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<br /> . .. } 4. i�n�urd or Property In!�urmne. Hurruwtir tihull kecp tiee impr�wenunt, nuw existing ��n c�reufter crected on thc �
<br /> . .* ? 1'ropcc�y inrurc�!��ztninat I�uy by f�rc,hiiiattdn in6ludcd witt�in thc tcnn "cxlcnJrd ruvcn�gc" unJ uny nthcr humrds. inrludin� tf=
<br /> flu�nl�ur fl�u�din�. fur whlcb l.�ndcr rc��tdre+in�urunrc.'1'hi+iusuruncc�hull hr mninudn��l in thc u�n��unt+und ti+r thc perlods =_
<br /> ' , thiU lAndcr rcc��dre�.1'tu Intiurnncc c+�rr�cr pr�widing thc ln.ruri�ncc+hull hc chuticn by Hurruwcr tiubjcc[ tu l.cndcr'+apprnvnl �
<br /> " which r,huU uat h� unrcu+onubly witl�NclJ. !f' &�rrowcr fails tu muimuin cuvcrnge detirrihcd utxwe. l,endcr muy, at Lendcr'x �_
<br /> -°• . ' npdon,ubtuin cuvop,ipa to pratect l.ender'x ri�htx in the Pruperty in uccordunce witb pnrugruph 7.
<br /> Ali insurunco {alirics und renowiitK shnll be ucceptublu to l.ender und shuli include u r•ti►ndnrd mnrtgu�e rluuse. I.ender _.
<br /> " �� til►nU have the right ta hald the policies und renewuls.If Lender rec�uires.Horruwtr shaii pmmptly Ki ve t�> I:e�iJer ull reccipth uf �-
<br /> ;;. paid premiumti and ecnewnl natices. [n the event af lass.8urrower shaU give prampt natice ta the intiuronce currler und l.eadcr.
<br /> ` Lender muy muke proof of I�ss if�at made pmmpdy by Horrower. -
<br /> ;;;.ti.� Unless L.end�sr nnd Borrower othorwise ugree in writing.insuruncc proceeds shall be applied tu restorntian or repuir of the �
<br /> «•��•����''�`� Property damngai, if di�:ceatorution ar repair ix econamically fen.gible And l.ender's secu�ity is not l�ssenr.d.ff the restaratlan or
<br />-- rep�lr ia not ecanamkully feasible ar Lender's sccurity would be Iessen�d.the insurnnce proceeds shell be applied to the sums =
<br /> , secured by this Secudty Instrument. whether or nat then due, with uny excess paid to Harrower. lf Burrower abandons the �
<br /> Property,or does not unswer withln 30 days a natice from L.ender that tha Insurnnce currier has offercd to settle u ctaim, then
<br /> ` I.ender may callect the insuriuue proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or re.gtore the Property or to pay aum�
<br /> F. s�cured by this Securiry lnstrument, whether or not then due.Tho 3Q•day perfod wfU 6egin when the naice is given. -
<br /> Unless L.ender nnd Borrower othenvise ngree {n wdting, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> '. postpono the due date of the monthly paymente referrc�to in parngruphs 1 and 2 or change thc anaunt af the paymenta. If
<br />. - onder puragraph 21 the Property is ecquired by Lender. Horrowec's d�ht to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from
<br />: '�� ` damuge to the Progeny prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lendec to the extent of the sums secured by thia Setudty Instrument
<br /> �`�"' •''� immediately prior tothe acquisltion.
<br /> � G.Octupancy.Preservtit�on,Malntea�nce and 1'rotecYIon of Uie Property;Borrower's Loara Appllcatiom;Leaseholds. ..
<br />`;,�j','f��i'��' Borrower shsll occupy. eatablish.and u�e the Property as Horrower's principal residence within stxty days after the execution of
<br /> ��," this Securiry Instrurnent and shall continue ta accupy ehe Property as Bonower's princlpnl residencs tor at least ane yeur aftcr
<br />" ��'��� the date of accupnncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In wrlting, whioh consent shall not be unma.combly w�thheld, or unless _
<br />:�,,,;;;;;:.,•.;�' � extenuatin� circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's contrel. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or lmpuir the
<br /> _,,�:+� I'roperty,allow the Propercy to detedorate, ar wmmit waste on the Progcrty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> •�.���v�� action ar proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfe9ture of the
<br /> �`'"�`�'� '' Property or othenvise matedally Impair the lien crei►ted by this Secudty Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may
<br />::';���
<br />-rA!�'J'_,:°_ _ _ �,1�gn��A dPfn��it and reinstate.as provided in paraRraph 18,by causing the action or pmceeding ta�be dismissed with a mlin�
<br /> r y�y' ,r� that, in Lender's gaoc! faith determfnation, preclades forfeiture of the Borrawer's Interest in the Prope�ty or other maceriai
<br /> ,� ,�y� impairment of the lien created by this Seeurity Instrument or L.ender's security Interest. Borcowea ahall also be In default if
<br /> �;'�� Borrower.du�ing the loan application process.gave materlaaty falso or inacxuratc informadon or statementa to Lender(or fuiled
<br />:''-'f�:�:_ to provido Lender wid� any mater�a!informatian)ie connection with the lopn evIdenced by the Note,including,but not limited
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