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. . .. <br /> � .� - - . • '• - � , - " �ti <br /> , .. .� ' � .. /� .. ,'Mr�M�. <br /> � .� (I -' '_ .. .. .. .... q -.. � ' . - , . <br /> � • Bonov�or may auro ouoA o d�fautt Bltd f0'�blQt9, QO Wovi�od tn puraproph �e, by ouuatnp tho nct►on or procaeding to bo , <br /> ' dismisaoC wtth o ruAnp that, tn Landar's good fallh dAtermnetlon,praolud�a torfoituro ot thu 8orrowo�a mteront In tho Property or <br /> othor matertnl Mpuirmont of the Ihuu►areated by thhr &eaurfty Inatnrment or Landar'o ocourlty intCroat. Bortowor ohnll al�o bo In � <br /> detault If BoROwor,during tho toan eppllcatian proces8,aoro mntortnly fnluo or Nncaurnto Inlnrmnllon ar atntamonto to Lendor(or <br /> � � tnpod to prqvfdo Landor with anq matorl�l UtormattOn) N oonnoatlon v�fth the�oan avldoncod by tho Noto, Including,but not <br /> �� Umitod to, ropregantuttons conaominp Bono�vo�o oacupanoY a� tho Proporty na o prinalpnl rosldanco. If thls S�ouriry � ,T <br /> Instrumont i3 an a ktaoohold, Bortowor ohail oompy w�th ap tho provistons of the lonao. It 8onower noquiros fcro tNla to tho <br /> Proporty,tho V3asohoid ttnd tho tue tttlo ohali not morgo unbs3 Londor e8reos to tho mcrgor In vrcfttn9• � ., <br /> 7. Proteetton of I.ender'e Right� in the Prob7Erty.It Bortower falls to pe�form tho covonnnts and apreements � .; <br /> conWtnod In thi� SCCUrity �nalrument, or thoro ts o IognlOroceoding thnt may signttbanty aftc;ot Londer's rlghts In the PropaAy <br /> �_, (auoh ns a proceedinp in bankruptoy. probute,tor condemnatEOn or forteitura or to enforoo lawa oc repu�atlonc),thcn Londor may � .,�s, <br /> do and pay for xrhatevor Ia nocosanry to protoat tho valuo of the Property and Lendars rlghts in the Property. Lendere aotiona �� <br /> ' rrsasonabte at4omeys'�ntEes and ente tng onythe'Propertyhu nmake��ePa�s.�AR o'ugh4lsndar'may tako�aoUoneund2rntAls paragraph � y._ <br /> " � 7,Lender doea not have to do eo. �Y� <br /> My amounts disbursed by lsnder under pursgraph 7 shutl become addftlonal dobt ot Bortower seaured by this Securiry `�,;� <br /> Instr+amant. Unbas 8orrowet and lender agreo to other ter�f'�s o4 payment, these amounW shau bear Interest Irom tho��doto ot . � <br /> � dlsbursemont at tho Note rete end ahaii be payabta,wRh hterest,upon not�e hom Landor to Bonower requestln8 PaYn+ `�a <br /> 8. Mortg�ge Insuranae. 1t LenQer requtred mortgaAe insurance as a conditton o!making the Ioan seaured by this s.. <br /> 3ecurity Instrumont,BoROwer shaM pay the promiums rsqulred to mah�ta�n the moRBage insurenee in elfoot.It,tor any reason,the __. <br /> mortgage tnaurence aoverapo requUed by Lender tapseo a ceases ro be In eNec4, BoROwer shaii pey the promtums roquired to �:�=� <br /> obtaM cove�ago aubetantV►lly equNabnt to the mortgage hsumnco prevlouaty m aNeat, at a aoat substanttaiy c�quNatent to the �:__ <br /> aoat to Bnrrower of the mortgage insuranee prsvlousry h etfect. kom an altemate mortgage hsurer approved by Lender. If _6. <br /> substantlatty equNnlent mortgage Inaurence ooverage is not avsilabla,8orrower ahall pay to i_nnder each month a sum oqual to _ �_ <br /> one�twelHh ot the yeary mortea90 insurance prsmtum bot�g peid by Borrowcu When the insurance oovorage tapsed or ceu►sed to ,,,,- <br /> e <br /> be in aHeot. Lender wAI aceept,use end retnin thesa p�y�ents as a toes rosarve in Ueu of mortgage inauranca. Loss rosotve �.�.�_�}:. <br /> " � paymonts may no bnger tre roquired,at the optlon ot Lender,if moR8a8e Insuranae ooverege(In the amount and for the period F�: <br /> :-i�;;.„ thet Lender roqulrea)provided by an A►surer approved by �ender apatn beaomes ava►labb nnd b obtalnad. Bartowar ahn{I pay ti fd�;;, <br /> , .r,,`,,, �L_- <br /> {}� the premfums requlred to meintnM mo�gaQe insurence In eHeot,or to provide a tosa reservo.vntll the requtrement tor moABage -+��;�.;� <br /> ',:��`�`' insumnce ends In aceordance wfth any wHrten QBreement betwean 6orrower end Lender or app i�m�i�IaM►• __ <br /> ,.�..+J�,,;• <br /> �� ' 9,le�apeetion.l.endor or fts e8ant may make roeaonabH enMes upoo and Inspeotlons ol tP�e Property. Lender ahalt glve ���:?,w• <br /> ' a, Borruwar�otbo at tho time of or prior to on inapeotbn epeeUying reaeonabte eausa tor the inepeotton, -� _ <br /> 10. CondemnaUo�.The proaeeds o4 any award or alatm for demagas, dfreot or conaequentitd,In connaation with any �:`,�_.. <br /> ' ;;;.y,.;� candamnatton or other taking of any paR o�the PropeAy, or kr oonveyance in Nau of aondemnatlon, ero horeby essl�ned and �_,__. <br /> . �,�t <br /> .u<,•:�7t shell be peld to Lender. ---°.. <br /> '•r' in the even4 of a total takN9 0} the PropeAy, me prxeeds ahali be epA�bd to the sume seeured by thta Soaudty <br /> �-�.� Instrumant,whother ar not then due,with any mxceas peb to Bortower. I��;^^�++ent ot n partiflt takhg of tha Property tn whbh <br /> � the talr market value of the Property Immao�atery beio*e iho iafits$� SG�• w -i�!t�fhnn tha amount o?tho sum3 86oured <br /> � by th� Seoudly Inatrumont Immodiatey botore the takhg. uniess Borrower e�d Lender otherwise agree In wrlt6n9�iho eums <br /> secur�d by thls Seourity InsGumont sheit bo reduced by the emount of the proceeds murtplbd by the folbwing haatton: (A)tNe <br />� totnl emount ot tho sums seaured tmmsdtatoy betore tho takln8� dNldod by (b)tho(ak marlcot val�e ot the Property Immedlately <br /> � boforo the takinp.IU►Y b8t9nCe ehell be paM to the event of n partia�takh0 ot the PropeRy In whbh the far markot <br /> valuo ot the PropeAf► Mnmedlateb betore the takhg is tesa then the amount ot the sume eecured tnmedMtery betore the telchp. <br /> N <br />- unlesa Boaowe► and tsnder otherwise ayree b wRt�o or unbss epp��eabte taw otherwlso provWea,tha groceads shall be <br />- npplbd to the dume saouad by thl�$eou�tY �nstrument whether or not the euma ere then due. <br /> If tho PrapeAy��abandontd by Borrower,or �, aRer not�Ca by Lender to Bortow�that the �ondemnor otfa�s to make an <br /> award or a�ttM a oltim tor darnipo�� Barrower fa�la to respond to Londer wkhin 30 dny3 aRor th0 date the notke Is flNen. <br />�'' Lenda 1s autho�ed to oolloot�n6 4pp►Y the pro�eada,at rts optbn.okhcW to ro3toratlon or repaY pf ths PropeRy or to the <br />_'�:__"` �.� eums eeeured by this S�eurNy�natntm�nt,whether or not ttten aue. <br /> � >�- Unless Under and Bor►ower otherwlae npree In weitln0� an! oAP��atWn of procoeda to prirtolpal ahall not oxWnd or <br />-4�_��,�,;,,,. Aa t end 2 or chenge tha emouM ot suoh payn�xits. <br />--��=�•K••��- postpono the due dete of ths monthy payments reterred to 1n Orua�reP <br />` 11. Barrower Not Fleteased:Forbear8nco By L ender Not e Welver. Extenslon ot the tMnO for payir�nnt or <br /> """'�"��`' modi�Cntion ot smoRtmtbn of tho sums seeured by thb�ecudt�/Inatrumant pmnted by tsnder to eny succesaor h hterast o! <br />�--.• . .. <br />�`•-•,.- :'�.�� 8orcower shnA not oparate to relenae t ho IIabIL�r ot the oNttlna� 8orrowar or Borrowera sucoesaore h hteros4 Lenda►sha no <br /> � be requtred to commence proceadin8n u9ainat cu�y suocessar N tnte�est or retuse to extaid timo for payment or otherwise <br />_ modiry amoRimtion of tha sums seoiued by thb Securly Inatrument by rosaon of�^Yht�o�r rerc dy ahalit not bs c+'wako wot or - <br /> - - ;� . Borrows�e suceataore In hterest. My tarbc�ar�nco by �endnr h exerolsinp anY�6 _ <br />"%: .' .�� preoludo the areroise ot any�ight or remedy. <br />�_�;,� :� 12. Suacessore end Aastgns Bound; Joint nnd Severel Llebitiry; Co-slgaer�.tne covonm��e and <br />-_.;�;.w��_ sgr�nenta ot this 6ecurtty InsCument shnU bNd and benetit the auccoseors and nsaipns ot t,ender and Borrowor,cwb}eat to tRa <br />�:a-,� •-.•.... provlabr+a ot parepraph 17• Borrowera covonnnts and egreemonts aha0 bo Jol�t 8nd swerel Any Borrowtn who oaoipna thts <br />`�.��r*���"� ' gc�our4y Instrumeet but does not exeoute tho Noto: (a)is co-algnhg thls 3ocuritfr lnstrumant only to mortga0e,qtant and aonvsy <br /> ''' •+_:�:::' thnt Borrowafs (nterest In tho PropeAy under!hv terms of thia Securf�r Insbumonx (b) is not personnlly obtlgated to pay tho <br /> _�--��u suma t;ecured by thl�Sxurtty Inctrurrtont; eui�i(�ya�::+es trist t6ndCt and rstg otEux Ewturxa�t�y�•rc�to�Ss, madtsy. °--- <br /> ec <br /> ' ��, forboar or make any acaemmodatlon8 wfth repard to 1ho tom►s ot this Soeurity in8trument or tho Nom wrihout thgt BoROwor'e <br /> -' � � '�'� aonsant. <br /> •� 'p � 13. Loan Chargea i�tne ban socur�e� by�n�n Socurlty instrumont b subject to a l�w whaah sets maximum ban <br /> �•'����,,: �, ohargos. und that taw b fhatty IntorPretod so that tho Intarest a othor Ioan ohnrgos co0ooro0 or to bo colbotad b eonnootton _- <br /> � ,;.�:;s.: . with tho loan mcc�d tho portnilt0d tlmkt►,thon: (o) an� suoh toon ohnrgo ahatl be rttduced by tho amount nocessery tc roduco �- <br /> - � the chnrgo to Mo pc�nkted lim�; cu+d(b)eny sums ateadl� coibotcd trom 8ortowm whbh �dod parmNtod IYnfto witl bo � <br /> • , , � � refundE►d to Bortower.LendQr msy oh000e to mako thls rotund by reduoln0 tho princ�pai Crred undvr tho Note or by makhg a �f <br /> d►d ment wkhout any <br /> '; E dMaot paymont to 9ortower. It a retund rodueos Pr1�e��,the roduotbn wiu bo treatod es n OeK�i PteAaY <br /> prepnymont oherge undor the Note. <br /> � �.� 14, IdOtiC68.My notice to Bortowor providod br h thb Soourtty lnsWmimt ahntl!so gMcan by dolivah8 k or by maAh9 d -_ <br /> °•� by ttet otr ma0 unloss appikc�bte Inw r�WYe3 uao ot enother mathod. Tho not�o ahnll bo dh+ated to the Propertfr Add►esa � . <br /> , .. :, ° <br /> °� nr env o, _, address Borrower d n s l g n a t o s b y n o t i c o t o L e n d a• A n 9 �o t b e to Lander ahail bo gMsn by Wst olass maU to <br /> - ... .y_�_... .........�►� a.rmWnr. Anv nn4ioo Drovided fOt In thls �� <br />-__�- - __v- . - <br /> Londera address stahsd horoh c►r any otner naarese�e�oa ..�vn•��� �, .._..-- -- --��- - - � <br /> Secu�My inatrum�nt 8hait be deemvd to hnva b�t►gt�an to Borrower w Londar when gtven as providcr!!n this pamgreph. <br /> ,. 16. Qovs�rning Law; �BVCI!l��9iQ�7• '1'his���Y �°atrumnnt shntl bo govumod by lodoral t�a and tho law of the <br /> . .. �ur'sdlCtlon In whbP1 ih0 Propetty 19 �oc�tdd• In tho event thnt any prov�sbn or cluuso ot this Secu�ily Inatrumt3nt or the Noto <br /> civun efieot wkhoutthe onfibting ptovN3fon.1To this mtthe P��tona o4 thts S�tyr�'bumee�n0 th Note eue d clarod to <br /> ., g <br /> � bo 6mrc3rsbb. <br /> mr <br /> � � 16. Bor�ower'�Copy. Borto�ver shall be gM3n ono aonformed coDN ot tNo Noto and of this Sacurity InsWmnnt. <br /> Pag�8 ot 6 � �� <br /> . ' F191QLNt0(1/80) <br /> e 9�165 <br />