::�r:: ,i. .
<br /> >r;
<br /> ,. ' r,+.4
<br /> .. .
<br /> .. .. „ .
<br /> _ .. _ .... ...... .. �
<br /> • T006THER WITH ali the tmprovsmvnts now or hnrecjjfter orQOtod on tho property, nnd nll eunemonte, app�rtnnnrtaos, and .,
<br /> ibRuros nov�on c�rQO4Cr a pnR oi tho proporty,AU rpplacamonla and flddftfona uhall n�3o bo oovCrod by thi3 8ocurity InatrumOnt. „
<br /> Ail of tho torapofnp Is rota�rcd to h thls Security inetrument as tho"P�operty."
<br /> � BOAAOWER COVENANTS lhat BoROwer I� IFtwts�ly nCizod ot tho ostt�to hcrcby oonvoyad nnd P�na tho rfght to ernnt nnd
<br /> .. aonvoy tho Proparty and thot tho Proparty Is unenoumberod,ettecpt tor cneuraCrnrtcoa ot rcoord. Bortoe+cr��nrrnnts and �viit �
<br /> dotond ganprouy tho titt�to tho Property ngnlnnt eil olatms and demnnds,subJ:ot to nny nncumbrnncos of�aoord. � ,
<br /> TH18 SECURRY IN�iAUMENT combinoe u�tlortn aovennnte for nutbnnl us0 and non�untform covannnts �vith IUrrtod • ,
<br /> variutlona by Jurl�dbt3an to aonotftuto a unBorm er.curity inntrumsnt aovar6�g rani propcAy. � •
<br /> UNIFOFiM COYENANTB. 8orrowot[ind Lender co�enunt snd nproe s9 foltows: � I •� ��
<br /> 1. �Bytii@!11 0�PBIflCl�f8) 8flt� IY1t�f@8� F'�@��y1�1011L G11d l�CltQ ChBt'g@8.8ono�vcr oholi.promptry puy whcn � �
<br /> duo tAo prinopat of nnd intarest on tho d¢bt ovldor+cod by tho Note nnd any proparr�zent and luto eharges duo und^,r ti�o Noto.
<br /> i .�. Fu�ds for Te�xea and Inaurence. SLbjeot to applbab�taw or to u writtan walwdr by Lendet,Bortotror ehnli pay � ��-
<br /> to Landor on the day m�nthty pnyrt�onts nre due undor t1�o Noto,untu tha Noto I� paid !n tuil,a sum (•Funda")lor. (a)yoarty � ��
<br /> to�ras nnd ettae�s�m2nta wh�h m3y uKUtn priodly ovet this Socuriqr insbumcnt as s Ibn on tho Proparty; (b) yearly Ienaohotd
<br /> � payments or pround rents on the Propsny,I!any; (o)yeFUly harard or propertq hauranco promiums; td)yeady f�oad hauraneu .
<br /> prc�mlums,It My;(e) yearty martgage hsuremeo premtums, H any: nnd (Q any sums payabte by BoROwot to Lendor in acoordun�o •
<br /> r
<br /> with the provisions of pa►agraph 8. h lbu of the paymont ot mortgego Insuranoo promium3. Thasu itnms nro ca0ed'Eoarow
<br /> items.° lsnder me►y,at eny time, coP,eet and hafd funds In an amount not to exceed the mnmmum nmount a Inndor tor n
<br /> Isdomlry retatod moRgege loan may repufro for Borrowo�s escrow account undor the toderal Rsat Estntr�Sottbmont procoduros �._•�
<br /> Aot of 1974 ae runondod trom time to thrn�,12 U.S.C. �2n'Ot et soq. ("RESPA"), un�ss nnothor luv� tPr,lt opptins to the Funda ,K,�;.
<br /> oeis n lesser amounG If so,Lender may,at eny tlmo,co0ect nnd hotd Funds tn nn runount not to eccoed the lessor amount.
<br /> lender may ostimate the emvu.nt bf Funds due on the basb of cument dato and roasonabb estUrtntcs ot m�endRuros ot fuNro ,
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise N aocordance wRh epplicabb F�w. _
<br /> • The Funds shalt be hob in an instftutton whose deposits aro insurod by a tederai agonay,inebumrmt�ility.or entity(hotudhg -
<br /> Lender, i1 Lender b suoh an hatftution) or in any Federal Homo Loan Bank. Lender shail eppty tlxs F�seds to pay the Escrow ,j �
<br /> . itoms. lendm m3y„�l aherge BonowBt tor fiaklbsg and uppMksB thp Funds.annue{ly analyrtksfl tho ascrrow ecaount,or varNying �:�
<br /> � the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays 8orrower Interest on tho Funds end apptkabb law purcnitu Lrer►der to make suoh a ��r�„:
<br /> ohacge. However,Lender r+�aY reRuke Borrower to pay a one�thne chergo tor an Indopendant reai esmte tax �orthp Ee�vico .�_
<br /> usud by lender 6n conrtecUon �vtth this toan, unbss appfknbb 13w provides othcw�ise. Unbss ait H9t09mOnt b rt18d0 Ot y,.
<br /> � applicable taw roquNea hterost to be patd,Lende►shaA not bo requfrod to pay 8orrower uny lnterest or eumhgs en tho Funds. _
<br /> � ` " �� BoROr�er and Londer may egr�e In writin8� howsvar, that interost ohaU be paid on the Funds. Lendst�shaA give to Borrower, -�� ,a.
<br /> � •.,,,� without chargo, an annua►I accounting of tha Funds, ohowtng credke and dobtts to the Funds and tho purpose Mr which oach :
<br /> .;��, debft to the Funds was mado. The Funtls are pledgod as addRtonat secur(ty tor aU sums seeurod by tAs Seourity Insbvment. °'"
<br /> -!';'' It tha Funds held by Lon�er exeeed the amounts pEUmmttted to be hold by apppcabt4 law,Lendet sha0 eceount to 8onower ��{,•;�-
<br /> , �
<br /> .,•:',.,'•?` �.� tor the excesa Funds h nccor�ance with tho rsqutements of nppller�bYa taw.It the amount of tho Funds heW by Lendcu at any �•
<br /> �:�:,.:,:.
<br /> tYne Is not suNieient to�ay tha Eserow Items when due. Lendtx may so notiy Borrowor in wdttng,snA, h suah case 8ortowar ��-�_
<br /> shaU pay to Lender the amount nocessary to make up the defieieney. Bortower shali mnke up the daticcienoy h no mora than =
<br /> tvretve monthy�aymonts. at Lends�s sote dtscretlon. �
<br /> ��nnn onyma�+t in tuU ot aU aums saoured bY this SecurdY Inslrumont,Lender shali prompty retund to 8ortower eny Funds
<br /> ;� hpld by Lendor. It, under paragreph 21,Lender shail acquhe or setl tho PropaAy, Lender,prtor to tho asqulsRton or saie of ths ___
<br /> °,,;';sti, � Prope�ty,ahNl gppy enY Funda held by t:nnder at tho tirna of ecqub(tlon or sats es a credit agafnst the sums s��red by thts e��-.�„
<br /> .. �:.ie• 88cur�ty InstNmait -—
<br /> "���` 3. Apptication O} Pey111@etd. Unbss appliaubb Iciw provides othervvise, ati payments recelved by Lsrder under _
<br /> � ' parugraphs t and 2 shaQ be oppliad: fi�st,to eny prepayrt�ent oherees duo undor the Note; second.to amounts payabb under
<br /> ,;; � pare�grnph 2;th(rd,to hterest due; fourth,to pnc��nt due;end last,to any late aAargos due undar tAa Note. _.
<br /> :;;;��-�� 4. ChafgEB; U@Oa. Borro►ver ahatl pay atl texes, asses�monts. churgos, Mas ond trnpaeltlons attrbutabie to the
<br /> .�.:��.t�Y PtopoR�r whbh may attahn pdority ovar thb Security InsWm�nt. and teasehoid paymanta¢+r grottnd rento.if nny. Botrower shaU �;,.�::
<br /> �-'�•" pay these obligatbns h the msr+nor provided M p�mgreph& or N not pald tn thnt mar.aer, Borrower shall pay thom on tMe ��ffij;;�
<br />- direoUy to the peison owed pityment. Bomower 8ha11 promptly tumish to Londor aA�otkes ot amounts to be patd under thts r�};�;;::
<br />_ paragmph. If Borrower malces thoso payn�ents dYecty. Bomowor shpD prompty lumiah to Lander reeelpts widenohg the _.
<br /> paymonts' -—
<br /> Borrower sheli prompty disoharye eny tlen whbh has priority ov�this Secu�iry Insdumont unbss Bortowor: (o)agreos in ---
<br /> ;;<i�� � wrdhp to the payment of the obligndon secured by fho Ibn In a msnnor aeceptabb to Landnr, (b)contests in Qood takh the
<br /> ��''�.Y� lien by, or detends egaMat antorcement of the l�n in, becit pro�edhgs which h tho lnndnfs opNion opaete to prevent the _
<br />_:��k�.. �torcement of the Oen; or(a)soauros from tho hotdar ot tho IMn un ngrsement sntist�atory to Lender subordinating the len to __
<br /> this Securriy InsWment. 1}Lender det�xmhos that any ptsrt of tho PropeAy is eubJeot to a Uen whbh may attah prbrtly over this
<br />-'�t,�i,: •' �cur�y Ushur�ent, Lgnder msy gNe Bartowar n aotic0 ldenUryMg tho Iien.Borrower shatl anttuy tho Len or tatce one or more ot _�
<br />��f��l t;+;� the flatbns oot torth ebo��e wkhh 10 days o!tA9 gbing Of notfCO.
<br /> s. Hazard � Property Inaurence. Bortowa shaQ keep tho Improvomond► now axist�nq or Aereaftar ereoted on tho �g�,r,,
<br /> ���",':� � Prop�ty Insured egainst bss by Rre, hamnds tnoNded vriMh tho tenn 'eMendad covsrase°end any other hazaMs, irta4�dhg �-�,�,.
<br />�;;f �__.
<br />,,� . flooda ar pooding,tor whieT�Lender requtres hsurence. 'trib tnsuranco ehall bo rtuihtainad h the emounts end tor tha perioda =
<br /> " th�t Lender requires. The hsurBnCe cartlet providiny tho Insumn0o t3lwtl be ohosen by 8ort'ov�et B�bJeet to Lendof8 npprovat __ -
<br /> r� •� •• whtoh shaU not De unreasonaby wkhAeid. It eortower taus to msEMain ooverapo descdbed oCiave, I.sndtx may. at lendera °'
<br />-•• :"�=��,� '� optbn,ob4afi caverege to protoot Londors rlphts in the Propaty In aocordence wfth p�reph 7. ___
<br /> - -- r-.T A8 iisuranoe poGOiaa enG r-.nbwa� ahaK b:sccaFlahb to Lcnd� end shaN 6ictu� n stend�-r8 n�oRx��z c�use Ler+tfw� -- - _
<br /> _ y� shell h81v8 th8 ilght t0 hold thtt p01101�9 Mtl rCftewIIlS. IP tenoer tCSquios.t7ortuwet Biiaii promptiy give cu Lwwc+ ni{�o�.oyio 4i _
<br /> , pafd premtums ond renewal notice3. in tho ova�t of bss,Borrower shnA gke prompt nottao to the Insuranee cr.rrbr and Lender. __
<br /> ;:',,�:. Lender may mako proof ot bss N aot m30o promytly by 8orro�vc,r. �P'-=
<br />- •f,a• Untess Lendor and 8orrowor otha�v,iso egrcie 1n writhg,hsuranco proeoads shail bo appl4sd to restoratbn or repaM of Mo °_`.__-
<br /> ��:�►i Proporiy dameSed, M the rostorotton or r�rpa4 fs economicaly feasibio and Lendofs soourUy ls not bsaened.If tho restoratbn or -•�-
<br /> �P �f, _-
<br /> repalr ts not eaonombalry feasibb or Lend�a socurity woatd ba tosQOnod,thn hau�anco prooeeds ahali ba appuod to tho Qums ��L_
<br /> �;':•':�. , ;' soeurod by thb Seeudty Instrumsnt, whethor or not then duo.wtth eny a�oeoss pat4 to Bortowar. If 8ortowor abandons /ho ���r,�°
<br /> � " , Propfxty, or doos not onaw�wfthh 30 daya n not�o from Londor that the hsurnnco curtier hns oNorod to aotdo n ataim,then °�:��--
<br />_��'� �tY
<br /> " � Lendfx rt�ay eol'eot tho Msuraneo proceedo. Lender may uso tha proec�da to repa9r or rostoro Me Propertr or to gay suma �;�::�`
<br /> � ec
<br /> � ` seeurod by this SoeurUy InetrumenL►�hslher or not thon duo. Tho S�dtiy poriod wIA bugh when.tha not�o is gbsn. ��` '
<br /> ` Unlass Lendar end 9orrowor o4hanvlso eg� 1n writh9. �r►Y aPP���n of proceed� to prinotpa� shatl not oxtond or '• •
<br /> .�� postpone the due dato of th0 monthry payments rcitarad to in purogreph9 1 and 2 or change tho amount of tho pnymnnto. If `,,`_
<br /> undar pttragraph 21 th9 Prop�ry► is acqutod by len�ar. Borrowers�Ight to eny insuranco poibbs and proceeds rosuRinB(rom
<br /> '1 dam�qo to tho PrGpeRy pdor to the acqubftlon sh�0 pasa to Lendor to tAe extent of the sums by this Socurity instrurcr�nt "�`�
<br /> -------- �1 . ..we,n.s�.f..eno nceuNlitlnn.
<br /> _ __ _____ �.... ,.-�. -- ' - --.. .
<br /> . ,��;,� 8. Occupenay. PreservetiJan� Mafntenanao and Protectloa o4 the Rcoperry; E�orrower's l.oa�+ „
<br /> App11CAU0Q;L�IISCh01d�. Bo�ro�ver�shali occuPY. ostabtlsh,artd uso tha Property as Borrowe�s prinotpat restdence wtthh
<br /> • I gpcly days gftor the exocuBon of thts Security Inptrumant and ehuli conthue to occupy tho PropoRy o8 Borrowcffs prhoipal
<br /> rosidonce tor at bg8t orte year aftor tho dute of oecupa.ney,unb3s La►der othsrwise Qprees in wdtUg,whbh consant shntl not
<br /> ba unmaaonaby wtihheld,or untasa oxtenuaW+B etcumstsncos cucist whiah iuo bayond Borto�vora control. Borrori�r ohati oot
<br /> � dostroy,damngo or ImpaY Me Proporty,aUO►v tho PropQrhr to dcterbmte, or aommk wasto on tho Propertp•BortoNCSr shatl be t�
<br /> •• dotauh�any forfofturo uaUon or ptacoodhg, wRatha eMll or cdminat,1�bagun thot In Londora good taRA judgmont cout�rosuh
<br /> , in tortelture of tAO PropeAy or othawtso matorlally hnpatr the Ikm Cnoatod by th�s Sacurity Inatrum�nt or Lend�B socur�y htmos�
<br /> F18101MD(1/00) Pep�t ol 6 '��SL.L._
<br /> " .. I 00011 ?�
<br /> .I �
<br /> 1 — _
<br />