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<br /> � � 99� �0���3 LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 8 3 3 9 �
<br /> - qf�f�suranco po!lcicr anti renewals shall be accegtat�lp to Lender and shall include a atartdard mortgage cisuse. ___,.
<br /> Lender shall have the right to fiotd the poiicias artd r0netiva�s•If Lertder requlres,Borrowe�shali promptly gNe ta Lender
<br /> ail recatpts of patd premiums and ranewat noticos.in the evettt of loss,Borrow�r shali g{ve prompt notice to the
<br /> Insuren�e car�ler artd Lender.Lender may rnaka proof of Ioss B not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlesa Lendnr and Borrower otherwise agree in wMing,insuranae procesds shall be applied ta�estoratlon or repair ,
<br /> . of the Property damaged,if the reste�tton or repalr is ecanomicaily teaslble and LendePs securlty ts not lesaened.If the • .
<br /> �estoraYloro or ao�air t�not econom=�ai�y teasi�ile or Lender's security wouid be lesaened,the insura�rca proceeds shall
<br /> be apR1[ed to the sums aecured by cfiis Security Instrument,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrovror. (�k,�,���
<br /> If Bortawer abandons the Property,or daes not answer wfthin 30 days a notice t�om Lertder that the insutance cartier •-,. ,,
<br /> � P►as aff�red to setUe a c{aim,tf�en Lender ma�ceflect tho insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to re�alr �
<br /> „ � � or rea4ore the Propari��r to pay sums secur�d by this Securlty InsttumeM.whether or not then dua.'iG�e 30-c8ay�arfad
<br /> �viQ Oegin when the no41�e Is gben• . °
<br /> UniESS Lender and 8onowor oiherwise agree In wr(ting,any�pplicat►on of proceeds to prfncipat shai!not extend or t _
<br /> � pastpone the due date of the monthly payments refened to(n paragr�►phs 1 artd 2 or chanfle the amount of tho :: ��_
<br /> p3ymenta. If under p�rag�aph 21 the property ts acqutred by Lertder,Bonower's rigM to any tnsurance poticles and �'�;t�:���
<br /> proca�da�eaultinp from damage to the Propetty pr�or to the acqulsiU�n ahaN pass to l.ender to the extent ot t e sums
<br /> r; .,�.
<br /> . eecur@d by thls 8ecurity inst►ument Immed(atety prlorto the acqulsition. �.m�_�_
<br /> 8.Occupanoy�Preservation�M�Istenanae erid Proteertlon o4 the Propaity;l�orrowea's L.one�Appitcatiom -ti..-�-_
<br /> t
<br /> •?. I.�tthotd�, Boncwer shali occupy,estabfish and use the Property as Bonower's prinalpal residence withl�slxty d�yo �'4V^_
<br /> � a afterthe exeoutton o!thta 8ecur(ry Inst►ument and e�all acminue to occupy the Property as Bonav+rer's prirtafpal �r_
<br /> res�dence tor at least ane yoap a�ter the date ot occupancy,uniesa�ender ntherwiae ag�ees In writing,whioh consent
<br /> � � ' shall rtot be unreasonubly wfthheld,or uNees extenuating oircumetances exl�t which are beyond Bonower's contro1. �__�_
<br /> Borrcwor shatl not destroy,damage or impatr the Property,allow the Propertfl to dete�iorate,or commit wast�on the '��-
<br /> P�opocry. � ��;-..
<br /> �� Bonower ehail be tn defauit N any icrtelture uctlon or proceeding,wltether civil ar criminal Is begun that n -�--i-y� ^
<br /> � - � Lender'e good fuith Judgment could result In brte(ture of tha Property or oiherwlae matorlaily Impa(r tha tlen creatod by _, ,
<br /> ' thla 8ecuri Instrument or l.ertde�'s eeeurliy Interes�Borrower may cure auch a deteult and reinatate,ao provided In � _
<br /> -' t paregraph�8,by caustrtg the actlon or proceeding to be dtamiesed w(th a ruiing that,in Lender's good fafth �n;g,
<br /> �� detemninatlon,prectudea torfetturo ot the Bonower's Interest in the Properiy or other materi�i Impairment of the Iien --
<br /> creeted by thls 8eeurlty Inatntment or Lendere seaurity lMerest Borrawer shall elso be tn detault lf Bor�ower.during the
<br /> „ � � � loan appitcation process,gave matorlatiy 4atse o�on wfth�the Ioan evtdenced by the Note,Includd8ing�Tb�not I�Imi edto, °�_
<br /> � �� Lendcr with any material trdormattan)tn conneat
<br /> � � � �epresentatlons concerning Borrower'sWnh apahe p o�►tia on o�f the tease r�lf Bo�rr wer acq ires tes t�le to the P opertY.B ---
<br /> ., � �+n a teasehatd,Borrower shail comply tl t
<br />� ' ths Ieasehdd and the iee tiUe shatl rtot merg�u�ioss i�+i x i e�a 9 i a s�ta th�mer��r!n w�ltu�' .
<br /> ° � 7.Proteetton o!Lender's Righta In tho 6�vop8Ay. It�orrower taps to pertorm the covenanta and agraements
<br /> a' aor►m3nedl In thia S�curity inatrument,or there Is a legal proceeding that may s1gnNlosntly affeet Lender's�IAMe in the
<br />- �� Propsriy(such ea a proceedtng in bankruptcy,probate�tor cortdemnation or forfeituro or to er�forco lawa or
<br /> , regutatlons)�th�n Lender rtia do artd pay for whatever�nn s essams secured by a Ilen�wt�iich has pr�larltyo er thle�8
<br /> �IgMs In the Propsrty.Lende�s acttons may in�lude pay g Y
<br /> � Security Inatrument,appearing In court,paying reasonabte attornoys'tees and entering on the Properly to make
<br /> repatre.Attho�tgh LendAr may teke action under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. —
<br /> ' '� � ` " Any amounts dlaburs$d by Lender under this parag►�pt�7 shatl bscomg addRlona9�iebt of Borro�er eecure�by
<br /> thia 3ecurity Instrumer►t.Uniesa Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of gaymen4,thsse emounts eh[�Il baar
<br /> Intere3t from the date of disbureernent at the Note rata and shalt be(sayable,wtth IMere�t,upon notice from Lendar to
<br /> BoROwer requeattng paymeM.
<br /> `' „ �.Mortg�ge Iresur�nee. If Lender requlred mortgaga inaurartce ea a condition of making the ioan secured by thta
<br />� . " . 8acurary Instrumer�t,Borrower shall pay the premiums requtred to malr�tatn the mortgage inaurance In eNeat.It,9or any
<br /> „ reason,the mortgage Insurt►rtce coverage roqutred by l.endor lapses or ceases to be In effect�8onower shali pay the
<br /> 1
<br /> premlums requlreai to obtaln cove�age sub�tantially equhraler�to the mortgage fnsu►ance revtously In offeat,at a cost _�
<br /> ra
<br /> � subsieritlally equivaient to the cost to Borrowsr ot the martgage Insurance prevlously in e sat�irom an aitemate _ __
<br /> mortga�o tnsurer approved by Lender.It aubatanttaliy equivaient moKgage tnaurance coveraga is noi avaitabie,
<br /> � � 8onower shall paY to Lendor each mor�th a sum oquai to one�twelfth of tfie yeady mortgage insura�ce premlum being `
<br /> , . pakf by Qorrower when the Insurancv coverage lapaed or ceased tn be i�offee��dy no I�oncerbte equtrodr�the��se
<br /> p�ments�s a loas reseroe In Ileu of mortgage insurartce.Loss reserve pay
<br />�;��_�•: op��on ot Lerider,if mortgage tnsurance coverage Qn the amount and br the periads that Len er requfrea)pro�id�d by
<br />_�, :- an Insurer approved by Lend�r agatn becornes avalla@te end ts obtained. 8orrower shail pay the premtuma roquirc3d to -
<br /> � � ^ � malntain mortgag�In�urance In effect,or tw pTOV{de a loas reserve,umil the�equtrement tor mortgage inaursnce ends
<br /> � --�._� ----
<br /> _-----_-.___,,...�, . {n accardanco wiiit a�iy au�itter�aQresmcmt�uiar�Borravrar a��-�nder or�pg!lce�le taw.
<br /> ,. , 9. [napsaNan. Londer ot fts ageo o�y�oit anlnspectlon speclfytng easanablo cause for the nap8�lo�nder ��_�
<br /> " ,,c shail flNe Borrower rtotice at the time p = _
<br /> ; :;, _ _
<br /> '.'� � �::-
<br /> , . �r•._
<br /> .. ,;;�:y;.;:�� ' � FORl113028 tl/o0 _
<br /> ISC/CMDTNE//078219028I��.L . P8(lHSrlRB �:::-.
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