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<br /> 17.Tran.gfer o�the Proper4y or a Ben�flcial Intcrest tn Borrotiver.If ulf or any part af the Propeny ar any intcrest in it `_
<br /> !s sold or trnnsfcrred(or if a benefici�l interest in Barrower is sald or trnnfiferred nnd Bonower is not u nuturuf person)without
<br /> " l.ender's prior written consent, L.ender may. nt ita aptian, requim ittunediate puyment in full of uit sums secured by this _
<br /> o Socurity Instrument. However,thjs option ehnll not bc cxcrcised by l.�;nder if cxcrcise is prohibitcd by fcdernl luw as af the dute
<br /> �. �� of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> If I.cndcr exercises thix aption, Lender shnll give BorrwYer natice of ucceleration. Thc notice shuil pruvide A periad of nal
<br /> ' less than 30 dnyR fram the dnte the notice is delivered ar majled wlthin which 9onower must puy uii sums secured by thih __
<br /> . � ;',� Securlty Instewncnt. Ii Barrowcr fuilg to puy thcse eumx priut to thc exptration of this periad. Lcnder may invokc uny rcmedies =__
<br /> . permittcd by thix Secudty Instrument without further notice or derr�und an B��rrower. _
<br /> • IS, biore�uver'x litpht to Etcinstnta If Dorr��wcr mccts rcrtuin conJitions, Bcxrowcr �hull hayc thc right t�� havc
<br /> � , enforcement af thir Security Instrument dfscantinued at any time priur tu thc curlicr ui: ta) S duys (e�c st��h other perlod t�s ,_-
<br /> ' `�`�� cipplicuble In�v muy hpecify fur r�einsrotemerit) before snte of thc Pruperty purr+uunt tu uny p��wer nf r�ulc contuincd in thia
<br /> ,��;;;,�j Securiry In�trument:or(b►entry af u JudBment enfiircing thiw Sccurity rnstrument.Th��yc cnndition+ure thut Borrower:(u)paye+
<br /> x , • l.cndcr i►11 �►umw�yhich lhcn would bc duc undcr thiw Security lnstrumcnt und thc N�►tc as iY no ucccicrutiun hud�ncurrcd; (h►
<br /> � curex uny defi�uU af imy �►ther ravcnantr;��r ugrec�nentx;(�)p:►yx aii expenscr incurred in enfurcing this Sccuriry Instcument.
<br />� „ s, includin ,hut not li�nited to,�euxonuble mtc�rna�x' fccs;n�zd(d)tukes tiuch actlan ux L.ender may reu.r•anably require to nssue�:
<br /> � thut the�icn�if thin Sccudty Instrument. l.ettder w ri�hts in the Pmperty und Borrower'x obli�utian to puy the suma secured by
<br /> � thlx Security Instrument xhall cmitinue unchanged. Ugon relnstutenient by Borrawei, thla Security lnsttumrnt und the .,_
<br /> �' ubtigutionx securcd hereby xhall remuln fuliy cffective us if no uccelerutlon had occurreci.However,this d�ht tc�roinstAte shull
<br /> '�` ' not apply in thc cusc of uccclemtian under pnrogrnph 17. -
<br /> '1 �, ,! 19. Snle oP Note; ChuaAe ot Lonn �ervtcer. The Note or u purtinl intcrest in the Note (rogether with this Security
<br /> ' Instrumcnt)muy bc sald une or mare timrs withaut prlor notice to Bormwer. A�sfe may result in a chnnge in the entity(known
<br /> as the"[.oan Servtcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and th�s Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> "" `' •�� or more chunges of the I.oun Servtcer unrelated to u sale of the Nate.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrawer will be
<br /> `�'"" given wdtten notice of the chnn�e in uccordance with purugraph l4 ubovu and upplicabla law. The notice will Etate the name und •
<br /> � address of the new LoAn Servicer and the address to which paymetns should be made. The notice will�lr+o contuin any other
<br /> •�::�:? infornutUon requit+�d by app(icublc law.
<br />� 2U. Hamnduvs Substa�ces. Bomower shalt aot cause or permit the presence, use,djsposal, stornge, ar release uf any
<br /> �• �: Hazardous Substances on ur in the Property. Bono�ver shall rtot do, nar allaw anyone else to do, unything affecting the
<br /> ����r`�?�`�°"' property that is in vtolation of any Environmental Luw. The preceding two sentence.g shaU not apply ro tho prosence.usc. or
<br /> � ' ° storage on the Praperty of snkl:l quantities o f H a z n r dnus Su bs t a nres t ha t a r e g c n e m�l y r c x a 8 nixed to be a p pro prlAta to notmal
<br /> '""''"��'r�`� rESidential uses and to muintonfw►ce of the Froperty.
<br />-�..-:.�..:.
<br /> _;c;� � Borrower shall promptly �ive I.ert der kv r i tten no ti c e o f a n y i m�e s t i�a t i o n,claim, demand. lawsuit or other act�on yany
<br /> `'~'��"' ' ovemmenta o�re ulato agenc ar rivace involvin the Pro ert and an Hazardous Subssance or Environmen t a l Lnw
<br /> ,. , ..°1,�� B B �Y Y P P�Y � S P Y Y
<br /> f"��, of which Borrower has uctua{#�awled�e.If Borrower leams. or is nodfied by any govemmentut or regulatory suthorlty,that
<br /> - any removel or other remeclintinn of any Huzurdous Subsuinee nffeeting the Property is ncxessacy. Botrower shall prompdy take
<br /> �� alf necessary re�nedial sctians es�uccordance wtt!►Environmental Luw.
<br /> ���� thic�araeraph 20.'Hazerdous Substances" ure those substences de��ed as toxic or hezardoua subswnces by
<br /> ���•���d.�. Environmental Luw and the followin� substances: gesoline, kerosea�. other ftmnmaoic o� t�n�� �:imkusrs prtxlsscs°• ia°�'
<br />''�� pesticidcs and horbficides,volntile solvents, materials containing usbesios oT iormaldehyde,and rndiouctive materials.As used in
<br />-'"'� this paragraph 20. "Bnvironmental Law" means fedcral luws and laws af the jurisdiction where the Propeny ia locnted that
<br /> ��� �elate to health,sa[ety or envic+onmental protectton.
<br /> IVON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and l.e�der f»rther c:ovenant and Agrce es follows:
<br /> ���"°°'�' 21.Accelera4ion;Reme�iies.Lender shsll Rive no23ce to Borrower prlor to ac�eleraHon following Bo¢a�ower's bret�ch
<br /> e 3 h 17 unless
<br /> - -%°-� of uny wvenunt or ugreement in tP�Es 5PCUrity Instrument (but not prtor to neceleradom au�der paragrap
<br /> _,,,� nppitcubte luw prnvtdes otherwtsQ).'I'tte noti�x s1taQ specifys (a)the default;(b)the acttam u�ey�uired to cure the defuidt;
<br />;;,�;� (c)a date,not Icss than 30 de�ys from the date the nouce fs given to Borrov�er,by whtch ttie defnult must be curedi mnd
<br />,-;>� (d)thut fatlure to cure ihe default on or befom the dute speciThe not ce s4�a014�rther�inform Barmwetr of the right W
<br />-:�� aecured by this Securisy InsM�ment und sale��f the Property.
<br /> reinstnte afser accel¢rntlon nnd the rtght to bring n coart acdon to assert tfie non�xistence of a defuWt or nqy other
<br /> - defense of 1Qore�►wer to aoceterntion und sule. If the defauit ts a�9 cured on or before the dnte specifled in the nottce�
<br /> Lemder. at its uptl�n,mey requlrc Immediate paymeat in t'ull�4'all su+ns secured by thls Secur(ty Inst�nder ha I�be
<br /> furthtr demund and may invoke the power oi sale nnd any oth�r remedtes permttted by up�tdrable luw.
<br />`��� entttled to collect all expenses incurre�i in pursutc��t'r remedtes prov[ded in tEais�arn�ruph�1,including,but not limited
<br /> to,t+easonuble uttorneys'fo�aad costs of t[tle evide�c�.
<br /> If thep�wer of sale is Invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of defauit i¢� each couaty in whtch s�etiy pwt of the
<br /> _-:
<br />