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• - � �;:- <br /> � <br /> �-_. <br /> << � <br /> . ,_:_ <br /> . z <br /> � • 18. �orros�or'a RIANt 4o Fiofno�ato. If Borrower mcota ccAntn cand�tlono. Borrowe� ahnA have the right to havq ' , ' <br /> antorcement ot thls Sscudty Insirurteent dlucontinued nt uny llmo pdor to tho oarler oi: (n) S dnys (or auch olhor paAod as appilcnbie , � <br /> inw mny epocity tor rofnotatomeM) baloto aaio of tho PrapeAy Pu►auant to any powor ot aniU contnlned in thls Sacurity Instrument: or ^ ,;� <br /> (b) cntry of n Judgmunt enlorcing this Sucudry �natrument. Thono aonditiona nro that 8orcowor. (o� puy3 Lander nll aums whleh then , -_,_ <br /> wouid be duo under thls Srar.urlry Instrument and tho Noto ao if no neeelerntion had ocwROd; (b) curus nny dolautt of any other �+ �� <br /> ,, aovcnnnt or nQracmcntu: (o) �oya aU expanoos Incurtad tn enloreing this Snuarlq Instrument. Including, but not Ilmitod to, reasonablo , , � T_�_ <br /> attomeys'faos;und(d� tnkus euoh adlon as Lander mny reaoonaby roqulro to uaure that tho Ilan ot th13 flocurily InstrumenL Lender'e <br /> rtghts in!ho Property and Oorrowei o obllgatlon to pay tho oums sewred by thin 8owrlty Instrument sholl eontinuo unchnnged. Upon 9 <br /> r�insttitement by Bortowa,this&eeutlty Insttument nnd tho obligatians sccured hereby shnli rrxnnin lully ofloctNo au it no nccelemUon � rr,� ... . ' <br /> t <br /> hnd occuRed. Howcrver,ihia dght ta ratnatata ahall not spply in the ease ot aeederatbn undet pamgmpP� t7• -- <br /> 19. $a19 M NOtO;CQ�ange of Lcan Sorotaor• Tho Note or a parUral Interast In the Note (togothor wlth thds Socurity ' , <br /> '' InaVument)mey be sold one ar rnore dmos wlthout prior nottco to 5ortower•A eete muy resuR in u change In tho entity(known as tho � o � <br /> •Loan ServleeP) that eoliectu monthry paymenta duo under the Noto and this Securfty Instrument. There also muy bo one or moro � , <br /> changes oi the Loan SeMcer unrelated to o salo of the Note. It there is a chrango oi the lonn Setvicei. Bortower w1U be ANen wdtten Q . :�� �. <br /> notice of tho ehnngo in eecordence with par�greph 14 ubovo and applienble tun. the nottce wfll atato the name und uddross ot thv � <br /> new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenta ahould be mude. The no�ee wtil also contaln nny olher Inlonnation rcqutred by . �,___ <br /> aPPlipblo luw. "� . �� .-.�;;�.._^ <br /> 20. HeEB�douB Sum9tanCes. Bortower shati not causo or pcnmit the presence, use, dlsposai,atoruge, or rolenae of any �� ,�;;_ __. <br /> � -s�:�`-..... <br /> Hamrdous Substances on o�In the Properhr• 8orrower shuil not do,nor alavr onyone else to do,anything atfeeting tho Propexh►that , - - _ <br /> is in �o�emall oo tides of Hozardous Substa ees th t8a e genenre N reco8i�ed o°6 P pprop ate�io�no maUe s i ae�ua i �e�ana co `::�� <br /> ProPeri1► 4 � =;i•, � <br /> t•--- <br /> : ma(ntenanc�of the PropMy �� <br /> Borrower sha0 prompty gNe Lender wdtten notice of any invesUyation,claha,demand.Iawauit or other acUon by any govemmentai __ <br /> or regulatory agency or private pariy InvoNing the Propetiy and any Hezardous SLbstance or Envfronmentei Law oi which BoROwer has . <br /> aetua!kno��ie�ge. if Barower teams. or Is notiNed by any govemmental ar regulatory authority, thet ainy removal or other remediatlon ,.;•.�� <br /> .� � of any Hazurdous Substance aHecting tho PropeKy is necegsary� Borrower ehaA prampUy take aU �ecessary remedtn� acdona In y <br /> ,, <br /> , aecordsnce wfth EnvUonmental Law. M'�4 <br /> " As uned in this parac�raDh 20, 'Hazardoua Substances' are those subatcnces detined ae toxia or heztsrdeus substanees by <br /> � � .�,,,.,,;f,t Envtronmental Lsw and fhe 4oUowing substanees: gasoline, kerosene,oth�fiammaQla ar toxto patroleum products,taxia pesUctdes and <br /> �j�;�`' herbtddes, votaUlo solveMs. materieis xo�alning esbestoa �r tortnatdo;�y�da and rt+doaclNe mnteriais, Aa uaed e� ihis para9rnPh 20. ��� - <br /> ' ���,';�,.-• <br /> . '�;t�'� 'Ernironm�ntal Law' means federa�laws and Iaws of the Judsdic4toa ►vhere Ne Properiy fs iocsted thet relate to he�tth, su4ely or '��`�� <br /> �' erntranmentel proteoUon. `� ' <br /> .: . <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENl�MS• Borrower and lender tuRher covenant end agree ua toliowa: ,��. "��' <br /> ��__; 21. AcceleraRion; �iemedies. Lender aha�l give eo#ice to Borrower prlor to aaceleration follow ng ,�: <br /> 6 Borrower'e breac� at any covanar� �� :.�s��� !� *-!��° Sscurity InstrumeM l6ut not prior to :: <br /> - ••- - - <br /> :''<:;;J�;�' aaceiorA3lon under paragraph 17 unless appliaabte 8� provides atherwisa). The eotiaa ebatt sPaciry: - <br /> ;,�, ,,1,�1., . �e� the �efau�� (b)Qhe actioa� vos�uired to aure the ��ault; (c� a date, not [mss than 30 dayo tram 4Dee �! �� <br /> �.: •�. date ths notiao Is given to Botsawe�� by wMch the dotfa�it must bo cured; An�1 (d) that tallure to c�re ',ti��. <br /> ' � ' ' the detautt on or �cefore the date epecifisd In the aattce �nay result in aecelera#lon of the aums �►;��; <br /> � 7he notice ahaU 4urther tnfmrm ';� <br /> aecured by 4hia S�:r.�rKy Instrunnent and sal� of the Pro��r�y ,,.�;. <br /> '�''��''� ' Borrower of tha �Igh4 to reinstate after acceteration and tl�ne r3g'�t 4o bring a CouR ac@�'.�n to assert tho � ^___ <br /> '�}''""� noa-oxlatence c�f a defaui4 or o�y other defense ot B�r�awert�aaceleratlon and sale. 9�4ho defautt is �, �:_, <br /> � na! cuPed on or before t�e date apeciflod In the no't�ae� Lender at tta optlan meiy requtro tmmediate --__ <br /> "'� paymoM tn tuN ot all suma socured by thfe SecurFty Irsstruumerrt wtthout further demand and may y <br /> tnvoke thfl power at sale a�nd eny othor semedfas pertreitte�l by ap�tieabte law. il+ender aha11 be <br /> entitled to colleet aQ e�nses laeurree9 In pursutng tho rom��dies providad in 8�: pnaregrapfi 21. ___ _ <br /> �.�'. Inalud]wp, but not Ilrnited to. reasoneble attorneys'fees and cba3s of titla ovidenae. -�� <br /> �i!;:-t� it t?rs powap of sale ta �nvoked� Trustee ehnll roaord a notiee of da�faul! In eaeh conniy in vrhieh _ <br /> �''�'���� any par! c�f tho Propsrty is lo�uted and shall mell aopies ot such notice i�u Q�e manner preacribedf �I _ __ _ <br /> `� • � � � appitcablo taw to Barrowor and M the other persona preaaribed by app�tr.alble law• ARer the dme �_ -.�� <br /> requ�red by appllcm�7a]e law� Truste� ehail gtve public notl�e of sale to tNe peraons and In the ma�nner _ <br /> '�' �,;t;t.,.,;� prescri�ed by oppH�abte law. T�ust�o. without demand on�orrower. shail edil the Properfy at publtc ��` <br /> �yt�'�'„°�.- auction to the higfiost bidQ�r at the time and ptaeo and under the terms deatgnated t o�e�'oti� � ���.v <br /> �i saie in one or mo� p�rcels and In eny orc9er Trustes�dcitereninoa. Trustee may postp -- - <br /> or any pareei of ths Properly b�l publte ar�nouncem e n t a! t h e t i m e and piace of any prevtously {�'W�=� <br /> '' ' schodulad sale. Lender or tts dosignee may purchaae th�Prcperty aR any safo. - <br /> � � � Upon rocetpt ofi payme� of the p�1� b1d+ Trustee s�dl dailver to the purchaser Trustoe's deed P ""- � <br /> ...`._�.--..�t c�av�ln� th� Proportlr. The reoitals in 4hs Trustos'a dsed shaii be�r�im�n..ts��.a�t i �f�Qwin� ard�r. �� = _ -_- <br /> �'�"'.���..� of the �temetrta r�+ade 4iiev�sa. Yruoto� �eiiell a;��.'y �s� P���� � � <br /> .�;.•;�, M..',,,q�tir:ly . <br /> t:�/'i:,•••.. .� t <br /> . •,;(::;:�,: ;� (a)to all costa and expensea of exoreising 4hs ��r � ffi��• and tho �1�9 Qnetuding the paymmQaZ o4 �-�„•(;,`� - <br /> ' th0 Tnosioe'8 feos actuaity inaurred. eo!to exceed �_`���mvIiTClpal amount of tho �ot� +;`�k{:'�'�-'�'.;,;:�-...-.--- <br /> � a4 the time af tho d�clnratloa ot d�fout�, and reasonnbfo adtorney'a faes as �ormitted 6y law; (b) to ail �,,.Y,, °° <br /> ;i.��.';,,��i�:.., ' sums s�curod by thls Security ir�strunion� and (c) any excesa � 4Bno �serson or person+� logalty � .:�. 4 _ <br /> , :-�'� <br /> ti- <<.i . � 9fb���t0 H. . - <br /> ` : �. �eaonveyanae. Upon pnym�nt of a:l sums 3eeun.�by'tnls ScarHY Instrument, L�::9et shNl�equest Trusteo to recometl �'��' • � , <br /> � ''��'`•'�!� • tho Fro�xrty and ahM surtmd�this Security insVument ertd e�7 n�lae e�Ada�ctrTg debt aewred QY t�^c1���1Y InsWment to Teustee. I,` • ._� R <br /> •,..�,.,:.; .;.:°{;c; - _��'- <br /> T�ttatoe ahnfl roeonvey tho Properly without warcanty c�nd w+thaut cAarga to the peroon or persone tegaly entided to ft. Such peraon or .r�-. Yi.iV.._ <br /> peraona shdi pay any recadad�n eoata. : , : '":`t'•;' <br /> ,. . <br /> .� ,,. <br /> ., <br /> • t <br /> ?3. SubslitElte T�uBtee. lendor. at tts option, muy irom lime to Umo remuvo Truutee and eppoint n auccesaor truateu to ; : . <br /> __ __ _ :: '__'] ,.-.,-- -�_,_.., ...,,,,,,wa, ti� nn tnateument recorded in tho coue�ry in whieh this SaariTy inavumc�nt ia re�vrded. Without . . <br /> _�___L. r.. .... <br /> ------- �----.- -- '_ - atty truateo aypvo..a. ...�._..�. _, �---'- . . <br /> comoynnco ot the Properiy� suxttssor trustea shuU suceeed to all tho title,pawer tind tluttes conie�reo upon ���o«���.a••�••• �, __ <br />