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<br /> • �� payments muy na lunger bv rcquired,�at Qie option of L.ender. lf mortgage insurunce covcrnge lin the amount und for the period
<br /> • ' •• � that L.ender requircw)provid�d bs+ nn intiurer approvcd by Lender again becomes avuilable nnd is c�bulirtcd.Barrower shall pay W_,
<br /> ,,��;• the premiums required to maintnin marrgA�e insurnnce in effect,or ta provide u loss reserve,unttl the r�quirement for mort�age _-
<br /> Insumnce ends in ucmrduncc wi�h uny written u�rcement between 6orrower nnd l.ender or applienble luw.
<br /> • �� 9. Insp�tton.Irend�sr ar its ngent muy mukc ecasonable entrie.ti upon und inspections af the Property. Lender shul! give a
<br /> ", •° ''� Barrower notice at tha tims af ar pdar ta an inspectior�specifytng reasonable cause far tlie impection.
<br /> 10.Condemnntdun. The proceeds of nny a�vurd ar cloim for dumngcw. dircct c�r canscyuentinl. in connection with uny
<br /> . c�ndemnutian or ather tuking �f uny purt of the Pmpeny.ar far ronveyance in lieu of r�ndemnatton. :ue hereby assigned w►d
<br /> shall be puid to Lendur.
<br /> .�"�'..� In the event of a tatal talcin� di tlic Propeny,tha proceeds shnll be upplied d�thc xurns r,ecured by thiF Secutity Instrumcnt.
<br /> _��;�� �vhether or n�t then duc, wjth nny cxcess pnid ta 8�rtowcr. In thc evcnt of u partiul tuking��f thc Pro�►erry in which the fai�
<br /> -,u�:....—„_. murket vulue of tha Property immaifutaly bcfi�re tho tukinB iy cquul ta ur prcutGr th�in thc unwunt af thv humx sccurcd by ihix
<br /> .`+.:r
<br /> Sccudty lnstrumcnt Inzmedlutaly licfora tha tukinB,unlcsw Aurrawcr and l.cndcr othcrwixc u�rcc in writin�,thc sumy�ciurcd by
<br /> ' ' � �` � this Sca:urity In�trumc�nt shnli br. rafuccd by thc mnuum of tiu pmccedx mulUpiicd hy thc faUuwin� friRrtic�n: (u► tiic tatul
<br />'"`�i�:,;,;'' � umaunt uP tl�v humx w:curcd imntediutely hetbrc Ihe takin�. divfded My (hl il�c I�ilr nuirkct v��lue �if thc Pn�prny ionnedlutely -
<br /> r`��;�.,��� befnrc titc tukin�j. Any hi�hnicc slmli hc puid a� Hurr���vc�. In thc event uP u partiui tukh�F1 uf the Prapeny in ovhich►hc fnir
<br /> y'f`;�r�N,f�e ntnekel valuc��f tlto P�rtperiy lntntrAlt�icly bcfnrc ihe tuk{n�ix Ictiw thun Iltc ann�unt ui'tl��r�umv hccurcd inunediatcly befi�r�:lhc
<br />:=;=L°�`'�°' wkin}j, unlcyy Barrwvcr nnA l�cinlcr utNcnvi�c ugrcc in writiu}}or�mlcsy i�pplicitblc luw��tl►cr�vtn�pr��videK, thc pm��cais sholl
<br /> �=_"'''��� bc upplicd ta tho huinh nc�urail hy tliL+ Sccurlty lnstrumcnt whetNcr or n��t tho sumx nrc thcn duc.
<br /> --; -�- If tho pm�xrty i:►nhtsmlanMt by&�rn�wer.ar if, aRer n��dce by l.endcr w gorruwer tlu�t the rondvmnar affen�tu mnlca nn
<br /> --- --- awurd nr aMtle n clul�n fi�r cU�nuigcs. 8urwwer fuile to rcspond ta I.ender wfthin 30 duyK uRer the ds�ta tha nntiwr ix givcn.
<br />"`R��F�� Lendcr in nuthuriaed ta a�ll�ct and ap�ly thd prorecds.at its apdan,cith�r ta restomtinn or rcpuir af the prop�ny ar ro the suma
<br /> :_;,;;,� — secured by thie Security Instrument,whcther or not then due.
<br /> ':•�r+�� Unle�s Lendor and Bc�rrower otherwi�e ugrce in wdting, any upplicutton af proceeds m principal shnlf not eztend or
<br /> �~���� postpono the duo date of tha monthly Raymente rafurv�ed to in pa�agrupha 1 nnd 2 or change the wnount af euch paycnenta.
<br /> J'.Y/ '
<br /> Y =�� 11.Borro�vcr Nat Etelcnserl;Forbeuruacc py 1LAnder Piot n Wuiver.Extenston of the time for pmyment nr modffica on _
<br /> -..-.-----� of amortiu►tton of the sums sECUred by this Securlty Instrument granwd by Lender to nny successar!n intorest of 13arro�var shull
<br /> not opernte to release tho liubility of ehe origina!Bvrra�ver or Rorrower's successors in interest. Lender shatl not be te�uired to
<br /> _--� _= wmmence pmceedin�e a�ainct nny succ�xsor in interPSt or�fusz to extend time for puyment or otherwira mudify ucnortizat(on
<br /> _�°� of the sums securcd by thls Security Instruirtent bn renson of eny demsu�d mude by the ori�in�l Bnrxo�ver or Borrower's
<br /> successota in intBmst. Any forf►eararsce by Lender ir,a exercising any rtght ur remedy shull nat be a wAivcr uf or preclude the
<br /> — oY�T�r,P nf Any right ar remed4.
<br /> 12. Sucees�ors uad Asslg�rn�'�u.ctllo Jo3�t end Several l.labtitty; Co-slsners. 17�e covennms �nd ag�eeu�cn�,oi ttiis
<br /> �-`:.�� Security Instrument shall bind and bene�nf tlte successors und assjgns of Lender and Honower. subJect to the pmvisions of
<br /> parngraph 17. Bono�vnr's covenonts tutd nger:emem'ts ahull be jolnt and several. Any Horrower wha casigns this Secudty
<br /> �� Instrumont but does nat tsxecute the Note: (a) is�xn-signing thls Secudry Instniment only to mortgage.�r1�t and convey that �
<br /> -•-- Borrowor's intorest In the Properry under the teims�,2�His Securlty Instcument;(b)fs not personally obliBated to puy the sums �:�,;
<br /> secured by thie SecurIry Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bartower may pgree to eatsnd.modify,fo�rar or
<br /> make any accommodRtionc wlth regard w t1►e teams o'�this Secud¢y Ynstrument or the Note without that Hurrower's consent.
<br />------ 13.1wtan Chnr+ges. IY che loan secured by ttias Securtty Instnunent is subject to a law wh�ch seu mn��unum ioan charges,
<br /> und d�ut law ie finally inturpreted so that the intere.4u or other loan chacges col9ected or ta be oollected i�connectlon wtth the
<br /> loun exceed dte pemnittad ilmlts. then:(a)any suc4►loan charge sh�ll be reducec]by the amount necessnry to reduce the chargo
<br /> �� to the pernutted limir and(b)ony sums alresdy collected fmm Borrower which exceeded permitted limlts will bs ref�nded to
<br /> "°`��'s' Borro�ver. Lendor may choose to multe 't'his �efund by c�educing the prL►cdpal owed und�r the Note or by making a direct
<br /> __= pnyment to liorrower. If a tefund rednces �rincipal, the reduction wi1G be treatcd es a partinl pr.�epayment vdthout uny
<br /> _� ` pr�epaymant•charge u nder the Note,
<br /> -- z,�� 14.Nufle�.Any nottceto Borruwer provided for in this Securlty Instn�ment shall be given by de�ivering it or by rnniling
<br /> ----� it by 6rut cless mcdl unless applicabte Inw requires use of another method.'The naHas shtill be directed to the Property Address
<br /> ___._�--- or any otl�nr addross Bornower designntes by notice to Lender. Any nottce to Lender sh�il be given by first cless mnil to
<br /> — Lendor's uddmss sWtmi herein or any other addr�ess Lender desi�nntes by not3oe to�orcower.Any sa�*t�provtded for in this .
<br /> .__ - Security Inr�tturaont�eStaf3�e deemed ta have bee.n given to Rorrower or Lender whan given as pruvtded'un this paragmph. �•
<br /> i�� Ig��flQ@�{ng �w; Seyerabil(ty. 'lla�s Secudty Instcument shaq be govemad by federal•Iaw nnd the luw of the
<br /> -- - t{ jur�sdiadon ln which the Pmpercy ts aacat¢�.�n the event thnt any provjsion or clause of this Secudty Instrument or the Nofa
<br />-��'�t`�� contiiots with uprltcable law,such contiict shal!n�t affect other provisions of this Security Inatrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> � given e[fi:ct wiWoat the consiicting provi�iu�. T'u ttas e��L presvi:fan.:nf tfiis Sec�arltY Tn�tniment F,�rsd the Note nre dcxlured
<br /> • � to bo sevamble.
<br /> =":`:�;�:;i��� 16.Fl�nrmwer's Copy.Borrower shuli be givon one confomu:d rnpy of the Note artd of this Securlty Inswment.
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