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::� <br /> � <br /> .� . <br /> „ <br /> , , „ ' �.� , <br /> ' . ;�:.�..... � „ <br /> � r....� , ,:,���;.,. . � � .. t <br /> q : �, : . . _.:.. _ ...._..._.._.--� -- .. . _... ._.. �, . .. .....------�----- <br /> , �. <br /> ..... . ._----.___._.............___ ...-- --�- <br /> .,. �E•R���� gg-�02�.�� gg� sc�����. - : <br /> '�`'l - - Nay�uents may na laagtr� the optian of 1�ende�, if mortcnge insurance covecn&e(!n the amount and fot¢he period �' <br /> .,5� , <br /> � ehut Lender requims)provided by an lusurer c�ppmved by Lender ugain beco�nes avuiinble nnd is obtniaed. Borrower ahall guy L_, <br /> " � the premiusas xeyuited to�sneintnin mortIIoge Inanrunce ia effect,or co provide u loss reserve,uat�l the requirement tor mortgage �- <br /> inr,urnnae ends in accordance with nny wdtten r�gceeement between Borrower and Lender or appHcAble iaa. 6= <br /> � gce <br /> ' 9.I�pectfon.Ixnder or its ogent tany mnke reasonnble entdes upon and Inspectiona of the Property. Lender shnll givc �; <br /> � Borro�ver aotice at the time of or pflor to an Inspection speciFying reasonable cause for the iaspection. _ <br /> 10. Condemnfltion. The proceeds of aay award or clutm for damflgea. di:cct or consequential, in connectioa with pny 4 <br /> , " ;' ;' condemnotion or otder teking of uny ptut of the Property.or for wnvayanoe tn Neu of cflndemnation�ero hereby esyignsd an�i <br /> shull be puid W Lender. - <br /> ,.�����` In the event of a totul teking of the$pn�ePeda ehall be applied to Yhe bwuna secured by this Securiry Instcuraent. �_ <br /> '"'`"�; whether or not then due, with any eacess p�id to Borrower. In tha event of a pa�iul takia�of tlte Prope�ty in wbtch the feir _ <br /> „ market vnlue of tho Property immediately before t he t a k i nB is eq u a l to or g m.a t e r t h a n t h e a m o u n t o f t h o s u m s s e a t r e d b y t h i s E._ <br /> • • Security Instrument imme�iately before the taldng�wrless Barrower and I.ender oiherwise ugt�ee ia wrlttng.th0 81iQ1S S�UK�by �,� <br /> � � � this Security Insuumcnt sball be c+educed by the amount of the proceede muldplicd by the foUowinQ fractton:(a)tke total __ <br /> Amouat of the stuns secueed irnmediately trefare the takiag. divided by (b)the fair aaarket value of the Property I�aunedlatety <br /> , � � before the tokiug. My balance ahall be paid ta Botmwer. In the event of a partiul taking of tde Property in �vhich the falr -_ <br /> macicet value of the ProperiY immedietclY before the taking ia lese then the amouat of the swns secured immediately before the <br /> � taking,unless Bonrower and Leader othe r w ise�in w r i t i ng or u n l e s s a p p l l c a b l e law otherw[se provides. the pro�cecis shall _. <br /> • '��, be applted to the suma seoured by this Seaudry Iastruraent whether ar not the swns are th�n due. <br /> jp��p�,ap�yr is ubaudoned by Borrower�or!t,nRer�eotice by Lender to Barrower thas fhe candemuor offera+ro m�[ce an <br /> • � . award or settle a claim for daaiages. Burrower fails to respond to L.ender within 30 d.ays after t�E date the ccadoe ia given, <br /> i.en�si is authorized to collect and ttpply the procee�s,at ita opdon.either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> , .. secured by thia Secudty lnsnuaaent.w he t her or uo t t hen d u e. shell ua2 �tead os <br /> •� udess Leuder and Bon�ower otheiwlse agree ia �vridn8. anY ePPlication of pmc�eeda w prlacipal <br /> L <br /> ' pastpona tke due ante of the moat6lY payasenta referred to in paraBeaphs 1 and 2 or chaage the a�no�s o,?auch puymenta. <br /> 'i, ,. •: 11.Honuwer l�tot Rde�sedi�orbwerance By Lender Not a WaAv�r.�xtension of the tim�ffor�ayment ormadifcadon <br /> of aaaottiration of the sums s�xcured by this SecuritS►Instnunean grnnted bY L�dQr to arq�succx�sQr�3merest of Borrower shall <br /> not operate w releas�s the liabiltty of the original Bortuwer or Bor[ower's suocessass Il�nntereat.Leader shall noi be required to <br /> , oommeuc�e pmceedings ugainst aay auacessor W Inurest or nii�se to oxtend time for�ynnent or otherwise mudify amartization <br /> f�'v `�, of the swns secured by tLta S�udty Iasuumeat by c�ason of eny demnnd made by the originu! �omnwer o� Somower's <br /> -_ F�� ; ����'�*: pny foibezmnce by i.�eader In exerciaing any right az remedy nhall noi be a we[ver of or preclude tha <br /> } exercise of eay rlgbt or remody. <br /> =`"�.,,,'��, �.' ' It. Siiooessore ond Asstgnv Boundf doiat ond Several LtablUtyi Co-slgqex;�.The covenants aad ag�nts of this <br /> ,. .:. ...r <br /> :_:.�.,.. .,�, <br /> �. �k�;� Se�nr�ry Insuut�cnt shall bind and beaeRt the succeasots and sissigas of l.ender and Bozrower. subject to the provisiona o <br /> :j:-��:�.,,� � . <br /> --_-: garagrapb 17. �6o��rawer s covemm�4s and �grceaaenta shail be joint a�►d several. Any Borrower who co-atgns thia Securlty <br /> '���'��;�: ;�� � iasiraraent bp3 dla�a not exccute ilte Note:(a)ia co-sigaZng thia Security 9nsuument only to a�,�sr�gage� Srant and oonv�y that <br /> -_-_.._. _ � Ama�rdivor's inierrs�in the Pmpe�y under the tozms of this�avrtry Insuament:(b)is aot ge�sos�.�l��obligaud topay tLe swns <br /> .`N;:r:°�°"_*� secc�red by tbis Secudry Inss��R;and(c)agre�thaz L+eader and aay other Borcower may agra to eztertd.modliy.foibear or <br /> �_....��;;..;�•�3� <br /> ��:�;_��'�{ �¢�ny�amn�odations w(tb tegard to tha terms of this.�'iecurity Iasttument or ttte Nau wtthout that Bomower't con5ent. <br />,.`�:-z:,- ,:,.�— <br /> �, ,�_:, 13.I.�wn ChArges• It the loan sxurod by tDis Saurlty Inst[ument is subject to a law wbich sets awaimuml�an char8es� <br /> � 4��)�'� � and that law ls flnally inteipreud so that We iaurest or other lopn chargos oollocted or to be oaues�in oonnadion wirh the <br />- .,h.r,�yy <br /> _.;..�!iSdil�:M! <br />-- �;%r�-�;.: toan exexed the pxraoitted ltmita�then:(a)anY auc2�loan ctsarBe shall be reduoed by We amouni�eM�sary to reduoe th�charge <br /> -�•;��;ii}; � to t�e permiuod litnit�anG N)�Y sumg elresdy ootlecud from Bonower whicb eAOxded permitted limits wil!6e reluadai to <br /> a:_nm.�l('��� Borrower. Leader may cLoose to make thts r�fl�ad by reducing the principal owod uuder the Nou or 6y tnat�.nB a dl�t <br /> _ �=�-s�r.a PaY�t to Eottowet. If a roflrad reduces pxfacipal, the raductioa wiU ba treatod as a Pa�I�I PreBaYment wIthout aay <br /> ��-_'°""°'�' P�Y�t chat�e vnQer the Natc. <br /> ,�;;r�,�.!�r 14.Notk�.Piny nodoe to Bom�wer pmvIdod for in t6is Sacudty Inatcument shall be gtven by delivaring itor.Dy mnitiitg <br /> '�;r:,���, tt by ftrat class mail unlesa apPltcabls law reguires u�sE o4 another method.The notioe sh�ll be directed to the Prcpariy Address <br /> ":�::�:��,� or any other address Boxco�ver designates by nntioe to Lender. Any nntia w Lender shall be gtveu by fi�st class mail to <br /> W"""=�'�'� Le�der's address atated henin or any other uQdress Le�►der designates by notioe t��cztower. My aoitoe proviCcd for in Wia <br /> �-�` <br />