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<br /> � paymcnts nury na lo�z�cr t�c rcyui�c�i,m thc�pti�►n of l.cndcr. ii'mnrivatjc in.ruruin•e«�vcru�c Iin t ic iunuum uud li�r thc��criud __
<br /> ' that L.c.ndcr requires)pravidcd by i►n Inacurcr iipnroved hy l.cndcr u�afn hca+tncs�wuilubic i►nd ix�ibtuincJ. Nur��nver hhall puy �
<br /> � the premiums required to malntuin mongape in�urunco in effcc:t.c�r tn piuvidc u lowy rc4crvc,until thc rcyuirenunt for murl�u�c
<br /> :: Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement betwecn Bc�rrowcr and I.ender ur upplicublc lciw. —
<br /> 9.Inspectton.Lcixier ar icv c�gcnt mny make reusonablc entrfew up�n amd insprctiona of thc Praperty. l.cndcr shuil givc �
<br /> � Bonowet notice at the dme of ar priar to un in�;pecNon specifying re:�.5nnnble cause for thc inspectiun. _
<br /> . 10.Condemnatton. The proceeds o f�y�p=+��r otr iforf conve�nnce�in lieu f c nd mna ion'.u c (creby+u ylgned und �-
<br /> � condemnation or othcr taking uf any part P Y• y '-
<br />' �„�; shall be paid to Leader. _
<br /> �,.,"�;';:� In thc event of a total taking of the Property.the pracceds shall be upplied to the sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> '* �vhether or not then due. aith uny excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a parti�l tnking of the Property in which the fair
<br />'`�w�.�� market value of the Prop2rty immedietely before the taking!s equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this _
<br /> �.���,.. --
<br /> ��r;;:,� Security Instcumene imrtsediately before the tukin�.unless Barrower and L.ender otherwise ngree in wrttin�.the sums secure� by
<br /> •��`����� this Security Instrument ahall be reducect by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following frnctian: (a) the totul
<br /> ,,. ,::.,r;) immediutel --
<br />- - ,",��F.� nmount of the sums secured immedtetely b,;fote the t�lcing,divided by (b)the fair market v�luc of the Property Y
<br />��,�•.'' before the tnking. Any balance shall be paid to Bon•ower. In the event of a pactlai taking af the Property in which the fair _
<br />''""•'"`� " market vulue of the Property immedietely before the eeiking is less than che amount of the sums securcd immediately before the
<br /> � ,
<br /> e kl �
<br />���'� �';t taktn�.unlesa 8orrower and I.ender otherwise agree fn wridng or unless applicable law otherwise provides,thc proceeda ehall ���_
<br />��"�-=-'`��� be nppl9ed ta the sums secured by thie Security Instrument whether ar not the sums ure then due. -
<br />=,;�=�`r_'1f�;___ If the Property is abandoned by Sonower,or jf,after notice by Lender ta Honawer that the condemnor offers to malce an _
<br />'"r'�' '� award or settle a claim for dama�es, 13orrower fails to res�sond to Lc:nder wIthin 30 days after the date the nodce is IIiven, , .
<br />-'Y�'��y'� Lender ia authodzed to collect and apply the procer,ds.ut Its optton.cither to restoration or repair of the Property ur to the sums
<br />_-�.-•,,�;•,
<br /> '' `''.;1 secured by this S�udty Instrument.whether or nat then due.
<br />`-�;�!?�?�!r`�' Unless I.ender and Honower otherwise agree in wrlttng, any upplication of proceeds ta principal shall not extend a
<br />���-:;::;;t�i�� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referre�to in para�rnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenu.
<br /> �'``' 11.Borrower�lot Ideleased; Forbearance By I,eader Ielot a Walver.Extensiun of the time far payment or moditication
<br /> -- `=:�i��
<br /> �E-���«� of amortizatlon of the st�ms secured by this Secudty Inatrument granted by Lender ta any succcssor in interest af Borrower s
<br /> � nut operate to release the liability of the odginal Borrower or Borrower's successora!n interest.I.ender shall nat be required to
<br />�=,,v�Y",��
<br /> `-- �.. commence psocceefings agelnst any successor in intsrest or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modtfy umorti7adon
<br /> x�����i';.4-� nf the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by m,asan af uny demand made by the arlginal Bottower or Borrower'a _
<br /> = �— successam in interest. Any fact�earance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy ehall not be a waiver af or preclade the '�;:
<br /> -- -_
<br /> : -------- exercise af uny d�ht or remedy. `
<br /> ---":�+� YZ, Sasccssars and Assigns Bound; Joint and 3eve►�l LlabWty; Castgners. The covenants and a�recments af ttifa
<br /> �+%+� Secudty Inatxument aholl bind nnd benefit the successors and essigns of Lender and Sonower, subject to the pravistons of
<br /> '�'� paragrnph 1�. Barrower's covenants und ngrcements shall be joi�n und several. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Secttriry
<br /> Insuvment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Ins3rument only ta mortgage, grant xnd convey that
<br /> -- Boaower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security�nst�ument;(b)�s not personnlDy obligated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by thta Securlty Instz�ment;and(c)egrees that I.ender and any other Bornower mey a$cee to eatend,modify. forbetu or
<br /> - mnke any uccommodadans with regard to the terms of thia Security Inawment or the Note without thut Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges.It the toan secured by this Secudty Instcument ia subject to n law which sets maxfmum loan charga,
<br /> Artd thnt!aw is tinatly interpreted so that the interest or other los�r►chnrges r�llected or to be wllected in connection wlth the
<br /> loun excePd the permitted Itmita, then: (a)nny such loun churge Ahall be ruduced by the nmount necesso=y to reduce[he charge
<br /> to the permitted limit; and(b)any sums elrendy collected from Borrower wfiich exceeded permtned limita will be reti�nded to
<br /> Borcower. [.ender mny clioose to malce this ret�nd by reducing the pdRCipal awed under the Note or by mnking n dirat
<br /> payment to Borrowcr. If a refund reduces princlpal. the reductiun will be treated us n Qartiul prepaymeni without any
<br /> --- prepayment char�e under the Note.
<br /> 14.P1oilcGS. Any notice to Hormwer ptovided for in this Socudty Instr�ment shalt be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> It by first rlass mail unless applicable law requires use of nnother method.'The notic�shall be directed to the Prope�4y Adctress
<br /> or nny other address Botrower daiIInates by notice to l.�ndcr. Any notice w Lender shnll be �iven by first class mail to
<br /> Lender's uddress stated herein or any other address Lender desfgnates by nodoe to Barrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Secudry InstN►nent shz�ll be dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when glven as provided in thls paragruph.
<br /> 15.Govern�ng Law; Severn6ility. This Secudty Inswment sfwll be govemed by federnl law and the luw of tAe
<br /> ___ _- ]v��t;cri�n in which c�he Aropercy is located.In thc event thQt any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrumeet or the Note `
<br /> _ -- w�.:�€ca�:;:.`s s��li�bl�la::�.such te::t�lct shelt nor pf�ect other nm'visions of thi�Sexucity Instru�m or thc iVote�v3�i�ls�ut,E
<br /> - given effect without the wnflisdug proviaion.To this end the provistons of thjs Secudty Insuument and the Note are declure�
<br /> �_�---- w be seaerable.
<br /> �-��� 16.Borrower's Copy. Borro�ver ahull be given one conformed copy of the Note nnd of th[a Se�uity Instrument.
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