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, <br /> . <br /> , „ , <br /> . . ,. :. .. ... .. .. . . _ _ .__.,�_�_._..-- <br /> • � 7. Prateatlon o4 L.endee's Rights In tho Propnrty. If Bortowm fn�ls to pertorm the covonento und ugreements <br /> � eonlalnod in this Socur(ty Inutrumcnt, ar Ihcro is a Iogai procend'.np thnt may atgnqicnntty nftoet Lendor's �iflhts in tho Proporty(aueh ass <br /> a procc�dinp In bankruptcy,probat�, tar eondemnption or 1or(elturo or to entorco lawa or reguiatlona),thQn Lender may do and pny for " , <br /> whntever Ia nocesanry to protcct tho voiuo of iho Proporiy t�nd lender's rlghta In the Property. Lender's aatlone muy ineludo paying � <br /> any ouma eocured by o Uen whleh hae pdodly over this 8ecurity Inetrument,npFcarfnp In court, puying rcasanabte nttomey's loes und .. <br /> cntcrinfl an tho Properiy to mako repnlro. Atlfiouph Lender may tnko aetion under thls pnrugmph 7,Lender does not hnvo to do so. ` <br /> � � My amounlo diaburscd by Lcndcr under this pnm�rnph 7 shnli bncome addltlannl debt of 8orrowcr securad by this Sacurtly f' <br /> � Inatrument. Untoss 8ortowe► nnd �cnder agroo to othar tortn� af payment, thosa omounta shall bear interost hom the dnto of ,� <br /> � ' <br /> dlsbumcmc�nt at tho Noto�ato nnd ahu0 ba payabto,wlth interost, upon notice tYom Lender to Bonower►equostfng poyment. � ; <br /> � 8. Morlgage Inauranee. It lender roquired mortgago incureneo as o eondiUon ol making the loan secLred by thl:; Srcurily � �� <br /> � Inatrument, 8orrawer ahe11 pny the praatums roquUQd to maintain the moRgage insurnnce in ettect. It. 1or any reason, the mortgago � ;;r�.y <br /> Inouraneo eovemga requlred by Londer�psos or censos to bo tn e(tect,Borrower ahall poy the premlums requlred to obtain coverage . •, <br /> - aubatantialry equNatent to the mortgage Insurance prmlously In eHect,nt n eost subst�nUaOy equhalent to the cost to Bortower ot tho N � <br /> moKguge inaumnce prevlousy In enecl trom nn aitemate mortgsge insurer approved by Lender. It substanttaty equlvnlent moRgngo Q „ � <br /> Inaurance covemgo Is not nvaflabte, Barower shuil pay to Lender each month a aum equai to one-tweifth of tho yearly mortgngo ` <br /> ' �naurunco prerntum being patd by Borrovrer when the Insumnce coverage Iapsed or eeasod to b0 in eHxt lender win aecept,uoo artd � -� <br /> � rcAaln tAese puymenta oa n Ioss toseno M Ileu of mortgage insurance. loss reserve poymenta may no tonger ba required, nt tho � �'''4'.+;t�j. <br /> � opUon of Lender, it mortgnge insurance cov�rago pn the nmoant end tor the pedod lhat Lender requires) pmvtdcid by an insurer ►r7 `����-�`';;�: <br /> �,�" <br /> approved by Lender ugain becomas aratlnbie und la nbtainad. Bortower shap prry tho premlums requtred to melntain mortgago • {„�,�.i.F: <br /> ` (naumnco in etteet, or to provtde u toss reserve, uMil the ►equtrc�nent far mortgago tnsurance enda In accordanee wtth any vrritten ,�.:7;.-_ <br /> _ ° agreement between 8armwer nnd Lenda or appitcable Isw. �.�,.,,p- <br /> „ 9. Insps�tion. Lendet or fts agent may make reasortab:o ansrtea upon and Inspeetions of the Property. Lender shail gNe ;4�a- <br /> B�rrower noUee at the tlme of or priar to an InspecUon spec�tying reasona4la cause tor the inspection. •��.':" <br /> , � -4;�.`..� <br /> 90. Conalemnation. The proceeds of anY award or ctalm for dama�res, direul or conaegue�lat, la conneetion with any _,.��_ <br /> � • condemnatlon or other taking of ony pait ef the Ptoperty,or for converyance irt Beu of condemnarion,are hereby assigned end shali be .,��.• <br /> �,�_� <br /> � pntd to Lender. `° <br /> �., In the enent of e tota►taktng ot thw Properry, the proceeda ehall be upp0ed to the sums secured by this 5eairity Instrumen� �-..�`.� <br /> whether or not ihen duo,with nny excess paid to Bomower. In ihe event of e�aaN�l taWng ot the Propet4y in whlch the init market ----: <br /> ,�� � valuo of the Propetty immedfatey belae the Wking Is equsl to or greater thon th2 amount of the sums aecured by this Secu�ity ,�F;� <br /> Inshumant immediatety betore the tatdnA. untess Botmwer and Lender othe�wisa�pree in w►Iting, tha sums sozur�d by this Security �:.��.-,, <br /> r� insAument shali be reduced by the amouM of the proeeeds muitlpiled by the following hacUon: (s) tho totat amount of the sums n" � <br /> + r.:- <br /> -1�-" r seeured Immediateiy boforo the ta.kTnp,dividod by (b)the tair market value of the Property immodlotely beforo the taidng.Any balance �;% _ <br /> ��`��� �� shall be patd to Bortawer. In the eveM ot a partlal tekin9�f the Properiy in which the tair markac velue of the Properiy immrdiatety �__ <br /> ' before the taldrtfl is lens than the smamt o t t he suma se c u r e d i m m e d i a t e ry l b e�a re t h e t a W n g, u n l o s s �o r ro w e r and Lender otheiwise �sr.. <br /> ''���, egree in wdttng or unisss applteebfe la�v othe�wise provides, the proceeds aholl be appited to the sums secured by thts Sscudry <br /> •• `F instrument whether or not the sums Eue then due. ��`'°° <br /> ue <br /> If tho Properiy Is abandonad by 8arower,or If,after no8ee by Lender to 8orrowor that the condemnor ofters to mako an nlwrd or �v.___ <br /> . settie a daim tcr damagea,BoROwer 1aBs to teapond to Lender v�thin 30 days after the date the notice Is given, Lender is avihorized ��:, <br /> �� to collect and appy the proceeda,at pa opUon,elther to restoraUon or repntr of the PropeAy or to tho sums seeured by Mts Sxudty <br /> � Instrument,whether or�ot then due. � <br /> •� !, <br /> ' „ Unless Lender and 9orrower otheiwwise agree in wdtlng,any appltcoUon of prooeeds to principal ahaA not e�ct�nd or postpone the <br /> '' due dnto ot the montfiy paymcnta referred to in paragraphs 9 and 2 or ohange ihe amoun4 ot such paymenta. <br /> ' 4 11. gp�ow�r Not Roletsed: Forboe�anae By Lender Not a Walver. Extenslon ot eho ama for �y�ment or __.. <br /> modiflcuUon of amortimtfon of the sume secured by this Secudty Instrument gruMc:d by Lsnder to�ny eucoessor In tnterest of Bortower - - <br /> "�� shatl not opereto to reteaso the limhiiry ot the odqtnat Botrower or Bortower's auceessors in interes4 l�dar ahap not be nsquired to --__-- <br /> *� <br /> aommenco proeeedings agatnst eny successor In h�torest or retuso to uxtend tlme Qor payment or othervrise modify emortlraUon o t o <br /> sums secured by thts Securtty Instrument by reason ot any demand made by ifie a�tgtnal Bortower or 8ortower's eueeessors in ___ <br /> , lnterest. My torbearanca by Lender N exaclsing any dght or �em�ly ehuli�ot be u waiver of ar predude the exerdsa of any dght or ��,..; <br /> � ,t � �Z.SuaCessoro�nd Asslgns Bound; Joln4 ana�S�vorEl UaWlity; Co-sigro�rs. The covenonta and �- <br /> �� a�e e ments of this Sccuiity InsWrrtent sAell bind And benefii tho succasaors and eesigns ot Lender end BoTrawer, subjeat to the �__ <br /> provisiona of prQagraph 17. Bmrowc�e eovertents and agmemer�bs efiell be jotnt and severut. My 8orrower who cae iqns t h is Srxu d t y <br /> '�' Instrument but does not execute tho Note: (a) is casigning thls $ecurtty instrumet►t ony to moRgage, qrant, and cnnvey that - <br /> Borrower's tntcrest ln the Properiy�ndcr tho tertns ot this 3ecurlty Inatrumenx @) la not personally obllguted to pay the svrr.�seaured _ _ <br /> by thia Seeurity instrumen� and (a)agreos that Lender and any other Horro�ner m�r agrea to oxtend,modity, torbear or make any __- <br />�:,, accommodatione with regard to terms ot this Seanity InaUument or the Noto wrihout that 8orrowar's consenL = - <br /> � ._.�� 13. troan �Oaa�g�s. M tho ban eoacred by this Secutiry Inshument Ia subJeet to n Iaw which seYs mtudmum�oan chargos, _: <br /> � and thut taw is t3naty irrterproted so�hat the interest or olher loan eharges aolleeted er to 6e coAer.?ad in eonnectlon with tho losn � --- ° <br />__..:�,......_..__.., �",:-_T <br /> _ _ r-��� en�sed fhe pc-nstimc�3 tintta, than; {ai any auch toc�n charges anc+d bc rcdu«.�d by tiro���unt i�tC6afiFij�C8 FC{�ifG6�}i8 t,�'i7�8:a thc ��— <br /> � �I - t perm[tted Um�;artd(b)eny sums atready coltoeted irom Bortower which acceedcd pcmnittad iimi:s ov�l ba refunded to BonmYer. Lender ��� • <br /> . - ¢ may choese to make thta retund by�edudng the pdndpa�awed under the Noto or by maldng a dlred paymc�t to Borrower. if a �` <br /> # reNnd prt�clpal,tho ceductfonwi9 be treuted as u paRisl prept+yment vAthout any prepayme�chargo ander the Noto. E__�_`r:=--. <br /> .. , '..� Ei�-+�•..�.:.__.. <br /> . , � 14. NO#lCl�. Any notice to Bomower provided tor in thls SECUdry�nstrument ahall bo given by de;;��t�ring lt or by m�iiirtg ft by ,,,x_,_� <br /> •�� prs! cinsa m3U uniaas nppltcablo Iaw requfros uso of another method. fie notice shu11 bo d�reeted to tho Pcopedy Addrous or�ury "!-°""°"�;_;. <br /> ' olher nddress Bomotiver destgn� Dy notico to Lender. My nottco to Lender ehali bcr g{.'Ven by IIr�R da�s ma11 to lenQcr's addreas ` .t�;��;� <br /> .,.��,.• . _ <br /> atated hcretn or any ather addresa lmder deoignatas by notico to Bortower. My notloa�pravlatad tor In lhis 8ucurity instrument ohstl _ <br /> bo deemed to have been given to Bamvrer or Lender when gNen as provided In this paragmph. '.'�,,,r^ <br /> V 1$.GoYOP�liefg Sev0t8b11i4y. This Security Instrument chaV bo govemed by fe�c�l taur and tho Inw of tAo - _. <br /> '�� Jurhsdle@on in whfch tho Ptoperiy Is bwtod. In tho evad that any provislon or clause of thfs 3ecu�ity InsWment or tho Note contUctu <br /> wkh opp8cabio law, auch conftiet sNaC �ot aNett other provtatons of this SearHy Instrument or the Noto which can bo given eifect <br /> ' without lho conSlic�trtg provlston. To tl�is ertd the provinlons ot thin Sccuriry Inatnemc:tt artd the Note ere de�clered to ba awerebin. <br /> -- - - �....��w�W.�o...d nf�htc R`c1uutf��natrumntt. <br /> .. -. ------.--- ' <br />---'------- - . <br /> �6.aorrav�r�ers capy. do�,�.a B��������ti..,,�........,�......_._-•--- --- --�.., ..---- - --- <br /> 1 T.Tranefar a?tho Pro�erty or n�anetietai Intevest tn Borrowev. it an or nny part ot the �opercy or �ny <br /> tntera3t in it lu sold or tranafcr►ed (a It a bencitdal iMerost tn Bortower Is oold or trunsferred and Borrovicr is not a natuml paaon) �� <br /> w(thout Lender'o prior w�itten conueriA.Lender m�y,nt tts aptton.rc;;quUo fmmedtuto paymcnt tn tutl of aU sums secured by thls Sccudry <br /> Innwmc�nt. Howaver,thls npUon aAa!�ot bo excrdscd by Lenda tt exerdse b proh(b(tod by tederal law ns ot tho duto of thio Secur(ty • , <br /> " ., Inetrument. <br /> ' Ii lender exerdses th13 op4on,lerder ahNl ghro 8orrower naila�ot ntxcicruUon. The nofleo ahail ptovido n patod ot rtoY toso <br /> � than 3D daya hom the dato tha notloo is dMNered or mni:ed w(thfn whtch tho @ormwcr muat pay 4tl sumn accurcd by thio Secur(q � <br /> Inatrument tf Borrawcr taii3 to DaY U�'Q IIums priar to tho mcplmfton ot thls pertod.Lender may invoko ony remed!as permittad by thi� <br /> Sccudty Incstniment without fuRha�otico or demand on 8ortov+er• Form ao�o sleo �•�� <br /> F1079.1M6 f1018� Rago 3 c13 <br /> t00D0006 � <br />