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' :����. <br /> , � � �i` <br /> • '';+� <br /> , .. ,�, <br /> � _ �; � .� _. ._:�4; <br /> ; <br /> _ �� . <br /> gg��c����s � ; <br /> .� At�he o tlon of Beueflciary. dl or any part of the�goeod feea aad charges� accrued interest cnd princlpsl shall bacom� 1 i� „., <br /> p vin 8otica if r+EWirad bY low�apan the occurrence of u defoult or naytime che�aftaz. <br /> , ltztmediately d�co aad puya6lo.eftar�l 6 ° <br /> 1a iddltion.Beaeficlary shol�ba en8t�ad�°��O���pfOVldOd by law�ehe Hvideace of Dabt.olher evidences of debi, i� <br /> thia Desd of Truct aad cny telnted docu�at�iacludi�ng wlthout Iimitadom.tlte power w sclt tha Progerty. . <br /> If there is a default,Tiustee ah� addi�on to any��b�PO ur�cuo�n t�o the hiQlta.9�t bi�ddetsforf caAh nad ficoa�vey absoe ute dtlp ,. .. ,' ' <br /> , sell the PcoportY es a wholo ot In sepsae Parca " <br /> � free and alear of all dgltt.titls md iutareat of Tcusiar ot such time nnd place as T�stee desiIIastes.Tnutee a6w11 give -�otice <br /> ^ of eale including tha tjme�tosmm nnd pince of sale ana i descrlption of the property w be sald us cequirad by tha applicablo .. <br /> law in effect at ehe tinta of the prapos�d sale. <br /> Upon sale of ths prcpe�lY md to the esteat cot pmhibited by law�Trustae st,acll�os aad co�sts.ehell PaY to Seue�ficia�ry�u11 �, . , <br /> which canvoya a6ralute tlde w the punch�ser�end�ttsr firs�PaYinB all fecs�char8 •�.,,. <br /> ' ffioneys advaaced for tc�tre.taaes. insur�nca. lteas, assessments aad prior eacwnbroaces oad lateresth a eh3�P�r�rty �' •.`:.`.�.'.. <br /> P��P��intorest on the Secut�c�d Debt.WY�B ��Plus.if Ta�stor.Aeaefiaiary may pi►r� "."`Sti ,-:.�: <br /> . "11�a reaitala in aay deed of oaaveyaaoe shall ba pri�fi�:Ea ovFdenca of the facta sei forth tharein. � � <br /> AU remedies ara dist�act.cumulative and nos oxcluslv�. �nd tha B�aeficiuy is eatitleti to aU re�adtes pmvtdod�t law m k�;,,_ <br /> aqu�ty.whether expreasly s�t fur�h op na�'!to stxepie�re by Boaefidary of any snm��Y��n�����W tbe n . <br /> � Secured Debt aRer the bslaace is due o:is�ccelerAted as aRer goraclo dafaul�By aoZ eaetcising any semedy oa Zhv�taY'a+ '.�, <br /> ni�taRaiary's right ta te�'a ii�U and complete caue oY'any exisHng �;��'��i:;: <br /> dofault,Benefieiar�+dces not w A ive Beae fic l u y's r i g h t t o a t e r c a n s i d e r t�e eveat a dofault df it coatinues or happeas a�niu• �,�,:rr-;::�, <br /> � .;�,,:,:,;- <br /> �;r,��:. <br /> �'��rw��: <br /> 18.EX�ENS�Si ADVANCES ON COVENANTSi ATfORNEYT�in,aches wn�IO�►���a�of TQUS�. Tiufrtan ;, "i r, <br /> �•• by l�w,T�ustor�greas to psy�11 of Beaeficiu�►'s axpeases rvtng or pratecting the PraPr�' '..°'�;;: <br /> incutn�d in collecting.�ns'tat3nII.Presa �. `��.. . <br /> „ .. =� ' wIlt�lso pay on damead rll of Benefialwry's expenses W the PtopertY- T�usior�co�.s to �,,:�::. <br /> or in any inventorlea.audits,inspectiaas or other eumin�ion by Beasficlsry Zn respect ..,. _ <br /> n <br /> �•' aU co�s�nd e�cpeases iaourred by Heaeficiary ia e�forciag or protecting�eaefiaiury's righw and remedim ua�lcr this _ <br /> Dyer,d of Ttust.iaoludin$�but not limited w�attomeys'facs�couct costs.and otiter legd expences.fOOnce�� �� ..���, <br /> � d ��g�ry igrees ta release thla D�ctd of T:ust ond'frutdor agreea to paY ="�'"_ <br /> " �,:' ililly and finally Psi . tt bear lnteiest from the tlme of Hze advance at the highest rate in effo�t,fmm _ -- <br /> _ - Aii such amos�uie uo dua r.�s d�r�w!_ �by taw. - <br /> tIme to time�as Provlded in tt�e F3videace uf Debt a�ad as pe�mi __-_- <br /> „ „ " ` f9.LDIVIRONII�NTAI.LAWS AND AAZARDOUS SQTBSTANCES. As uued in t�iio aad�L{a�bi�tity�c�(CBR�Cl.A. 47. �'� <br /> means. wlthout llmit�tion. thA Compreheaslve IInvironmeaml Respo����ordere.atozaey gtmeaal opinia�nn <br /> " � U.S.C.9601 ot seq.)�ull othcr federat�etate and local lawe�regulattana.ocdlnnnc�s, � <br /> .►� welf�e. envlranayent or a Lnrnrdous subsmnooi and (�} -- <br /> x or intorpsedve !altem coaceming the publie health� safetY. Ilutant or aoatsmiasat wrildo 1�f� --- <br /> " �� � . � aa waia� rsdia�cdve or hazudoue mate:iat► w�� Po !��' <br /> Subdaace mana9 Y tiaU dan�cmufl to the publta ha�Uh, e�faty.w��fl�a oc <br /> . �;.��i' � ��ca which t�eader tha subst�ace dan8emua or poten Y <br /> .,,rI� �.. envhvnme�n� 'Iha te:m includes.wlthout W�sitarion� +�ny substnaces de8nod os •hn�rdoua materlol�' 'totta w6atmaz�v,' '_'�� <br /> ;' � •h�ardoua waste" or 'h�zardous aclm�v��rwrltiag:�nhl Lw.Te�u►tas repres�ts�w�rrRate and agrue+43ut, <br /> exc�pt Aa provtowsly disclos�d aud 8 ������,tefinod.ot hr��ld�b - -- <br /> � ��_ A. No Hwrdous Substaace�s baea�ie.ot will bo lxuted�tcanRpo =_ <br /> �• � �Y P�a°D��°r�bout the Propesty�excePt in the ordinuY oov�ao of business and ia strict oompltr�na��vi 4 <br /> ,� .o�; <br /> sU appli¢able Bnvlroammtal Law. <br /> � �►' B. Tn�scor h�s not and wllD not cause�contribute to�or pemut the celoase of any Heisc�doun Subsuncv on th�Proputy. _-- <br /> .. " G Tn�swr wjU immediatelY nMi$'B�eficiary if(1)a reloase or th�aed releeso of Hs�xrdous�Su�hvtaa�ol�a�f - <br /> .� uader or about tho Prape�tY or aoigrates or threstens w migcate from aeisbY P P�Yt ( ) =`_— <br /> ;:..�,: aay BnvlronmenW T�sw ooncemic+8 the Prepe�!'.tn su�oa evwt,T�or wIU take ail necessarY rem�dlnl �Al4n ia i_`.r <br /> ,�;,, . accordauce witb Bnviroamcalal I.�w. `---��_ <br /> or tLreateaed iavesdgation� clram�or �:;;::-"-` <br /> � D. Tnzstor has no fmowledgo of or ressoa to lklieve thera is any peadin8 � f-=-- <br /> ",: pmceodin8 of any kiud ee1�w(1)nnY H4�rdous Substance locatod oa.und�or about the PtoP�'t or(�A Y <br /> . � • � violation by Tcustor or any temms of eay Bavl:onmenW Law.T�usGor wW immedi4tsly notify Benoftairry in wa�idng �:: <br /> as eoon a�TmsWr las rrason to believe them io any such�g or t�maWaed investiga4ion�cltim.or proco�CB• �,": __ <br /> Aut not the abligatton��o pa��Pato in sny suc�ptooaedinII inr3it�ing Ihe �------�- <br /> �, .' _ <br /> - --.� ..... In nu�:I►e43 ev�?f,Ftanafeciary hes ite tip,ht,n n t�mer,h moeedingo. -- <br /> «�: .� <br /> --.......__.. . i_� right tu rn�;dive capfw at aay da�um�.'�reL�„ -ry ___ <br /> • B. Ttustor aud ovory teaant bavo baea�are aad ahcU rem�inrin ti�U��1���oa or u�nder�U►ea Pmp�y�i�ao �►ch "- <br /> sto tanke. private dumps or opmi :���z=': <br /> F. Thone sto ao undcsrgrouad rnge --__-.:_ <br /> mnk,domp or well vui11 bo added unIess HeneRciery fi:st coneeats in writing. __. <br /> the ,monitor the activi�ies and aperallons oa the Pcopeity�u�9 oa�fi�mm thn4 ���;:,�Ft:�;: <br /> � ti. Tn�stor will regulwly inspact ��7' hcable�nviranmtm2sU��.ew aro obmined a�ooar�a8 witm. '�: <br /> aU peimite�licenacs or npps�vals m9uin�d by onY npP� viranm m ...,: <br /> in�d <br /> . H. Tn�atot wltl pamiit, or cause eny t,enaut w pemolt� Benefieiary or �ena�ioie*Y's age,alx�tton on�J�um of+�Y '',t r <br /> .. � P¢o�asty and tevlew al!t�aoonds at any reasonable tlme W dotermtne(i)the esistcaeo� <br /> H�zardous Sulrstance on�u�a�ar or s6out tha Property� CZ)the eaisteaoa� locatton. nature�a�d m��cdtutle oi any <br /> Naaardous Substance ebat ha9�esssn released on�under ot sbout the Prope�tY:or(3)��es or not TwsO�u tnd my ... , <br />- . � teaant ere in compliance with applicabla Buvlronmeatol Law. at Tt�ustor's expease� w �a � 9�d1Rod .. <br /> - I. Upon Bmeficiuy'e tequast �d at any time� Tn�etor a$rees. �to submit the result�•o��tatdit to <br />✓_-- __-- --- .w.,:..,�,maatal mQiacpr to Dte�are an eavireameatal audit of the YropertY . <br /> -- -- ^----- . . ... _ <br /> _�_ ...a. ....l;s ,�nihl.� u,H�4tSc+� a <br /> - 8� VYQO WUt po[aanu� o.»• ��•• ----r- -- <br /> BnnsficinrY. 't�e choioe of the eavironmentai eagut - _ <br /> :. ' t+AP:'oval• <br /> .. , J. HeneficL�ry h� tha r�ght. but not the obligction. to Perform aay of Tzuator•a cfilig9tions un�rs tBls wct'son mt <br /> '15�vstot's e�c�cn�°• miso made in this soction► (1)'Klnator wIll <br />_ . K. As a wnse�uCace of any bmach of anY �P�mtioa� waRenty�r P� .. <br /> - indemnify oad hold Beaeficlary aad Beaoficiary's suoce�sors or asaigna hn�'mlass from aud agannst�1��� <br /> _ � domaade. Ua�ui�.ss�damsSes. cloinup. rapaaso�utd temedietton oasts.Peunlaav and expenscs, <br /> li�itadon�ll oosts of lidgWion aIId atwmays' fe�a�whlcL H�ncafiai�ry�ad Bemsficiary's suvice.s�ora or r��1goA msy <br /> enstainc aad(2)at BeaeRciuy's d�scretian� BQaeficiary may releasa this Deod of Tn�st and in mbiim'�v�tor wiU , . <br /> provfdo Beneficiiuy wlth collaleral of at teast equal valuE►to the Prope�Y se�:uc+ed by tLis Deed of'Mtst without <br />- . �rejudice to any of Beaeficlary's righta�adar thia Dofld of Trust. , <br /> : ., prps 40l 8 <br /> o,00a or►a*.sr.�u+++.��o..s�.C1�•�N 11�800�8�7•lbttl�a�A0/C0-0T�l1[ 10/EO/0� ` ----" <br /> _. <br /> � . - - .,._ __-_ _- - <br />