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::-; <br /> ::� <br /> .. , .. ,. <br /> , .. <br /> . . , <br /> , ��.. . .. , . .�' ,. .. . . _._. ..... .. <br /> .s .. <br /> ,. .. . � • . 99,� �0���8 : <br /> � <br /> ap ot�olete,provided that auch personal property is replaced with other personal psoperty at lenat equal in v�lue to the , <br /> ra ltr,sd persoasl roperty. frce from any eide retention device. secudty nBreement or other encumbrance. Such . <br /> rcPltr.ement of personal property wiU�e deemed subject to tbe security interest cteated by this Deed of Trust.Trusror shnil � - <br /> , not partltian or subdivide the Property without Beneftciary's prior wdtten coneent. Beneficiary ar Aeneficiary's nneate -, <br /> , luspectionEOf thc PropPrty shall ben t rely for Ben fcisry B n b nefit aad T sto r will in f o w ay irelY on�He i ne f iciary s � �' <br /> � . ;nspectloa. <br /> �/.c <br /> _ ��, 13.A.L'�I'HORTPY TO PERFORIW If Trustor feils to perform any of Trustor's duties under this Deed af Tn►st,or uny other �... <br /> mprtgage. deed of uvst, security agreement or other lien document that has priority over this Dced of Trust. Beneficiary �: <br /> ' ��� ��,y.without aodce,perform the dudes or cause the�n to be performed.Trustor appoints Beaeflciary as attorney in fact to :�:�_� <br /> sign Tnistor's aattnee�arso Ab�mnnue�tBen�efic��ary m y�dohae er ia nyecessarY t iprotect�Beneflciaryis security�interest �,y�_;`:: <br /> not carrted oa in a =�..-__ <br /> . in t4ie propesty.'Ihis may include completinB the construction. ���� <br /> ! �,• -- <br />�'�','�; �r.�eflciary's dght to perfozm for Ttustor shall not create an obligatioa to perform� and BeneRciary's fallure to perfortn -,_ <br />�a;.`;:''� wi11 Aat preclude Beaeficiary from exerclsing any of B�neRciary's otber rights under the]aw or thls Dced of Trnat. Any <br /> �1'��''�� amounte paid by Beneficiary for insuring. preserving or otherwise protectin8 tb� Property and Beneficiacy's aecurlty ' �;;t,� <br />� .. ::�i effect�from dme w tim@ ccording o the terms of the Evidence af t1lDebt�g payment until paid in full st the intemst rate ia ,.h::.- <br /> .. ... , . �-':'- <br /> . 14. ASSIGIVMENT OE H.�ASES AND RENTS.Trustor irrevocabiy grants� coaveys aad sells as addidoual securlty all the �;.;� <br /> •::,., ; � ,:,- <br /> �`?�� right,dtle aad iate�t in nnd w any and all: `"*�'��- <br /> �ti,�;:,.,. . <br /> ' ��������� A. Existin�or future leases,subleases,liceases,guarandes aad any other written or verbal agreements for the use au <br /> .. �r;�t�. includiug aay extenslona. renewals, modlficationa or substitutions of �._ <br /> , ,.,,;: occupancy of anyportlan of ihe 1'mpertY. '�`�: <br /> �;; such agcoemente(ull referred to as"IxaSes"). <br /> :�'� B. Rents. iesues and pmtits(all referted to as"Rcnts"),including but not limited to security deposits,minimum rent. �'_s <br /> ,�,.. ' .. percentage cent. a d d i t io n a l r e n t� c o m m o n a r e a ma[ntenance charges. parkin� charges, real estate texes. othex - .�-� <br /> :��_�� applicable taxes. insurance premlwn contrlbutiona,liquidated damages folluwiag default, caacellation pre m iutas. �A: <br /> . . �. "losa of renta"insurance�revenues.myetties�Procceds.bonuses.aad all rlgh,�....,i claims which Tiustor may have ;E:..� <br /> �t in any way pertains to or is oa account of the use or occupancy of the whole or aay part of the Properiy ■�'�` <br /> � Tiu.�tor �°!1! gmmgtly rrovide Beneficien+with uue aad correct copies of all eaisdng and ti�turc Lesses.. Trustor may - <br /> 3i',� �+ ' tfl <br /> collect, receive.e�oy and use the Renus so long as Truetor is not in defauii.�'n�awF witi nai catters in ac+"aix:�"�Y-�"� <br />�:';��'• . a.. due in fumre lease ge�lo�s, unlcss Ttuswr lirst obtains�neficiary's writusn wns�ut. Upoa default.Trustor will rcceive ��`- <br />- � �''-;: aay Rents in uuat for Bene�iciary aad Tcustor will aot commingle the Rents with any other fi�ads.Any amounte coUacted �:�„- <br /> „ shell be�pplied at Beneficiary's discredon w payments oa the Secured Debt as therefn costs of mana�iaA the <br /> pcoperty�rincludiag, but not limited w. all taxes. assessmenta� insurnuco premtums� rePaire� and waunissians to rentt�l <br /> :,�'�`a : agents�und w aay other aeces�Y mlated�x�nsea inoluding Beaeficiary's attorneys'fees,Ps�releSal fees and cotut costs. <br /> ���;,,,•. <br /> �� Tcustor acirnowled6es thnt this asslgnment ie perfected upoa the recocdin6 of this Deed of Teust and t6nt Benefieiary ie <br /> � � entided to nodfy uny of Truscor's tenante to raake payment of rents due or to become due to Beaeflciary. However� <br /> ' ` "' ' '+1,,; BeneRai�y a�rces that onty on default will BeneRciary aotity Trustor aad Trustar's tenants and make demand that ull _ <br />- � thture Rents Ite patd directly to �neflclary. On recciviag the nodce of defsult,Trustor wW endorse sad de�iveY to <br />-•=i" � Beneficiary any payraents of Rent in Trustor's possessioa. -- <br /> #;�;.;.,;. ':,.• <br />-�':""` : Trustor covenants that no defauit exista under the Leases or aaY apPltcabls landlard tew.Tcustor atso covennnto aad agcees <br />;�'r,-w++...:,.,, licable law.Trustor�vill romptly aotify �_� <br /> to maint�nin, and eo reguire the tenants to comply wlth�the Leases and enY aPP �` <br /> �;:�-°``..,�,�° � Benefic�ury of any noncamp1lance.If Trustor neglects or refuses to enforce compllsnae wtth the temns of e Leases.then -- <br />�;'``�' ' Beueftciary muy. at Beneticit�ry's option. enforce complivace. Tnistor wiil obtata HeneRaiary's wrltten authoriz�iiva _. <br /> before'huator consEnts to sublet.modify�cancel.or otherwiae alter the T.eases. to accept the surrender of the Property � <br /> - . - covered by such I�ascs(unl�ss @►e I.eases so require),or to asslgn,cornpromise or encumber the Leases or any ti�ture __ <br />-�?,, � Rente. Tcustor wllI hold BeneSciary harmless flnd iademnify Beneficiary for any and all Uability. losa or damage Wat _ <br /> � �•� � BeneRclnry may Incur es a consecluence of the assignment under thia section. <br /> --�''�y+`��,�-.,� iS.CONDONIDoIIUNd33 ���D��T AEVELUPMENTS. If the Pcoperty includes a unit 1n a oondomini�m or a _ <br /> °s'��;:".- plaaned unit develop�x,eat.Trustor will perform all of Trustor's dutles undec the reguletlone ef tha <br />_�:'r��;,�_F: condominium or pL�unit developmeat. � <br />-__ ----- �':� T.uetv;wttl h:ftt dcfsult if aay of thP f�it�winp�acur: �- <br /> �- , � io.1�xFAi3j.i. t when duc: <br /> = p, pny party obligated on ttee Secured Debt fatls to make puymFa <br /> n <br /> ' B. A breuch of any term oa oovenant in this Deed of Trust. any prior mo►tgage or eny constructioa tona agrcement, - <br />''(� security a�t or eny otber documeat evidencing,guurautyln8�se�uing or otherwlse reluting to the Secured _ <br /> ��,:',:. • ,� � Debt: statoment or wa:ranty to Beneficiury ttu�t ia false �.Y- <br />>>::.;,• C. 'Ihe m�lciag or turnishing of any vcrbal or wr[tton representution. a ran ttu <br /> ;� �� <br /> or iawrrect in any matei�al�p�bY�T�'��stre eivec fa�or appllr.ation of any debtor�rei��f�v�to.t T�ustor or any �-__ <br /> � i � D. Tde death,diesoludon. appo �,;,.- <br /> . person or entity obli�ated on the Se�vred UeOt: e,d_. <br /> B. A good faitF�be�ief by �eRciary ut any time thnt BanoRciarY is insecure with e�spect to any person or endty <br /> Rr!�' <br />- ; of any paymenc ia impa�rea or�ne rrop�m►i$��ct: ��,_:, <br /> :.�,�' obllgated on tho Secured Debt or that the pmspect <br /> ' F. A muterlal advetse chnnge in Tnsstor's business iacludiug owaeiship.m�na6�t�at.and finaucial ooadittons��vhich �__,: <br />� aa..o,�..:,...,t�,t�`�n3n�cn��imas[rs sler val�!"e±f rhe Property or repayment of the Secured Debt:or �_� <br /> _.._. ��,..._�....�.......� - <br /> _ ., Y.„— (3. c�DVersioa or f�v�taads to pmduoe un�agrteulturai co �mmodity tas fiuther a�plained in'7 C F R.Part 1 40.Subpart :. <br /> ��:: <br />_ C}.BxhiDit M. ��� <br /> �7.ytL1VIEpYES ON DEFAUI.T. in some instaaoes. fecteral su�d state law will requim Beneflctary to ptnvide 7'custor wttte <br /> nodce of the right to cure. m�diation antices or other notices and may e.stablish time schedules fbr foreclosure ecNens• <br /> � � Subj�ct to these limitations. if eny, Eeneficiary may nocelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Deed of Tiust in c� . <br /> manuer provtded by law if this Trustor is in default. <br /> ' popo 3 0l 6 <br /> O t9D9 Oent�cn Srttcme,ine.St Ctovl.tdN e Q06�97�t14�1 Fc�m aO/C60T�NE tOrSON7 <br /> ' 1 — -� <br /> 1 -- - <br />