<br /> .-- --.:.. ...-..�..+
<br /> • 97.Tranater �t the Prop9rty o: o �onetlolal IMa�roet in Borrnwer. It AII or flny pOR of th0 Ptopitrty Ot '
<br /> - ' any intme3! In p I�aold or tronetortod(or II n bonafbtal Intorost In Bortowor fo aoid or tranaforrod und Borror�er ts npt a nnturat
<br /> po�eon)without Lcndd�e prtm wrltten conaant,Londor may,at ltn optton,roqulro immodf�to puymont in NII of at sums nocurod by
<br /> . thls Ecourlty Inatrumnnt.HowovCr. thl�optlon ehnN not bo oxoroisad by LCnder B exerolso Ia prohlbitod by fodor�i hw na o�thp �
<br /> dnlo of thl� Seourpy InoWrteont. / �•
<br /> ' � tf Lundat oxaroMva thfs optlon,Lenda► ohnll pMO 8nnowor notlao ot aceobmtton. Tho notko ahoH provldo a paflod of not , .
<br /> �oss thon 30 dnyb lrom tho dalo tho not�o Is dol�arod or muibd v�ahin whbh 8ortowor must puy atl oums c�aurod by th�s �
<br /> ' Seourtty Inatn+mod.If Bortowor tnlis to pay tho�o aums prlor to tho axpbutlan of thls porlod, Londor mny invoko any rcmo�l�s � � .
<br /> pormltted by this Seourity Inehumont wtthout fuRher notbo or domand on Borrowor. � „ "
<br /> 18. �BfPAW@�'8 fiit�ilt t0 ReinateiQ. it 8onowor mcatt3 certuln aonditlona, Borrower ahall hAVD tho rlght to have �
<br /> •� ontorcomont of tMS�oourlty Inatrument dlsaontinuod at any tlmo prta to the earQer of: (a) S days (or sur,h dhor pertod oe �.,-
<br /> � appticnbb luw maY epuoiy tor roinstatomont)botoro cwb of tho PropaAy Pureunnt to nny power of ea�e contelnod In thls Soourity � ' '�'"�"�
<br /> - "" Instrum6nh or(b)ontry o}a Judamont ontoroNg thN�SoouAty Instrument.Those condftlonn rsre that Bortowor.(a) pays Lendor ull
<br /> aums wh�h then wouid 6e due under thls Soouri►y instrument and tho Note ae if no aoceleration had ocaurted; (by cures any ,,,
<br /> . dotautt of any othor aovanant or apreementa; (o)puYs a��e�enBes incutred In onforclnp this Securtty Instnimont,haNding,but
<br /> not Itmhed to,roa�onpbin attomoys'foes;enJ(d)talces auoh aotion as Lender rtusy rensonabty require to aseure Ihat thu Ilen of A'
<br /> thls 3ecurtty Inadumvnh Lender's rlghts In the Property and 8ortov�ors obllgeUon to pey the sums aoaurod by this SE�curity ; ��,,:'
<br /> inst�ument ahaU eontlnuo unohangod. Upon reinststement by BoROwer. this Seourity Inatrumant and the obilgellona eocured _:�;�,k;;,<.
<br /> �, hereby shntt romah tuly effaolNO as If no acceteratton had ocourred. Howe+rer,this rtght to reinstate shatl not appy in tha anse __°
<br /> of acceleratfon under para8reph 17. : -
<br /> 19. S81@ 0} �lOt@; Chaage of Loen Sorvtcer. The Note or a e paRtal Intorest In the Note(together wfth this ':.::
<br /> Seaurky Instrument)may be eold one or moro ttmea wfthout priar notke to Burtower.A sale may rosu4 in a change !n the entity "•, �:�i;
<br /> ,;:�.-r
<br /> • , (known as ths°Loen Servicer')that ooAeots monthty paymenta due under the Note and thls SecurRy Instrument. fiere atso may ' ��•�...!,��-:.
<br /> - be orte or r��ore ohanpes ot tha Loan Sandxr unrelstsd to a saie ot the Note. If there Is a ohange of the loan Servlaer, "•`:,�;���.:-
<br /> BoROwer w0i ba gHsn wrFtten notkro of the ohange tn aaoordance wkh paragraph ta above and applk.sbta law. fio notfce wNt ',�:'S,.;
<br /> ���"' state the name and addresa of the new LoFtn Sarvber tind tAe address to whbh payments should bo made. TFte no4tce wiA atso "�;�,�f�;�;,:ti;i A.
<br /> `' . oont[1N en�oth�r htomtetlbn requMed by eppllcable Iaw. •� ".I°.
<br /> � , ,,: , �r��,:
<br /> � � ��r:.��..�7�� l.n•_
<br /> , :.�;�.�..�.�,,,t•��, Z0. 0'90�tdOdB SubetAttC@8. eorrower shall not cause or permR the presence, use,dlsposa6 storoge,o�tolease of ..,�;;;:�..�:o.
<br /> � f;�"�,`' � a n y H a r a r d o u s b L b s t e n o e a o n o r i n t h e Pro pe rt y. Bortower ahali not do,nor aliow nnyone olso to do, anythhq aHecting tho _�'C; r,r,
<br /> �Ji��`!�•,•••; PropeRy that Is h vioiatlon of any EnvironmentBt I.4w. The preceding two sentencea shall not appy to the presence, use, or i��,fd� :
<br /> ��::,.�,,,,r� . �:<;. �..,...
<br />'�;•�;h,�!� storage on the PropoAy of amaU quantitbs of Hezardoug Substancos thst ere generaly recognhed to be approprlate to normal .� �� :4;,:
<br />�f'��;� reatdentlal usea end to mafitenanco of tho Propurty. ''��'�"�"`'
<br /> ..,1;�.. .
<br /> �.;�:'it;, ' '. -; Borrower she0 promptty gNe Lender w�itten not�e of any Inveatigatbn, ctaM, demand, Iswauk or other satlon by any '�4'�+�•:
<br /> l:��.
<br />��`�;r�"; �,�f.� govommentat or repuiatory agency or prkate pariy Invoiving the PropoAy and any Hezardous Substance or Envtramsntat Law of ��!::-
<br /> `�'�`��}�' �e� whbh Bor►ower has aotuat knowledgo. If Borrorret bams, or ts notNlsd by any govemmental or regutatory nuthor6ty,that any
<br /> � �;°° �emovai or utr.or rsrsbdlaitan at any lia�rdcua SybelBnCS EH?�'t�^@ PropsRy ts necessary. Borrow+�r shall prompty take ali --_ •
<br /> ' necesenry remadbl aotlono in acaordenoe with Environmentat Luw. _ —�-
<br /> As used In this paragreph 20,"N�rdous 8ubstences"nre thoee eubatanaes deflned as toxb or hazardous eubatances by
<br /> �� Envkanmental Lsw end the tolbwing subatancea: gaeolhe, keroasne, other tlammeble or toxb peuoteum produoto, toxb
<br /> ' •• pestbides end herblcides, vol�ttle soNents.mnterlats oontalninp nsbearos or tortnatdehyde,and redtoaotke matoritls. Ae uaod In
<br /> parayreph 20, "FmFronmentel Law' means federnl lawa end awe o}the Jurhsdbtton wh9n the PtopeRy Is boatb th�t nkte to
<br /> .. h9afth,t�tety vr environmanWi proteotton.
<br /> � ' NON-UNIFOAM COVENAN78.BoROwer and Lender NRhor ooven�nt md aproe ae fouowa:
<br /> - �t. Ilceeteretion; Ramedtea. Lender �hetl give no4tae to Bonower prfor ta caeeieretton
<br /> • fo0towl�� Horrower'a b�eacQ� of any covenent or agreement In thte Seourity instrument (but aot
<br /> prlor to ea�el�raUoe� ander paraarmph 17 unteaa applicablo lew p�ovidea otherwlto). The notlae �
<br /> - . ahaU epecity:(a)the default; (b) the aeUon�aquirad to cure tho detault;(e)e d�te, rtot tess than _
<br /> '�.r � �" JO daya hom the dete the eoUee le given to Bor�ower. by which the deteult mun be cure�;and
<br /> � (d) thet tallure to euro the deMult on or bo4ore tAe date apeclHed in the noUoe �ney result In �
<br /> :�:;,
<br /> eee�leratiom of Ue sum�eeeured by thte Seaurity Instrument and ante of the Property.The notice �, _
<br />;�°�Y�.: . shali turther Inforrn B�r�ower of tho right to reinstate after aceelera�lon end 4he right to bring a :
<br /> . 11'��:�` ' court acqon t� a�ao� the non-existenae of e deMutt or any othe� dafenam of 8orrower to �:.•
<br />_�,�
<br /> eaeeleretio�►and eale. If the detautt la not curod oro �r betore th� dete �peelfled U the notiee� M�`.w.,.
<br /> ' Lende� at ite opUon may roqufro ImmediAte paymeM ��full at elt sume aecured by thia Securi4y �
<br /> �',.,`4--�_
<br />�C���'�.-. . InaWment without 4urther demand and rvamy tnvake the pow�r of �le and any o4d�er romedlea �; ,,.:_
<br />°:`!'.'��`�.:'�. " ' po�mitted by appQcebie law. Lender ahall 6�e entlUed to colteet all eupensea ineurred i�e purautng ;�;.�,;.�;._
<br />_ ', . , the remedies provided in thia paregrriph 21� Ineiq�ding, but not limited to, reasona6ie etDornayo' �;�H:;;;�"
<br /> _ �:� le9e�s!c!cvat!!� t►t tttt�evidence. ._
<br /> �� If the power ot �te Is invoked, T�uatee ohali record a �►oUce of dofauit in c�ch counfyt ia �.�,r, =
<br /> � whioh m�y pnrt of tha Property is toaated and shell maU eoptes of Bueh notloe ir�the menner '����-��_`_
<br /> '.i;�'.�, , preacrtbed by appoU��ble tew to Borrower and to the other persone prescrtbed by m�ppllcable tew. e•��:.°`�_����_
<br /> Attor tAe�40mo requlrcd by appilcnbte tew, Trueteo ehall give publio notico ot eale �o the perefons _______
<br /> . e�d iru 4ha manner prescr[bcd �y upptieeble tew. T�usRee� wtthout demand on Bottower,sPteli sell •...:�;:-.-
<br /> the Pro e et ubiie auctton W the hi hest btdder at the tlme and plaCe nnd under the� terma � ��`'�:::::-
<br /> P rtl► p B ,-,�=�u:..
<br /> deaignatea! In t�e noU�e of sato fn one ar mero pareois and in any order T�eat�e detormines. :-;-�,;
<br /> TruateA may pos�pono eale ot atl or eny pareel of the Property by publia anROUneement at the --::�t!::-
<br /> Ume end pteco ot any proviouety maheduled e�le. Lender or Ite designee mey pu�chaae tho ���°_��
<br /> prop�rty atany aale. �::>�-"�:-'
<br /> � � Up�n �oe�ipt ef psymeM ot 4ho �Neo bid, Truatee ahail doftvor to the purchasor Truetee'e : ;.,�..
<br /> ___ _----_ ...,.,+ ........w�.,..ae,..o.�,�r��. sQ►e reQttsls tn tho Truatee'a deed ahal! be E��ims tncEe ovtdanee ot ' . � �
<br /> - - v�.w ��..���..�o �'_ ''_r_'_� .. ..
<br /> ' the truth of tho otatements mude 4herein. Tru�tee shail apply the proaeeda of tt►a raio In the ';.,. .
<br /> ;:_�<<;
<br /> toltaWi�g erd�r: (a) to alt coatcs ana! o�ensos ot �xoreletnp the power of saie, end the eate� . .;�.,1
<br /> inctudl3u�g� the paymen4 of E��'�vuatoe'a toes ae4uatty Eeaxurrod,not to axe��d thpoe '�'�`�'�
<br /> « , ;'
<br /> .,�;; ;,i;,,, %ot tho princtpal am�ount ot tho . ,:;;,�. .
<br /> ,�;�' � , a'��, note a4 the time o� the de�7aration at �e4ault,and re�onabiQ ctiornoy's toea o�pe�rnl33sd by lew; .,: ����� '.,
<br /> � �;;,;" (b)tm ali �aume sa�cured by �Q�ls Seaa�r04y Owt�irument;and (c) ar+� �xcese to th� per�ar+ �7 per�ona , a _
<br /> . ,.tt legel� cntiUod to it ��,�f+.�,rf�ai�
<br /> �.'i:.�..; � 'i;�:�Y\��;;
<br /> .. .''t�?+ .`'`t��,
<br /> �(f/�/'► +
<br /> � `r ' Pap�a a16 --F�---- �1 5G�S., �
<br /> . ' Rt�tO.LM�(t/00) ���
<br /> ��� '4;�FA?�� .
<br /> �'�;:,� � ° ..
<br /> " ue�as �
<br />