_:� ,
<br /> . ;
<br /> . � ,
<br /> . .
<br /> ,,.; . , � ..
<br /> �.Jy ' ��. _ . .. . .
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<br /> ' ' ' �_�.l�,vl11J:�nY._v.. 'n .. � . .. ........ . ��..... .....�.��_ '
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<br /> .. ._....._�„�r°_�r_a.i'd.`.a�+• � ----- . .._ .
<br /> ,:
<br /> .. ,� . gg. �a���s
<br /> . . ,
<br /> 8. All gltwte ndvnnces from Beneflcicuy ta Teustor or other fl►ture abttgatians of Trusror ta 8eneflcicuy under any
<br /> promissory nato, wntmct,guurunty,or othet evldence of dcbt existinB now or executed nfter this Dced oP Truet �...
<br /> ' whether or not thie Deed ot Trust 1s epec[flcAlly referred to in the evldence of debt.
<br /> • C. Att obligationa Truetor a�ves to Heueflciary. whtch aow exlst ot mny lnter adse, to the extent not prohibited by
<br /> Inw, imludina, but not limited to. Ilnbilities for overdra�a reluting to any deposit account agreement between •�
<br /> �� Tn.�stor and Beneficfary. �
<br /> D. Alt addittonul sums advnnad and expensea lacurred by i3eneticiary for insuring,presetving or othenvise prote�ting G, _
<br /> the Property ead its vuluc nnd any other sums udvanced t�nd expensea incurnd by Betteflciary undet the terms of - ,
<br /> thia Dced nf Trust, plas intereat at the highest rate in cffect. ftom dme to time, ua pmvided in the Evidence of
<br /> ' -;..<::s�;. Debt.
<br /> "•� E. 'frustor's perforn�ance uader the terms of any insmuneat evldencla�a debt by'frustor to Beneficiery and any Dred r�-.
<br /> ° of Truat securtng.guataarying.ar otherwlse relatin�to the debt. ••�
<br /> : .�4 �;,:,
<br /> If more Wan one person aipna tbls Deed of Trust as Teustor,each Tcustor agrees thnt tliis Deed of Trust wUl secure all
<br /> � fu.due advances and lt�ture obligettona described above that are glven w or incurred by aay oae or mon Trustor,or any �'��
<br /> one or more T�uscor and others. '1Lis Deed of Trust will aot aecure any other debt lf BeneRciary fails,witb respect to such �,,_
<br /> other debt,to ra�lce any required disclosuro about this Deed of Tcust or if BeneSciary fails to give any required notice of �°
<br /> n�
<br /> ' t�e dght of re.sciasion. —_
<br /> . �
<br /> - �' S. PAYRZEN!'�.TcusWr agrees to malce ell payments on the Secured Debt when due arcd in accordance with the terms of the --
<br /> Evidence of Debt or tliis Deed of Tcvst. _
<br /> ' , �� '�.
<br /> �� 6. WA1tRA1VTY OT TiTLE.Traastoa coventwcs that Trustor is lawtully seiz.ed of the estate conveyed by this Doed of Trust u;.
<br /> � aad has the rlght to irt+evocably p,r�i,coavey end seU to Ttustee,ia tmst,wlth power of sale�the Properry and warrunts ,_
<br /> � a.� thus the Propere3►is nnencumbsr�d, eacept for encumbrance.s of tecord. �T
<br /> .,:�,� � _.
<br /> ,,., ` .
<br /> " :;';,,,f��! 7. CLAII4l3 AGNNSI'T1TLE.Tn�stor will pay all taxes� assessm�enta�liens,emcuretbraaces.lease payraenta.8round r�nts.
<br /> , ,��:r� � utUitiea,and other charges re1aW� w the Ptoperty when due. Beaeftciary may re�uire Tmstor to pmvide to Beneficlary _
<br />-j: , , "�'; copies of all notices that such amounta ece due and the recelpts evidenciag Trustor's payment.Truetor wUl defend title to _
<br /> . the Propeny againat any clainas thai would impair the liea of tbis Deed of Trust.7Yuseor agrees to assign to Beneficiary�as
<br /> • requested by Beneficiary, aay dghte,claims or defeases which Trustor may have agalast parties who eupply lebor or
<br /> .. ��r�ir�nmve nr maintain the I�roperiy.
<br /> ,:,., .:
<br /> - .. S. PRIOEi 3ECI1R�`� IId1'ERFSt'8.With re$ard to any other mortgege. dr.ed of uust, securlry agne�t or other lien +�
<br /> II
<br /> docu�nt that creaeed a prior s�curity fnterest or en�umbrance on the Pmperty end Wat may have priorJty aver thia Deerl
<br />_: . ;,t�.;;;� of Trust.Trustor aScees: ats when due snd to rform or com 1 with all covenants.
<br /> .,'Y��;+y�ti,,,. A. To make aU payme Pe P Y
<br /> • .';,. B. To prampdy deliver ro Beaeficlary any notices that 7tuswr recetves from ttte holder.
<br />,;:;,,',.;:,„�.,;, C. Not to make or permit auy modificetion or extenslon of. aad not to request or nccep�t n���neficinry coensentys
<br />;:i;• s-i'.kk�'' note or a�reement sExured by,the oWer mortgaga.deed of trust or securiry agree
<br /> '�y 1•
<br /> ''., ,,,.,� ,' in wridng.
<br />�:_;,`;':s.'.�',;;}�;.�;'
<br /> �S„��.i�..:�t;�•;�1
<br /> ..-•N:�.r �u
<br />-s;:,:• .f �•°`' 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.BeneRciary may,ac ite optIon. declare th¢enHre b�inace of tbe Secumd t to
<br />=�%`.-�� (�e immediately due and payable ugon flte creation of any iiea, eacumbrance,uansfea,or eate.or con*.s.act for aay of thesQ
<br /> ��.��!"�`;,.� iaciudes Ttuswr's resideaoe.this section shall be subjzcz to We restrlctions
<br />�;-;,.,�r,�_� on the Property. Flowever. if tbe ProPenY
<br />_..-:�"',r;,.�;,;t� imposad by federal iaw(12 C.F.R. 591),as applicabie.For the purposes of this section,the tetm°Pa2merty"also iucludes
<br /> —�`-;._:,f,�„��, any intemst to all or any part of the Property.'[his covenant a�ait ma wlth the Progset}r nnd shsll n�in ia effect untU the
<br /> :�:���:�!$�� Secured Debt la paid in tW!�slah9s Deed of Tn�st is released.
<br />=::.�=r;�
<br />°:.-_�. ,r ...d !0.TRANSF'F.R OF AN IlVT�BFSr IN'L'�GINNTOR.If'LYustor is �n endry other than a natur�-�]person(such as a
<br /> �".���:a`� � • corpoxatton or other organizadun), Beasttciusy maY demand immedlate �a�aaent if(1)a beneSeial 3nterest in Trustor is
<br />_. i�. sold or uansfemed:(B)there is a chenSe ia�eiit�►er the idrn3lty or number of inemtners of a partaership:or(3)tltem Is a
<br />-�-` ,� 1�
<br />-=ir�f?'.I.;�:
<br /> ,� � chnage ia ownership of more thmi 2S percent af the votimg atmcic of a corporaflon.Ho��r.Beneficiary may not demaad
<br />�-�%„��.��-''=_z(k;i' ' payment In the above aituetions if it le pro6ibfted by taw us of 3me dste of thls Deed of'Ylrust.
<br />.''�'�•�'�'".'�• Il.EIV'i'1Tif WARh3ANTIF,�A1VD EtEPRFSENTATION3.If Tmstor[s an entity other thae►a u�..+e7asil person(such as u
<br />`•'�"'�a�i�f� � wrporatton or other orRani�tion). Tn►stor makes to Bcneftctary the followtng waqinuties aad reptes�ntattons whicb shati
<br /> ��-�"�-.�y!,�tv��c1 tw rnntianing ns iena os the Secured Debt remains outstaa�dinn:
<br /> •:t.;,.%r•:Ltl l:'••.i. A. ���r is an eadty whlcb ia duly organized aud valtdly e�eisting in th2 "Ilrustor's state of iacocporation (or
<br />-- :.. •:,;��"�r.
<br />-: . �,s�:�, � orgaalzatlmv). Ttuator ia ia good staQding in all states ia which Tmstor ttattszt�s bastness.Truator has the po�ver
<br /> , and auAh�r to own the Pcoperty and to carry on its business rs notiy being ooaducted aad, as applicable. ia
<br /> • " � � ' quWified eo�co so in eac6 scate ia whicb Tmstor opecates.
<br /> " g, 'Ihe executioa. deliveay end performance of th�s Qead of Tmst by '[lvstat attd d►e obli�t�clon evtdeased by the
<br />- ,. `�� Svidence of Debt are within the power of Tncs°tor. have b�duly nuthnsied. have rocelved all aeoessary
<br />- govemmentnl upp�val,aasi wiU not violete auy pmvision of law,or ordes of court or Qovemmentel egency.
<br /> _�.. . ��' C. Other tP4.w disclosed in writing TNSwr hes aot �ban�ed its name wtthim ttte last w.n y�rs and has not used any
<br /> - • .?' other trJde or ftctidoua naaue.Without Be¢eficiury's prlor wt(ttEn consent�Ttustor does not end wUl noi use uny
<br /> . " other name and will preserve its existtag name.trade names and fnuuhises unW the Secure�i Uebt is satisfied. •
<br />_ �+`�, � ..._._.___.:�, L_�. .a..n...�....,,:.. �,v,A m�editioe
<br /> -' .�-.. ,:� 12.PROPERTY CONDTLTONs Al."1'L1iA71VPi�APID it�ar�Tavri. �aww, ...�. e.�..�..........�.---� ---o--- ---..
<br /> ° � � und make all repat�s that are masonebly necessary.Truscor wtU give Beneticiary pronrpt aotice of amy loss nr dumaIIe to -
<br /> the pi,operty.Trustor�v�ll kc�p the PropeRy free of noxioua weeds m�d gross�+.'Tcustor�1ti11 nmi-initiux.3oin in or oonsent
<br /> ` to cuny clwnge in aqy priv�cbe p�rstriccive uevenant. zoning otdinance or other public or privs�te resMction lia�iting 9;
<br /> • . det3niag the uses which rtiay be made of the Property or any part nf tAe Property. without B,eneficlary's prior writteII
<br /> . eon�ent. 7'nistor wUl nati$r BeneRelury of all demaads.Proseedin8s. claim9. aud osttons tiguinst Teustor or any ot�tei
<br /> � owuer made u�adet law or m�ulation regnrdin(R use.ownerahip cnd oecupaacy of ths Property.Trustor�vill wmply with a�l
<br /> '� " legal rPquiremsaus and cesMstians,whether pubtic or private.witL respe�K to the use of the Property.Teustor niso agrees
<br />- ° thnt the nntum of the occupaacy und use wiil not change wittr.oat BeneReiary's prior wrltten wns�nt.
<br /> No portion of the Praperty w111 bc removed.demolished or matednlly attered without Beneftciary's pdor wtitten oonsent
<br /> " � ° except thut Tmstor has the ripJ�t to remr�ve itetus of person�l property cmnpriaing n part of the Froperty thnt become wam
<br /> papoaolQ
<br /> ,� � o w3a oaru�en srarno.��c.e�eiao.or.�n coo�s�.sss��Fo�m nareo or r� iono.os .
<br /> , � ,
<br />