d
<br /> '.' .'� by law�T�uator agrees to pay all of Beneflc�lary's expenses if Tcustor breaches any covenaut ia this Dec�d of Trust.Tmstor N�x�_
<br /> will also pay on demand all of Beueficiary's expenses iueurred in collecting. iasuring.PreseNing or prote��g�e�P�Y ��,_=�
<br /> Trustor a rees to
<br /> or In eay inventorles,audlis, inPpectioas or oWer exainination by Beneficiary 1n re,spect to the Property. 8 _
<br /> �. pay ull costs and eapenss.v lacurred by Benefiv�iary+ in eaforcing or pmtecting Beneficlary's rights end remsdies under this ��v
<br /> Deed of Tcust.iaeluding,but not limited to,attorneys'fces.court costa+end other legal expenses•Once the Se�ured Debt is
<br /> fWly and finally paid,Beneflciary agreea to release this Deed of Trust and Tcustor agrees to pay for aay recor'dation ccste• �-
<br /> "�-• 4�!s u r h a a u+��n�a nre due on demand aad�vlll bear intereat from the time of the advaace as the highest rate in eff�ect�from _
<br /> _ .���� time to time�as pmvidod ia ths Evidence of Debt and as permitted by Iaw. __
<br /> „ �'h,,Y�� --
<br /> .ir.,�l
<br /> 19.EIVVIRONM�NTAY.LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC�S. As C�n�on and�Lia ility Act (BRC A 42 =
<br /> raeans� without lI�nitation,the Compmhensive Environmental Response. ��op�a�
<br /> 3 ., U.S.C.9601 et seq.),ali other federal,state aad locat lawa,tegulatlons.ordinences�court orders.attomeY g
<br /> : or interpreNve letters coacer�tng the pubiic health, sefety, welfere, environnaent or a hezerdoe�s substance; and (2)
<br /> " "Hazatdous Substance" meaas any toxic. redioactive or hazerdous matedal� waste. pollutant or concaminant wl�ich 1�as
<br /> characteristtcs which render the substancc dangemus or potentially dan�erous w the public health. safety. weffare or
<br /> environment. 'I1ie term includes. witbout limitadon, aay substancea defined as °he�ard°ua m����M „tO�c aubstnn�t,
<br /> ' � " "hazardous westv" or"I187.8l�I0118 BIIbSfBffCC� under aay Envkotunental I.aw.T'rustor represents.wartonts and egcees
<br /> eACept as previously disclosed and ackaowledged in wrltiag: rt��manufactured�treuted.refiaed,or handled by
<br /> T„ . . ,...:,ti A. No Hau+rdous Substance bas baen,ie.or wW be located.transPo
<br />�K:��•�.:. �, any person on�uader or about the PropertY.eacept in the oidinary course of busiaess and ia strlct wmpWmce w!ffi
<br />;.'��..^��, ail applicable Bavironmental Iaw.
<br /> '��`°�:•'�'� �. B. TNetor has aot and wlll not cause,coatrtbute to.or permit the relense of any Hezordous Substance on the Propecty.
<br /> , � �.,, . C. Tniator wlll immediately no o�Yeni�rateai�ithr�e.si ns migrate�from nesrby pmperty or(2)theres s a vlo«1at�°°f _
<br /> under or about tUe Property 8
<br />' ' "�'`�r any Environmeatal Law coaceming thr Froperty.In such an event, 'fn►stor will take all necessary remedief e�tion in
<br />', ;. ,��;+5;� . n -
<br /> <;� ��s�,�;r�.. axordence with F�vimnmeatel Law. Qd or threatened investigatioa� cluim, or - -
<br /> � _.�t p, Ttustor bas no knowledge of or ceason to believe there is any pe in8
<br /> - , pmce�din�of any ktnd relating to(1)eny Hazardous Substunce located on,under or about the Property;or(2)enY __
<br /> � violation by Tcusror or any tenant of any Bnvironmental Lnw.Trustor will ia�mediecely notify�eSciury in wdtlnB
<br /> , or tbreatene�investif�adoa.claim.ar proceeding• -
<br /> r'r"���,-.;n as saon as Tmator hae ieason w belteve there is aqy such pending ----..
<br /> � •�� . In such an event,Beazficiary has the dght.but not the,obl[gatloa,to pacticipate in any such praceedin8 iucludiug the
<br />=- ....��,:,;�.._,;: . _
<br />_-_°�—"' ��.J rfght fn receiVe CoDie3 of suV docu�UCUtn ic1aW1$t0 bUCh pi'OCcedinSa• IiwLIc uu�u�,u��tai L•►w. �
<br /> ;'��-��----��.- B. Tmstor pnd every tenant have becn,are and�eh�a�or o n we�ll�a acated�on r u�aYder tt�e�roperty and no such _ -
<br /> - . .. p, 11►er�nre ao uadetground atorage tanks.F 1� _ _
<br /> �° °�'_' tenk,dump or well witi lse added unlesa Heneficlary firat consenta in wrttin8• __
<br /> ' G. ltuator wW re�ulazDy inspect che PropPrcy,monitor Wa activldes and operacions on tho PropertY
<br /> � aad coni3mn thut --
<br /> ' ' all permits,lic.�nsea or approvals mquired by any uPPlictible Enviranmentat Lacv are obtaiaed and complied wlth. �;:,.
<br /> cb
<br /> � ' H. Tcustor wi11 peimic. or cause aay tenaat to permit. Beneficiary or Benet�ciary's ugent to enter and fnspect tho �`�'
<br /> • Property and revkw all records at any m.asonuble ticne W detern�ine(1)the existence. lacution aad nature of any �
<br /> ` Hazardona SS�bstence on,under or about the Pcoperty; (2) the exiatence, locadon. aature, und mn�nitude of uny ��.
<br /> '. ��
<br /> ' Hazardous Substeao�that hos been released on.under or about the Property;or(3)whether or not Trustor and any L; ,
<br /> ^, tenant are in cornpltance wlt6 applicable Envimnmental Law. -
<br /> `� � I. Upon Beaeficiary's request and ut an� tinae, Trustor agrees, � �aT��ubm�it thetresults of sucl�eudlt t�o
<br /> __ —_ �vimnmen�i �ngineer w prepare un rnviwivaental audit of she_DPsope� Q��� �c is subiect to HeneRciary's
<br /> - - __- BeaeRciary. 'Rie eho[ce of tae envitvnmenisi cn�iu� ...•� ��•. ,�..-..- __^ . _ _
<br /> �, approval.
<br /> J. Beneflctary Uas the dght, but nat the obligatton, to petfocm any of Trustor's obli�ations under thia sectioa at
<br /> Tntstor's expanse.
<br /> K. As a consequeuce orf any breach of eny rep�ese�►tatton•v+'iuranty ur promise made in this section. (1)'Crustoe wtil
<br /> uran
<br /> indemnify and hoid BeneRciary and Beneficiary's successors or assigns hanniess from and°8a�st all lossxs.eieims.
<br /> demands. liabilides. damages,cicanup. response and remediadon oosts.�naities aad expenses. iacluding without
<br /> 1lmitntion a11 r.osta of Iitigatton aad nttoraeys' feea, which Beaeficisay and BeneRciary's successors or assigns a�y
<br /> suseain; and(2)at Beneficiory's discretion, SEneBciary maY retease this D�d of Tmst aad U return T�ustor will
<br /> . provide Beneficiary with oollateral nf at least equtil value to the Pro�sscty secured by this Deed of Trust without
<br /> pnjudice to any of Eeneficinry's rights urtder this Deed of Trust.
<br /> .
<br /> , „ papo a or 8
<br /> ' . p 198�8auera Sntems.inc.St.CiacO.MN 11•QOp�Bt-2�411 fam A6ICO�UT•NE 10AOi87 . '
<br /> ,� , � .
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