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.� _. „ <br /> .,.y... . .. <br /> ., ��° 1�;�3�� �� , <br /> , <br /> L. Nolwlthsmwdinp auy of tha danguoge contalned in�6ia De�d of T�uat w ttio contrary� the terms of this secNo�►nhaU , <br /> n y , <br /> disposldo yby B�c�fic{acy otaany�doall f 1�a Property.AnY cl�ead�do�ca s u►tghe n�hary are hereby waivcd. ' <br /> ary ;„ <br /> �; � ?A.COND�MNA'�iON. Tnwwr will �ivo Bras�'coiaey prompi naUcci of nay cstiaa�through caadema�tt ny emiaeat domAin. � <br /> .,� eatiNes w purcbsse or take my or all of We Progerty�inaiuding�y easemeata� ,� <br /> or any ot&er meane.Tcustor t�rtt►er agrees to aatifv Beneficiwy of any pr4ceediu8s instituted for the es ob�lu�en�f��i .,..� <br /> sower� water�conserv�on�dltcb. draina8e�ar ot�er disMct relating to or biadiug upOn the PraP��S' Y P <br /> . ..^ � T�tor nutptoti�s Be:taficiary W iaitervene in Tatstor's nam�in eny of We ahove d�cribed tectiona or cl�ms oadi to collect •. <br /> t <br /> and rzceive aU eums r�vltiag ftom the actlon or clam.Ttustor asBiIIna to Aeasficiary tha proceeda og any awaed or claim ..� <br /> for dams8es cormocted d wW be���an er a`i�ed�t�6isg�of Tn�'Lis essignmen�f p Sroc�eds�8�� <br /> considsred payaoen aPP FiO'� ` <br /> teraas of eny petar s�curity tgr�a� . . <br /> ;;,,;��� <br /> ��. <br /> 21.INSURANCE. Tmswr ageaes w m�intnin ine,��muce ts followe: " .,�,�;•':�_ <br /> A. Tn�stor e�ll keep Wa P�op�ty insvrcd o�C�t losa by fira.�thaft�ad othar harards aad rislcs reasonably associited .'.,�►,��_�- <br /> with thu Pmpelty due W itetypo and lccat�oa.Othar h�uds�nd�usks tuiy include. for oxample�oovarnga egainst <br /> ���`•-: <br /> loss due w �loode or ftaading. 'Ibin in�nnce �hhaU be mRiatained in the amuunta Aad for the pd�iods that �� <br /> Seaeficiary sequima. 'Itee ins�uance carui�r provldinE eha in�uance ehall be chosen by Tn�sWr subjeet W :;;s;;, <br /> � .;, Benefleiaty's �pprovel�w3�ich shaU aat he unrcasonebly withheId. If Tnrstor fwila to maintam tha wverage :.°P:- <br /> ti desett'bed 4b�ove. Beaeficlary may� at Eeasaficinry's apHon. obtu�n coverage to protect Beaeficiary's righb ia the „ ,,,.. <br /> es - <br /> proparty eccording W the tsrms of tLis Deed of Trus4. ti`~"` <br /> � AU iasuier�c�Policies�ad renewale s9�.7B be acceptable tc BeaeRci�try and sWll includo a staoal�id 'mortga8e .:�:- <br /> �� clause' and, whare appllcable, 'trmeficinry losspayea clouse.' Ttustor sLall imnaedIately uot�ffy Benaficisuy of :..'�'�' <br /> '�,;� cancelladan cn terminadon of We insureaee.B�efictaxy eh411!u►ve the right to hold tho po�cies und renewals. If : ,.�:..,_.:; <br /> .`�;:���� Beneficiaryseq uires� Trustos ebsU immedintely give to Beaeficlary �11 recelpls of psid paomiums and teuewel .,.�.:�;.�:_ <br /> .�; .,��; ..s:.::,, <br /> � t., noticea. Upon loas,Tn�etor sholl glve lmmedlate notioe to the insurnnce canier an�HeneRei4ty. BeaeRclary may . <br /> `��. m a ko proo f o f l o s s i f a o t m�d e i m m e c U u t n l y b y T i u stor. `� � <br /> �,i , , ; _ <br /> .�r�.��. .. <br /> .. ..4k�r, , <br /> • :1>','_ �;. <br /> , �•:.,.�-; <br /> Ualess Beaafc�nry a n d T n�s t or a We n w�r e s�g r e a i n w r i N ng,i n�u r a a r.c sp r a c a e d s s h a l l b e i p plled w restoratlon or ,;,..^-_ <br /> ��:° rcpau a�i tha Prc�;daass,'�!if!hQ�*�on or re}�air is economicuUy feae�ble aad Beaeficiary's sacurfty ie not :u� <br /> �f�'i�` lcasened.If tha restoradon or nep�ir ia aat economicslly fe�slble or Beaefcciary s secwiry wouid bo aa�soaad��o -� <br /> ���;:•�� insurauce prooaeds ehall be sppliad w tha 3ecuced D.ebt,whether or not thee das�with iwy eacess psi <br /> ,..:y,ft <br /> . � If Tiustor al�u►dons the Fmpesty,or daes aot oaswsr wlthin 30 daya a nodce from$eneftciary t6at tho i��a <br /> :��:` carrier hae nffered to seule a clnim�ebttea Beaeficiary mny collect the jnsurance proceede.Beaeficiary msy aeo tha _ <br /> . �;, prnoceeda w repxir or restore the Prapesrt�y or to pay We Secured Debt whether or aoi thea 8�ue.The 30�dAy poriod -- <br /> ;,j�" wlll begtn wh�tha nodce is glvoa. -°-- <br /> :�,.,��` lication of rocsods Oo ol al sha11 noi e.�s¢ead ��"� <br /> '.'f:�, Udess Beneficlary�d T�ator othenwIce a�cee jn writing�mY�PP P __.� <br /> or postpono the due date of echaduled paymaata or chiuga the amouat of the Psfrom dam�e to 1he�Pm ��fa�re �+� <br /> �`� by Ileaeficisuy�TruaW:s dght to any insu�anoe poticias and pmceedn�¢sultin8 ,�_�_. <br /> ° the�uieition s6aU psss to BeueSalasy ib tha eatent of We 9ecured Dobt immedl4tuly befae the aaq tlon. <br />-� ' B� an�moun� tabmle BHne�Rcia�ryeasi�v�e��tnl��ili�in�n�fro�m any�tcc'dc�a4 or�ooaur�oo in�oadthe :N:`--- <br /> P <br /> � �ropes3y <br /> . ' �' C. Trustor a�c�es W maintain rental losa or bustnese interiupt�on insurance�aa reqWred by an auwunt <br /> ���- equ�l W at le�st caveroge of oae year's debt sa:vice.+iaa ro4uined�emw aecaunt dq�osita(if sgreod to separately -- --- <br /> , iu wrlt;ag),under a farm of pollcy acaeptsblo to BenoRciary. __ <br /> � ,. .� 2Z.NO�SCROW FOR TAILES A1�W5[JptAI►ICE. Unleas otherwiso provIded in�sepnrate agcecimenb�will aot = - <br /> ba r�uired to pty to BeaeRci¢ny flmds for ta�tes eud insuraaoe in escrow. ----- <br /> �;;� � 23.FlNANCIAia R�lPORTS AND ADAITIONAL DOCIfJNIEN'1'S.Tn�o�r v�°amnts�t}u�t�all�nn i�t s�mea � -'. <br />_ . fiaancial eutemant ox info:oo�tion BaneSiciary may deem nax�s�uy <br /> � ..�' i�nfotmation'Tn�ator provides to Beaeficinry are� or wW be� aocumto� conect. md camplete, 9h�ator agrees W ei�� ---__-- <br /> Y:'..� c�gl�ve�. and �ile as BeneficIari► �Y�eonably request a�ny addidonal�iacuments o�certiRca�ons Wnt BeaoSciary may = <br /> -- -- '°'�� �,�p=say�.y m perfect.c�ntinue,and pcs�,-+ra Tn�s2os'�u�lt§siia�s��r thia Deed of Tn�t iad BeroRci�'n lien = - <br /> __; 'e � etawa on ths PropertY. If Tmstor fails w do so►Beneficiary may s�u�de3iver�sad fi!e :n�doc���+or certi�isatea in � ., <br /> ' a Teuswr's nams cmd`f:ustor hareby irroveonb9y eppointa Beaeficiary oe Beaaficiary's agent as ettomay in fact to do the � <br /> d�i y y g s n e c e s e,n t y tocomply with thie sectian•�t�nnual f inancial statements are requixed and at any t ime .�„�� � <br /> �� o eli uent or ie i default. �`i'""=:`:� <br /> , :,.;;�� za.�d�'R�fn��u�,a.��.r�hr;co�sic�s:svcc�sso�nrm�c�s Bovrm.Au du���� --;�;=;-_; <br /> - thie Deed of Tnist are joint nnd 3ndividual.If Tzuator slgus tmia D�o��u�oaof the S curod Debt ond fT�ustar : °-� <br /> 4 Tn�stor does co only to�odgege T:ve.Kor s inWrest in ths�roPeitY We3 Beaofioie ead a�e to this Deal of ,,� <br /> doee not ag�e to 0a perwnally liable a�ehe�ecu�D��T�tor agcets *Y Y�Y �. <br /> �ecu <br /> . ' ." f Tn�st may e:tm��modify or make aay chtmge in the teims of thio Daad of Tn�st or the Bvidenco of Dcbt wlthout <br /> � s�Deed of T�nss4�Ssball bind tnd bcaefit the seoo�surs aad nsn�ana o�f Tnuwf r�nd Benaficiaq�r,.'l�e dutia aad bRaefita of -, : <br /> t➢� - `� <br /> ---,- -- --��_..__� ��-_...m,,...m e a�.o.,�,w t�.-urc�E�cmaf'iciatv ast3 Ttt*s!�t�*��a not di:ectly secum the obligatioa wttich <br /> '--_-_r-.-.=_ __ 1[I�ID a�vws v���.c.�....�-o��i ' - - - .. <br /> � is guArandod�Trustor a6�as�o waivo any rightu tbat may prevent BeneRciary from bring�r►g my uxion or c�cim.g� , <br /> Tzustor or auy pariy i�lobted under the obliIIatton iaciuding,but not iimitad to�anti-0eficieacy or onc�ctioa Iswe• „ <br /> 2g.APPLICABLE LAVO►t SEVERABII.1TYi 10�7�RPRETATION. Th�s D�ed of Tn�st is govemed b tho lawa of the •, <br /> � „ . jurisdiction in which Bcaaficlary ta 1��oxce�►t to the exMnt ath�uwlso roquiresi by tho lawe of tho�urisdiction whrre , <br /> t�o PropartY ia loatod.'I�(s Doal of Tnu�t ie oomplots and ftiliy i ntogreted.'l t�is D e o d o f 1'm s t m s y not be a�eaded or <br /> � modified by oral �gr�eomeaG Any sectiaa or clauco in this Deed of Tiust, ntachmeata. or oay agreemeat related to the <br /> " ���ebt that conflicto wiWeppllcsblo Ivw will not be ot�'vctive,unless ttiat law expressly or i�mpHedly pem�its tho <br /> � vntlattons by written agr�emea4.If�ny sectlon or clnuso of thi�s IDoed of T�uat cannot be enfocced eocordin�8 to ite te�s� ., <br /> thnt secNaa or cl4use will bc�severad aad wtU cut a��ct th°e�°f°rceabiltty of tho remaindcr of Wis Deed of T�ust. <br /> ' Whenever usod. the s�gWar shail includo tho plusal and tho plwd the singulu.'�e c�,ptioas md Qesdiags of e�s se�etiona <br /> , of this Do¢+1 of'Ptust am for convcaieaoe only and uro no4 w bo used to interpret ar dofin�the terms oi thio Deod of Trust. � <br /> , Tima ja of tha es�eacas ia�his Deed of T�. F•ao e ot o <br /> � Ot0OJ6mkwLlnttms.u+o..4t.CtoW,�NIt�f00��81•li9tl ramAC'lL�YD«1I t0lSON1 ,. <br />