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<br /> „ H.. cvo►wi�nBC,��in�Any c�f�he �lun�►n}Ic contAtnc�in this pc�d af Trust to thr controry�lI1C��R1L9 Of IIIIA 8l'C1�0I1 Atl(lII
<br /> survive nny fo:cato�urc or eatiafectian aP thfe Qecd uf TNat reQnrdicsn aP nny puseaKe ot tltlu ta qancticiary or nny
<br /> dieposition by Aeneliciary of nny or afl ui the Pr�periy. Any ciaims nnd defcnsen to thc contrnry c►rc i►crcby waiveel.
<br /> va�
<br /> 20.COMDLMNA77U�L'6'ruatos will givc Bencficinry prptnpt natlrc of any nctlon, real or threntened, by privnte or public
<br /> � entitic.w to purchese or ts�lce any or all of tlte k�ro{�eny, includina uny euseuieute, Uvau�t�wndcn�iatlun,eminent domnin,
<br /> � or any other mea�s.Trustor ft�rther agmxg ta nntify Bcnoflcinry of any proceedings inedtuted far the establishment of nny _ _-
<br /> m.e.
<br /> sewer, water. wnservatioa, ditch,drainApv, or other distdct ralatin�to or bindtng upon the Property or any purt of it. l
<br /> -::-�:�-�' � Trustor authorizes B ene Rc laty to i n te r v@ n�i n T r u ss ro r's a a m e i n a n y o f t b e a bove des�dbed acdona or claims aad to colR�ct �_:
<br /> � .,� and receive all suma resultiug from the actian or clnSm. 'frustor AssiIIas to Beneficinry the proceeds of any award or claim �^
<br /> for dasaages connected wlth a condem�ation or other takin� of all or any part of thc Property. Such proceeds ahall Be �.4
<br /> considered payme�nts and will b� applicd as provided In thie D�ed of Truat. This assignment of proc�eda is subject to the c_
<br /> tetms of any prior securlty a�;ceement. �.
<br /> , 21.WSURANCE.1Yuetor agrees to maintain insurance os tbllows:
<br /> y A. Tmstor sha11 keep�h�P►npertY insw�d aasinst 9oa�by tire.theft aad ather hazerds aad riska reasonably associated
<br /> • wlch the i�c+opesty due ro its type and lacatian,Other hazardn And tuska raay Inciude,for examplc,cavertige agcdnst �
<br /> :'� loss due to floods c�r flaflding. 'fhis iuEUrance slwll be mainteined la the emouats and for the periode that a
<br /> Heneficlary requ�res- The insu�nce c��T Qt°viding the lnsurance ahaU be chosen by Trustor subject to m
<br /> � Y. Bene4lciacy'e approval, wbich shall aot be imreasonably withheld. If Trustor fails to maintaia the coverage _.�,,,r
<br /> " � ,„ described+�bove. Benefictary mny, ut 8eaeficictry's option, obtain coverage to protect Beneftclary's rlghta in the ��`
<br /> • • ,� propertq according to the terms of this Aeed of Trust. TM
<br /> � All insurance Foli�i�s and renewala sh�tl be �r.�cepcable to Beaeficiery and aball include a stendsud "mortgage �J.°`
<br /> '..'-i;r;�:� ,!�y clause"end,wlhem appiicable, "beasfiotdu'y 9ass payce clause."Trustor s4a11 ia�ntediately aotify Beneficiary nf __-
<br /> '����'' ,�{�� cancelladon or tc�ir�etlon of the ittEUraucr. IBrneficlary sball have the right to hold the policies and i�enewale.If �_
<br /> , � Beneticlary requires, Trusror stsall�itinraediately give ��the iacsu�rance carriepr and Beneficisry. Beueficiary may _.
<br /> ' ' � . notices.Uima lo�+, Tcustor shail give ia�mediate aotice
<br /> 1,,,, . '��, meke proof of lasa if not made immediately by�'tustor.
<br />-;,.;.�;;:;' t� , Unless HeneficiarY �d Trustor otherwise uII�e ia wrltin$, insurance proce�s shall be applied to reswrntion or
<br /> _ �,_ ,,, repair of ttie Fropaty dama8ed if the rescorntfon or repair is ecoAOtnically fea9ible aad Beneficinry's securicy is aot
<br /> � lessened. l�f ttte ttgcotation or tvpair in r�oi FtGnomically f�ble i�r PeQ€fl�i2Ty'e r.���it;r would be lessened.the
<br /> �ng�a=ance pmceeds shall be applied to the Secured Debt,whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Trustar.
<br /> in
<br /> .?'+.,,�f IY Trustor abanciona the Property.or does not answer witbin 30 days a naticc from Beneflciary that tlio iasurance
<br /> carrter has oft'eresl to settle a claiin�then Beneficiary�Y collect the iasurance pmceods.Beneticiary mny use th6
<br />� proceeda to rep�lr or cestore the ProPertY or to pay the Secured Debt�hether or not then due.T6e 30-day period
<br /> � witl begia when the nodce ia given.
<br /> - . .;•. ' Unless Heneficiary end Tcustor otherwise agree ia wdtin�.anY aPP11��oa of proseeda to principut ahall aot extead
<br /> or postpone the due date of scheduled paymenta or chaage the amount of the payments. If the Pt+operty is�fu{red �
<br />-'�:: ;:. by HenefIclery.7lvstor a dght to any insuranc,�policies end proce�ds resulting from deinage to the ProMrtS'
<br />- . . the acquis;don shdl pass to Beneficiary to the e�zene of the Secured Debt immediately befare tt�e�cquisttion.
<br /> ,. . ,,� B. 1Yustot a�sees to malatain comprehenalve�genaeralainst cleims arle g�Beaccide�nt or occurrence injont�the
<br />_ ,:�„ .., .,� an emount acceptable to Beaeflciary. fus S 8
<br />-Tr.r.., y. , �_-
<br /> °�i;t�.�"��". C. 'lYusew agrces to m�lntain rental loss or busines9 intercuption insurance.as tequired by Benefictary,in an amount
<br />�i�';x;.4�: ' equal w at least o�verage of one year's debt service� end required escma►accouat deposita(if agreed to separately
<br />_ •z•..�;��• ���ing),unda a form of policy acceptable to SeneRciary.
<br /> •;����:� rG. �
<br /> ,,r�N.. .
<br />_""/1" ..
<br /> '� � �, 22.NO ESCYtOW FOR TAItES AND IN3URANCE. Unless othe:wice provided in a separate agreemeat�Tcustor wW aot _
<br />_� . ' �C requlred to Pay to Beaeflctary fi�ads for taxes nud iasurance in escrow. _
<br />:'�4k�- � —
<br /> `�;,�;;��'-'... 2 3.I r I N A N C I A L R E P'O}R t T B A N D A D D 1 T I O N A I.3�K��L l 1 1�N T 5.Trustor tivill ptovide to Beneflciary upon t+equest.eny
<br />'-`�`' flnaacial statement o3 infor�pation Beneficiary may decm aecessarY. Trustor warrants that all fiaaacial atatemeats au d —
<br /> k-_.�
<br /> .�a, "�,� inforanadon'nustor pmvides to f3rneticiary cire. or wiU bd. accurate, correct� and complete. Truetor egt+ees to s gn,
<br /> - '�,.,,.' deliver, and Nle aa Beaeftctary muy reasonably ruquest aay addidonat ducwnenta or cectlflcations that Beaeflciary may
<br />:�^==�::-`'� c�natder neceaea:y to�eerfect,continue.and P�CrvC 1'►ustor's abtigatioa,nndre ti���c!af'�'s+s�t snd Beae£c!�•'s lien -
<br /> �:, .
<br />�°`�,�� ��.„• .� statue oa the FroperCy 1f Trustor fails W do so, Beaeflciary tnay sisn,neuver.and filC eucl►alW.w.ri,;ts o;c�.rs:.�c;,t� 3a _
<br /> ,::�;5,;,� � , � T�ustor's �ame and 'II'rustor hereby irrevocubly apFoints B�neficiery or Bc�Eficiary's agent as ettorney in iaet to do tlte __
<br /> "`"�"" " .. thinga nec�ssary to coroply with this sectton.
<br /> � +�, ?A.JOIN"o"A1VD I1VDI�IDUAI,LIABII.I'fl'Yi C0.SIGNERS,SUJ�CESSORS AND ASSIGN�BOUND. All duties unflcr -.
<br /> IN
<br /> thi�Deed of Truat are Joint and iadividuul. If Trustor signs this Deed of T:ust hut does not siga the Evidenco of Debt,
<br /> ' +� ` Tmstor does so aaly to mortIIage Tnistor's iatemst ia the Propetty to secure paymeat of the Secumd �bt and Tntswr =-
<br /> � F: does aot a�ree io be petsonelly lictble on the 5ec�ued Debt.Tniswr agreea that 8cnoflcinry and ony pas�y to tbie Deed of _
<br /> � � Tcust ipay ext�nd, modffy or make any changc ia the teims of thia Dced oF Trust or the 8vldence of Debt without —
<br /> tn
<br /> ' , �{p�r�of�sha�ll band�el�enefit the saccessa and if�ns of'hvet r�and Benefi�a�ty.t.7tie dutles aad beaeRt�of
<br /> � .. . �
<br />_' ---r_`+ If this IJeed of'IYust secuses a 8uarantY becw'een�eueticfary aad Tcu�oc uad does not dir�stly secure the ot+l;oadnn whieh .
<br /> .�..�.--__.-u-.__ . .. .."�"' _�.r•O.Yl7..3....C«..a i.riwninn env ontlnn n�n�A�ftt fl0s;1l1'!
<br /> - �" ia Buarantial,'d�uato�deb�under�the o lig uon inclu�di�ng�but aot limited to.antt�deficiency oi one-ectlon laws. �-- -
<br /> ., ;; . • Tcustor or any pady —
<br /> � � 25.APPLICABLE L�W;�EVERABYI.TI'Yi WTl%I�PRETATION. 'Ihts Deed of Trust ia govemed by the lawa of tho _
<br /> �� „ �� jw�isdictfon in��rhlch BeaeRciary is located,exuept to the extent othenvtse required by the lawa of the jurisdictlon whore —
<br /> . . �e p�operty{S to�ted.TMa Deed of Trust is com�lete and fully integr�tc:d.'Ihis Uted ot'[Yust may aot be antended or :_
<br /> modifled by orai Agreem�nt. Any section or cfause in Wis Beed of'Civst, attachments. OL 8�Y�CC211CA1 i�ClatCd t0 t�t@ ;,:
<br /> • S e c u r e d D e b t t�t e c o ontl{cta with opplicable law will nat be effective,unless that law cspressly or impliedly permits the :
<br /> vnriadons by written agrepnent• 1t anY stction or clausa o f t h is D e O d o f T r u s t c a r m o t b e e n f o r c e d a c c o r d i n g t o i t s t e r r.�s,
<br /> � thai section or clause will be severed and wllt not affect the enforceabiiity of the n�na[ader of thio Deed of Tnist. f
<br /> � � 1Mienever used,the sing�alar shall imlude thr,plwal an d t he p t u r a l t he si.n g u lAr.'[he c a ptioas aad headings of ths secttons
<br /> � of this�of Tmst are for convenieace only and are aot to be used to interpret or define the terms of th{s Deed of 1Yust.
<br /> Time is of the essence la this Deed of Trust. v000 s or e _
<br /> - 019910enkeroSYttcm�.tnC..SLCtou0.MN11-000�387•21011 FormA0/CO�OTdVE 10/30!!17 �_
<br /> t" ' _.
<br />