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<br /> •� �� 0 19.TewnrPcr uf the Pron�riy ur u[�eneficlul intcrest In{Ii�rr�e cr. If uU or uny pan of thc Property��r uny intcrest in it ___
<br /> ° � tx h�ild nr trunsfcrrcd(ar if u beneticiul Intercxt in Ht�ewwcr is nuld os•tcan:;ferred und 8orrower in nut u nuturul penun>wlthout �g:•
<br /> ° � ' I.cnder's priur written can�ent, l.endcr mny, at itr, aptian. rcquirc immediate payment in fup of alt sums secured by this r�-
<br /> � Secutity Instrument. However.thi�optian shnll not be excrcised by Lendar if exerclse is prohibited by federul luw ag of the date ___
<br /> " of this Securlty Instrument. --
<br /> if l.ender exercises this option, L.ender shall give Borrower notice of uacicrution.The notice shAU pruvide a period of not __
<br /> Icsa than 3Q days from the dute the notice is dclivemd ar muiled within which Borrower must puy up sums securcri by this _
<br /> � ' t• Secucity In.gtrument. If Borrower fa�ls to pay these sums priar to the expirntfon af this period,Lendcr may invokc uny eemedies �"�
<br /> � ` permitted by this Secudty Instrument without further notice ar demand on Borrower.
<br /> `� 1�. Borrower's Night to I�einstttte. If Burrower nieeis wrtai►i cundldons. Barrowcr shall have the ri�ht to have �°�i
<br /> ` � enfarcement of this Security Instrument discontinued ut any time priar ta the earlier af: (a) 5 duys (ar such ollter period as
<br /> �'' applica6le law may speclfy fur reinstetement) befom sate af the Property pursuant to any power of sale conwined in thls __
<br /> �.-•""~'a Securiry lnstrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument.Thasa condttions are that Borrower:(u)pays _-
<br /> "�"'�'� ' l.�nder all sums which then�vauld be due under this Security instrument and the Nete as if no acceleratton hnd occurred; (b)
<br /> �``"'"'"°��` cures any defaulc of any other rnvenants or agreements; (c) pays all ex�sens�incurred in enforcing thfs Security Instrument, �_
<br /> ' ' ' � lncluding,but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fecs;and(d)tekes sucU action as Lender may reasonebly require to assure
<br /> ',� that the licn of t�is Security Instrument, L.en�l�r'�►rights M the Property and Borcawer's obligation ea pay the sums�ecurexl by .
<br /> �4��7 thls Secudty Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Barrower. this Secu�ty Instrument arid the
<br /> � • � obligations secured hereby shull remain fully effixtive s�sc if aw accelerntion had occurced. However, this nght to rcinstute shall _
<br /> - �•4,_ , ,.� nat uppty in the case of ucceleration undec parn�raph 17.
<br /> h ���• 19.Sale�f Nnte; Cha�cg� of I.oun Servicer. The �late or a partiul interest in the Nate (to�ether with this Setudry
<br />- Instrument) mny be sold one ar more times without prlor natIcc to Borrovsrer,A sale may result fn a change in the entity(known
<br /> �4�:..,f as the "Loan Servicer'7 that c��ilects monchly payments due under the Note and this Securlty lnstrument.There also may be one
<br /> ::,�� or more chunges of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note. If t�ere is a change of the Loan Servtcer. Borrower will be _
<br /> iij:,�;• �. ' given written notice of the changr in accordance with para�rxph 14 above unJ applicuin�e taw.The notice will state t�e name and
<br />_� ,'�;;,;�7• acidress of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made. The notice will ulso contain any other
<br /> � information required by apFticablc law. —
<br /> ' • 20.Hazao�dous Substanees. Borro�NCr shnll not cause or pernut c�►e presencs, use, dispasal, stora�e, or rele�,e of any
<br /> _, , •.r.:y��. Hazttrdous Substsncea on or ln the Property. �orrower shall not do. mor allaw anyone elsc to da, unything atfecting the
<br />'- Property chut ls in violation of any 8nvtron�enwl 3..�vr. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,ar
<br />:��+�� �?5'., sh�r+�ee on the Property of small qu:mti[ies of I#az:�n?c'�s a''bbstances that tue �enerally rewgniud to be approptiAte ta normal
<br /> y. " � .�•r • residentlal uses und to maintenance of the Property.
<br />��-�•�'� '° Bartower sfiall promptly give Lendcr wsitten no2ice ot any investigatiun,claim,demand. lawsuit or other action by any
<br />�+�:.�.��.� u governmenial ar reptufatory agency or gr3vate p�rty i:�volving the PropeRy and any Hazardous Subatance or Enviranmental Luw
<br />=:':„{at;�,�,j,,.., , of which Bonawer has accwl knowledge.Eff�orrower learns, ar is notified by any govern►nental or re$ulatory authoricy. that
<br />""'-""r"��'`�+' ` any removai or other r•rQeJ::aiion of any�lazarduus Substunce affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall prampUy take
<br />�-�`--`;°:t''rt�a�. aU necea.cary rernedial uct:ens a:���kcordance with Envimamental l.aw.
<br /> �::;�:;,�,. _ '". 1 hazardaL� su� � .
<br /> As used in this paragcaph 20, "Hnzwdeus su�stances are[hosc auo�e�mable or toxic�petroleum products,�toxic
<br />�"���i�"�r,� Environmental I.aw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene.
<br />������_�--��.�.�= pestic[des and i�erb3eidas,volatile solvente,materiels containins asbesros or formaldchyde.and radioacHve matedals.As used in
<br />---=�=�_� this paragraph ?A. "Fa►vironmental Law" means federal laws and luws of the judsdiction where the Propeny is located th�t
<br /> ��+`ra� retate to haalth,aafi�ty or environmentel mtection.
<br />�� NON-UNIFOfiM COVBNANTS.�orcower and LendQr further covenanc artd agrec as followa:
<br /> - --- 21.Acceleration;Remedies.Gender 6hn11 glve noNce to Borrower prior to acceleratton following Boreower's breuch
<br /> --=�="—'—� of uny covenant or�g�eement In thia SecurHy Instreiment (but rtot prior to accet�rntlon under parngruph 17 ua�less
<br />�_ .hQ�,�B�. applicuble law pmvides otherwise).The nottce shnll epecffys (o)the default; (b)the action requtred to cure the defaultt
<br /> (c)a date, not less then 30 dnyn from the date the notice is given ta Borrower�by whtch the detuult must be cure�; and
<br /> -��� �� (d)thttt Yallue+e to cure the default on ar before the dute Rpeciiled foi the nottce may result in acceterntlon ot the suma
<br /> �,--� �secured by thts Securlty I�ustrument and r,rale of the Property. The notice shuli fetrther in4orm Borrower of the rigbt to
<br /> rei�tctte s�ttar ncoeleratton and the right to bring u rnurt action to assert the non-existence of a default or nny other
<br /> --- defenscs of Bormwer to ncceterntlon und sate. Ii the default is noi cured on or beforn the dzte specifled in the noltce,
<br /> — Lender,ut i��►pt�on, muy ecqutre tmmedtute puyment tn full aR nll sums sccured by this 3ecudty In�trument wi3l�ut
<br />� � entitaed to collec a 1 expenses t curred n pnrsutng the remedteR prv dedi�in thtsnparagraPh il,�tncludieg,but rtot Unn�t t�i
<br /> = ta,reasoRUble nttorneys'fees end costs af title evidence.
<br /> -- Ii thepower of sale is invoked� Tru�tee shnil record s►nottce of detault in each oaunty in whtch nn�� �art of the
<br /> ==— F►bperty is locnted and shull mail rn�ai�of such notice tn the munner prescribed by epplicable I��v to Borrower nnd to
<br />- -- tho atRer personv prescrihed by appitcakle taw.After the tlme req�ired by appllcable law,Tr�stoe shatl gtve pubfle tnotise
<br />� -- of snle ro the persons end in the mnnner prescribed by c+pplicable luw.Trustee,without demund on Htorrawer,shall sell
<br />— ' -- tE�o Property at publtc aaction to the htghest bldder u3 Ehe time und pince und under the termy d�i�ngZcai in!he notfice of
<br /> ------ r--� snle ie orce or more parcels and In any order Trustee determines.Trustee�may poostpone sale of ail or aay �a���of�h�e
<br /> prog�rty by�eabNc�nnouncement at fhe ttme and place of u�ny prevlouisly scfi�tivtuled sale. Lender or its d y
<br /> -- - -_- -_ -= aurcfime i7nc fi=ru�rdy ot aay sa1e.
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