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.'.11..� _ . . _ ...j� . � ;J i�5:��� � <br /> :f'� . . � . ,����, t`t <br /> '� ' :I�q 1�''�E:.�.�.}��.ff .-�j';`��•:I�� . <br /> . . '�: d;'t:o�..1' 't;•1:- <br /> �CZ. 5 <br /> �i�t �. . .. -- . .. <br /> 1 /, ' ' .. <br /> .. . � . . r .. � <br /> .� •: . <br /> .....�wnnr.. � � . '. , . .. ..�."_..._"'._......_..r , <br /> ..- .i . , i� ' ... . r. ......._.___,!� � - <br /> 7. Reoteation of Lender's R18his in the Property. If Borcower rans co porbrm the covenania and npranmonts <br /> ' oontdinad In this&eour(ty IneWmont,or thero Is a tegal proaesding thnt mny slgnNlonntry afleot londors rtphto In tho Proporty (such as � <br /> � u proceeding Ut bankrupt0y,probnlo,tot condomnaUon or tortofturo or M enlotcu t�wo or re8ul��bn3),thon Lendor mny do and pay tor � <br /> ' whatov�r is nacosuury to protoat tho vniuo ot tho Prcporty and Londors rtghta In the Property. Lander8 uotions mny Inalude pnyNg � <br /> � uny sums seaurod by a Iktn whbh hns prtority ovat thls&aaurity Inatn+mont,appoaring In court,puymD ronsonabl� oltomey'o foas und n„ <br /> � ontcrNg on tho PropaRy to mnko ropnUo. Ahhough l.ondor mny tnko actlon undor this parnp►nph 7. I.ondor dooa not havo to do so. � <br /> My umounto dloDu�eod by Lendor u�dor this pamgraph 7 shati baaomo nddltlonal dobt of 8orcowor s¢oumd by thi� Soaurity <br /> Inetrumant. Unbsa Borrower nnd I.onder apree to olhor torms of paymont, theso amounta ehal boar Intereat Irom tho dnto of t_�._ <br /> disbursemont et tho NoW r0.t0 and Ohnil bo gnynbta,wlth Intoroat,upon noltoo from Lcndot to Borrovrer roquoatinp pnymont. •. <br /> 8. Mortflape insuran�e. it Lander roquYod moRgage ineurance uo a oonditlon of rnakln8 tho lonn uocvmd by thla Seour+ty .� <br /> ° Inatrument, Borrov�or ahaA pey the promluma mquUed to mulnWtn tho moRgago lnauranco In eNOCt If. (or any renoon, lhe moRqage O -- <br /> �� -" Inaurance aoverago raqulrad by lendw lapaos or ceaues to bo !n etieot,Bortowor ahnll pay tho promiuma�qutred to obtnln aovorcg� . <br /> `""��+� 6ubntOntlatty OquMUient t0 th0 mortpaao InBUranC9 ptevtOUBry N etf8of, et a o0at oubOtantlaYy oqulvaMnt to tho ooat to Bortowut ot lho _ <br /> �� '�' mortqese Inoumnco pravlousry In etPeol,lrom an artsmate moRguQe Ueurer approvod by Lor+dar. If aubetnntialy aquMnWnt mortga0o ��.`; <br /> . ..,� Ineurenco aovorape b not svall�bla, Borcawer ehnA pay to Lendor eaoh month n sum equul to onedws�Rh of tho yearly mortgnpo .,. <br /> Ineurenao premium bek►p paid by Bortower when lflo i�aurcfi:o oovcrnp�tspaoQ or ceanod to bo In eiteot. Landur w111 aaaapt,uae and „• <br /> retain thoaa paym9nta na � toee raserve in i�ev ot mortgage tnauranoo. Losa roseno paymonta maY no longflr bo roqutred, at thu �;�,-- <br /> ' optl�n of londer, M mo�SgaQo Insutanoe coverage (In lAe arttount and for tho ptulod thet Lcndor roquirou) providod by an Inaurer __ <br /> approvod by Londor agaln beoomos uvnitnbb nnd ts obtalned. Oortowa shali pay tho premtums roqutred to mnMtah martpnge .:j <br /> Inaumnao h efloot, ar to provtde a Iosa �oservo. untll the requUement for mortga8e inaureince enc�a In acoordnnco wBh uny writtnn '�_. <br /> ngroement betwoan Borrower and Lender or npp�ieab�e Inw• '�`c' <br /> . • 9. Inspeation. Lendor or Its apQat mey make reasonable onUi�s upon and Inapectlons of the PropeRy. Lender shnli gbo �_ <br /> • Borrower notico at tho tlma at or prlor to an inapeotion speoiNing reasonabb cauae tar the Inspeotion, <br /> 10. Condom�n�Uon. T1+e proeeeds ot any award or olatm tor damsges, direot or consequenti�l, In oonneotton w�h any ��,"—'.. <br /> 4 oondemnaUon or othor takhg ot any paR of the Properiy�or tor conveyence In Ilau ot oondemnetton,are hereby assigned nnd shnli be ��,-��� <br /> patd to Lender. ' <br /> � In the event ot a total takhp of the Properiy� the proceads shali be applied to the sums seoured by thl� S�audty �natrumont. ��:.;.� <br /> , . �.. whetASr or not then due,with anY ettceag Psid to Borrower. In tho event of a paAfa�taking of the Properiy In which Mo fnlr market �` <br /> ', ,� vaiue ot th9 Property immedistey Oatora the uiking is equnt to or greater than the amount of the sums seaured by this Security �,._ <br /> Instrument immedlately before the taking, unisss Borrower and Lender othervvise agre9 h w�ting,the sums seoured by thls 3eeurUy <br /> Insuument shall be reduaed by the amuunt ot tho procaoda muRlplied by tho foUowinB traotbn:(a) the totat amount ot thu sumo _. <br /> ' seoured knmediatery beforo the takh�,dMdod by(b) the faa market value of the Properly tmmodletey before the takinp.My baience v <br /> ;:�.;f�,1, t� shaU be p&fd to Borrowet. In tho event ot a parGai tekln9 af the Property In whieh the ta[r market value of the Property immedintely — <br /> �,.,.�:�, . bofore the taking b less than tho t►mount of the sums secured bnmedtatety betorA tho taktng,u�less BoRawer and Lender athen+ise <br /> --���?"�=�"- � �o a► writtno ot unlee8 epp�b9bk► 1�'N Otherwlse provtdes, tho proceeds ehall be applt6d la ihe sums seaured by this Seoutity - <br /> ?���r����„ inaWmant whethor ar not the ouma ere thon duo. <br /> ' ;!� It the PropeAy Is abandonod by Bomower,or a�aRer notba by�ender to 8orrower thnt the anndemnor otMra to make an awerd or <br /> -'� `���' seitia a olatm tor damapes, Borco�rer tai�s to respond to lender w�h(n 30 days after the dete Ih�notice Is gksn.Lender ts authorizad _ <br /> e��'i <br />_ .;j;r�,,y; . to aolbat and agpN the procaeds,at ks optton. e�her to restoratfon or ropaU of the Property or to the suma seoured by this Seourity <br /> ;- ���i;�'••••• Inswmem,whether o�not then due. <br /> -� �'''•�'� ' � Untess Lender and BoROwer othororiso agree In wrktng,any opp�batton ot procoeda to (xhcipe► shaq not extend or postpone tho <br /> � 1{ due date of the monthy payments reterted to In paragrapha t end 2 or change the amount of such paymentt►. <br /> � ��"�' 11. Bor�ower Not Roteased: Forbearanoe By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenelon ot the time tar paymen� or _ <br /> -� �� ,,:f."n <br /> t`y.;y; <br /> _ )�•,�.,� madiHOatlort of amortimtion ot tho auma se�ured by thb Seaurihr Instrument granted by Len�ler to any sueceseor 1n Intorest o orrowar <br /> •.� E,f;,.l„ <br /> r� �t.,,��,'.;; � ahau not ope�atu to reloaso tho IIablllty ot the originni Bortowet or Borrowofs suocesaora tn Nterest. Londor ahall not bo�epuae ta <br /> �`�^.f�' �' aommeneo proaeedings ugainst any successor in htmost or retuse to extend tlme br pnyment ar othenvtse modiry amoniration ot tho <br />=h...�. .�yk int rest�My fo�be9ranoe by�londe Hm�erolsing any rlght or dremody aholel not beta weNernd o preoludert aonexercise ot ttny�h o _ <br /> -�lP�'�"•=. - • _ <br />'�`�'�.��w+'�+� f(iiI18dY• - <br />��r�;a;;�!��-" 1�.Successara end As�lgna Bound; Jolnt and S�evorat Liability;Co�sig�anera mo oo�annn�s end <br /> �"�'�� � agreementa ot this Soourity �notrumont ohatl bind and benetft tha succesaors and asaign3 ot Lender and BoROwer. eubJaot to the __ <br />�,..,.f;{'�•.. ., <br /> � �.. pro�lslona ot paragraph 17• Bortowors oovenants nnd ugreemonts ahali da JoMt an�several. A�y Borto►ver who easi�ns fhle Securily <br /> ' Instrument but daes not exeoute the Note: (a) ts caslgning thts Secu►ity instrument ony to mortgago, 9m^t� and aonvoy that <br /> •�. � Bortowe�e fnterest tn tha PropeAy under tho tarme ot thb&eeyrityr instrumflnt;(b)is not p0rsoealy obUgatnd 10 pny tho eums secured � <br /> -y,;c;:,y,;. � <br /> r�,�- by thb Soaurity InsWmont; and (o) a8tee9 thet Lendar und nny othtv Borrowor may nSroe to extend, modiry, torbuar or make any <br /> " '=''��;ti"� accommodattons wRh regard to terms of this Soaurhy InsWmont or tha Note wilhout that Boaowots oonsent. <br /> ..Yk�..•*.. <br /> .��1;r�x:.,: 13. lt�an C�targes. It tho toan socurod by this Soaurity inawment Is eubject to a law whbh seb maxlmum ioan c ac�os, r <br /> ��f r.nd that Iar�4s t�n311y InteR�mtad so thtst the tntsrest o�oth¢r �oan oh2xpos o01t0Cted or to be eolfeotod tn conneatton wftA tho ban <br /> J.tnti--y:i.�:•� gx�ggo tn�penwiilnJ Ili1'iGo� i�ta.i (�i'y^•Y such hnn eharges shatt bo roduced by thb emount nscar;,�rY to rc�uc8 tha eharga tu the �_- <br />'-�';':�','���"' ` pstmlttctd Im@; and(b)flnY sums atready aoileoted from Botrov�er whi�h exceoded permrited Ibnits wltl be rofundetl tu norrowor• Lc��ua _ <br />_ .,:��:� � �. <br />_ . ,�}.�..� , , may ohooQO to make tAls cofund by roduoing tho prhaipal owed undor th� Noto or by rnakhfl u dUoct payment to Boaowor. e = <br /> - •.'tt��, rohu�d rodu:os prinolpal,the reduotlon wUl bo tresated ns a parthl pr�paymrmt wilhout any preDaY+no^t ahnrge undar tho Noto. �., <br /> �„�': i� 14. NOtIC88. My notke to Borrowor provtded tor In this Seourriy IneWment ahnq be gken by delTaering a or by mn�►in6 ft bY t;_` <br /> - •;�t�;. (ygt o{ass mali unbss app�fcabb taw rc3qulres uso of enother methed. Tho notice shali bo Einocted to the PropoRy Addras3 or anY <br /> r <br /> r.. . <br /> •;r,�,:; ,� otAot addro3a Borrower deslgnates by notico to Lend¢r. My noi�e to londor shnll be gMu� by ttrst otcws mo1i to Londor'G addresa <br /> � ���'� . stated herofn or any other uddresa l.endar do�tgnates by nottCe to BoROwer. MY not�e provtdod for h this 3ocurtty InOtrumont ehali <br /> � � be deemad to hnvo be9n eNon to Bortower or LendEtt whcn gNon as providctd in this parugro0h• : ; <br /> � 16. Gtovernleg Law;SflvEt9bllity. This 3ocurity Inatrument ahuli bo 8o�erned bY bdom� Inw end tho Iaw ot the �;i; <br /> ' Jurls4btion in whlah the Property Is boatod. In the�v�+t th4t ony provlsbn or otauoo of tNb Seeurity InaWmnnt or tho Note Conilbts <br /> � wUh appllonbb Inw. auoh aon(Ibt shall not nHoot othe� provislons ot thb Socurity InsWnlont or the Note whbh ean bo pNen offeot ��6. <br /> " I Wenout th0 eontltotin0 Orovislan. To thts and the provlstono ot tAls Socur1ty Inswmont and tho Ploto nre deoiared to be ccLCrabto. �1- <br /> ' --- �� .��wi.�w.u9u innfrunl0f!!. <br /> ' 16. Borrower'8 Copy. Bortowor ahall bo gken ono eonrormeo oopr oQ ino�:��o d�� ��•^��---• •••--- <br /> '�u� 17. T�enstcr of the PropeKy or a Benottctal Interoat in eorrower. If up or uny pnrt ot tho PrOpOAy ot iiny <br /> - Intoros!in R is aold or tmnot�rred (or If n benelbEa�ht�rost N Borrowar Ia so►d or tronsfcsrtod wd eorcowor Ia not n nntuml porson) <br /> _ ., � without landHoweverr thts optb�utfaA�otdbe exono��ad by L¢nds�tfexero o 3 ptrohmftedTby feEomitlnw u ot tho da o ot thb SeeurNy <br /> Inotntmont. � <br /> = InaWment. <br /> � i?!�� � - �} ��r oxercisos this optton,LondGt sha� gtio Bortcv+w notbo of accotoretion. 'rho notl�o ahnit provtdo u podod ot not bsa <br /> � ,� • <br /> thnn 30 dGya trom tho dato the notice Is de:ivorod or maibd wilhin whbh tho Bortower muct pny aU aumn ocicurod by this u <br /> �nswmont. tt Borrowor talls to pay tho�o uums p�or to the oxpirntton ot this pertod,londor mtfy hvoko any rQmodba porrolKod by this <br /> . r`^ „ Form 9ope al� <br /> _ ,� „ Sscurily Uswment wfthout turthsr notl�o or 6omand on eorrowor. <br /> : Pap�9 ot 6 <br /> .. PtOZfl.tMO(t100y <br /> .�` tOt t � <br /> 7 <br />