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. „ ` .. ., , . / .. - <br /> ... . _ _._.. - - ;. <br /> � 18. Qorrower'e Rtght to peins4ete. If Bortowcr moata cortaN condRlons, Borrower shall have tho rlDht to havo � <br /> anfoicomcnt of this&r.aurlly inQWment dtsaoneinuod nt nny tUne prlor to the earlior of; (n)&duye (or suoh other porfod ue opplkndkl � , <br /> law mny opeolly for rotn8fatomont) botorc� onlo ot tho Property perouant !0 nfly(10WOt Of 8U�8 COf1lU1f10d U1 1h16 S40Uflhl IfI81Nfl10f1{; ar ' <br /> (b) cntry of a �udgmttnt Cntoroing thl9 SocurUy inatrumw�t. Thoao oondltbnn nre that Borrower.(n) paYS Lendot afi euma whloh thon � <br /> ' •� woutd bo duo under thla 800urlty Inotrumont and tho Neto ao It no uccoternllon hud oscurrod; (b) cu�os nny do�nutt o1 any othcr , <br /> oovCnnnt or ngrc�mcntn; (0)pnyo o��axPonuou incurrod in ontorolnp this&acurtty Inntrumont, tnoluding, but not t5nitod to,rauoonablo <br /> attornoyo't¢�s;nnd(d)tnkoa auoh notlon ao Londor may rvaoonebry�a�uao to aoauro thnt tho IMn at thlo Scourity Inotrum�nt,lcnda�o ` ..,, <br /> righlo tn tho PtopCrty and �onowts�o obligatlon to pay tho oumo oocur�d by thla &o0urity Instrumont 8hall aontinuo unohungod. Upon � <br /> roh+stntement by tlarccti�cr, thia S:CUrlty InAtrumt�nt ond tho obl�ntlone �COUrod hCrOby ohnll romnln fuity offoottva uo �f no nCCelarptton ` <br /> had oaourrod. Nowwar,thla rlght to re�stnto ahon not nppb h tho cnao of accotoraiton unaor pnrcegrapn �y � ,° <br /> 19. SAlO O}NOtB� CHer��o of Loa» S�rvleer. Tho Noto or n pnRial intores3t tn tho Noto (togothor wit►t thla Seautity � � '• .�� . <br /> Inuuumont)may bo aold ono or moro tlmos v�Rhout prior natlae to Bortowor. A snb m�y rosuft N n ohnngo U►tho ontity(known ns tho „ <br /> � "Loun 3erv�er•� thnt col4�cta monthry pnym�tnto duo undor tho Note end thb Security Inetrument. Thero also mpy bo one or more <br /> mt <br /> ahnng3s of tho Loun 3orv�or unreidtod to n sulo of the Note. If thflro is a chnnge of the Losn Servlaor,Bortower will ba gMen wtltten <br /> not�e ot tho ahanpo In acoordance wlth partigraph 14 abovo and appibabl3 inw• The notVice wilt state the name nnd addrosa ot tha <br /> nov�Loan SUnlcer and tho addresa to whkh paymsnts choutd ba mada. 'fhe notke will also oontain anY olher informat�on requirsed hy <br /> opplloubte law. • ' <br /> dispoeat, storage, or retease ot any -t <br /> 20. NBZIIfdOUB Sttb�t8RCe8• Bonower shalt not causa or permtt the presonce, uso, __ <br /> Merordoue SLbsWnCes on or in lhe PropeAY• Borcower ahpll not do,nor eQow ru�yone else to do, anything a4fnoting tho PropertY thnt , , ;•i," <br /> ly I� vtolation ot any Environmantal Law. Tho P►���^8 �o s e n t y c a s 8 I I n o t �W P N t o th��to normal r stdentlal us s nnd to •;- <br /> Pto pe rt y ot Bm�li quant4lea ot Hererdous SLAStancos thet are panural reoo ni�sd to ba apP a ,R,:: <br /> • malntenance of the Property. <br /> BonOwer sh�d piomptly pke I.ender written notiCe ot any �nvostigation, ct�M,demand, Iawsuit or other actbn by any govemmental <br /> y or regulatory agency or prlvate paRy invelvV�B the Propsrty and any Hezardous Substance or Envkonmontat Law of wh�eh 8orro+vei ties - Y <br /> ' actual knowledpe. It Borrower Ieame, or Is �otttlad by eny govommantal or mgutatory author(ty,that any ramovai or other remediatton <br /> p} �y Hemrdoua Substance aHsCting the Property is necessary, Bortower shell prompty take all nscesserY remadial actlons h �,��cc. <br /> " accordaneo eritih Environmontal Law• '-•=�_ <br /> qs ��od «n ihis pgragt8ph 20, "Hemrtiou8 3ubstanCes' are those substflnces deMed aa toxtc or harerdoua substances by ,,�:�. <br /> EnvUonmental La�v and the foliowin8 subsiances:gasoline,kerosene,othsr tlemmabte or toxia pet�oseum products,toxic pesticidec and ,.. ... <br /> herbbides,voiut�e sokents, �rte�leis aonmtning asbostoe or lormatdahyde, and radbactNa materiats. As used Ui thls pera9raPh 20� � �,c;,Y�ra� <br /> � ` "Environmental Law" mea�s igderal tawe and laws ot tho jurlsd�tlon where the Property ls boatod thst reiate to hoahh. satetY cr „`i'�.�;_'. <br /> i���4F <br /> :. : ernkonmr3nt�1 arot9ctton. '''"7` <br /> � , NON•UNt��C€iM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender 1urth�r aovonunt and agree as foilowa: �� ��: <br /> y ; 21. Aceeteretion; Remediea Len d o�eaB�eemont�tn�lhls Seaurity pn�strument�(but not tpri�o�r�� ,��;; <br /> � _ r, ae��rewer's breaoh ot any aovona 9 <br /> ::.0 � nocelareUon under parag�reph 17 unless apPiicabic io� �io'ssSsa aih�s�+s1!�'�. The noUce shalt spoclfy: n��n�-��__ <br /> `�; ,,� � . (a) tho defa�alt; (b) the aetlon requlred W cure the default; (eI a dete� eot less than 30 dlays ham the �,t,- <br /> ��� -- <br /> ��:�� .fv,;,�;;, date the noUce is gtvea eo�8►d�er� �ecitledhin the��41ce may resultinfl�oeaer Uon�of�the sums u��!- <br /> ,;.,};.,y:, the detautt on or betor aP ,, The nmtl�e shatl turther Intorm <br /> . :�:�°f¢:;. � seeured foy tisis Security Instrument and sele o4 �� Property. <br /> Bor�ower of the right to reinslMe attQr aceeleratlon am¢9 the ri�M to bring a couR acUon to nssert the �Y <br /> � non•extate�ae of a detault or eny other detense of Borrower to accoteration and eale. If fhe detau{t is G <br /> not eur�d on or betoire the date s}�octti�d in the noUco. Lender at its option may requiro immediete M»� <br /> t, �-- <br /> � `� ppyment Om tult of all sums accured by this Security insVument v�ithiieab e�t w.d Lender ashat mbe n���:_ <br /> ;- invoke t�c� power o4 8ate end any other remedios pe�mittod by app _ _� <br /> enUtlod to colleet t�li expen�es Imeur�ed In purauinfl 4he �emedt�a provi�D�d in this paragraph 21� �_ <br /> eneluding� but not li�uoated to, reasanable attorneys'fees and costs of title evim�nce. �,_:— — <br /> � it the power ot saie is invok�d, TrusRee 8hell reeord a noUce ot de�iault in eaah county in whtch ,,;._ <br /> ' '.�;�., � any parQ�f the Property is tooa3�c� end ��a9t mali aoples ot sueh notice in tNe manner prescrlbed by `. <br /> , ,.,.�:.�• ca�._=___.. <br /> ,,.;.�:. applloetaGe taw to Borrower �n� 8a the othor persons preaaribed by ap�ppceble law. Atter the time — <br /> � •f;ti;;';�`.�. requtred �p�ap���aeble taw, Truatee shait eive publlc no4loe ot sale to the persans and in the manner L� <br /> presartbed by appEicable law• Trustee,without demand on Borrower, shall s$It t�e Properiy at pubtia E;-^, <br /> �_��� ttitti��-- <br /> auetlon to the htg6�est biddor at ehe time end place and under the terms designated in tD�e noUce of _�u`.-_ <br /> sale In cno or mor� pareets and in any order Trustee determinee. Trustee may poat�sone saev���1� t <br /> '� or any �s�roel of the Properly by pubtio ennouncomant at th� time �and placo of any p Y �°,_.;:_-___ <br /> ' soheduted eale. i.end�r or its designee mey puraha�se 4ha Property nt any ae[e. u_p•r-��-� <br /> •^.���;;+� Upon v�aceipt ot payment of the prtea bld, ?ruste� shall detiver to the purehasar Trusteo's deed �y,''__- <br /> ,_j;; eonvoylag tha Pr��p�•rh►. The �o�italo in the Trustee's deed ahati be prtma fasle evtde�noe ot the truth .___ <br /> -- -- of the c�iBQe�i�eetCs a'sadc ii�eY$En. Yf�stc:� e�sl! epp�y the��peee�l�of the sale [n the toltowing order: �' _ <br /> . t"___�lf't1;F(=. `.___"_._e:_. <br /> .,,�k?.� (a) to alt cosW and expenses of exer�si�inti ��6 pc�:.r c!3!°, s�o �e principalamount ot�the no e <br /> �r:'>`�'����: tho Tr�otee's te�s�aWalty Ineurr�d, not to exceed „ �b� �Qp ;, <br /> .;;•�..�:."� eolnratio� ot deMuit, and �easonebfa ett�ornoy's 4eea na► �Sermiried by taw: ���;°-_��. <br /> ,�.ti: at tho 49�0�ot tho d "���;:�'. <br /> _ � auma secured by tttta �eeurity Instrument; and (o) ony excer,s to the �mrgon or pereons legatly -.:�i..�'.,r <br /> enUtied to It� <br /> � `: :�'", <br /> 22. Reconveya�nce. Upon paYmunt of uG sums seCUred by this Securfty�nstrument,Lende�shnll request Truatee to reCOnvoy ,`�+ <br /> tho PtopEUty und ahau surrdnder this &oourity Instrumont und all notos evldsnoing dabt secured by this Seourity Inswment to Tniatoo. <br /> � Tru3tv�ahatl reconvey the Property v+ithout weminty nnd wfthout chArga to the pereon or persons te8nly ontftied to k. Suoh pe�son o� <br /> pPrsons shaU pay any�oordntion oosta. �,s�, <br /> 23. Subatltute Trueteo. lendor. at ito optWn, mny hom tlme to time romovu TNatoe ttnd cippofnt a oueeosstor Uusteo to • <br /> `' • , any Trustvo opPointod hemundor by an inotrument rocordod In the aounty In whteh thb 3sourity instrumAnt Is roco►dod. W&hout � �,' <br />'. . , ----- '.----- --, ..,ou �n� tnb. oownr and dullBa Conterred upOn Truat(10 hOrOh and by ; <br /> --- -_ -- -•-- -�-° -• <br /> ° conwoyance o�the Proparty,succasnor in,o« ���� ��-- •-— -•- • • • <br /> , opptiCabie�aw. <br /> a <br /> 24. Request for Plotleeo. Bono�vor roquosu► that copfos of tho notieeo ot dotault cu+d sale bo uont to Borrowofa nddross <br /> whbh Is tho PropoAy AGdroas. <br /> ' 26. Rlderm to thEa SecuRity InetrumenL If one or moro ddors are exocuted by 8orrower end reoordod to0othor wtth <br /> tNhs Securtty Instrument,the ouven4nta and aflrctemonta ot each suah tlder shall bo tnCOrporatod�+to and shail amond Md supplemont <br /> s tho covonante nnd a9rc�rt��to af thi8 SoCUHty InaWment as H the rider(a)woro a part ot this Sacurity Instrumont. <br /> � fam y046 0/90 • <br />_ , .. Pay�� ol 6 . . <br />'- - Ft02B.1M0(1/OB) ' <br /> � 1011 <br />