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<br /> . R�•�EC6ROfD � .
<br /> � � ��� • � C� �:,. �9� ��;��°� 9�- so���5� :
<br /> - - - ---� � 1T:�!'r+!s�Yer oo tke Prope14Y or�F�eneficlAl lntered in Barruwcr. If dl or nny part of the Property or any lntet+est a,it
<br /> . ia sold or unnsferre�(or if a beneficjni intereat in Bonower Is sold or transferred riud Battower is nat A naturul person)without .
<br /> I.ertder's prfor wdtten wnsent. Lender mAy, ut ics option, require immedfute payment in fuil of a!1 sums secumd by this
<br /> • Security Instrnment. }fiowever,this optton shall not be exerelsed by I..ender If�xercise is prohfbited by federnl luw as of the date ��
<br /> of thls Secudty lnstrnment. �'
<br /> � If L,�nder exercises thia option, Lender aha11 give Borrower notice of accelerution. The notice shul! provide a period of not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is deltvered or mailed within which Bottower must pAy all sums secured by this ��
<br /> � 1 Security Insmiment. If Borrower faUs to pay these swns prior to the ezpiraUon of this period,Lendcr may invoke:u►y remedics �-
<br /> permitted by this Securlty Instrument wlthout further Aotice or demand on Barrower. °"'�
<br /> . I8. Borrower's Ittght to Ret�4e. If•�orra�+ez m.�ta cenuin wndidona, Aonower shell hnve the rigbt co have
<br /> --�-� enforcemeat of this Security Instniment discontiGned nr.11ny cirtle prior to the earlicr of: (n)S dnys (or su�h other period as ••
<br /> �� . : appiicable law may specify for reti�statetaent) ixfare salc of the Property Pnrauuut to any pawer of sale contained in this
<br /> ' . Securjty Instrument;or(b)entry oi u judgment enforcinQ this Secutiry Instnment. '1'hose conditions are that Sonower: (a)nAys •
<br /> L.ender all sums which then would be due under this SecurIry Instcumet►t end the Note us If no accelemtion had oxurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default of eny other covenants or agreements: (c) pays ell exgenses incurred in eaforeinB thia Secudcy Instrument, �,_-.�-
<br /> �� including, but not limited w,reatonable attomeys' fees; aad(d)tukes such actlon as Lender ma reasonabl re uire co assure �-,�
<br /> Y Y 9 i��;
<br /> ' that the lien of thi�5ecuriry Insuwaenc, l.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obllgatlon to pay the suma srxured by en_e�_
<br /> . � this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securlty Instrument and the =_ _
<br /> � t obligations secumd hereby shatl remaia fully effective as If no acceleradon had occurred.However, this dght to relnstat6 shnll -_�-
<br /> not aFply in tlxe case of acceleration under paragrapb 17. �.
<br /> 19. Sal� mf Note� Chaa�e of la� Servtcer. The Note or a ptut�l interest in the Note (together with tb{s Secudry
<br /> Instrument)m�y be sold one or more tiraes wittiout prlor Aotice to Bormwer.A sale may cesult in u change in the endty(knawn __.
<br /> .. .- as the'L,oaa Servicsr')thet collects monthly paymem6 clue under the Note ar►d this Securiry lasuvmeat.There�lso may be one `—
<br /> '` or more chartges of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the 1Voto. If then is a chaage of the Loaa Servicer.Bo:rower wlll be _
<br /> � , +�� given writtea aotice of the chaage la accordaaa wlth paragrapb 14 abave and applicable taw.The notice wiU stau the aame and
<br /> " address of the new L.oan Servicer aad the address to which payments shauld be m�de. 'I'he notice wili also contain aay other
<br /> • infotmation required by applicable law. �_.^�
<br /> � 2Q. Hnmrdous Substat►ces.Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use� dlsposal, storage. or mlease of any =
<br /> Hazacdous Substaeices an or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else tn do, aaythins affecting tbe ��__
<br /> Property that is frt violarion of aay Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall no_t apply to the presence. use.or __
<br /> � storage oc the Property of stnall quaattties of Hazardous Substances that an geaerally t+ecognized co be appmpriate to normal _. -
<br /> . residendal usrs an d to maintenance of the Property. —'
<br /> Borrowe�shallprotnptly give Lendar v�ritten nodce of aay iavestlgation,claira, demand. lawsuit or other ection by any
<br />_ „'�� govemmental or regulatoryageaGy or prlv�te party ix►volving the Property and aay Hazardous Substance or Envtronmental Haw --
<br /> � af wbich Boaower has actual knowledge. lf Borrower learas.or is nodfied by any govemmental or rEgulatory authoriry, thst
<br />- ,° -: aa;z�o:�31 4!Oi�lCS:�8SIQA 4f 3IIY H8Z8i�4lL SLlbatar�rr n�'pctin�the P[aPertV is AeCeSSFUV.Borrower shall pmmpti,v take
<br /> - - , nll nccessary remedial actIons in accordance witb Environraental Law. �
<br /> As used m this paragraph Z0, 'Haaardous Substaaces" are those sub�ta�nces defined as c�xic or hazardoua substances by
<br /> . Environinental Law and Wc following substaac�es: gasoline. kemsene, aher flammabl8 or toaic peu+oleu�products. toxic
<br /> . . , , gesdcides aad herbIcides.volatlle solventa.materIals coataining asbestos or tormaldehyde,und radioective materials As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Es►viranweatal L.aw' means fedoral laws and laws of the jusisdicdon where the Property is located that
<br />� „ , rctate ta health,safety or srov�ronmental pmtertion. _
<br /> NON-qlVIFOYtM C�VENANTS.Borrower aatl�nder fLrther coveaant and:agree as followa: --
<br /> '�"� 21.�rcrlerAdoa;Remedie9.I.eader shall give aotice co Borrower pr��r tm acoeleradon fouow[ng Barrower's b�escb
<br /> ' ' � " ot any ooveaant or a�roaneat ta this 3QCndty Instrament (but nat prior to acceleratlon und� para�capb �7 �mtess _
<br />- � �:, nppltcable law pr+ovtdes oti�ervvise).The eottce shall spocify: (a)the default; (b)the adian req red to cure the�efaul�
<br />_` � �' � � (c)o d�te,noi less tlss�30 duye tY�om the date thP noUce is givea to Bomaw,ea�.by whtch the detault neust be cuc�;und
<br />��_._.� _. . (�tdat[ailw�e to cure ihe defanit on or before the dnte spectfied in th� aotJce may e+rsult In acceleimtion ot the s�ums _
<br /> ���•�-°�� seaired by tbis Secnrity Insttunteat and eale of the Pt+operty.The notioe s6u9D twfher tutom� Borrowv of Wa elg6t to
<br />_L_''�`��____ _ rriastate s�itv�acslaa�tton aQd thc H�M W bring a ooart actloa to acsert the monie�dsixuCe of a defgult or anq othrr
<br />' ''�" de[a�e of Burro�ver to QooeleratEom und sele. If t6e default !s nat cure� on or bttore eQm date s�ecified in the ttotla,
<br /> '�''�`�`�""���. Lsnder,at tts optEon,��y re�utrt irpneedtate paymeat ta tul!of all saa�s sxEnred by t6is Seaur[ty iaatnmment �vtthout
<br />--= - �_� ttuther d�mand a�e��ay invoke tbe pow�r oi ssa���nd eay other ermedtes p�smitt�d�Y appllc�ble lAw.Leader ahaU De
<br />__ ''`' eatitled to wlled aIl exp�usa incurred in pursuing�¢be r�n�sdies prnvtded iirm Nt��c�aragraph 21,[ndnd]ng,but noa Ilmited
<br />-- - W�t+easonable attorasys'lee4 and oc�sts of titie evidarce.
<br />_ � �` 'y � U the�nwar uf s�le Ls invoked,Trustee sLell reoord a notice o8 ddaatt in easts aonaty ia wWcb auy pant ad tke ___
<br /> � Eraperty�S l�catcd ansl shatl mait copies of s�rh notice in the manner�iba1 by applfcable[aw to Bore�ower s►a�d ta —
<br /> -- the ot6v persoas pres�ribod by apgllcabte law.Afker the dme requte+ed by applicable law�Tnutee shaU give pabIIc no2Ea
<br />-,.,�ar � ot sale to We prasom airG in ttu manner prescdbed by applicabie law.lh�auize,wtthout demaad oa�nrrower,shall se11
<br />_:;,�• � the Pe+ope�4y at pubilc av�ton to the highest bidder at the time and�face aod autder the tern�s deslgr�2�t1 W the aoltce of _-
<br /> `�-�.._ e*...---�e�! t!!� st�y�t+�''!'n!..�ee c�eto�nrinec. Trat�rp ma�y�nclmne aale e!oll or any mrt�e!ot t6e
<br /> a�vE+_ �S:ty n_w m�u�+ c wn
<br /> ,,-�x _'+� H+opatty by ubttc wnouncancm ai the time etdd p9aa of any pn�iously sd►edul� sul�. Leudv or 3ta designee moy ----
<br />_ .� , ` .�, pu�asc t6e�psrty at nny sala --_-
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