, ' � ,..,,,�
<br /> ; _
<br /> ' . . „ „ �...
<br /> ,. 9�va ���j���7► LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 18 3 3 9
<br /> 10.Coe�deevtn9tloe�. i'ha pcui:a�ds of any avr�sd or dalm far dameges,direet or consequential,in conrtection with �,_ r.
<br /> any caotdomnotlon or other takin�of any part ot the Property,or for corneyance In tieu of coredamnatlon,a�a he�e�y
<br /> assigned av�d ahall be pald to Lender. a secur¢d b this Securiry ',♦', �
<br /> In tP�e�ven4 of a total talcing ot the Pro�erty,the proceerJs ahali t�ap�lfed to tho aum Y
<br /> Ins4turtsent,wheth¢r or rtot then due,wlth any excess p�td to Bonower.In the event of a partlat talcing ot the Property In
<br /> whlch the falr m�rk�t vaiue of the P�operty immedia4ety befara the taking Is equal ta or greater th�n the amour�of the . �
<br /> . auma cecured l�y 4h{s Sscurlty�l geQU�nt Infl�mem shall be�ed ce�i b ythe a o m oi the proceeds ultl�Iled y hon �•�
<br /> ; � writing,the sums seaured by nt1 �'• '
<br /> toflawlRg tractian:(a)the total amoun4 af tt�n suma eecured ImmsdlRteiy before the taking,divided by(b)th�tatr market �►�,,,;,�
<br /> . �-� valuo ot the Prcparty t Inm`�sd'i��Q�a��a�flrft���k�lue o!the P operly Iramedie efy b ore tho takin g8 oV oss tha�th9 , •
<br /> � t�kinpo}thoProperry g
<br /> V amour�t o4 the sumu sacuro�i lmmndletely boeor��$ohnil b9 app lod o tho e e o cured by�thls 8ecurity�t��g or �°����f•�
<br /> unless ap�1icab181nw oiherwiuo ptovtdes, p
<br /> � InstrumoM wHoYi�ee oe noi thn oumn are then dt�o. . „�"
<br /> ���Q�p p�opttAy!e aba�edorzod by Borrawor,or Ii,attor noltco by Landor to Borrawer that the conBemnor oNere to 'Y�..T A
<br /> �� muke en�ward or satde o ctolm tor dnmaQos,8orrower fAlis to roEpond to landor withln 30 dayo uftar the date tho _
<br /> rtatiCa la pNon,iAndet Is authotl=ed to coliuot nnd app1y the�s�uds,att Ito option,oithor to rostoratlon or ropalr ot tho -y;�_
<br /> Pro p o r t y►or to tho Auma securod by this t3eauriry IRetr�u�nont,whfltho j'�tt�n of�ro e e de to pr lrtc lpa i s h ail not extend or -�u��;.
<br /> � Unioas Lortdot and�orrower othnrwian agreo In w�ltirtg,any app P ;-,:X,
<br /> poatpone tho due date of the mantNly pt�vmr�nts reterred to In ptireBrePhg�8nd 2 ar change she amount of such ;,��I-
<br /> ,. �� paymente. ."���
<br /> } 11.Borrourer N�2 Retaeasd;F�r�aannae 8y Lendnr Not�Walver. Extenslon ot the time for payment or
<br /> „ modlftcation at amoretzaticn aotN��iQm�n�'�e�u�edheY1labillry of the orl ina18or9ra er�o b8orcower�s a ccesusco�s n�r�n I�•�r��
<br /> ,,�.�, Interest af 8a�rawar sh�il no R �_
<br /> interest.Lende�sh�il rtot be requirod to cammence proceedinga aga nat any succesaor tn Irtvrest or reluse to extend ��
<br /> time fer paymant or athenaise modfhj ama�t�ation et tho eums secured by this 3ecurity Instrumynt by reason of anyg `,�_�v
<br /> demand made by the orlginN Botrower cr FJatrawer's successors ln imerest.Any fo�bearance b Lender in exercisin � ,�-�-.;
<br /> ,. ��, a�y right or remedy ahalt not be a welver ct ar arrioiuda tha exercise ct any rtght or remedy. __�.__
<br /> . �.
<br /> ��•� . t�.Suac�3seorm e n d A s s t$r e a B a e r�r e�t�r x i rt t u r r�s a v el°I Uebfttty�Co-signero. The covenaMs and agreements of �'A
<br /> ' �� r thls SeCU�tly�nstrum�9 h 1 7e1 6 o,n�$�8��a n t o a n d A g r e e m e r�s s h a l l be jolnt artd se eral.Any�Borrowerwho B �-
<br /> � �t:.
<br /> . ,,;r.:.# provislons af par�g � --
<br /> `'� ^7�:� caslona this Seaurity Inemumert2�u.t�s not oxecute thA Note:(a)is casigning this Secudiy instn�men t o n y o _�
<br /> �''T'-'�`�" martgage�grant and cmrsve9���n�a i������i°�����'r tFte torms of this Socurity Instn�ment;(b)Is
<br /> :,.:,:,,,: .., --
<br /> Rot pereonally obiigated t�p�y���eums seeured by thia Securlty instrument;and(o�agroeu that�ender a�xi any " -i
<br /> �x
<br />��',,,;;•,'{;`'� :r;��:� --�---
<br /> ::�.�,;. ,, '�;.��.1 Borrower may agree to extottsd,mcd'cg►,t�a►bea�or make any accommodatlons wlth r�gard to t9�e terms of thia 8ecudty
<br /> ' ;�,:`i`;a I�atrumeMortheNotewfthoutthatBs.r�aver'sco►�sen�
<br /> ,�Q,� ., 13.Loaro Charpes. Itthe loart esct�u��by this Security InstrurtneM�s eubJect to a law whlch sets maximurn loan
<br />�'t: � charges and that taw is flneily lniorpr�Sod ev that the interest or ot7��r loan charges coflectad or to be coilected In
<br /> ' F.� � connect�on wfth iho Ioan excsed the�erenftted Iimfts.tae�n�.f(a)any such loan charge shalt be reducad by the amouM
<br /> � �; � necessary to r�duce the charge to tho I�ermitted��mtE: b)any sums aiready coliected from Bonawer whtch
<br /> :�;;rlX'`? e�cceeded germittc3d 1{mfte wfll be rofltcr�ed to Bortower.Lenaer may choose to make thla rotur�d bY�edu i�t'neg�u�lon
<br /> d
<br /> � , ;;�;;-• pdnctpal o�ved under the Nate or by rnaking a direc2 payment to�orrower.if a refund redwcas Prirt�! �
<br /> � 1�+..
<br /> , � wlll be treated as a pa�ttal prepaymerrt uutthaut any prepayment charge under th� ote.
<br /> >��:`;; ;� . �4.Npt1�Qt. qny rta�a�to�ower provtded for in this Ser,urttyr Instntmer�t shai{be glven by delNering B or by ___
<br />-.,:,,,: .•. ,;. ,,
<br />>..,�:.�.� .. , � malltng it by first clasa molt�:�1ess a.�¢pNt�b�e�av�'requires use ot another mpthod.The�otico ahaii be directed ro t e _
<br />='��'��'r ;��.,��:f.� ,: pro rty Addresa or any oth�r e�8ro-�as BoROwer destgnate3 by natloe 4o Lender.My notice to Lender shall be given �=�-__
<br />-•� , ��.���,,5�f,;:,�:, by�rst cfasa maU to LerldaPs sddr�sa stated horeln or any oth0r address Lender deslgnat�s by noUcs to Borrower.Any - _-_
<br />;;.,, .. �, no�ce providod tor In thia 38curlty Itta�r�ment ehail be doemed to P�ave been gNen to Borrower or Lender when given
<br />-�"� � ea provtded!n this paragraph. :... - __.
<br />_J` . �, r,:
<br /> 18.Governtrtg���roe fl�bg�I�cc�t�In the eveM that anyephrovlsion or c a!�useyotf thls 8eruriaty nstrume t or he �
<br />� �, i udsdiatian tn which R nY
<br /> � �"�'^.� �ote connt��Ivenaeff�c3�ct�wiihaut C�e co fllctl 8 P ovision To this end hegprovistotns o tD�ls Seau�ity Inst�ur�i�sent and he —"
<br /> _ ',..�`` which ca 8
<br /> ;, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,
<br /> �..�,
<br />=x��.;�;:� ;�� �� Not�are dectared to t�e seven�h3�. of the�Vote and of thia 8ecurity InstrumoM. _
<br />_<�;:�;.. �.� . 18. Borromer's�s��7� L�+�'srouer shaii bo gNen one car�formed copy or en -
<br />�.�u._ �._..::��: : •-_
<br /> :�-;,;-,�,'-;�.�;=.� i i. TcaNSi�r a��(r�e�sapcs8�c'�`e,�e��flE3�?I Rs:le.•eat!n @or�owpr. If eli or any oart of the P�ope ' Y M :___:.,__.
<br />_ ����;�;Y�� ir�erest In ft la sold or trenafert�eri(o�If a beneflclal tnterest in Borrower Is sotd or tran�f�nod anci Bo�uurar rt���ot all -;-__._
<br /> '�� natural persan)wfthout lender'a pr�ar vuritton consent,Lensier may,at tts optlon.requlre immediate ptiyrn o.;=-�_T
<br />��'�� i sums secur�d by thta Seaurity InstrumeM. However,thta option ahail not bo exorctsed by Lender if oxordse Is ,!�3_
<br /> � � �'.;>---
<br /> prchibl�od by tederal law as of the date ot thia 8ecurity instrument. �:,���::..�--
<br /> a.:�'_--
<br /> � FORM 90H8 C/BtD �.��;:i.;�.,
<br /> � + NEBRABlt�►�v7NGLE FAR7iLY—FNMA/FkL901C UHIFOR�1 I��STfd pAd��F� ., •`' . °.'.
<br /> . 9 ISC/CMDSNB//W92/3028(8�80)•� , - � . -�.,,'�.�
<br /> F �` '"''
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