..: ,
<br /> ,. `
<br /> � � ` al Eotato 8cttiemenl Proccdu�ee Act ot t874 ns nmcndod trom llmo to timo. 12 U.S.C.
<br /> � Borrowcr'o oocrow nccount undcr tho tedcrai Rc
<br /> 7E01 et oeq. ('aF.SPA').untoso anothcr In��th�t npp�es to 1ho Funds ooto o teeaer anount. If ao.lender may.ot nny Qmo.collect and
<br /> �' hotd Funds In nn amount not to oxceed tha lasacr amount. Lendcr msy astlrtnete tho a�nount of funds duo on tho bnnis ot curtont datn
<br /> und�ca3oan4to oatlmatCS ot oxpCndituros ot tuNro Eccraw Itcros or othciwlso N accordanco v�ith appltcnbto l�r�. � ,, .
<br /> Tho Funds ohutl bo htld in nn Inotitatton vrhoao dcpoolts aro In�urod by o lodemt aflenay, inatrumcntality. or cntiry �includtnp •�„
<br /> Lendcr, it Lcnder tn ouch an inntitutton) or In any Fcdoral Homo Loun 6antc- landcr ahap nppry tho Funds to p�y tho Eoerovi Itema. � .
<br /> , Lendzr may�ot ehnrQu Bortowcr tor Aot�inp und applytnp tho Furtds,unnuairy anntyttnp the a3erov+ nceaunt. a�veritylnp tho Enero�v �T�.
<br /> � Itesns,unlcaa Lcadsr pay�Borrrnec►Interest on tho Funds nnd nppllcnbto I�w perm�ta Lender to muko ouch a chnrgo. Howover, Lander � v.�
<br /> msy roqutro Borrower to pny n ono-Ums ehntge tor nn Independent mal aslato�ax rtpoAing sarvico ucted by Lcrtder in counecUon wilh � •- ;,'
<br /> thts loan.unlesa nppUcsbS�la�v provldas otherwl.go, Untess nn ugrecmcrt Is mido or opplteabio taw requlress Interost to ba petd,Lend�r ;`�
<br /> abap not be ratqutrud to pay Borrower uny Interoat or eaminge on the Funda. BoROwe�and Lendcr may ngrcro in wdtln8, howwer,thnt � ,.,
<br /> Interest ehul! bo putd on tho Fund3. londer ahM gNe to Botrower. �AlhaN charge,an annu�l necounting oi the Funda, showtng .�r. ,
<br /> credito nnd deblts to the Funda and tho purposo to�whlch eaeh debit to tha Fu�ds was mado. The Funda oro plodged ns addiponnl � ::
<br /> . sczuriry tor nll sum9 sec��md by this Securtty�natrumtn� ���`";
<br /> If tho Funda hQtd by Lender exceQd tho nmaunto permitted to bo i�dd byeppOCabio tuw.Lender shatl Qecount to 8arroLrcr tm tho ,�;LL,,t::
<br /> oxeES9 Funds in aecordanee�vith tho requiremente ot uppJcobte tnv. tl the airsaunt of the Funda hetd by Lender nt any tlme is noi :.W�.Y`
<br /> auiticlent to pay tho Eserow items v�hen duo,lenda m�so notily Borroivc�M vo+dlins�and 1�suah easo Bo�rower shaJ pay to Lender ����,�._-
<br /> � tho nmount necessary to make up tho dafletency.8orrower eha[I meko up thedetictency in no mom thcn Avetvo monthy pnyments,at "�l�r`�
<br /> ; Lend�'s sote discrotton. retund to Bortower eny Funds held by =-
<br /> ; � Upon pnyment in tuQ ot uil sums secured by thia Seeurity insUumenG Lender ehnit promptty a�,,��
<br /> Lender. tt,urtdsr pnragruPb Et�Lendcr ahaU nc�uire or sell the Properiy.Lcader,prtor to the acqutsiUon or saie of the Property,shall �= ;�:
<br /> appy any Funds heid by Lendet nt tho time ot acquisltion or eale ae a aedIt aAalnst the�ums secured bY thts Secudty insuumrnt �;,..:�-
<br /> S.Apptleatton of P�Imo�te. Un�ess apPltcablo lnw provtdes o4hawtse,all payments reeehred by lender under para9�aPd�a __ti�
<br /> ° t and 2 ehall be applled:flrst.to ru►y p�pelmi�nt ehc�r9os due under f110 NO1D; aeGOnd, to amounts puynblo under pas�greA r
<br /> due;and Iast. to eny late�harge�due unda the Note. ��'��
<br /> to Intereat due;tourth,to prtne:pn► C3 —
<br /> �• ��"�� 4. Cheut�o9; U�nu. 8omower ahali pay nit tcuces� easessmeriis. d�rS�� n"eg °"d ImposfUona attributabfo to tha Properly �,,;___
<br /> .. .,��;.;�,.',;.?: —
<br /> . t,� whieh may uttnYn prtodty over this Securtty Matnrme�ri, and Ieasehohd p�tts ov graund renta, N eny. Borrowtv shaii pny thoso �o'u'•"�
<br /> ��.s,
<br /> r:;�.�, obiigattons in the mannet proe�Eded in purngraPh 2,or It not pafd tn thcit munnc*. Borrower shnit pay them an tlmo directty to tho person _�_
<br />-;..i,�' owad payment Bortower she0 prompUy fumish to Lender a9 noti�s of amou�►ts to ba Pdd unda this paragraph. if Bortower makes ��_
<br />'���,1� �,. 40mse paymenta dlrecUf►• Bor►ower shatl promptly tumtsh to Lender reeefpts e+�dendng tho puyments.
<br /> eou
<br /> � ' ' � Bonower s3af1 prompiN cfiseharge eny Ifen whlch hao pdor[ty ove.r tAta Securiry Inatrument untess Borrower. (a)agrees In wrtUng to _
<br /> •• J'�`•';�f �i�t ihs o�tloss se�sttTM!!+y;he uen In a manner accePtebie !o lender: (b) contests fn good taltb the aen by.or detenda _
<br /> _ �+;tV {�o pa� °
<br />-''"� ageinyt entorcement o4 the lien in,Iegal proceeittnAa v�+hleh fn the Lendefa ophton operate to prevent tt�a errforeemer►t ai itio�.'3�a�' c
<br /> =,::�.; —.
<br /> , seqires hom the holder ot the lton en agr�eement satlstae2rnY�o Lend� subordNating 4ho Iten to this Seairity insUUm�t H Le^ a
<br /> determines thst t�ny Patt of the Propt�tty ts eubJed to a Ii�n wfikh *naY e1Wn P�o�Y over this Secudty In6tncment, lender muY 9�
<br /> • ' ����i Bortower a rtoUcs►tdenttt�Mg the 11en. Borrowev shatt saUsty the�en or take one or more of tho actfons set torth above ar(thin 10 days
<br /> . „�'��l' ot the gMtn9 of rtoUco.
<br /> . 6. Hazard or Properfy Insuranao. eorrower ahnil kee�p the 6nProvements now extsttng m nerea�er e�e�ed an tho =-
<br /> PropeAy inaured ngatnst bss by ftro,ha=arda tnduded v�:ihin 2!:�term•eMendad ceverege'and cny othm harards,irtoiudng Boods or
<br /> ftooding, tor whtch Lendu require9 Insuranco. fiis Insuranee shaU be �nah4nfned N tho amounts and for t�he/apW o�ehaU notdbo
<br /> myu(res, Thp insumnco uurla providing tho fnsurance shaU be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's app
<br /> ' unreasonabfy wRhhe:d. If Bortower fails to matntatn eoverage descnbr.� ebove, Lender may.at Ler�d�s optton,obtatn covvrege ta
<br />�,; .�„. ° '` proteat Lender's dghts in the Properly in acwrdenee wfth ParaSrePh 7.
<br /> • •• •. All insurance poildes and ren�wNs shatl be aeceptahla to Lender an�ahatl inciudo a staedtard�d�� ��ot�patd prertdurVa
<br />`�•.'° , • • the dgM to hold the polictes and renewals. :f Len der requ h e s.B o r v o wer ehEtll prom?�N 8
<br /> I
<br /> ' • ' and renewal nerlices. In tho avent of los3,Bartower mhc�77 qive p�ompt eaotke to the Irsuraneo cartler end Lender.Lttnder mny mnke
<br /> � � #;;� proof of lo�a ii not msdo promptly bY Bortowcr.
<br /> Uniosa Lrnder and Borrower othe�wise agreo tn wdL'nq.(nsu�aneo proa�cds ehatl bo appAed to rostoratton or tepatr of the Propedy
<br /> la rnai Ixasenctd. If tho restoraUon ar repuU is not r�;.
<br /> d epu
<br /> <, damagrid, ii the restoraUon a repnU la c3conomiceriy ica�ibio and lender's tecu�(M �,;;.:. .
<br /> d -
<br /> economimily feusible or lender's secur[ty would bo lesaertod, the [naurance proeEeds 84+til1 be appUad to the a�ms secu`edoas not —
<br /> �� � � Socurity �nsi�ymettt,whether or not then due, wtth any exevss Patd to Barewer. It Bo�rower nbandona the Props:riy. !
<br />� �^:: ensv�r�vIthtn 30 daya a natico trom �ender lhnt tho insurunco ec�rtier des cNer�1 to settle a dnim, then Lender may coller,t tho _
<br />�� �_�:�_;y'�_��� lneurance ptoceods. Lender m�r uso tho proc�eds to ropeU or res4ore the Prop¢M or to puy sums seaured by this Seadty �
<br /> - ._— Inatrumcn�vlhether or not tnc�►dua.1'hc:30�.'e�Y P�°�:v�'�^when�thnnesttoe ls given. P --
<br />' " T t;ntesa Lender and 6oaower otherwise agroo in wtriing,a�y nppeotitlon of P�occeda to prin�ipet sh�ti not�� ar poatpono the ��.,u�_
<br /> ` �� duo dnte of tt�e monthy puyments rotem�d�m N pamgrt+pha 1 and 2 or diange the cimount ot the payments• it undw parag�uph 21 n�,^�'
<br /> u
<br /> �r'°'�t �p prpy�rty Is aoqulrad by Lcndcr,Boma�yer'n dpht to any Insumnao polides end procaod�rosut�rtg hom damago to tho Property P�tar �v=;
<br /> r., . ; �[:_:;
<br /> to tho aequiatNon oho0 puss to Lende► to tho extent of thu auma secur�►d by thts 8eeuiity enat�aiment lmmediutey prtor to tho
<br /> ,� �y ocqutsttion. ^�'-.
<br /> . � 6. Occupancy, �vesetv�don� Matnt��o�anee and Proteatian �7 tho Prop�rty; B�*�+t�wer's t�oan .,r�..,"
<br /> Applic�am; I.lfat38h01d8. Bortoavcr shaU cccupy. es1abish� csnd uso the Properry ao Borrowe►'s PrindPn�ro3ldance wHhin alxly �,� .
<br /> � ' �` duye atter 4h�mcacution of this Socurtry Inatrument and afia0 eonUnue so occuPY tho F'roPcmtl►as Bomower's princlpat reotdenco tor at �`'�-ta
<br /> , Ieast ano y�ar ufter tho dute ot eceupnna!►• uniess lender othaT�ae a�as M wrtting, which eonaerd shall not bo uno a tr mpatr
<br />- withh�ld,or uniesa extmuFrting ci�wmstances exi�t whtch are boyorsd Bar%vcn's�c�86$��bo Inadetauititguny'torfeituro actlon or .
<br /> , � •. '
<br /> „-_..__—_-_. tho PropertY.al►ow tho Fropertf►to detcrtomto,or commit weute on tho PiopertY.
<br /> �-- •--�_. � .Y.� ��..��,i��m m�d falth lidament eould tesuft In tadai�ure ot the Property ar otdatAsa _...
<br /> -,__-;- - - . proeooCtng�wttatiter c�m w c�m�m��o ..oe�. .-.-•-_•-- - - -
<br /> mutedaly impalr tho Iicn creat¢d bY 4Rfs SEOU�tty Inotrumtnt or lenderY searHY intemst Borrower mny cure such a aacaun eno
<br /> ' , rc�.notato. ua provfdcsd In pnmBraPh 18. by oausing tho adion or praecczdn9 to bo dismisoed whh n niMg that,in Lc�dePs good tn[th .
<br /> - ° d�tertninatton, prectudos toAdturo af tho Borrowar's intcrost in thv Rapah/ or other rtwtaiat impairtnent ot tho Iten orcMed by this ,i
<br /> , gcptrity MaUument or lender's seeurity Intenst. 9or►ow►er sheil m�so bo tn detault if Borrawer, dudng tho lonn aAP���Mom�tian�ln
<br /> _ gavo matcrEalty talso or inuceurato tntomwtton or atutemeMu to Lendet p� taflad to provtdo lendcr wilh ur+Y materi�i
<br /> conneetton w[th tho !o:n widenced b,y tho IVoto. Induding,b�t no2 Cmftcd tco,teprosentnUono concemtng 80�ho pro Isto a of he
<br /> • proPtr(y ns a pdrtctpat restdtnco. It this Sewtfty in ttrum�4ohold nnd Nohlcio•lttio shnflrnot�iaerpoAun}2sn tho Lcnder ngrcoa to tho .
<br /> . tcaso. tt Bofrower neQuires tQO Utlo to tho Prop�ty.
<br /> • mcrgcr in wdSng. F«m ao2o slao „
<br /> Fape 2 d 5
<br /> " � F10�7.1M01�0197!
<br /> t00000Qd
<br />