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� �� <br /> . ��� . ,. � .. . .. .. ._. �4 ..... .. .. � . .i . ._.._. <br /> .. rt <br /> g�� sc����s ,. <br /> . B. AU tLturo adveuors from Beiesfioiery to Tnestar or nthor ti�ture obl�gations of�nu�tor to Beaoficiary undor caay ' <br /> •� p��B�ty QQt��co�ttt�tct. Suuntnty�or olh�r ovldcmco of debt enDvting aow or exacuwd after thls�r,�d of Tnwt <br /> w�eth8r dr aot thie�d of Twst in spcalficalty rofone�to in the ovldenco ot debt. <br /> C. All a�ia�8, b��ot limttod W� 1 abili�es for ovetdrofte telstiag t�anry deposit acr.ount agrecimpEnt�bb�tu'acn ' . <br /> • Trustar and BcuoficInry. <br /> , r�,. or athenvieo pmtccting <br /> . D. All udWtlond etims sdvincod�d axpeases incwtod 6y Beue�iciQry far iusudog p-"�rvin�• <br /> tha Propc�ty utd ite vaJufl uuf my oshor sums ndvanced Aud wcpease3 iacwred by Benn�ict4ry under the terws o� �',,�. ' <br /> thin Doed of Tn�t�pius inter�st at @►e hiBhast rnto ia�ffsct� from time W timn,as pmvlded {u thfl Bvidcuso of <br /> - -• Dcbt. <br /> � ' �. Tcustor's porfor�nce uttder the temiu of uny iaeUuffisnt evtdeaoiag�debi by Tn�ror to Beaoftctpry Qad any D�d <br /> of Tnut svcurla�.�uatmtyin�+ot otlteiwlcm telating W tize deb2. <br /> If mo�theit ono persot�el�as t�ie Dmad of TeuEt as Tn�stor�eacb Truator+�rees that t6is Dacd of T�ust wUl secura aU .. �„'; <br /> thAua�dv�nr,na�ad Potute obUQadans descti�d above W�t ara given to or iacisa�od by any oae or mato TeueW t�s ch 't'n^�: <br /> ono or more Tn�stor ead Mhore. 'l�ie Deed of Tn�st wUl not secure any other debR it Benofiaiwry fa[lc.,wiW�o��oY '�. .�'f <br /> .. . c�her deb�w m�ke any requ#ted dtsclosure n�aut Wis Dsed of Tnrst or jf Benofiaiary fatln to givo eay req �,�_�.;. <br /> Wa ei�ht of msaiselua. �1�`` <br /> �r w m�ke dl psymeata on We Secured Debt whsa d�ae and in�ccordaace with We terms of We �;;,'-_ <br /> ' S. PAXIVI�N7'3.TnLStor agrees r <br /> � Bvldeaao of Debt or tbte Deed of Tn�st. «`� <br /> � r-:_' <br /> ' 6. yNARRAIVTY OF TITI.E.Tniswr cov¢aants th4t Tn�stor is lawtl�lly s�ir,ad of tho estata conveyed by thla Deod of'P�ust =- <br /> . and lus Wa right w itt�vacably gnnt,coavey and cell w Trustea� in en�st.wltl� Wwer of salo�the Propenty aad�venants <br /> ., . � Wat the Property ia uaracumbered�e�aePt for eacnmbr�nces of racoid. ' ���Y, <br /> ,�' �* ' �Il ax�o.assessmeats►lieas�eacumbraacas.Iwso paYmeu�.8mund mam� ��":;�°'`- <br /> :;';;:, . 7. CI.AIMS AGAIIVSP T1TLE.Truetor wIll psy uIm Tcvstot to grovlda to BeaeSoiary <br /> ' � utUitles�4ad other chtr8es reladng W the Prope�ty whem dua. Beaefialary may rt+i �,Tcustor wIU defeud tltle to �'.'— <br /> � �. copies of atl noticas thst s�cch amo�ats are due�ad tha receipss evldaaeing Ttuator•s paymeu �Beaeflcior!►.�s �,T��n <br /> tha Property aEaie�st onY claims t�a�would impsir the lien of Wie Deed of Tn�t.Tcuntor agcees to asstgn v <br /> �,����a � � ra9uasted by Be�oficIuy� +mY dg1►ie,cWms or defansav which Tiustor may bave agaia�st pnetiav who supply Woor or <br /> '':•:��:;� '?�• matezitls to improve or m�iatain the Proparty. ---- <br /> :;�:':;:;;" `,` ` <br /> '" 8. PRIOR SECIDRYO'Y 1N'1'�RESfS-With regud w Aay other mo�SaBe.dead ot Wst,securlty age+eamant or other II� . <br /> documa►t tlut erett9d a prior recuei¢y in2erest or eacumbr�nce on the Propesty and t�t uss�y hnv�p�orIty aver this Deed <br /> � � of Tmst,Teustor agrees: orm or comply with all wveanats. <br /> �,:::i:.. A. To meke aU payman4e whm due aad to perf <br /> :,`:�;•t; ' B. To provnPtlY d8live:to�eaoficiary any notic�s that Tn�sWr reoaivss froffi the holder. <br /> .� r„ <br /> . .'`�:r• C. Nat ta meko or parmit any modlfiastlon or extenaion of.aud not to request or s�ocept ony fuwre advsaces r any <br />- � noLe or ag�t savred by�tha other mo�tgage.deed of hust or securiry agreement unless Beateflaiary conseatu <br />- � in wiciting. ' <br /> • :-{,.. .. .. <br /> ;::,��. • rt <br /> ,rr,,°�; 9. D�f'E 01�1 SALE OR F,NC�RANCE.BeaeRciuy m� ite optlon�derJars tha endre bal�soe of Ws�ocured Da t to <br /> ;,���.,;,.. <br />�';�'�!,%;,:^ ., r" be immediatelY due and psyabie upon the�readon of nny lien.eacumbranoo.trensfor.ot sala,or c�nnhaci far any o osa <br /> on tho Howeve:.if tho Piu�e�ty inaludes Tiustor's residoacrs►this saction e6a11 ba e�bjact ta the restrtcttons <br />-; ,.�. � imposed byp���Iaw(12 C.P.R. S91D��appltcable.For tha putposes of tLis sectt��tha t�"ProPe�t3''also ineludes <br /> r. •� �,f�'�A .� eny faterest w WI or any paet of t�o Prc��+�ty.'ILis oovea4nt shall�vn with the Pmpeity aa��aQb remsin in effoct oaW the <br /> ' ,4�,-,.,;; •- rc :. <br /> ,,,�:,:l .. Secured Debt is pxtd in fu31 pad thIs Dead of Tiust is seleaced. <br /> '��.'.�.ai?I°�{� •�. <br />_ ,,..�' 10.TRANSFER OF AN IP1"�'EltES'P W T8E t3ItAN�'QR If Tn�swr is on ant3ty other tban s n�tufut prssan(sucl►as a <br /> •' ��` if 1 a bcneficial�nt�aust in T�ustor Is <br /> . .. c�:poration or oth�s organiuti�). Beaoficiary ao�y domaad imm�adtaW l�aYm�t () �n <br />°'�l � sold or tran9ferrad:(2)thero is a chmge in eithor the ideatity os number of mambexe of a pa�asrhlpi cr(3)lh�m te+► -- <br /> . , � , �e�n;n thB above std�i�{t��Prchibited by�of tha pdato of�IDeed of T�tuatr.BeaeBoinry mny aot dcauafl <br /> '"�'s�`�',��� II'Trustor is ea ea43ty other tban s�at�unl�parsrm(sucb as a _ <br /> - . :,+,`�;.,�, . il.F1�PT1TY VE►ARRANTIES AND�tEPRESENTATq�NS. ons w�ch sball -- <br /> �---�u1�:._ . , p �t . _as+, 7'rs�.stnr mak�to B�dficiary tho foqowing warrandr.�and rt�resertead <br /> _:�..��,,;� corvor�.ti�or ctl�r��-'� ? _ <br /> • �.=�"';;'� ��'' be coapauing as irnsg�lun Sa�..u��3 D:.L:rcm:�3a:.o�"a-�^: �-_ <br /> ��,;. �:� A. Tiuswr is an eatity whtch is duly organined tnd validly oAisdng in t�e Tcuat+o�•s staW of inoorpot�et►on (or � <br /> � '`i';��;; � - on �'nuior ie ia good ataadia8 ia a11 states in which Tcw�i�,x uymsacts busIneas. 'M�tflr hta the power —_ <br /> '.��,'<<,-'` !" °��� �� end to carry on ite businesa rs nvw being coaducta! nail• es applicablo, is Q-� <br /> . and suthority to own the PrapartY Q... <br /> ' ' quntified to do so in each etato in which Tn�stor opar�tes. �.., <br /> � B. '11�a execution� dolivery and paxformaaoe of thiu Dee�of T�st by T�swr end th�obli�ston evfdeaoed by the <br /> . . � Bvidcace of Debt eres wit�ln tha powor of Tn�aWr. h;►ve ba�.,a dWy authotized� hme reseived all nooe�r�ry _ <br /> � .: <br /> •��':i�;';� govemmeatd aPP:'oval�md wUl not vtolate any pmvleion o�lsw�or orda of wurt or govo�n�utal agcacy. <br /> ,(,,.;;, . � ;i: <br /> `�,r�;:, .. .� y C. �thar lhoa dIsclosed in writiung Trust4r h�s not c�n8ed its neme wi�Ih�n the last tan yas�tn�l Tnn9 aot used�ay <br /> 8 <br /> o ' ,.�, otic�r trado or fcctitEaus name.Without Beaet►dary's prlor wrluea ooaaeas�Tnrstor doos not oa�will not use any <br /> .: athor nsme�ad wiU prese:ve ita e�cistia8 name�trade mamss aad tetnebises unEil thB�c�ared Debt is sAtteRed. <br /> [���r^ �it OQd OOII��OD •r <br /> . . _ ,� �t�cTiF�i JTi[LYC�t3D DI'�a.C�LON.Tf1iy"!CT 17i��!�i't+�*�_C-�y _ $ .,;._. <br /> -- --_„__.�T ii.aRCVrr.i�a: ...,,........... �----------•- -- .�,��r wtll give Beaofcciery prompi nnuce oi aay coss or da�go�, <br /> �� and malro all repaire W�t uo ratmoa�bly aeoessa�Y• Trustor wW aot inid�te.loin in or coaseut ' <br /> ' the Property.T�ustor wiU 1co�thm?wponS►froa of noxiaaa waesls�ad g�. <br /> - to aay chxngo in�oY privat�c«�eiuiva roveaaat. ranie8 erdiaanco os'othec�lic or priwde mstrictton Iimiti�g or <br /> - , dofiai�og tho we��➢uhleh m�y bo mdo of the Propcity or oay p�ut of tho Property,wlWout Beaeficia�ty's prior wiittem <br /> - , oonsen� Tnlstor wiD motify &acRciary oi dl dempnds. Pmceedie88►°leims�end acttona� will comply wjlh Rl{ <br /> - ovuner mvde under law er rcgulation ragarding use,ownership md occn�aacy of the Property <br /> � legsl requie�emeats md resaictions�whcther p�lia or pavaw.wlth respect to tho use of the Feaperty.Tn�stor�Iso�grea9 <br /> � ' thnt tke netuse of the occuy�aay and usa�viU not chsnge wlthout Bcaeficiory's prior written consen� <br /> „ No portion of the Prapariy wIU be removod�demoUshed or maLerlally altered wit�tout Heaeficiaty's g�'1°Wat bocamo�mt <br />_. . excepi thet'Trustor h�s tho rig6t to remuvo items of personal Pt'oPertY comP*y�8 e put of tho Proporty <br /> . a�•ao�e <br /> .1 .1 , o,oaa ou�cv.�M++.�M..c4 e�aa.Mr+n-coo-soi•zsan r«n�wcoorru �otaom� <br />