,: �
<br /> . ` ' ,. . , ,' .. .. ._ . . ....::..._ .
<br /> � Bortowtu may ouro auoh o doutuR and rolnatnto,ao provldad In pnregmph t8, by cauatng tho ttatlon or procoodNg to bo '
<br /> dlsmissad►vli�u rul�o tnnt,In Lend��a good tafih d�torrntnatlon,prootud�s fo�totturo ot tho Bortowero Intr�rreat tn thn Property or
<br /> ot�et mntcrlai impatrmcnt of tho 1l�n otcatod by th19 8ccurtty Inotrument or Lcndcrs acauray uttarost. 8orcowor 8ha11 atso bo in �
<br /> detuutt It Bonov�cr,durtnp tho lot►n applbntlan pr000ae,gave matorialy fnlsB or heceurote htormatton or atntomonta to l.ondar(or �
<br /> � falUd to provido Ltsndar wdh nny m3tOr�tl lntOrmptlpn) tn cOnnCCIPon with t�o toon cvidencotl dy tho Noto, Inaludtng, but not „ .
<br /> Ilmlt[sd to, ro�ro�entntiona aoncominp BORO�YUrO oceupanay of tAo Nroparty no n prinaipul routdonco. II thls Sccurity �
<br /> in3trumcnt Is on n I��cohqtd, Bortoricr ohatl oompry wlth n0 tho provislonn of tho t��oo. It Doaownr acquUUS fno titW to tho 1
<br /> ' Prope�ty.the Ieueohold rtn0 the fae tt41e ehQQ not morpo unbsa Lendor agreos to tho merpa in v�ri2ing. � ° '
<br /> l 7. RPOteetio� of Londer'e Right,� In t9ee Property.�t eonowor taits to Oa�orm fho covAnnnt+i and agrosmente
<br /> r
<br /> nontaU�ed 1n thl�&eounty tnatrument, or thero Is u tapal procc:ri4�g thnt msy ntgniftcnnlM nNr,ot Londar'a rl�hta In tho Property
<br /> (aueh na a proceedi�p h bnnkruptAy, probato,tor eondemnatlon or lorta►turo or to entarce tuwe ar repulatlonn),1LOndafodafltiona '�'"'�...
<br /> do nnd pny tor wAotovar in nocosoery to protoot tho veMo of t�e Property nnd Lemd�a rightu in tho Property. �
<br /> msy tnalude payfnp any eums aecun�d by a t}�n whbh hns pHord�r over thls 3oauriq lnstrumt�nt, appearing In couA, pnyin0
<br /> n
<br /> roaQOnmOb attomeya'feos end ontor�g on tho Proporiy to make repa4e.Aahough Lender maY tako aotlon under ih�v parngraph • :,
<br /> 7,l.�ndOr does not Anvo to Eo tso.
<br /> My umounta di�Durrsccsd by Londer undm purngraph 7 shail beaome udERtonal debt of 8onawar aecurad by this Seeurity
<br /> ; :_: _
<br /> �nstrument. Unbss BoROwOr and Londcr eAroo to other terms of paymcnt, thflso antountS ahap boar Interost trom tho doto ot • •?l�' y
<br /> dbburGerrt�n!at the NOM t8te ilnd 8hflp bo poyab�D,with ht�rest, upan notice from Lendar to 8orrorrcn roquestdrtg Rsyment. ;ti^_
<br /> 8. Mortgago In�urenee. If Lendor roquked moApnpo insurance as a eondUlon of makln0 tho Ipan soCUred�y this ��+
<br /> Sscurti�r Instrum�nt, 8orrowa aheU pay tho pmmlumn►�qulred to rt�htah tha mprtpsgo insuraneo 1n oftoot.It,for any reason,the ��-„�,�
<br /> mn
<br /> • mortsag� tnaurnneo covoraAo requMed by Londor lapses or ceases to ba In aNect,8ortower shat�paY the premlums�equ6r¢d to ��.L�..:
<br /> obiatn eovsraqo subnWnUui�equkalont to tho mortdapo insurartae prevloucry tn ot►oet,at a cost subatantlaly equNatent to tAO �4�,_�
<br /> � cost to 8orto�ver of tAO mortgx0o insur�u►ae pmulouay h etteat,trom un ekem4te moitSaBo hsure►aAFrovad by Lender. �I '�``
<br /> � subsffpnntl�ly equka►ant mortqago hsu�anco aovmupo Is not avattabla, 8ortov�er slult pay to Lender esoh month a sum equat to n�..
<br /> ono-twisdth of Mo Yc�arty mortgago hsuranco premium being paid by 6ortower wRen the�surenco aeve�aye IaPsed or cc�ccd t° i4:-,.
<br /> bo in axeot. Lartdor wiN ecoept,use and retnh th0so paym�ts as a tosa reserve h Ibu ot mortqape hsurence. Loss reserva �,!:.,,,;,
<br /> : � e0
<br /> paym�nts msy no tonpc�kn roRuiro�,at tho opt lon o t Lan dor, I f m o rt g a g a h s u r a r►c e c o v a n 8 a t i n t h e e m ou�t and for the p e d od
<br /> that Londor►cpuMea)provided by an hsuror approvad by Lnnder egnln trt�camcts avaL'abb and is obtalnad. Bortowor shaU pAy �� �
<br /> � tho premiuma requlred to malntah mortg,nge hsurartoe h elte�t, or to provlde a bsa �esenre�untN the requYernent for morta8pe
<br /> . ��a insurartco ends h�ccor�nce w�t►ar►Y wdtton nareorne^t bohveen Borrowar and Lctndor or appticabl�taw. �r-.
<br /> 8. Ina�eatlan.Lunder or Rs apont may mal�a�easonabb entrles upon and Mspoctbns of the Properly. Londer ahail pNe �,..:`_•:
<br /> " Borrowctt notieo at thu tNta ot or prior to an tnepootion speeUyirtg reasonable cause for Ure hLpeetbn. '
<br /> �Y-�'.
<br /> 10. Condemna�ibn.The procoeda of any award or c�lm for damapes.dteot o� aonsequonGai, b eonneattan w�A nny %��_�
<br /> ��,' , conQemnatbn or othor taking of eny part ot tho Proporty,or tor conveyanee h Oeu ot conde+nnatf�n,are hereby assignod und �'�,'�,'�:
<br /> shell bo patd to londor. __- -
<br /> �� Io the event of � tomt takh8 ot the Praporiy, the proeeeda ahell be app0ed to the eums secure� by this Securdy -'--
<br /> _- . � :. - i���������.�.�.�,u,a,wtth any mrcosa Qukl to 8ortowor. In tAo event o}e pertial tekY►p of tho PropOAy h whioh
<br /> ' tho tut m3Acet vNue ot tR0 Properiy Ynmsdiatety boforo the takhp!s equat to or greater than th0 emount ot the eums aoc+�eci �
<br /> � ���,'^ by this Seaurtty tnaWm�nt knmo�iaifl'y beToro the tukhp,unlasa 8ortower and lender othorvrtse apree h wdth0� tha sums __
<br /> ��•�'s�4 seCUred by thb SecurUy Inetrument sfiail bo mduced by the emount ot th0 proceeds mu@�P�3�S by the foibwhp haction: ta)tAe ---
<br /> � total amount ot tho sumo secured Immedia4o b botare the telcinp,dlvfd0d by @) Me tat me�cet value ot the Propertf► Ynmedlatah
<br /> � botore the tGkin9•MU b3WnCe BhflU be p81d to BoROw�.h tAe eve�+t o!a pcRlal tNclnO of Me Property M►whtoh thd tair ma�ka!
<br /> y' vaMio of the Ptoperaf►�dbteb before the takin8 b less tha^the amOV�t ot 4he euma sc+cured tmmedi�tety before th0 takin0, �.;_
<br /> unicss Borrowet ttnu I.ondet othenwise agrc�e in wr�ir►g ot unlass npPibubl9 taw othe�w}ae provides. the proceods sha9 be
<br /> '�V nppilud to tho auma eoeuBd by thia Security�natrument wheihm or not tAfl 8ums are tt�en due• �
<br /> It tho Property is��andoned by Bortower,or M,eRer notlea by Lo+►dar to Borrower thnt the condemnor ofters to mako an
<br /> LondExts auMort�nd to oltea�d�apPb�o Pro'�eds,asits opttor►,�e1fth�to rost relbn oereAat ot�the rope�tY a o d►e
<br /> sums secured by 4ht�8aaurity IneWment,whotho�or not thon dua
<br /> ' � Unbss londer and Borrovrer otherwise apree in wr@h9. enY ePP�laatbn ot proceads to pnc�ipal shati nat extend or
<br />- , :I,!::�:'
<br /> ;e�.% , postpone Me duo dat9 of tho morYl�y paYmonts referrsd to in peiagraphs 1 and 2 or Ch�nge the amount of suah pnymen4s.
<br /> , ' �, , 11. Borrawer N�t Rele�d; Forbeeranee By Leader Not a Weiver.Extensbn of the time for paymExit or rt
<br /> � � modfficatbn of ammatl�sitbn of the sums seourod by thts Socurity Inatrument gr�sntod by Lcsnder to eny successor b hterest of
<br /> � � Borrower ahali na�oDarate to release the 11ibi'r'ty of!he oripinnt 8om�►wor or Borrowere euecessom h hterest Lsnde►sfiad not -----
<br /> � be roquted to comrr,ertee procoedings egaMat eny auccessor h Interost or retuse ro extend tMe tor payment or otl►e�wise
<br /> , 7 modNy amoR�at►on of the suma seaured by thi3 SeeurEty Instrumont by renson of nnyhtdeman��eehsu�R�ot�h8 W��o�
<br /> Borrowere succosaors tn htorest. My forboamnCO by Lond��+ e����8 �►y �8 —_
<br /> preoludo tAo exactse ot eny ripht or romedy.
<br /> ;} 12. Suacoemorn cnd Asaigna �und; Jolnt and Sevxn� Uebiifty; Co�afgnera.�++e aovenants and
<br /> , apreemento of this Ssaurlty InsWment shnll bbd and benefit tho succeaso�s a�d aosipna ot Lender end 8orrowsr�subJeot to tha �
<br /> ,____�•�_;:�� provisbna of pttmp�rmeh 17. BoROwpra oovbr►unts end egreoments eheit be joinl and saverei. IU►Y Bon'owErt who co�si9ns thks
<br /> . ..�.:. � ��� �ccurity inst+ument b�t�ARH9 not oxocuto tho Nom: (u)k�tsuroip�6�g thi�Saourlry tnswrr.�rtt csnly to mttttgc&».ta�+�t enrl cor�y ____
<br /> I�� �'�'���''•�+', +" that 8orroweru tntt�test in th¢i Pra�Ortp undor the terms of this Securlly InaUUment: (DD b not porsonaiy obtl�ated to pay the _ _-
<br />' ..,��,.;,:.:.,, U --
<br /> '' ' "�`�"`r' .• � sums sueur�d by t*Ia Seouriqr tnswmont; and (o) a�eos that Ler►der and any other 8orrmwe►rt�Y agree to eodend,modny. �.�^
<br /> torboar or make�n� acaommodatlona with ro0tud to the tortns ot this Security InsWmen t or t h e N o t e wfthout that 8orrowerg �_- w
<br /> ' consont. `�i
<br /> - � 13. LOEn CN!!1'�CB,. If the loan socurod by thb Socurity Instrument is subJeot to e luw whbh s9ts maximum ban ��_
<br /> , � charAs�s,and thnt law Is fhairy htorprotad ao thnt the Interost or othor ban ahtugva cottootod or to be colleatod tn oonrtootbn `-
<br /> w�h tho toan exCOad the perm�tod Omks.thon: (u)any sue� Ooan oh�r8o ahati bo roducod by the emount naeossary to roduee
<br /> ' the chtugo to tho permNtad 15nN; and (b) eny sums uY�dy coik�cted hom eona"ror whlah exCeeded pertntttud UmRs ww be `��
<br /> 5
<br /> � � retunded to Bena+u�. Loedor msy ohoose to mako tPtb rotund by reduoinp tlho princpat owed undor tha Noto or by maktf8 a •-a
<br /> • diroot Paymont to 8orrowo►. If a rett�nd roducos O�cpat, tho roduCtbn w111 be� Csated as a paRia�P�Y�t wUhout enY .,;
<br /> •••� prepaymont churgo under tho Noto.
<br /> 14. NO�ICCS.My notice to Borro�vor provtdod fat h this SESCUrity inatrument shal5 be given by dotivorMtg tt or by malib0 Et
<br /> ...�c:. .
<br /> .;, ,,•• . '.-..
<br /> .,.:: _._.
<br /> by flret otasa moti unoesa nppli�c+bb taw�oqutrea uso ot anotS��thod. Tho notice aRall be dkucted to tho Proporiy Ad s .
<br /> _...� -- n,,....,.,e. .��tnn hy net�en w Lender. MY �otiCt!to L¢n0et 8h8q bo gken by tU9t CIa88 mIIU to .
<br /> --- =_
<br />