. `� ' k�;:',"' �+�5�' ;
<br /> ' �;:i.,
<br /> „
<br /> BoROwers o�craw ncoount undor the todorut Pnnl Hstnto Settbrnant Procodures Aot of �974 as nmendod hom time to time, 12 U.S.C. ', �
<br /> ' .� 2801�et 88q. ('�SFA")� unWss nnothar tavi thnt applbs to tho Funds sets a lessar umount. I}so,Lender may,st nny tMO,col':,ct and ,,' °
<br /> - hold Funds tn nn amount not ta ex000d the lesaer amount. londer may esttmate Iho amount of tunds due on the basis ot curront dtsta �
<br /> and reasanabb ostUnatea ot oxpandituros of future Eserow Itema or othorvilse In accordance with appt�cable�aw.
<br /> Tho Fu�OB �heu be held [n nn Inotitutton whose depoatta nro insured by a todorai agenoy, Inatrumontatity, or ontity (�noludtn8 �
<br /> " Lender. it L.vnAOr IS ouah an tnatllutlon) or In nny Federa� Home Lo,en Bank. lendor shell appy the Funds to paY the Escrow Items. �
<br /> Londar may �ot chnrpa Horrower 1pr holding and appying the Funda,annualy analysln9 the osorow acoount, or verllying the Eacrow � ;�s
<br /> � ttems, unhat�Londcu pnys�3arto�vnr inlvrost on tho Fund3 und applkabt�Iaw Rarmfts lander to make auoh a oharpe. Howevsr,Londer �' .�
<br /> � • may requke 8orrqwm ta pny a onatimo ohurge for an independont reat ostate wx roporttng sarvice used by lsnda•tn connucilon with y� ..
<br /> ihis Ioan,un�sa appllCAbW Wav Providoa othanvi3o. Un{998 nn agroament is mado or epplbebio Iew requUea interost to bo Watd,Londer � °�,b
<br /> ehnil not bo roqulred ta p�p 8orrawar any Intorost or oamhga on tno Funds. Borrower nnd Londot may aprcte in writing, ho�vwvQt,that ,�
<br /> �°����"�"'n• Interost shap b� paid on thn �unda. Lendor ehntt pHo to Borrowor, without ohnrpe, an ennunl a000untinp ot tho funds, showtn8 � l_�;
<br /> •• � arodlta and dcbtta to ehn Funda nnd tho purposo tor whbh onoh doblt to tho Funda wna mudo. TNo Funda uro pladgod na nddlttonal ,,.,.
<br /> aQOUrity br aG numo ooaurqd Uy thiu 8eouriq in8trument. �.ti=
<br /> • ' �f th9 Pundo hoid QY t»t►nNcfr axaoetl the amounta permttted to be hotd by �pplbnDin taw,Londar ahnll neoount to BonowBr for tho _
<br /> oxcosa Funds in uoaordonno wYtA tho requkomanto 01 applbeblB law. If the amount of the Funda ho�d by Londar ut any tima lo �ot ..
<br /> aufllolont to poy tho�uom►v 11nmo whun duo,Lendet may eo notiry Borro�vor ln artitlnp,and,In ouoh oase dorrower aholl�ay to I.onder _
<br /> tho amount ncceaeery to m�lsp uD the dotiotenoy.Qonower ohatl make up thD dolbienoy In no more than tweNo monthry paymento,at —.
<br /> landa�s sok dtsorotlon. •�,;'
<br /> Upon peymant h full of ai1 4ume eeourid by thia Seaurity Innuumont,Landor sheil promptty retund to Borto�ver any Funda hold by , �'
<br /> � Lcndsr. If, undpr pAmgmph 2S,6undor Ohall aoquke or aeli tho Proporty,Landor,prbr to tho aoqulsttWn or eale of tho Property,shnu yA"
<br /> ' , • � nppy nny Funda hotd by l.ondor at tho tUns ot aoqulsRlon or sab ao a omdit ngalnot tho eumn eaourod by ihio 5oau�ity instrument. -n,.�,
<br /> . � ;� 3.Appiicatloro of Pa�t�r.mnts• UnbsB upplb&blo bw providos othenvise.all p8ymente reCeMod by Lendet undot p+un��hird
<br />' � t and 2 shaY bo epplbd: llrst, ta any preDnYmont aharges duo undor tho Note;seoon�,to amounts payabto undor paragrap ��s;,:
<br /> to interest duo; tourth, ta prinai�ol Gue;and tast,to any lato ahurgos duo unda�the Noto. ,°""
<br />_ . � * � 4.Charges; Llem�. 8orrnwer ahall pny all taxes, easessmenta, ohergos, finos and Unposftfone attr�butabts to the PraP�Y �.��.r
<br /> � ��•�� whbh may attain prlorily oear thh� S6eudty Instrument, and leaseho�d payments or ground renta, if any. Bortowcr shalt pay those _�,-,w+�
<br />- ' `+ oblig�tbns fn the mflnnor provlxtad ln Para9rePh 2�or tt not pnld In that manner,Bonower shall pay them on tlme directy to the pnrson °
<br /> �+::=R.
<br /> • owed payrt�onG Borrowor ahflil pmmptly tumish to Lender ea nolbes ot amounla to be paid under this pnrapraph. It Bortower makea _� _
<br /> ;��'t� ,' ,�J theao paymenta dtreotry,Barrower ohaU promptty lumbh to lsnder receipts evfsenaing the psymenta. �`=-�-
<br /> • ,,+;.,:,��,,:� ,' =-
<br /> a , . Borrower ahall promptly ditahBrge any Ilen whbh has prlority over thls 3ecurity Inswment un�esa F3oROwer.(a) agreea in writ g to
<br /> �•.: „ �' �
<br /> � .��•,�• .,i��� th0 paYment ot the obil�attdn secu�ud by tho Ibn in a manner acceptabie to Lendor,(b)oontests in good inith the lien by,Or QBt8nd8 —
<br /> ��� aealnat entoroamont ot thp I�mn in�tsgal proceea�nes wnan m me i.ender'e op��wn vperats ia p�rasst!hs ento►�emQn!at tne nen:or tol =
<br /> . •'i�.
<br /> ,, •• socures hom the holdar ot tho Ib�n an agraement sattataotory to Lendor subordineting the 11�n to this Sc3ou�tty Instrument. It 4ondor
<br /> • determines that any part of the PrupertY Is subJeat to a Ilen wh�h may attc�N prlorlry over this Seourtty Inst�ument,Lendet may gNe
<br /> � Borcawer a notico IdonNylnp tho 1i�n. Borrower shaN satbly the uen or take one or moro of the aoUons ast torth above wllhin 10 days
<br /> '`'' !• , of the ghrinp of noHco.
<br />-,.• :..�. . ,� ` _
<br /> � &.Hemrd or Prmp�rty fcnsurance. Bortower shatl koep the tmprovements now wcisting or hereaftor oraotod on tho _
<br /> �,. ,�;::,:,.
<br /> , �..�i;,�,-.• , Properry insurod apalnst tuas by ritp,hemrds inatudod wfthN the te►m "extended aoverage'and any othar hazardo. inaluding iloods or `
<br /> J,';• i��::.,�:, � ..,�,
<br /> :..,,.,,<<,v,.,..,�� floodtng, for whbh londor �qulroe tnsuranca. This fnsurrcinnae ahall bo malntaU►ed In the amounW and for the perioda thet 4endor - -
<br />_ "`�:�r���:� •��•. requiree. 'Tho inouranoe aerdar providing the lnsuranao shaN be ohosen by Borrower subJeat to lende�s approval whbh shatl not bo _v
<br /> . � �� unreaeonaby withhetd. If Bor1'ower tal�s to m9lntain coverage dasaribed ebove,Lender may, at Lendors optbn, obtRln ooverago to R
<br /> .';i�;�
<br /> :r�1: `i •��'�°��•� proteot Lendot's dghts in tho Proparty in acoordanco wfth paragraph 7•
<br />�`�" ` °�-'`•'�"� AA Nsumnoo polbbe nnd rene�vals shall bo acceptable to 4ender and sheY inoNde a standard mortgago otaueo. Lender shall hnve
<br />--�:;.•°.;•ri.tiK
<br />�_�+�:I�';�r5'�'.1 , the rlght to hotd the poli�lno and ranewais. If Lendor roquires,Borrower BheY pramptty give to Lender aii receipfo of peM prom ms l�
<br /> •� :�;"+�:�.'�!'� � and renowal notices. In tho evunt at Iosa, Borcower shall gtve prompt noNco to the insumnce oartier end Lendea Le�dor may malce c
<br />- ` ' �'-'�''� proo!of toea if nqt mt�do promptly�Gy Borcowor. _°
<br /> !r�' ( � '� Unlssa Londer and Borro�ver ctherwlse agree in wrking,insuranoe proaseds shall be appll�d to rostoratton or repaV af the PropeAy ,r.
<br />-',�,• ., II damagnd, tl the reato►aHon or ropplr Is eoonombaM teas(ble and Lendors sc�writy Is not lessened. it the restomtlon or repalr fs not ..,_.
<br />;`r,�i7:� "... ::"�;,.,.,
<br /> ..;�„i,,,...r 000nomiac;lry foaefbt� ar Lender'g seourity wouid be bssened, tho inaurance proceeds ahull be cippuod to the aums aeoured by this
<br /> " �'^'��`�� � Seourity IneCument, whethor ar n.ot then duo, with eny exces�s p&kl to 8ortower. If 6ortower abandona the Property� or does not ��;;
<br />'-,!•,��` answer wNhh 30 day8 a notlCO trom Lender that the Inaurancs osnier ha8 oNered to eettle a alahn, then Lendet may aolbot tho =_
<br />�aat:"���Y:��. �� Ns u r a nco p roaeedo. Landor mny uae the proceeds to repaU or restore tho Property or to pny sums secured 4y thls SoaurRy o_--
<br />----.._.._..��-;�.;, _
<br />-���°..., ,� ino:cumGrst�:��ett!ni n�n�e thcm�iuo.Tno 3t6tlnY Dedod will begh when�a ao d co i s given1. __ -
<br /> r''"-'r�-"�. - —
<br /> r�'���,:; ... ..; �, Unbsa Londar and Bomo�vor atNSrvYlse agres In writing, BnY apPltcat�on ot ProcBeda to prinolpnl anau not axta�w o�"ro�$z'=th� _-
<br />_ �:; .;+�:'.'.��4, dus dnto al the monlhly paymontn roterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ohc�nge the amount ot the pnyments. If under para9mPD 21 �
<br /> .,,:,. � p g �y:,:.
<br /> �N `•,,j;i,,�.;,'�y'••,, tho Proporry 1s aoquUed by Landar,8ortoworo right to any Inauranco olblos and proaeeds resuttin from damage to the PropeRy pdor r.
<br />,�� • '�""��'��i�^� to tho aoqulstti0n ohplt paos ta lender to She extent of t�o st�ms soourad by thts Seourtty insUument Immodlstey pHOr to tho �-_;
<br /> , ,�:.
<br /> ' � .F.�
<br />-. ' flODUISR10�1.
<br />�; '; � .. ,,�� 6. Ocaupa�ncy, P�c¢bpvation� Maintenr+noe and Prateotion of 3h@ Propar9y; �orrower'o Loan ;
<br /> : p�p��Q�110�� �gg�@Q�,pld�. r�onowor shall aeupy, 69tE1bOSh,end u8a tho Proporty as 8orrowere prinaip8l re8ldonCe wfthtn 86Ry :,,�'�.
<br /> � �� days attor Iho cu�¢CUGOn ot thlc Soaudty �natrument and shutl continue to occupy the PropoRy ea Bortowern prirtoipal rosidoncu tor at ��;.'�
<br /> ' � la.qst ono yvsir aRer Uto datn ot oaoupanoy, unlesa Lendor othorwiso agrees in wrltinp, whbh conaont sheU not be unreasonnbly
<br /> � ' withhoid, a unlasa cixtonuuting clraumatanaes oxlst whbh aro boyond Bortowei's oonVol. Borrovfor ahnll not destroy,domago or fmpatr �_"•
<br /> T _—z.. �o p�ppoiry, euow the P�oporty to doteriorate,or commft wnsto on tho Properhr. Bonower shelt be in detnult a anY forfoiture aatlon or �; :
<br /> �' " .,.....m,�w� �.,�mMnr at�U or ctlminsl b beeun ihat h Lendot'e g0od t'nith Judpment Could result tn forfefture of the Propertyr o�othcnllSO `,.
<br /> . —
<br /> _.
<br />_ - ,. - - - • �^------•., -.
<br /> � mptprlgtly Ynpnb ttln IUs� ott3ated Dy this St3ourity �nBUUment or Lcndo�s SoourHy inturost. BoROwer may cura ouur� n w�::� a•�
<br /> � rotnelatu. ao prov?dtid�n pnragraph 18,6y cnusing the aotion or proaooding to be dlsmisaed wilh e ruil�fl thut, tn Lo�dors good Inith
<br /> dotcumina�bn. OroQhsde� fartoauro ot tho Borrowers Interost in the proporiy or othor materlat Impnlrmont of the Ilen oroatod by this ,
<br /> ��� " Soaurlty Inctrumont or Londore sacsurUy interost. 8orcowor ehnll nlso bo N deffiuk If Borrowor, dudng tho ban epP�leatfon pro0a3s.
<br /> =;`�;y gn�p matorl�lty luisa or Inuccurate Informatlon or statementa to Lender (or 1nilad to prorido Lender wfth any mntortai IntOrmaUon) in
<br /> i'�'';
<br /> connoctian wlth tho wan ovtdenood by tho Noto,hatudtng,but not Ilmited to,repreaentatlons conaeming Borrowofa oacupanoy o t � f�;.
<br /> • p�ppp�y � p prholpal rosldancv. if this Security Instrument Is on a �easeho�d,Borcower BheU comp{y wfth BII the provlalona of tNe
<br /> lerssg, If 8orrowor uCqulrsa foo titb to thv Propedyr, the leasehotd and tho tee dtle shall not msrge uniesa the Lender agreos to tho
<br /> • morflor In writing. Form 9040 0lBO
<br /> _ � .. Ff02Y.LM0(1/t10) Poge Y ol 6
<br /> - �`� �Ott ,�
<br />