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<br /> • S. Ha�ard or Praperty Insurnnce. Borrawer shall keep the improvements now existing on c�rcufter erected on the
<br /> Property insured Against loks by fire. hw.ards included within the tenn "extended coverage" und any ather huzards. including �'
<br /> ' ' flaads ar flooding,for which Lander requires insurmue. This insurunce sh�ll be malntuined in the umounts und for the periods
<br /> " � that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shuU b�chosen by �oirower subject ta Lender's uppravul
<br />. which shall not be unreASOnably withheld. lf Borrowcr fails to maintuin covcrage described ubovc, I.ender may, nt Lender's —
<br /> option,obtatn cavera�e to protect Lertder's rights in the Property in uccardunca wldi puragraph 7. =
<br /> � � �; All insurance policles and mnewals shall be acceptable to Lender And shall inctude a standurd mort�age clnuse. L.ender
<br /> - . shall have the right M hold the�lictes and renewals. If i.ender require.s,Bormwer shall promptly�ive to Lender�Il reccipts of
<br /> . .;.,�y�, paid premiums and�ertewul notices,In the event of lcus,Horrower shnll�ive prompt notice to the insurance carrler und L.ender.
<br /> _;���.--� Lender may make praaf of loss if not made prompily by Bnrrower.
<br /> �1y�lc�s Len�ler a�rtd Borrowor otheswise agrec in wrldnR,invvrance praceeds shall be applie�to r�storatian or repair af the
<br />%'��*`^°""':� Pro{perty ctnrnuged.if¢�a testoru9ion c�r repair is economically feasible and Lender s securiYy�i�not lessened. If the restort�2inn ar
<br /> repair is nat economt��lly feasible or L.ender's security would b�lessened.the insurance ptncee�s shall be applied to th�sums
<br /> � . secured by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due. with any eacess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the _
<br /> , Property.or does not answer w�thin 30 days a notIce from Lender that the insurance carrler has offered to settle a clafm,then
<br />,�..:�;;�,�'„� Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pny sums
<br /> � secured by thfa Secur�ty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day gedod will be�in when the notice is Qtven.
<br /> • ; , Unless Lender und Borrower athenvise aBree in writing. uny upplicatlon of proceeda to princlpul shall not axtend or
<br />-�-'a`"�� • pastpone the due date of the monthly payrnentR ceferrod to in parugcaphs I and 2 or changa the umaunt af the pxyment�. If
<br /> ;TM�4�
<br /> :��:��_;;-= under pnmgmph 21 tho PropeKy ie ucquircd by L,cnder.Horrower's right to nny insururtce poNciea and procceds resuldng from
<br /> '`�"�`' dmiia e to thE Peo rt�c to tho ac ulsftian shnil ass to I.ender to the extent of the sum.g sgcur�d by this Securhy Inatn�ment
<br /> ::�a��;4�� S i�nY P 9 P '
<br />=-`W�-�-=?�� immediately prtor to the ucquisition.
<br />-~�`•.:;., 6.Qcctap�cy.Prcrservatlon,Mlalntenuace nnd Prutectton of the Properiy;@ore+ower's I.opn Appltcution;I.easeholds.
<br />---�.�,,:��� Honawer eh�ll occupy.estab!lRh.and uso the Property aq Horrower's princips+l residenoe wtthin sixry dnya after the execution of
<br /> �--- thlR Securtty Instrument nnd shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principul residence for at least oae year after
<br /> the dute of accupancy.unle.sa L�ader othenvise agrees in wdt�ng, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.or untess
<br />_.a���� extenusting cinumstances exist which ure bEyond Borrovler's control. Borrower ahaU not destroy. damuge or lmpair the
<br /> _::_„„�, Propexry.allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> "`"-'�'� action or proceeding. whether civll or crlminal. is begun that in Lender's good fnith judgment could result in farfeiture af tho
<br /> -���� Property or otherwise materially impair th: lien created by th[s Security Insuument or Lender's s�ulty int�rest.Borrower may
<br /> - cure such a defnult ertd reinstata.as provided in para�raph IS.by cau3ing the actton or prnoeeding to be dismissed aith a ruling
<br /> _— ' sl:a.. .a i.csxlct's gaod fa�ttt de2c�tnstion. Frscl�f�rfe;�u,•P ef th� P�+rr!+wPr's in;�r�nt in the PropeMy or mher meterial
<br /> -�'-,�'"`�'� Impairment of the lien created by thls Sec:udty Instrument nr 1[..endec's security intorest.Horrower shall rilsn be��default if
<br /> -. Borrower,durin�tia�lonn npplicadon ptocess,gave materially fcilse or inaccurate information or statementa to L.ender(p�feiled
<br /> to pmvide Lender witd any material informaHon)in connection with the loun evidenced by the Nute,including.but not limtted
<br /> jto. repYesentu2Ions concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Praperty ea a principal resldence. If this Secur�ty Insmument ia on a
<br /> _ __� leasetold, Bonower shall comply with all the provlsIona of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propesty, che
<br /> -- � leasehald and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrecs to the merger In writing.
<br /> ; � 4:Protectton of I.ender's Righta In the Property.If Borrower faiis to perForm the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> ---' thts Security Instrument,ar thene is a legal proceeding that may significuntly affett I.ender's rights in the Property(sttch as a
<br /> -- � praceeding ln bantwpuy.�+mbate,for oondemnudon or fodeiture or to enforcc laws or regulations). thr.n L�nder may do and
<br /> � pny far whatever is necessctry to protect the value of the Property and Lcnder's righta in the Property. Lender's Actions may
<br /> � inctude paying any sums secumd by a lien which luis prtority over this Securlty Insuument. appearing in aourt. paytng
<br /> � rensonubie attorneys'fees and entedng on the Property to make rcpaira. Althnugh I.ender may take actiun under this paragraph
<br /> 7.L�endcs does nat have to do so.
<br /> iAny amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become add[tional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> ,1;��s• Secur}ty Instrument. Unless Bo:rower e�xl Lender agree ta ot'her terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest fmm the
<br /> '=°'�' date uf disbursement nt tha Notc mte and ahall be payable. with interest. upon nodce fi+om Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> ------ ' pitYment.
<br /> 8.Mot4goge Insurnnoe.If Lender roquirod mortgage inaurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> � In.gtrument. Borrower shall pay the premfums required to maintuin the mortgagc insurance in effect. If. for nny re�.son, the
<br /> : mnrtgnge�insurance covera�e requfred by Lender lapses or aeases to be in effc.�:t, Borrower shsil pay the premiums required w
<br /> i oUt�in covernga substanttatly equlvalent to d,e mortguge inyurance p�(eviously in effact. at a cost substantially equiv�lent to�1►e
<br /> -'� ; cost to�Horrower of the mortRaRe fnaurarece previously in effect, from an altamnto mortguge insurer approvetf by Lender. If
<br /> __,,.,,y,;;:;,� � substanlially eyuiv�lent morigu�e inst�rance coverag�is not uvaitable.�orrowur shaU pay to Lendcr cach month a sum eqwsi ia
<br /> on�-twelBh of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower whan the insurance coverage Inpscd or ce�sed to
<br /> be sn e�ect. I.e�tder wiU accept. use and retain these paymsnZS ns a toss res:rvo in Ileu of monBAge insurance. 3,�nss reserve
<br /> --`�� I Form 9028 8/30
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