. ,i . ..
<br /> .,:;
<br /> � . �:� ' �� .�. �.,,, .
<br /> . . . ......... .. . . _
<br /> - 99m sc���s � � .
<br /> or absolete. provldod that such persounl g�ro}sa�ay�»mpincexi wtt6 oiher peraonul propaRy at least equul ia valuo W tho � �
<br /> �� �� p�perty� �ec� from auy tidp rct�atloa devico, securlty ngraement or ather encumbraaco. 3uch
<br /> teplacem�nt of percotu�pto7Pe�tY wW b�����ra�1��O�s��ty i°ten'st creatod by tb9a Desd of Truat.'1'n�stor sholl
<br /> not partitton ot suhdlvIdo the PrePepty'witdai���mteficiary's prFor weitten cons,�nt. Beneficinry or Heaeflcinry'e ogente
<br /> muY. ut Beaeficiary's oytian�eatet tbe Pmpe��+,p css ony reason4bla tima for the puiposo af Inspecting the Propert�. My
<br /> inspection of tha Ps'og�rtY nhnll be mntirrily€�r A�meficInry's benefit ncd Tructor will iA no wny rely aa Beaoficinry's ,
<br /> inspectian. _
<br /> 13.A[1THORiTY�'O PEIiFOYtIVII. If T ma�t or ut��ea docuyacent tbnt has prloriry var Wia Deed of T:.��cnaflciary ��,
<br /> � . • mo�tguIIe�daed of ttost,secwltY+8� �
<br /> may�wlthout aattca�Perforw the duttos or caua+ti�em to be performed.Tnactor nppointa Benofi�inry os atwrday in fact to
<br /> eign TnisWr's aame ot pay �ny�ouut a�oa�ry for parforsn�ace.If any conetnzcdaa on tlta Properry is diccontlnaed or _ L
<br /> not cArried on�B�b�l luda ooa�plEStiap tbn�can�h cttoa.stever is aeczs-s�Y to Protrct Beaefioiary's secudty Intenst i. _ :. .,t.
<br /> in the Progerly. .f.�A�,�,;�.��
<br /> . Beaafic[ary's right to p2rFotm for'I'�r s�s�1t nnt create an obligntlon to perfo:m� and Beaeficiary's failuc�eo peifor.� >..-;�,�=;.:„.`'
<br /> wW aot preclvde 8eaeficlarY from axeraiaiaII�ny of Beneficiary's other righte uad9r tha law or tbie Deed off Tn�ut.Aey � ti ;;,..,F,..=�
<br /> anwunt� pa�d by Ben�ficlary for ins,aina� lF��B or oWe:wise pmtcxteqg ehe Pmperty and Beneficiery o seeurlty ;:c .,s.
<br />:::�?r; interest wIU ba dars on dom�nd and wUi bt+er nater�t from the dats of ths payment unW paid la full at the interest nte ia y;�:!;;.-
<br /> .. eftect fromn time to tima ucordian to tha tm�nn aP tha Bvideuce of Debt. ���,�;,
<br /> �;, � � 14.ASSIGNM�'1VT OF II.EASES�R�Y�7l'3.Tten�tor Irrevocably gtnnts�conveye and suUs as additIonW seaurity cll the i�"���i
<br /> ,,,Y
<br /> �. i�.,.�.
<br />';F,� rig h t,d d e and iatarest in and to�cy 8nd�Ut ,:,:;' ;,,,`'�
<br /> A. AxisNng ot fut�ue leacas. aubleas�s�Ua�.8��►tles cund any othsr w r lttea or�•e r b a l ogree m e n t s f o r t h o use aad ..'��:..
<br /> ocaupanay of anypo Aion of t�e Pmperty� iacludmg Any exteasIons. reaewuls, ►uodlficaHona or substltuttons of ^_,�
<br /> ;�.�;.�, :�:.-
<br /> � such agc�eem�ate(all refesrcd to u�'Lo�asss')• �'`_�
<br /> ��'"�� B. Renm�iesuea oad pmfita (all �afcmrad to as"Reata')�includIa�but not lianited W�ecuaity daposlts�minimum mnt, .?:,:;�,
<br /> pareentage mnt,addidonel mat. cna�maa area mainteannce c b e r 8�+ 1��8 chargrs� r�al estate t�[es► other .�j,r,�,
<br /> nppllcubla taaos�insumnoa p�m�um�mnzsibutioas� liquidated damagea ffoAowing def�Wt. canceUaHon premi�ums� :,;-
<br />;;;:• ., ...�. � "loss of reat�' insu=ance.rovamua�,reryaities�Proceeds�bonuses�end aU s�ghts aad claims wbich Tmstor msy have •'..-;n�_'
<br /> tbut in my waY Pert�s t�or�a oA eccount of tlu uce or oocupanay of We whole or any put of tha Pcoperty. ���
<br /> �� _ ��,�r�r will promptly Drovtde Baaofiaicuy wi►h tius aad oors�ct copien of aU e�tIating and titdua I�eases. Tn�stor may �_=
<br /> . � collect�receIvo.e�oY an�use the Renta eo�ong as Tn�stor ie nnt;a�of�u...T�sssiar s:�i!!aas rnll�.�!u!v!�•nY�e _
<br /> duo in futura lexse pertads�unless Tru�*dnr f#,mt obte9ns F9e�seficiary's writtax�conss�s�at.Upon defailt.lYustor wlll i+ooeive �a
<br /> ' any Reato�n wat for Beaefioissy arad TuuU.ar wilfl noi comminglv ehe Rmts wlth ony oWer fimde.Any amounta collxted �;,�:�-
<br /> .. � eIwU be appHed at Beneficiary's dlt;orettoa tn payraeats on tha Siecured Deb2 as titeteia provld�d�to coste of managin8 the _ _
<br /> �}Y �r o P e r t y, inaludia8. 6ut not liu�itazl w. n1I�ttues. assoasmeats. insurenca premiums.m,�uirs� aad eomailesion�to renml �-
<br /> agents,t►ad to aay ot�er necessary r�lnsa s i az�sa n a e s i n c l u d i n g B t m e f t e i a ry's a t w m e y s' f e e a.p n i a l e g a l f e e s And eou�t cos2n. --
<br /> ,r`, --
<br /> . . R Tncstor aclmowledges that t h to e s s��aan t�a�e e t e d u p o n t h o e e c o r d i n g o f t h i e D e a d o f T e u s t n nd t�at Heaefra l a t y ie �-=-
<br /> cs �-
<br /> � entlsPed W aottsy my of Tu�¢ar'�t tma�ta to�uico paymeat of reats dua or W becamd due W Heaeficinry. Howevor� �,:3=;�,._
<br /> ''*' BeaeBainry egras thst only on da�ult will Senefia notify Tnistor aud Tn�swr•s teasats aud make demaad that aU ��_�
<br /> en
<br /> ttitw.e�R6nte bo paid directlY to HfmoSauary. On ving tha notico of dofault. Tcustor will endonse aad delivor to
<br /> .. �; BeaoRciary aay PaYm'eats of Raat in 1Yu�ur•a possesaion. .------
<br /> �; Tnestor eoveaanta that no dofnult welttm awdar tlto Le�cos or any appIIcabla ln��ord law.Tnistor also oovav�ats and agras Ki>4 -
<br /> . w mniutain�oa!to reqiure thw tan�at� ta comply with.the Len�e����t�}pplicablo luw. Tn�ator wU!promptly nutli�r �;�_-
<br /> � ' ,. • � �':. Benoficiary of aay n+oncomAUcatoo. If Tuvaor eeglecte or reli�ses to enforce linacs wlth the torms of tha Leasss�then �:._._.._---
<br /> Bsaeficiary may� at BoneBcia�y'e optiaa, enfoms complianca. Tn�or will�min Benefcclary's wrlttcn �uthorfpa4ton N.-
<br /> .,. ;• bofore Tnu�tor consea�te w cub9�t, L�odt�►.caacel�or othenvise altar the Leases.to accept tha s�unendor of tho P� �`_
<br /> oovered by s�aoh Le�ea (unless tl�e Lv� so reqwre). or��aslg�� ���yor eacucnbar ty Lease3 or auy «.--...--
<br /> Ba flal�y iucur as a n9aoqu�os mFthe essignmeat under thia fisecNon�or an and ell liQbili .loss or dnma�o that �"`
<br /> [.:;,;��_ -
<br /> _ ,';°
<br /> .� � iS.CQ►NQDfDMINiU1Vi3: PLANRII�JD Ul�.'T D�VELOPMET��u. If We Propetty lucltsdr,s a �tt tn a condominium or a �.�.,_—�--
<br /> - ' .,,�. glenaed w�{t developmcat�'IY�uitoe witl perform atl of Tnutor'a duHes uader the covenwnte�by-lawe�os ngulatlone off ehe f�``�
<br /> _ + coudamtnium ot pl�ned unit dwa3apmtm� �-�-v�•:---_
<br /> ��:--. --
<br /> -= �.. _
<br /> c� 16.DEF'AULT.'Ttustos w111 ba in dofrcult tY eny of tha foituwing c�ccur. t��due; �r -
<br /> A. Aay patty oblfgat�d on tbo�ecumd Dcbt fails to mske paymca �.� -
<br /> •? �. A b:r.�ch of any tonn oc ca�vmnnt in thle Decd of Tc+�st,anY Pdor m�ttgage cs Any coastrttcHon lostn ngtremeat� [,1 �. --
<br /> iu socurtog os olh�twiEe nl�ng W t�sv Secwed E. ,,,:-,.......
<br /> �y�tY o8�mmt or uny athnr documeat evtdenclayq. S�wra°�Y 8• ".;:��-__
<br /> ' .' �� ' :i,�vu:.
<br /> C. 'lUo maldng or fiun3e�ia@ of any varhul or wrlttea represeamtFon�s3atemont or warranty W Bsns�uciary il�nt le falso ,,�t��-..
<br /> - � or�ncomact ia my mLtannY msR�ct by Tn�ator or any percon or entity oblIgateci on the 5ecured�rM. - � .,;
<br /> D. 'I'lus dc�ath�di�soludon,,appoin�t of�►rccoivcr for, or applicatiaa oi any�aDtor relief le�v to.T:ustor or any .'"it"�f
<br /> po�son or ea�tity obll�a'zai on tho Socured Debt; . , .
<br /> B. A good f�iW belioi by+$csaofieIIary at any timo that Benoficiaey is inscicuuro wiW respo�ct to cny pesson ar ernHty -
<br /> sc
<br /> obligatEd on t6o Se�d Debt or that tho procpoct of anY gnyment ie impait�d ar tbo Pcoperty ia impaired: . .
<br /> r, F. A mate�l adveroo cbu�8o iu Ttvste�r•s Mt�n�.ss iaet�edang owaor�s�p�mAna�Semoat,and financiW coadltioae�wbich _, .----
<br /> _- __----- -:_r-, �ienaficlery ii►ito opiaiw bolievw in�a tha veltte of!ko Propr�ty or t�ymaat of the Secured Bebt;or :
<br /> ..e�_.._. * ..e`:n11u nnn.tst,tn tand er m the - -—---
<br /> ---------'- ------- � - • __ . ... ..
<br /> s �3. ALY IOII�QPDCOE�3 iRt itStll9 fOf 8 pllfpose utac wun wmnouw w vwrcow.o....,m..........o�� --------- -- —'--- -
<br /> conve:eioa of wc�lunsls W pmduoo aa agrlcuIW�1°°m�h'.��0r oxpininod in 7 C.F.R. Part 1940,Su�ut
<br /> ,,., .. 4�Bahibit M. �
<br /> . 1, 17.IttE1V�D1Lr.�" ON�BF�#UL'�.In sou�o in,e�,r.c�s. €ede:al aQd smte iaw vv�ll�uing Bcao�iciasy to provlde Tnsstor w[th
<br /> noHce of tho rigbt to cram, m�mdon notices r�•ati�er cotices asd may estab' tim� schcdulca fos foreclosufe a.cHons. �
<br /> � � Subjoct to theso Iimitn4laas� if onY�Benflficiary awy accolernte We Seeumd �ebt and foreclose thi� Deed of Tiust in a „
<br /> . mannor pmvirl�d by lbw if�tiia'I'rvatn is ia default. ,
<br /> ., pipe so!(3 •'
<br /> �
<br /> ,;' . �
<br /> •� o�aoa os�un araeenn.��e..s�.cae.btM It-tS0?507�21�t1/u�n AOlCO-0T41I t0/30Nt
<br />