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� ,. ,. <br /> . . ., , .� ' . - .. . _ Yl . <br /> -„ _� .. . . . .. � . . . 1, .. <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> .. . .. .. ... .. .�.... ..... ..._._.... - <br /> '_"' ' <br /> .. <br /> �l . . - ..� .. ._. . _......'_'__""' .' . �' <br /> ._.. . R�.������ngg� ����� � g�,� ����� <br /> ,. . ._ � ' •� g. kaazac�i ur �riv�ru�+ flru�-nra.'�:�: Barsaues �h�!! kerp !he isnprevem?ntg n�w sxiaNng or'hereaftcr erected on d�e _��_ , . <br /> progerty inaured agc�lnat loss by 4ire. hn7arda ii►cluded withia tho term "extended coverugo' and any other haz�uds. includiag � �,, <br /> ' flood's or tlood(ng. for wNch Lender requires inaumnce•Tttia tnsumnce ehnll be mnlntained in the amounte nnd for the perlods <br /> that Lesider requirea.The lasurnnce cfUrler provldlnII the insurance sball be chosen by BArrowee subject to Lender's approvF►1 , <br /> . ° which ah�ll not be unrensonubly withheid. If Borrower faila to muiaWln covemgo described ubave, l.ender muy,ut i.ender's <br /> option,obt�in coveraBe ta protect Lender's rights la the Property in Accordnace wlth pnrograph 7. '� <br /> /'.Il insurance policles a�td renewels sba11 �c srrcpttibte to Lcnder uad shitll inslude a atandard mortguge cluuse. Lender .`� <br /> t <br /> ' �- shatl huve the rlght to hold the polictes and rertewais.If Lender requires.Borrower ahall promptly giv¢to Lender nll mceipta of -.,��-_ <br /> ' ��~--�f paid prcn►iuins and renewul Aotices.In the eveat of loss.Borrower shall aive prompt notice to the insurance carrler and Lender. <br /> •• � Lender may make praof of loss If not made promptly by Bonrower. ,;,_�� <br /> � ' UNess L.eader and Bosower othenvise agreo in wdtlna.fnaurance Proceeda shull be applIed to restoratioa or repair of the - <br /> „ pcopetcy damaged�it tke restoratlon or repalr is eooaoraically feasible t�ad Lender's serurlty ia aot lessened.IP the re�toration or <br /> repair is not econos�lcaily feasible or Lcadcr's securlty v�ould be lessenod,the insurance pmceeds shatl be aPPlied to tl►e suma —_- <br /> secured by tbls Security Iasuument, whettter or not then due, with nny eacess pa�d to Eorrower. If Borrower ab�ndons the <br /> ' Property.or does not answer within 30 days a notl.:e from Lender thnt the insurance carrier has offered to setde a c1aGn. than _-_ <br /> Lender may collect the Inaurance proceeds. L.ender may use tbe pmceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay suma _. <br /> �� secured by this Secudty Iqsuvment,whether or aot then due.The 30-day period will begin when tha aotIce is given. � - <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othetwise agree in writiag. auy apPitcatton of proceeda to principal shall not eatend or — <br /> : !1Ft. <br /> _ ,;��s�;,i+ lx�atpone the�cs daus of the moatWy paymencs refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaaIIe the amount of the paymente. (t �__ <br /> ,��,, under parngtapb 23 the Property is acqult+�d by Lender,Bormwer's ri�t to any insutante 1salictes anti Fmceeds restdting from ---- <br /> ' . •'i�hP darnage to the Property prior to ahe acqutaition sha11 pasa to Lender to tlte e�2��t of the sums cecured by tWs Securiry Iastcument <br /> � ;,; immediately prinr to the acquitt3�ion. F <br /> ;1f„�;. 6.Occupancy,PreservatQou.Ms►intenance and P�+atcxtion of the Pi�ope�tyi�rsmwer'a Loan AppU�tion;I.ease�olds. <br /> , ,��«,;.,. • s after the excastion of ��:._ <br /> . . .;i,.� Bon+ower shall accupy.esteblish.aad usa t�e�toperty as Borrower s grin�ipal residenoe wlthia aixey day <br /> '����:% thi8 g¢��ulry insuument aad shalt oontlnue to occupy the Property as�orrower's principai residence for at least one year aRec � — <br /> •.tr,. <br /> the date of occupancy.u n less l xn der a t he r w i s e a g r ce s i a w r t t i n g.w h f c Y s c a n s o n t s h a l i n o t b e u a r e a.g o n a b l y w ithheld�or ualess <br /> „ ` extenuating circumataaces e�ist whfch are beyond I3orrawer's control. Borruwer Shail not desuoy, deme�e oT impair the Y <br /> property� aUow the Prop�rty to deteriorate,or cammit waste on the Propercy. BurroweY ahaU be in default iff Any forfeiture <br /> `' aetion or pmceeding,whether eivU or be8un that ia L+ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeinue of the <br /> . ,, pt�eperty or othenvlso matei�ially ImAsir the tien created by this 5ecurity Qnsuum'-nt or Leader's securlty Interest.Borrower may <br /> cure sueb�a defaut[eud Providcd iu paic�i�3i Ib.!sy c�3ssS t!��tt Qr gr�!'re.�linE to be dismissed wiW tt tulinB , _ <br /> •� .•� Wat. in I.ender's good f�th determinatton,grecludes �aYfeituc+e of the Borrower's iflterest in the Property or other rrcatertal _ <br /> "'`•- . iqipaircaent of the lien created by thls Sec+uity InRtcumant or Len der's sec u r try i nteres t. 8 o r r o w e r s h e i l a l s o b e i n d e f a u l t I i — <br /> ``'��� , .'.r 1r Borrower�during the loan applicadon pmcess.8ave materlally f�1se or inaxurate InformatIon or statenients to Lender(or failed -- <br /> r,..., . � ;�. •a <br /> '�'��-�'�� w m v i d e L e n fl e�w i t h a n y m atarlal Worannt�an)in conneedoa with the loan evidenad by tho Note,iucluding,but not limited <br /> � ,.,,���.tt� P , <br /> -•�.,, :. .�" '�' w.t'ePreaenwtions r.oncernfmg�8orrower s occupaacy of the Property as a principal�sidence.If thla Securtty Iasuument i s on n <br /> _ � , leasehold� Borrower sha11 comply with all the pmvisians of the lease. If Bormwer Bcquires fa title to t�e tRopeny. the <br /> ' leasehold and the fee dtle aball not�nerge unless Lendar�rRS to the merger in wriNng. <br /> :.�.r�.- :.� ., 7.I'notedlon oI I.ender's Rtg6ta tn the Pt+apr.tty.If Bo:rower fails to perform the covermnts and agreements contained in <br /> . ' •"'�`�' thia Se�urity rnstmmo�t�or there ia a le�nt prooaedfng that may sigaiticantly affect l.eader's dghts in the PnoPortY(sucl►�s a <br /> m <br /> - _.. :. _`�`'• proxadiag in bauk�uptcy.probute,forcondemnation or forfeiture or co enforce lawa or i�egulattons).thea I,ender may do and <br /> =_=_;.n::,.�•• � Lender's�ctinns mny <br /> :_,;,�� pay for whntever Is neoesss�ry to pmtect the value of t3te Pmperty and Leade:'s righea�n We P�'°perty. A in cn�� pAY�B — <br /> _- : _ - inelude payiug any sum� sscu?ed by a Ilen whtch has prlority over thia Sccurity llnsaument, appeari B �:�_- <br />-.:,,,?s�--:�±'�� nx�.wnable aitomeys'fees and�nuring on the Pcnperty to muke repafrs.Although Lend�r may wke acNoa under th9a paragraph _ . <br /> _� � ��•``�� 7�Leader doea noi hnve w do so. <br /> •• °V+ pny nmounta disbursed by I.end�r under this purugruph 7 shsill become addidonal debi of Soaower secured by lhis <br /> � ' Securtty Insuument.Unless Sorr�ower end Lender agre�ta other terms of gayment.these araaunta shaU bear inte�at from the _ <br /> ,. ' a�r ::.> <br /> '°` . �. ; date of disbursement at t�e Note rate aad sha11 be p�Yable. va�th interrst, upon nottoe from LendEr to Borrower cequesting �,.;_ <br /> .�%-:.'�' ��. payrment, uot'°. <br />- � �� " 8.Moiegags Yosurance.If Lender required mortgage insurenc;e as a condition of maldng the loan securod by thta Sea�rity <br /> �°"'�-,����`:±: Ipauument, �vrrower ahatl pay the ptemiums reqvired to maintain the mortgege insuraace in effect. If. for a�► reasoa. the <br />--`"'.,�.�"..� �rt e insumnce coverago requic+ed by Lender lapses or ceases to,be ta effect.Bon+ower shall pay the preraiums required w <br />-��u;o�.- �88 !":::'.;: <br />_--•--^..� �� obmin oovemge substmuUaliy a�;utvatc�nt to t�c maa��i:�su,ua:e�,re��awiy fa cff� s coa�tsatfrl4;e�tlfYelont tn thn . <br /> " � oost to Bomawer of thu mort�age insuranoe previous7- tn effxs� from an altemu2c mortgage insurer upprnved by E�tder. If k.f��":. <br /> �' I�'::; <br /> .,�r:i�;�:��, substantially equivalent mortgage insur^.��e ooverage fe not availuble,Bon+ower shall pay to Leader cach month a sum equal to =,,,,, <br /> . ;'�(;;•`��";�''; one-tweltth m?ehe yearly mortgege insur�cx premium being pn3d by @orrower when the insurnaec coverag,e lapsed or oeased ro -- <br /> ' . ,'l`�'�; be in effea.H.en�er wt11 acaapt.nse aud mtain these g�y�enta as n loss nsezve in lieu of mortgoge insuraace. I.oss ceseive -;r_ <br /> `;�J,: � � � c-or,naozs sieo ���:�.; <br /> Il�;�:. <br /> : ��BRtP::!t9st3i.o: wps a ot e tnsnr�� -- <br /> �: <br /> s• :�9:��L ' _— <br /> • � �A a 44i,. �c``. <br /> �� :ti <br /> r t • • " , .; •;� ' - <br /> - - - - -- - - -- ' - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - <br /> _1 _ <br /> __ _- _ - _ _ _- - - -- - -- -- _- _ -- — -- -- --- -- - --- - <br /> ;, ._ _, . <br /> . . . . , . . � , .. <br /> ,. ' • , . • - �� ' , .. ,. 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