<br /> .,
<br /> , . �,. ,
<br /> _ �. .,
<br /> , ., � -� , .
<br /> • � . , . „ . .. . ....
<br /> . TO�ETHER WITH aA the Emprov�maato aouv or herRattet crsOtad on th� prapaRy, ond nll oticareflnto, apRurtennncos, nnd
<br /> ' tbdurea now ar honatt�r e part d tho pro�serry. AA rop4soamsnle and adfllitone ohell et�o ba oevata0 by tAl�&aourlty innt�wmont.
<br /> All of tAo torcpoln0 �5 rotoned to h thb&uvu0p InOtrur�ont on!ho'prope�9y.'
<br /> BOARQWEfd COVENANTS Ihat 8orrowcr n ltvitulry oolied of ihe estflt6� hereby oonveyad end hao the rl�F►t to flrpnt antl
<br /> oonvoy tha PropaRy ana thet the F'�opaRy b unenoumbered, exoept tor�noumbranaos o1 r000rd. eorrov�or e+nrrnnta nno v����
<br /> dotand gonsmity tAO titb to tho Proporty nBuNsl aU atalmu and deri+anda,oubJoot to nny cnoumbranccs of rcaor0. �
<br /> • THIS SECUi11TY INSTPUIeAENT oombFnes untiorm oovenanta tor nntlonal uoo nnE non•uneorrn aovonnnta v�lth Ilmltod � , .
<br /> varlatlona by Judadlotlon to oonatMo a uNform ceourity Inntn+mant oovoring roat proporty. �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. 6arowar nnd londer oovonent and ugroe no toltowo:
<br /> 1. Paymont ot P�incipc� and I�tereet; Frep�ymont end Lete �herges. 8orroxar eha��promptiy pay whon k,i
<br /> duo tho rtnclpal of nnd Introest a�tho debt w�doncod by tho Noto nnd any propsymont and Lnto ohargos dUO undor tho Noto. °, .
<br /> 2. �unds tor Taxea eild 111Elt�fltlCe.8ub)eot to tippibubb Iaw or to a writton waAmr by Lantlor,Bonoww sha►I poY st -".�;,
<br /> �;� to Lender on the dny monthy peyrnants aro duo under the Note, untit the Note is pald In Ntt,n sun ('Funds")tor. (a) yearty C�
<br /> --• tsxes and asseasmenta whbh mey attain pdority ovor this St►aur�ry Instrument as a Iien on tha Properly; (b) yearry I�asehold :.�
<br /> a
<br /> _ � � � .,. paymants ar ground rents on the P�operty. Y any; (o)yearhr hamrd or proporty lnsuranee premluma: (d)yoarry tlood inauranoe � _�^
<br /> promtums�H uny;(e)yeurly mortgege Insurance premtuma,R any;nnd(�any sums payabb by Borrowar to Lender In accordsnee -
<br /> •.-���..f, wlth the provlslons ot paragre�ph 8. N Ifou al tho poymont ot mortgago Insurtince promiums. These ftems are ctt�lsd "Hserow �,?,_;
<br /> Items." Lendar may, nt any tYae, collaat and hold Funds in an amount not to excoed thu mcu�►um emount a Isndor for a ��
<br /> '�•.-;���r� , federatty rul�ted moRgaga loan mey requtre lu 6orcowe�e escrow acoount under the tederat Ree1 Estate Sottlom�rst Proeodures �`�
<br /> "��' � Aot of 1974 es emended trom Qhre to thns. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et tteq. ('F3�SPA"L ��legs anothar !8w thet opp�lea to the Funds —
<br /> " �1' sets a tesaer emount. If so, Lendar may. et any tlme, oolieot and hold Funds In an amount not to�xceed tho Iasser amount. �``
<br /> �t;:
<br /> � Londar mey estimate the amount of Funds Ous on the baefs ot aurtent datfl and reasonabie eatirnstos of expsndftures of tuture -;
<br /> � � Eeorow Itema or othsrwlso In aeeordanee w�h appAaebte faw. ��
<br /> , •� The Funds shali be hotd tn en institutton whoee dopoafts cue Insured by e tedarul agenoY.Insbunnentatt4y,or ontit�r(tnoludMg �';
<br /> •,,ry,: � ° Lender,M lender is suoh an lneliutlon)or h a�y Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendar shell appyr the Funds to pay the Eecrow
<br /> ���' . L Itema. Lender may not ohargu Borrower tor hotding and applytng the Funds, annualry anaysing the esorow acoount, or voriying ---
<br /> ;�'y�'� �' •• the EBOrow Items, unksa Ler�dar pays sarower Mterest on the Funds and appticabte law pcsmdls lcrfdsr to make aunh a --�G,,_r-
<br /> � , aherge. Mowover, Lender may re9uUe Bomwor ro pay a one�time eherge for an �dependent reai esate tax reporting serv�e
<br /> �."t�. ' used by Lendor in aonneclMn with tAis toan. untesa apFlbabte Iaw prov�des otherwfse. Unleas an agreoment is made or =.
<br /> �`'�? sppl�able taw rsquUOS Interest lo be pnid. lendor sHell not be requUVd to pay BoROwe�any interest a eumings on the Funds. �j.
<br /> ;;s�:l. 9oROwor and Londer may a�ree in w►Ring�howevor, that intorest shaif be pald on the Funds. tendaz shatl give to Bortower, �_
<br /> wr
<br /> ' �>':i�•� �� without ohargo, ttn annual acoountFng of the Funds. ehowing oredNs and dsbits to tho Funds end the purposw for whbh eaoh �.;,
<br /> tn
<br /> de b i t to t h o F u n d s w a s m a d e. fi� f unds are pied ged as addtttanal aeAUrity tor all sums seoured by the Security Instrument. �;;_
<br /> .• If tho Funds hold by Lender exceed tNe arnount8 pc�mnllted to be hetd by appUeable law,Lendsr shatl aeoount to Borro►vQr
<br /> ws�.:
<br /> �,� tor the oxcess Fundo In aeoordence wRh the roquUementa o}appibabto law.If the amount ot tho Funds held by L.endor ut any _-
<br /> •�<<s"' �� ttme Is�ot sufSokmt to pay the Heorow Itens whon due, lsnde� muY so notiSy 8ortowor In wrking,und,tn suoh cnae Borrowvr &�,.
<br /> �'���''`�•� shall puy to Lender the emounl neceaeary►ro rneke up the defloienoy. Eortower shall meke up the deBabnoy in ao mpre than ___
<br /> '.,'i�rr tweMe monthy payments. at Lende�s sot� dboretbn• �'�
<br /> �. Upon payment In tutl of eleums eeewad by thl�Seaurlty InaWmer►t,Lender shsll prompty reh�nd to Borrovrer any Furt�ls
<br /> ; �e� qy��. i���i��.����'. �,Y,.;��9�g��yl�a n{aa0 fha ProoBRy.Lender.Artor to th�eoquiskton or sele of tRe
<br /> � ,;�.� property,shnll appry eny Funds hold by L.�nder at tha tima of aoqufsftbn or saie as a oredft agahst the sums secured by this ___
<br /> � 'i;��'�" SeouMty InatrumenA
<br /> :..�.y,,,
<br /> . � '- ' " 3. App1l�aUon ot Payn�ente. Unbs9 eppticabb law provid9s otherwt99, 8tl p8ymenie teoANOd by L6ndor undor
<br /> �s .:: , pamgrnphs 1 and 2 shnll be appl�ed: iirst,to any prepayment ohargea dae unde►the Note; second. to amou�te puyeble undor
<br />� �, ' ` ,. pamgraph 2;th{rd,to hterest due; tourtb. to pr7nopal due;and tast,to any tate aherqoa due under U►e Noto,
<br /> � . 4. Charges; Liene. Bon'ower shtt poy all taxes, assessments, o h a r ge9, Hnos ctnd Ynposhtooe itttributuble to tho
<br /> Propcirty whbh mey nth►In prlor�l over this 6eourRy Inatrument,and teasehald paymente or ground rcinte, tf any. Borrowar ahnll
<br /> _ ty
<br /> pay those obtl�atbne b tAa mmner provlWO In pa►aaraPh 2, or U not paid h that mennsr,Bortoara ohait pay thom on tkno
<br /> � ' � •t dkeety to the peraon owed yqmenA Bortower ahaU prompty tumish to Londer en notfces oi amounta to bo pn�d unda thia
<br /> � •,• ��° paragreph. If BortowK rtakes Ihese payawnte dYeotry. BoROwer shnll prompty fumish to Landtx raoolpta avldonoln0 tho
<br /> - � paYmonts.
<br /> 8o�tower ohaA prompty dtuharye any�whbh has pdorit�r ovar this Seautily Inatrument uni�ss Bortower. (a)eproos in
<br />�--,,t�-.-�,. 1 w�ttnp to the payma�t of tho obitpalbn oaurod by the lien h s msnnor acceptabM to Londx: (b) oontoatn M pood fahh tho
<br />?!�`"'""��a Iten by,or detends apahst enlorcemmt of Ihe Nen h, k�t�proewdinps whbh in the Lender6 opinion operate t0 prdvent the
<br />'~^�����°��v�� ontorcoment ot the tlen; or(c)securos hom tha hakler of the llen an e8reument eati�faotory to londor aubOrd►natirtp tho Iten to
<br />,�;'' ,'•:�?Y;.. ; thls 8eeu�tly IneWmenG If Len4a Eeterminu thit eny PaR of tAe ProPeKY is eubjeat to a Ilen whkh mpY attGin p�iority over thla
<br />- Sxu�ity Inatrument,4ender n�a�qhre Boaowor a noU¢e Idantitptn9 the Uen.Bortower shau+saUsy No Ibn or take ono or moro ot
<br /> ''�' .��' th0 uottono Bet foRh e4ove ws►�h 10 dayei d the gN„p ot noUce.
<br /> ' 8. He:erd or Property Inauren�e.Borrowet shaU keep the Improvert�enta now e�dsibg or horeaRor eteoted on Mo __
<br /> � -�.. : Proporty hcured ¢�ahst bss 0� iire,heuoords holudad wkhh the term 'extended aovarage'ttnd any othor houu0a� holuding --
<br /> �;..-;:, � ftoodo or fbodinp,far wAbh lende►requkes�r►auranco. This Ineuranco shatl bo r�al�tatned On 4Ao amounta and for tho padoda ��
<br /> �,-,�;:�:c;. - that t.�ndar requtres. TF+e hsurar�ee oamer providhg tho 6nsarance shan be ohosen by 8arro�var subJoct to Londa'8 epprovat
<br /> � �-° - - whlaA shaU not 4o unr�a8or�aby wRhAef� If Bor►ower tet►s to malntaY►eoverege descn'bod above,Londor may,at Lendo�'s
<br /> :�ixext^�:;�s�
<br /> '�"'��ra-•�. oPtton.obtnh eovaa9e to�rotect I.ende�s d9f+b in the S'rope�ty In ecco►dar►ce wkh parapraAA 7.
<br />;�xw"�•, ,. M hsureneo pottaiea and►�ewats euatl 6e aeeeptabb to.Lender and shatl haludo a standcird mortQnpo otauce.Lsnd�r
<br /> ,�_,'""''+`�y""' � -
<br /> �� s�all havo tho right to hold tlro polbiea end tenewab• �t Lendet re�l�tes�Bortowe�shnA pramply gke to Londa au racofptn ot
<br />--.-.� ��;�.: ._ p��pr�m!ume end ren�wa�•,dhwss. In t7�e ovent of bss.Borrower shaq gko P�ampt notbo to the Insuranco cartier and Londer. __
<br /> " T�' Lenaev m�ay make proot ot tosa� e�ot made p�omptty by Borrowur. �
<br /> _� '„ � Un[oss lendor and Borrower otherwiss agreo b wdtin9� NSUran�o Procseds aAatl be sypik�d to rostomtbn or�epnY of the _
<br /> . � Proper¢�► Oamagc;d,if tho re3taatton or ropalr is economlaaiy feasWla end Londara seourkY is not tesse�ed.If tAe mIItoretbn or
<br /> repnlr Cs nC!eeonomiontry tos�aAb or Lendets secudly would bo iossoned,tho Insuranco proc�csds shnli bo applied to the eurr.�
<br /> 0
<br /> ' • seCUrod by this SoCUfity InGbumont,w�►uthor or not Mon duo, wRh eny maress patd to Bomoaror. It Bortovuor mhtlndono the _
<br />_ : Proporty. or dcos not anew�r wkt�b 3d d�s a nottco Nom L,onder that tho Insurana+cartter haa otfercsd to seYttn a o1Nm,the�+ _
<br />_- ':�:- � � Lendor may coibot tho Mauran� proceeds. lender mnY usr� tho proceods to rupntr or rostoro tho PropoAy o7 to pay sums
<br />- " , •� �, socurad 0y thts Socurfty InatrWr�ent,whethBr or not then due. The 30�day period wID OogH when the notice t�gMcn.
<br /> Unteas t.nndnr end Dorrowr� othcxwbts n�roe In w�tin0. nny eAP�tct�Uon ot procoods to priroipat aholl not mdar►d or
<br /> np
<br /> - ` f poatpono the duo duto of tta monthy payrt�vMa ret�rrod to h paregr�hs 1 and 2 or chonpo Iho amount ot the paymentas. It
<br /> i undm pamgroph 21 t�o Pmpeny ts eat�uired by Lander, Bonowers dght to ony Msuranco pollcles and procooda resuRt►g trom
<br /> � ` ' damago to tho Proparty pr+fa to the acqulsitlon shaU pasa to i.snder to tho oxtunt ot tho Swns by this SacuHty InsWmont
<br /> °, -----—--` Mmodfatoy prbr ro tho aaq-:.�btlo». _ r.� �.�..es.... ..� *we o.n*a.n.• Rnrre�,var'e Lmn
<br /> _. _.__ - - -•- - �
<br /> --'------- _.
<br /> 6. oc:upartcy, rrcectvQavn�noainaw�onvo o.�.. �...�........ � ._ .--�----.. --------- - - - _
<br /> � A�jpIQ�ESIOQ; Ler,aeP�olds�eorro�r,�c+r sttaQ ocouP9.esffibitsh,end uso tho Property as BorroNC�s prinoipal roaldonco vdlhEn =
<br /> ' spery darys aft�r tho oxowtion ot tt�is SacuHly lnatrumont ond sRAII cantk�w to occupy tho Proporty as Bortowm's pNrte�,ni
<br /> � rt�Fdanoa for at baat ono ycmr atta tho dstc�of oeaupaney,un�.-�s lam0a�othorwlsfl ngrona 1n�rtitln0� whiah aoncen4 uha9 e�ol
<br /> • ' bo unrensonabh wtthhotd,or unk�so extonuat6ng ekeumamnees eatst whbh oro bc�rond Bofrovrots ControL Boirower sqail not
<br /> =��,,''%.!. ' dpstroy, damogo or Ynpulr 4ho Property. aoow Mo PropCrty to dat�iorate,or commk wuato on tho Proporty.Boaowar ohall bo h
<br /> ,�,,.�. -
<br /> :,,,,,��;,:r ������y{a�o�ro 8�ton or pro�Mp, whotAer eMtl or cr6ntnat,Is begun lhut h Lcnder'3 good taRA judg�r+om cautd roauh �
<br /> _��,.•Y'� ,?i.. h 4erP.�lture of tho Proporly orothc�aisa metc►rt�Cp YnpuP tho Ilon c�aStod by thts ScaCUrity tnatncat�t or Londot'8 9oour(ty htmresi.
<br /> ,
<br /> i��„r�
<br /> � "�.:�„_
<br /> �v.e,..
<br /> '� ir" � �
<br /> ;..;I:.'"
<br /> ' `•�'�' Pap�0 0l 6 -
<br /> . - ftOt0.LM0(t/09)
<br />- - � 00765 -.
<br />