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, , , <br /> .. ..-� � � i <br /> .�.ww. ' <br /> ..�:. . , .. <br /> �; <br /> . � •n._ �n:r n .. " �� ' . . • .,°�� " ' - - " � ' _ ' �' ,�,-, . <br /> �h. �I� ., n . ..�i.•.... <br /> . .. . .�f�rtt+�NICl/aN}_wrti.. ,. .r � - ll b:. . , •, ., . .. �_ . _ _.-._._.-_._w�+YS�- . <br /> . <br /> � —_+q� <br /> . � ira.:.v � ._.�........ —� . . . _ .�. ..a __._._ . <br /> . . . - ., ., � .. � .�. s . .._.....__....._......__..._ ._. <br /> ., ' � � . - _.�..�._..___..�_ _....�__"._...'"_" _— <br /> ^�" ���+��R!�.:.,�._.-_rA..��rry,5i.-. �� �....Y'..•••�'.�. <br /> .�....�=,. ._...__..__ � --�___�._...._._. �dl�'�03 �_ <br /> �. , - <br /> f ,_,.99 <br /> Tat3�7'HEit WITI�ntl thc impravementA nAw or he�after erect�on the property.und afl enaement�.appurten�utce�.aud , _ <br /> ��� a flxtures naw or hereaRer u pnrt af thc: propPrty. All replasementa uad ndditions shnll nlsa be cover�d by thiA Secudty �Y <br /> � " InRtruntent. All of the forcgoln�iR teferrcd ta in this Security instNment ag the"Property•" <br /> ' ' �URI30WEEi COVENANTS that Borrower ie InwfLtly seised of the estnte hereby canveyed und hug the right to grant urtd <br /> canv¢y thc Property and that the Property ie unencumbered, except far encumbrnnces af recard• gorrower wamu►ta nnd wilt <br /> � " � defend genernlly the title to the Propeny against all claima und demande,�ubjoct to any encumbrnnces of record. <br /> ' THiS SECURI'I'Y INSTRUMENT combirtes uniform covenants for natianal use nnd non-unfform covenuntx with limited <br /> ' ••'"'��~ vurfatioas by Jurisdlctlon to constitute a unifor►n sccurFty inetrumcnt covc�ing rca!propertY• �' <br /> `�"`"'k UNIFORM CQVSNANTS.Borrower and Lendercovenant end agree as follows: <br /> ,,�,�:.,.. <br /> �-�' 1. Pmymcnt of Prtnrlpal und Interest; Pt+epaYn1ent ar�d Ia3te Charges. Borrawer sh�li promptly puy when duc e _ <br /> ,;,,,,,,. pr�ncipal of and inter2st on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. _.. <br /> """"""�'•� ' 2. Funds Bor Ttuces an�lasurnnee•Subject to applicable law or to n written waiver by I.ertder,Borrower shall pay to m <br /> � � `� ' L,ender on the day monthly payments ure duo under the Note.until the Notc is p�►id in ft�it,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearlY ta�cea _ <br /> ' ''� '' s�d assesscnenta which muy aMain pr�ority over this Security Ynstn►m�nt u.q a lten an the Prope�rty:(b)Yearly leasehold payments - <br /> _ . - ` or growtd�+ents on the Pcapeti3'�if any: <c)Yearly huzard or property inanrance pramiums:(d)Ya►rly flood insurance piemiums, �: <br />;;:;�.. , . <br /> ' � if uny: (e) Yea�ly mortg��e insurancts premiums. if�ny: and(�anY sums payAble by Borrower w L.cnder, in ctccordunce wld► � <br />-_;�x..:,;:. • <br /> r�'�?`°•�' ' tt�e provisions of�. in lieu of tha payment of mortgagc insurance pr�miums.These items are called "Escrow Items." - <br />�:'�';'•������� C.ender may,at uny tfine, collect artd hold Funds in an amount nAt ta exceed the maximum umount n lender for u federally <br /> -''�x�k�--- uire for Borrawer's escrow account under the federal Resil Bstate Ssttlement Procedures Act of <br /> �--^;�,�;� reluted martgage Ioan msiY req <br />-:�;;;_,.��� 1974 a9 amendeif fmm timo ta dme. l2 U.5.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless anather It�w that applies ta thB Futtds <br />'n�+��?'� Rete a[c�s�r anount. It sa,Lendcr may,m nny time,collect and hold Fundx in un u�»ount not ta cxcee�the lesxr nmaunx. . <br /> ,;��:�-- [.cnder�nny estimntc ti►e mm�unt of Fu�ul+duo nn tho bnsix af cusrcnt dntu iuid reusannblo egtimntcs uP axpcnditure�af f�ture <br />�,,,;,,����k P.scrav,�Itemsur�thenvi�+c in nccc+rdmice with uppifcnble Inw. <br /> '1'Uo f�undy bhull !w hcid In un i��9tttutinn whi►sc dcpnsite n��o Insurest !►y i► fedcrcd iigc�t�y. instru+�icntulity. or cntity <br /> ,r�;f;� �includin� I.ciidcr,if I.cndcr ic+�uch nn inrtltutiva)c►r In imy Pcdcml Humo Lann Bunk. l,endcr xhull apply ttto Pundx to puy tho <br />-=,_,;.� Nscrow Itcany. t.�ncicr ittay�tat churQa Norrowcr fi►e holdhig und npplying thG Fundx,nnnuuQy unaly�ina thv chcruw ucrount.or <br /> vctlfyiug tho N~ctnw Itemn,unlcnw l.cndcr puyx�c�rra�vcr intcrest un tho Funda nnd applicublc luw pemdtK i.eader to mnkc euch <br />- �!�'�� n cN�ugo. E{uwcvcr, l.endcr miry require Burmwer to pay n onedtme charge for an independent rcal estntu tax reportinQ service <br /> .-..,a�:� ueosl by Lender In conrtectian with thia lm►n. unle�s appitrable In+v Provides otherwir,e. Unless an agrcement ia mada or <br /> --_-- �ppllcable lnw requires interest to b3 puid,Lender ehull not be required to paY Borrower any interest or euminge un the Funds. <br /> Rnrrowcr and I..ender muy ugree(n writing. howevcr,ehae interest shaii ba p�Id on the Funds. Lendor shall givfpr w6�ic�h e�cli <br /> --� without chnrge. an unnunl accounting af the Funds.sho�vins cre�ifiis aRd d�vit�=a��Fss����'� <br /> debit w the Funds was ntade.The Funds nre pledged as additional secudty for all�ms Se�ured�b nder shaU account omBorrowcr <br /> IP the Funds held by I.eader exce�d the amounta permitted to be held by app icnble law, <br /> for the excess Funds in uccordartce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by I.ender at nny <br /> — time is not sufticlent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender cnay su notify Bor[ower in wrltin� such c,�se Bortower <br /> s}tall puy to Lender the umount necessary to muko up the defictency.Borrower shall muIce up the deficiency in no more thnn <br /> twelve rteomhly Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all surns secured by this Security II�strumont, I.ender shall promp�l i o�dACqu�i itrtan aY Aale <br /> - Funds held by I.ender.If,under paragraph 21.I.ender shull acquire or sell thc Praperty,Lender,p <br /> of the PropertY.ehall upply cuty Funds hald by Lendar at thc time of acqutsidon or t�aale as a cmdlt aguinst tho sums secui�eci•by <br /> this Securlty Insuument. <br /> 3.Appllcallon of Paymernta.Unless appiicnble law pravidea atherwlse.uil payments receivod by LendBr under pnragrap a <br /> 1 nnd 2 shnll be appl3ed:first,to r►ny !propayment charges duo under the Note; nmounts payable under paragraph 2i <br />�rterest due; pr�nciy�al due:and uny late chnrges due under the Noto. <br /> �� 4.Cha�esi�t�.Borrower shall pay all taxes. ussessments.charges.�nes und imposttions anributnble to thc Property <br /> which may attain prlority over this Securlty Instrument, und leusehold payments or ground rents. if any. Batruwer shuA puy <br /> � these obibgetions in the manner provIded in paragraph?.,or if not psiid in thut manr►er.Borcower ahall pay them on time directly <br /> -�� to the person owed payntent.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender alt notices of umounts to be pai�under this paragtaph. <br /> --- ------ If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shalt prnmptly fLrnish to Lender reccipts evidencing the payments. . <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge nny lien whtch has pdorlty over ttiis 5ecuriry Instrument unless 8orrower: (a)a�rees in <br /> — writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lie�s in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in IIood failh the lten <br /> by. or defends aga3nst enforcemer.t of the lien in, le�ai proce¢dinga which in the Lender's opinion opetace to prevent the ' , <br /> - <br />