<br /> f
<br /> , . , ., .
<br /> , .. , . .. . _�.. �
<br /> .. .,.. �
<br /> �........ •.�.... �._.. . .......,: . '
<br /> � � � 17. T�AflSYQP 0� !h@ ��OpEPf�l OP 0 8811��IC101 IfltQP@8t Ifl B9fPOWQP. If pll or pny pnR ot thU PropOrty Or
<br /> nny Ntorost tn R la aold or UnnofCrrod (or tl n bcnoiblll Intomst h Bortov�or 1s oold or tmnafortad 6tnd BoROwer is not u nnNrBl ��
<br /> pamon)without Lcndrt'n prlor e�rittan consant,lcntiar muy,ot lte Optiqn,raqulro tmrrtodlato paymont ln tutl at ult aum�Baaurod by
<br /> thts Sacurity in8trumont. Howovcu,thls optlon ahap not 00 ozuelsed by lendar if axerolso ls prohibllal by todQral Ww ao of tho
<br /> duto of tht�Soeurity Instrument. ••
<br /> If Lond�t� axoraisos thi�AQt1on,Lender tshnl gHo Bortowar notleo o}accol�mtlon. Tho notkx► 8hq1i provtdo n pertod ot not �
<br /> Iosa thnn 30 dnys hom !ho doto t�o notle9 h dolNoresd or mnlFad althin v�htCh 8ortowCr muttt pny a�� sunis eocurod by tAl�
<br /> Straurity Inatrumont. If Bonowar falts to pay Qheso eums prtor to tha oxplraUon of thls por�od, Londor muy invokp �ny romodbs �
<br /> partnittod by this Sucurity Inetrumcnt r+ithout tuAhar noHco or d�mand an 8ortpwar. � "
<br /> ° 18. Borrower'8 Rlpht t0 RelitgQ9te. it eortorr�r meats cerwtn aondmona, eorrowor onni� nave tno rront to nave -
<br /> ontaraom3nt of thb Saou�(ty inawmont dlseoMhu�d at nny dmo prlor to tho esr��r of: (u) 8 dAyO (ot BttoA othor potlod uti ,'*�.,,�,��..
<br /> � applbabb t�w may speatty br relnstntemont) botoro eul�ot tho Property pursue,nt to any powa�ot sAla eontninod In thl�Sucurtty
<br /> ""` Inawmonh or(b)ontry ot n JudgmenQ enloralrq thts Seaur�y Instrumfrrr+t.Those eond�tlona aro thnt Bvrmwer: (n)Pnyo Landor ap ,
<br /> sums whbh thEn �voutd bo due undar thb S+xvrity Ustrument and tho Noto us it no neco{erntlon hnd ocaurtod; lb)auroa any
<br /> dafuuR ot any othor covenant or agr�mnnts: (o) pays alt expensas tneurrod In ontorcing thts 3oauHry inaWmnnt, inoludinp,but ��. �
<br /> ° � not I�nit�sd to,rcasonabb attomeys'tegs;and Id) takes such uetton os Lendar may reasonably raquka to nasuro thot tho 14^,n of = °•
<br /> , ! ^ •_
<br /> this S6curity Instrument, Lend�s r1�Ats in the Property urtsl Bor�owars obLigutton to pay tha sumn seeurod by ihis Sacu�ity ��`•':'
<br /> � r,�.:r;ti�::
<br /> Instrument shaU conthuo unxhrnged. Upon roinatntsment by Bortowar, Mb Socurtty Inshumant end tho obt�qutlona aecuro� •^;�--.
<br /> hersb�ehall remah fuUy efteattvs as It no cceeleratlon had occurtod. Hovrovsr,thls dght to rolnstnto aholi not�ppty 1n tho case % ` �'
<br /> . of acesierattcn untl2t peragraph 17. .' � ''�"r."
<br /> 18. 581@ 01 NOL@j Chenge of �.oarn Seroicer.The Nota or e a partlsl intereat In thu Not9 (togtithar wRh thts _�•
<br /> � &ecurity Instrument)mey be sold one or more t►nos wlthovt prbr notice to Borrower.A snta mny vaault in n ohango In tho entEty ., ��
<br /> (kno�m as the"Loan Servk�e►')that collects montAty PaYnr.t►ts duo undfu tha Note and thls Soourtty InsWmen� Thero Nso nfay ",:t�-•.
<br /> ,.�..
<br /> Q� one or rt�nse ahangas of the Lot�n Senvlcer unrelated to a snb ot tha Nota It thero Is n ehnngo of the Loan Senricer, '���:,J�
<br /> . Borrower will be gNen written nOtk:e ot lho �tiinge„ 8eeordeneo with pEtmgtaph 14 ttbove ftnd ApP►1Cebk►�ew. Tho noUee vitU _ -
<br /> stnte the name and addresa of tho now Loan Sorvka find tho addrosa to which pcymenta shoutd bo mado. The noticu wUl utso �...��
<br /> eantak�any othet hfortnadon required bY apPlkable law. ''�� �
<br /> 20. HAZaTd0U8 �UbSitGltCeB.Borrower sha0 not aauso or portnx tho presence. use, d'uposot, atorego,or retease of `�-��;
<br /> �4� any Hemrdous Sbbsteneea on or in the Property. Bortowar shail not do,nor aliaw onyena el&e ta do,anythhg nffecNng tho �'�'�'
<br /> .��,..:«i.:
<br /> Property that is b vtotatton ot any EnvtronmenUal Law. The p►oCOdhg Avo sentences shti0 mqt pppy to the ptosenCti, use, or •��;v:.
<br /> sto►aga on tAa PropeRy of smaU quant�les �Harardous Subatwscos thut ar� generaiy roaoflniAld te bs approprlate to nomual ___�_
<br />- �, �j,s restdantlat uses and to mnhtmiunce of the PropeAy. �_l��"�_
<br /> � ° • Bortower shall promptty gNa t.ender wdtlen notice of any hvast�qatbn, ciatm, domand, lawsuR or other aotlon by any Q,=___
<br /> • �4 gove�nmental or regulatory aganoy or prkate paRy invotuh8 tho Propaty and any Harardous bUbatence or Environmentai lew ol �
<br /> ,,, , �nN� �+R.,�r haA ucnwt knowtedao. It Bartovrer Iet►ms. or is notifted by ony govsmmenUU or rogutatory authadty, that any _�
<br /> romoml or otha► remedlaHon ot any Harar,dou� S1�bsMnco aNecthp PropaRy ts neceseary. Battovuer shaq prompUy mke aY
<br /> neoessary remedial eotbna h aeaordance w3lA Environmental Lnw. _-
<br /> � As used h thts paregraph 20,'Hesartlqu�3ubatances" e�e thoso subetances dotined a8 tG:cio or heaardoua subatances by ----�
<br /> Envaanmontat Law and the followl�0 $ubstances: flasolhe, kerosene, other f�►mronDto or toxia petroleum produate, toxb
<br /> ��`" pestbides end hert�icldos,volntila solventa, maleriats aoniuning asbestos or tortnaldaAycln,and►a�dloaotire matertats. As used 0� o
<br /> �,:,sa;� �_ _ --
<br /> paregreph 20,"Environmmtal Law' m2ans tederal aws and taws of tho Jurisdbtbn whore tha PropaA�►is located thnt rolato to
<br /> hoaith,satety or snvironmentat proteottan. _
<br /> ��� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortowar end Lender Nrther aovanant and agree as tolbwa `--�
<br /> �'�';� �i. AeaeterMton; Remediea. Lender eheil gtve noUae to Borrawor prior m accelereUon
<br /> �� f�ttowing Bonower'a breaah of any covQnanE or agr�ement in thi� Seonrity Inatrument (�ut rtat
<br /> , � prtor to ecaeleraUon under peragraph 17 u�loss appticoble lear pravDaloo otherwrise). The noUce --
<br /> � ,� y shall epe�ity: (a) the defnult; (b) tlio actlon requtr�d t� c�re tho dota�ltt (�)� dete. not teae than
<br /> 30 deya fram tP�e dete 4he noUce le given to Bor�ower, P�� whieh tha d�fault must bo cu�ed;and -
<br /> . � ° � (m) that felture to cure the detnuit ore or bobro tha tla�e epeclflad In the rtoUce mey resutt tn �__
<br /> . �aceleretlon of the si�u�e eescured by thls► 5e�surity Inotrument and gaia a4 Qhe Rroperyl.The noU�e � ---:--
<br /> '��'�� �II tur#her inbr� �rrow�r �t the Nght to �einatnte etter ecee��Qa�1�n end the rlght W bilnfl e �;:�:;:.
<br /> - c0urt acg?v�o to essert the oam-oxistenco af e d�fa�a0t �� eny othdr �lotonae of Barrowor to -----
<br />' � ucanteretion and aete. If tho de�ault la not eurod on ��aebre tho da2fl �poel4ied In the noUee, �:_ -
<br /> I.ender at tba opUon may roqutre Immedtnta pc�rresont in futl of ali a�mn�aaured by thta Securily �
<br />--�� �• ar�atrume�t without tu�ther demand and maqy inooke the power of �s�a nnd any other remedtea ��-�__
<br />-�� pe�mitted by applicable law. Lender shatl bE en4ltfed to catiect elt e�enaes I�curred In pureuing T"�--
<br /> _--'- �� the roren��ie$ p�ravi�eci in L'�ts �a�6ruph 2i. instudi�y.i3s�t not 1lmttg� tc►� rc�s�la atE�3rnab�a' �----
<br /> ru .R--_.::
<br /> � r feea an� cas48 ot title evidence. _-==—
<br /> " - if the power af sele ta Invoked, Trustee ehall reaard a noUce ot deMult M eaah county tn �___-.
<br /> �• � whieh eny pert ot tho �rop�rty ts loceted and ehnll maii copies of �oh notice in t�o manner �-___
<br /> �� prescribed by epplar.�bto lavu to Borrower son�J to thQ othe� por�na prosarlbod b�mgn�0��l0 lmvr. ��'__
<br /> •� " � Att�r Ue tir�e requtred bY apPticablQ lew,Tr�atee ahaQ give publle noU�e ot a�►7� 4� 8�ac p�raona ��-�_.
<br /> • ' snd In tho menner qreaerib$d by epplic�ble law. Yner�, withnut darr��nd �n (a�arower, ahall s�li '�.�'-'�
<br /> th� Rr�peny nt pubtte e�etlon to tlse higheat bfdd�r et tha Unno end pinae �nd under tDoe terma �;'�v=
<br /> ". d�signcattetl In the notiae o4 sale in one or c�ore parcets and in nn�p �rder T�uatee aD�4�rmin�a ' � �';
<br /> , . Trvateo may post�one sale at eli or any p��el ot tho P�roporty by pubiie annaunccm�uoR at tlie ����=-'�
<br /> � time and pQneo of any previously sehedutod sale. Lendar or tto daalgn@e mey pu�chnae tho ��
<br /> Prope��S any sato. ' .�'
<br /> --_ :_.-__- tlaa� rece��4 04 paymoat of the prtae btd� Truate� shatt doQe�r 4o the purehaser Traatee's "
<br /> _- -- - - -
<br /> , deed conveylrtg 4Q�o Property.7Qoe�eeitals In tho Truatee's a�ea anmii oo prima iaaio eridence vr =
<br />